Version Manager Tivoli Application Dependency ......– Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 x86_64...

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Transcript of Version Manager Tivoli Application Dependency ......– Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 x86_64...

Tivoli Application Dependency DiscoveryManagerVersion

Release Notes



Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page23.

Edition notice

This edition applies to version 7, release 3 of IBM® Tivoli® Application Dependency Discovery Manager (product number5724-N55) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007, 2020.US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract withIBM Corp.

Chapter 1. Release notesThese release notes provide an overview of what is new or changed in IBM Tivoli Application DependencyDiscovery Manager (TADDM) versions 7.3.0,,,,,,, and7.3.0.8.


• New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 8• New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 7• “New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 6” on page 5• “New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 5” on page 7• “New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 4” on page 12• “New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 3” on page 14• “New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 2” on page 16• “New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 1” on page 17• “New features and enhancements in 7.3.0” on page 18• “Features that are deprecated but still supported” on page 19• “Significant changes from earlier releases” on page 20• “Upgrade scenarios” on page 21• “Key data modifications during the upgrade from earlier releases” on page 21• “System requirements” on page 21• “Known problems” on page 21• “Moving TADDM from one operating system to another” on page 21

New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 8

TADDM includes the following new features and enhancements. For more information, follow thelink, where provided.

• IISServerSensor to discover application pools

For the Microsoft IISServerSensor, an enhancement has been introduced to discover Application Pooldetails of the Microsoft IIS Web servers.

Discovered application pools will be displayed under a new Application Pool tab in the Details panelview of the IIsWebService component. A relationship between web sites and the Application Pool isalso maintained.

For more details on the Microsoft IIS Web server sensor and Inventory Summary pane, refer to the'Microsoft IIS Web server sensor' topic in the Sensor Reference and the 'Inventory Summary pane:Inventory tab' topic in the Using Guide.

• Password policies

Taddm provides the ability to define password policy with password strength rules that are usedto determine whether a new password is valid.

A password strength rule is a rule to which a password must conform, such as the minimum length ofthe password, and the number of different types of characters allowed and disallowed. You can specifyrules for passwords, for example below is the default behavior when the password policy is enabled:

– Minimum of 15 characters in length

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2020 1

– Must have at least two of the following characters types:

- Uppercase- Lowercase- Numeric- Special characters

For more details on the password policy, refer to the 'Password Policy' topic in the Administering Guide.• Pacemaker Cluster Sensor

A new sensor “Pacemaker Cluster Sensor” has been added to support the discovery of RedHatPacemaker Cluster (created using the High Availability-AddOn packages on RHEL) on Red HatEnterprise Linux 7.8. The sensor discovers the cluster nodes, resources, resource groups, resourceclones, multi-state resources, their meta attributes, resource attributes, cluster properties on thecluster. The relationship of cluster nodes with the Linux Computer Systems is also maintained.

This sensor is a script-based sensor. For more details, refer to the 'Pacemaker Cluster sensor' topic inthe Sensor Reference Guide.

• Custom Template Sensor (CTS), Custom Server Template (CST), and Custom Server Extension(CSX)

Documentation on the 'Custom template sensor' topic in the Sensor Reference Guide (CTS), the'Creating and managing custom server templates' topic in the Using Guide, and the 'Extending customserver and computer system templates' topic in the Using Guide has been enhanced to give a betterunderstanding of these topics.

In addition, a topic 'CTS vs CST vs CSX' in the Using Guide has been added that demarcates thedifferences (sensor run, usage, creation, limitations, etc.) between the three customization methods inTADDM.

• Miscellaneous

Websphere Liberty Profile (WLP)WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile (WLP) is used to host the Data Management portal(DMP), Data access portal (DAP), CDM, and so on. In this release, the WLP version has beenupgraded to

Support for the Orlando version of ServiceNow

TADDM ServiceNow Integration plugin has been extended to support the Orlando version ofServiceNow. For more details on how to integrate TADDM with ServiceNow, see the 'IntegratingTADDM with ServiceNow ' topic in the Administering Guide.

There are some performance improvements done around the Change Events framework. Followingconfigurable property has been introduced, for more details on the property, refer to the 'Changeevent management' in the Administering Guide.

Additionally, plugin now comes with more pre-defined Model Object/CI mappings, which includesmappings for ZSeriesComputerSystem, PostgreSQL, Tomcat, CICSRegion, ApacheServer,IIsWebService, etc. For more details, refer to the 'Appendix D: Supported CI list' in theAdministering Guide.

Install Anywhere 2020

InstallAnywhere (IA) is a Java-based software tool for creating installers or software packages formultiple platforms. It creates reliable installations for on-premises platforms – Windows, Linux, Aix,etc.

TADDM was using InstallAnywhere 2012 for creating build packages till fixpack 5 andInstallAnywhere 2017 until Fixpack 7. However, in TADDM 7.3 Fixpack 8, TADDM installers havenow been built using InstallAnywhere 2020. This upgrade is required because TADDM will now

2 Application Dependency Discovery Manager: Release Notes

support RHEL 8 x86_64 as a platform and IA 2020 supports this new platform. Although, nothingchanges from an end-user perspective with Install Anywhere 2020.

• New supported discovery targets

– IBM AIX computer system sensor discovers IBM AIX 7.2.4– FreeBSD computer system sensor discovers FreeBSD 12.1– VMware Virtual Center sensor discovers VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.7– Microsoft Cluster sensor discovers Clusters in Windows Server 2019– DB2 11.1

- Fix Pack 4- Fix Pack 5

– DB2 11.5– Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 x86_64– Oracle 18c and 19c

• New supported platforms

1. Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 x86_642. Support for new databases:

– DB2 11.1

- Fix Pack 4- Fix Pack 5

– DB2 11.5– Oracle 18c and 19c

New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 7

TADDM includes the following new features and enhancements. For more information, follow thelink, where provided.

• Data Access Portal (DAP phase II)

In DAP phase II, the dashboard window is introduced. In this window, you can find a pie chart and asearch field. Using this chart, you can now view all the available configuration items in your TADDMCMDB. Interactive features of the chart enable you to explore CI details easily.

In the previous release, only two similar (Type) components were compared. Now you can compare upto five components. Even in the comparison result pane, instead of two components, you can now viewcomparison results of five components. Comparison result can be downloaded in three differentformats, XML format is newly added along with the existing PDF and CSV formats.

DAP phase II also provides enhanced capability to explore details of the five configuration items. In theprevious version, analysis of only three CIs was possible.

Supported Configuration items:

– Previous release: Application Server, Database, computer System– Current release: Application Server, Database, computer System, Cluster, Network elements

• ServiceNow

Now ServiceNow Integration plugin extends support for Madrid version of ServiceNow.

In FP7, the ServiceNow plugin provides enhanced support for all TLS versions. Prior to this release, onlythe preconfigured value of TLS was supported. A new customizable property, securityProtocol=TLSv1.2,has been introduced in the

Chapter 1. Release notes 3

Additionally, a new attribute, depth, is introduced in the mapping.xml file. You can customize thisattribute according to how deep you want the details of data that you fetch. This customization in turnincreases or decreases execution time.

• Aborting load balance discovery (LBD) job at scope set level

For load balance discovery, now you can abort a discovery at scope set level. Previously, if you initiatedan abort for LBD, all the scope sets associated to the discovery aborted.

Now more flexibility has been introduced to the command so you can abort either at the pool level usingold command or at the scope set level using the new command.

To abort the discovery for a specified scopeSet running or scheduled within the specified poolName,use the following command: -u <user> -p <password> discoverloadbalanced abort --poolName <pool name> --scopeSet <scope set name>.

Previously, the abort command was restricted to the pool name, but with this change, discovery can beaborted at the scope set level.

• LDAP Support in Data Access Portal (DAP)

Dap now supports user authentication from an external LDAP directory server. In the previous version,only file-based user authentication was supported. Following this release, an LDAP user with theappropriate role (viewer) can access DAP.

• Miscellaneous

Websphere Liberty profile (WLP)WebSphere Application Server liberty profile (WLP) is used to host Data Management portal (DMP),Data access portal (DAP), CDM, and so on. In this release, the WLP version has been upgraded to20.0.0.1

EMC ViPRFor EMC ViPR sensor, an enhancement has been introduced to avoid overwriting of property-values(of configuration files) while upgrading TADDM to a new version.

Property values are either merged, or the old values are replaced with new mandatory values.Unless the new property values are mandatory, existing values (defined in the previous TADDMversion) are automatically reused or merged in the configuration files while upgrading to the newTADDM version.

This enhancement is applicable only for the following configuration files:

–– emcvipr.config

Enhancement in the ALIASES_JN tableNow the ALIASES_JN table can store more records. The ALIASES_JN table contains the history ofchanges to the ALIASES table. The data integrity tool requires the gathered data to find possibleconfiguration items over merges in the database. Data type for the sequence object (DB object)associated to this table (ALIASES_JN) has been changed from INT to BIGINT and this enhancementimproves the storing capacity of the table.

• New supported discovery targets

– IIS 10.0 on Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019– Apache sensor 2 on Windows 2016, 2019– Active Directory on Windows Server 2016 and 2019– Citrix XenApp Enterprise version 7.15– WebLogic SSH Server Sensor

• New supported target

– RHEL 7.6 and RHEL 7.7

4 Application Dependency Discovery Manager: Release Notes

– SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15

New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 6

TADDM includes the following new features and enhancements. For more information, follow thelink, where provided.

• TADDM integration with ServiceNow

TADDM 7.3 Fixpack 6 adds support of an Integration Plugin to migrate TADDM discovery data toServiceNow CMDB. This integration of TADDM discovery data with ServiceNow CMDB supports initialbulk migration and any subsequent Configuration Item (CI) dynamic updates using push datamechanism. The plugin can be executed on TADDM discovery server, or, some other server and ismanaged (start, stop, status) as a separate tool via its command line interface.

The following are the key features of the Integration Plugin:

– Migration: To migrate TADDM discovery data to ServiceNow CMDB for supported CIs– Change Event Management: TADDM events are generated when a configuration change is detected in

IT environment after discovery runs on that environment. To generate such dynamic events, somepre-configuration is required

Supported CIs: The scope of Integration Plugin will be limited to set of basic configuration itemscomprising of Networking, Compute and Storage (ComputerSystem, IpAddress, IpInterface,L2Interface, AppServer, AppServerCluster, Database Server, Storage SubSystem, Storage Volume,FileSystem).

• TADDM Data Access Portal

The TADDM Data Access Portal is the IBM® Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM)web-based user interface for viewing the data in a TADDM database. This user interface is applicable toa domain server deployment, to a synchronization server deployment, and to each storage server in astreaming server deployment.

TADDM Data Access Portal provides the following services that can be used to perform analytics:

Login- To Access TADDM Data Access Portal, user can login into TADDM Data Access Portal usingTADDM login credentials having "dapuser" role assigned to them.

Search- This feature allows user to search model object into TADDM database. User can performsearch on following classes:

– Computer System– Application Server– Database Server

Comparison -This feature allows user to compare attributes between two CI of same component types.User can see the difference and similarities between two CI attributes.

Relationship- Relationship associations between two resource instances, showing how resourceinstances are related to each other. To show relationship between classes of the same or differenttypes. Each relationship has a definition, or type.

These different relationship types carry a certain semantic that pertains to the kind of associationbetween the resource instances.

• Oracle 12c Multi-tenancy support

Oracle sensor mainly discovers Oracle Database servers, which was sufficient until Oracle 12C wasintroduced.

Note: Oracle 12C has multitenant architecture, that enables an Oracle database to function as amultitenant container database (CDB). A CDB includes zero, one, or many customer-created pluggable

Chapter 1. Release notes 5

databases (PDBs). A PDB is a portable collection of schemas, schema objects, and non-schema objectsthat appears to an Oracle Net client as a non-CDB.

All Oracle databases before Oracle Database 12c were non-CDBs. i.e., Oracle 12C supports both non-CDB architecture and multi-tenant architecture based on configuration option.

In TADDM 7.3 Fixpack 6, Oracle Sensor have been enhanced:

– To support discovery of pluggable and container databases as well (in case of Oracle 12C multi-tenant database), in addition to discovery of databases (in case of oracle 12C non-CDB architecture)

– To support script-based discovery on Windows platform– A new configuration option (deepLevelDiscovery) have been introduced to support light versus deep

level of discovery


The following requirements must be met:

1. Discovery of the computer system must succeed.2. Network connectivity between the TADDM server and the Oracle Listener must be functioning.

A privileged common user shall be used to discover Oracle12c multitenant architecture.• TADDM Integration with EMC ViPR SRM - Enhancements

There have been many updates in “EMC ViPR SRM Sensor”, which is used to discover storage resourcesthat are related to storage area network (SAN) by obtaining the requisite data from EMC ViPR SRM. Thissensor discovers such storage resources as storage arrays (VMAX only), hosts and switches (Brocadeonly), i.e. discovery of fabrics, zones, zonesets, storage volumes, switches, switch ports, hosts, HBAs,etc. only.

Below points cover the updates done in TADDM 7.3 Fixpack 6:

– EMC ViPR SRM sensor now supports HTTPS and SSL based connection to the ViPR SRM– Discovery of Hypervisors is now supported– Discovery of Filesystems is now supported (for hosts only)– Hosts/Hypervisors to storage mappings are supported– EMC ViPR SRM sensor now supports discovery of Hosts, which are passively discovered by ViPR SRM

• RHEL 64-bit Collection Engine

Host storage sensor utilizes 32-bit collection-engine binary to discover the HBAs and FC Volumes thatare configured on the host system. As a result, there is a pre-requisite of installing 32-bit glibc library.

This enhancement has been done to remove pre-requisite of installing 32-bit glibc library on 64-bitRHEL/AIX targets.

A configuration option (collectionEngineBuild_64_Bit) has been provided for utilizing 64-bit collection-engine binary and is applicable for RHEL/AIX platforms.

• Install Anywhere 2017

InstallAnywhere is a Java-based software tool for creating installers or software packages, for multipleplatforms. It creates reliable installations for on-premises platforms – Windows, Linux, Apple, Solaris,AIX, HP-UX, and IBM etc.

TADDM was using InstallAnywhere 2012 for creating build packages until last fixpack 5. However, inTADDM 7.3 Fixpack 6, TADDM installers have now been built using InstallAnywhere 2017.

Though, nothing changes from end-user perspective.• ILMT: SLM Tagging based License Metric support

Support for SLM (Software License Metric) tags have now been added in current TADDM fix pack tosupport ILMT.

6 Application Dependency Discovery Manager: Release Notes

Now, TADDM resource usage can be monitored and captured using a script and its based on belowmetrics:


– This metric represents TADDM installation instances and its count will always be one.

This metric represents TADDM installation instances and its count will be 1always

– This metric represents number of "licensable" servers discovered by TADDM, i.e. count of machineswhich excludes virtual machines and includes AWS EC2 instances

SLM tags are based on the ISO/IEC 19770-4 standard draft for Resource Utilization Measurement.SLM tags provide a standardized capability to report the consumption of the product license metrics(resources related to the use of a software asset). It’s an XML file generated by a product in runtime toself-report its license usage. An SLM tag file has a .slmtag file name extension.

IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) is a product that identifies which software assets you have installed andtheir license usage. IBM License Metric Tool provides a simple way to track IBM software that you areusing.

New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 5

TADDM includes the following new features and enhancements. For more information, follow thelink, where provided.

• AWS sensor

AWS sensor supports discovery of public AWS cloud environment hosting EC2 and S3 services. Itdetects and retrieves information via URL (newly added). This is designed as a non-scripted sensor andis proposed to support 2 level discovery. During 1st level discovery, AWS management information isdiscovered:

1. VM instances and Details

– Memory– OS details (name/family, version)– VMs IPs (private, public IPs)– Storage/volume, mount points related information– Machine type– Tags metadata

2. S3 buckets

• SVC sensor support- 7.7 to 8.1

This enhancement caters to RFE 93978. As part of this enhancement, the following attributes shall besuccessfully discovered up till SVC version 8.1:

1. FC Ports2. Storage Volume3. Storage Pools4. Disk Drive

• Show console users and groups of script based discovery of WAS sensor

In TADDM, console users and groups were not displayed. As part of this enhancement (RFE#25909), TADDM can now show console users and groups of WAS on the Data ManagementPortal. It displays information related to the user like name, email address, associated group and

Chapter 1. Release notes 7

assigned roles on the “User” tab. Group related information like name, associated users and assignedroles is displayed on the “Group” tab.

WebSphereScriptSensor discovers three components - WebSphere Server, WebSphere Cell andWebSphere Node. As WebSphere cell is an administrative domain that enables common administrativeactivities in a WebSphere Application Server distributed environment.

User and group related configuration files are stored in WebSphere Cell. So, TADDM displays users andgroups tab in WebSphere cell inventory details section.

• TPC sensor enhancement for supporting TADDM Best Practices

In TADDM, TPC sensor used to truncate the number of rows returned by the query to 20000.This number can be increased, but in order to do so, you need to edit a file called in adeep directory under osgi.

In TADDM (RFE 72225), following properties have been added to filewith the default values: = 20000 = 20000

Note: If you have made a change to any of these properties in file, you will have tomanually make the change to the values of these properties in file. Thechange in values of these two properties has not been migrated from an older release into

• MSSQL server Sensor Support- Cluster Name

In TADDM, MSSQL was not able to display SQL cluster name on the Data Management Portal.

As part of this enhancement (RFE 115737), support has been added in TADDM to display theSQL cluster name in regular discovery, script based discovery and ASD discovery.

Also for RFE 99129, a new has been added withthe default value as True.

If the value of this property is set to True, it will allow Windows authentication first.

If the value of this property is set to False, it will allow SQL authentication first.• TADDM-BigFix Integration

TADDM can use and leverage the BigFix architecture (BigFix Server and BigFix Agents) to automaticallydeploy, execute and capture TADDM Asynchronous Scripted Discoveries.

Basically, Asynchronous Script Discovery (ASD) requires manual intervention from TADDMadministrator. “TADDM-BigFix Integration” feature utilizes the connectivity that BigFix infrastructureprovides to the fire walled zone machines for running the discovery through the TADDM script packagesit and is mainly based on automation of standard ASD approach.

Need for TADDM – BigFix Integration

-To discover the Enterprise infrastructure behind firewall, TADDM currently utilizes:

– Manual ASD (Asynchronous Scripted Discovery)– Anchors and Gateways– IBM Netcool Monitoring tools (ITM)

-Customers are not willing to deploy Anchors/Gateways for fire walled zones

-Manual ASD is cumbersome and labour intensive and not feasible/preferred option

-Integration of TADDM and BigFix can fill this gap

Key Advantages

-Ability to discover fire walled zones without anchors

8 Application Dependency Discovery Manager: Release Notes

-Ability to reuse the BigFix Infrastructure (e.g. open secure ports) to access endpoints

– "saving time" = this means the security team don't need to open ports on endpoints, configureSSH

-Automated way of ASD based discovery (termed AutoASD) behind firewalls - Minimal interventionrequired from TADDM administrator

Note: This BigFix integration feature is not same or similar to “BigFix Inventory”.

This integration needs below access(es):

– Read-Only access to BigFix Database – to be able to retrieve the encryption keys– BigFix Server credentials – to be able to invoke BigFix APIs

It supports BigFix SSL mode as well.

Point to note is that TADDM-BigFix Integration supports similar set of sensors as supported bystandard ASD mechanism.

Here’s list of sensors supported by this feature:

Table 1.


Citrix XenServer sensor

Generic server sensor

IBM AIX computer system sensor

IBM DB2 sensor

IBM Lotus Domino server sensor

IBM Tivoli Utilization sensor

IBM WebSphere MQ Server sensor

IBM WebSphere sensor

JBoss Application Server 7 sensor

Kernel-based virtual machine sensor

Linux computer system sensor

Microsoft Exchange sensor

Microsoft IIS Web server sensor

Oracle sensor

Solaris computer system sensor

WebLogic SSH sensor

Windows computer system sensor

All the pre-requisites that are applicable for these sensors to support ASD mode of discovery willapply here as well.


– Sufficient disk space, processing capacity and memory should be available to cater to therequest and result packages that gets processed on TADDM server, BigFix Root Server andDiscovery tar-gets

– Only “taddmusr” will be allowed for running the BigFix discovery on TADDM discovery server,and root user won’t be permitted

Chapter 1. Release notes 9

– Any discovery targets specified during discovery and not reachable from BigFix root serverwon’t be visible in Discovery History

– StartTime in the Discovery History will reflect the start time when bunch of script packageexecu-tion results are available on the TADDM Discovery server and its processing is triggered

– CompletionTime in the Discovery History will reflect the end time when a given bunch ofresults are successfully processed


– “Custom Servers” Discovery is not supported– Due to asynchronous nature of discovery, multiple discovery history entries might get created

for a single TADDM-BigFix discovery– Rediscovery is supported from same Discovery server that was used for original discovery

Here are the supported version details:

– BigFix server version: 9.5.4– BigFix server OS: Linux (RHEL 6.8), Windows 2008 R2– BigFix target OS: Linux, Solaris, AIX, Windows

• TADDM Integration with EMC ViPR SRM

A new sensor termed “EMC ViPR SRM Sensor” will discover storage resources that are related tostorage area network (SAN) by obtaining the requisite data from EMC ViPR SRM.

This sensor discovers such storage resources as storage arrays (VMAX only), hosts and switches(Brocade only), i.e. discovery of fabrics, zones, zonesets, storage volumes, switches, switch ports,hosts, HBAs, etc. only.


– Host Discovery shall be enabled in EMC ViPR SRM– “Domain” is configured for all the Hosts/Storage clients


– EMC ViPR SRM SSL mode is not currently supported– Hosts to Storage mappings are not completely supported– Multi-path and relationships discovery is not supported

EMC ViPR SRM version: 4.1• TLSv1.2 support

TADDM 7.3 FixPack 5 ensures that all communication from TADDM is covered under TLS.

The following ports are used for Inter-server communication and covered under TLS:

The following port is used for GUI (Web Portal and Data Management Portal) and covered under TLS:

The following port is used for DMP-DS communication and covered under TLS:

The following port is used for API Clients-DS communication and covered under TLS:

10 Application Dependency Discovery Manager: Release Notes

The following port is used for registering the services (Proxy, Topology & EventsCore) to ServiceRegistry which is available on Discovery Server. This port is covered under TLS:

• AES 256 Encryption algorithm support

TADDM uses the property to decide whichalgorithm (AES-128 or AES-256) from the FIPS-compliant IBMJCEFIPS security provider to encrypt thefollowing items:

– Passwords, including entries in the and userdata.xml files– Access list entries that are stored in the database

TADDM 7.3 FixPack 5 ensures that AES-256 algorithm can be configured and applied for encryption ofthese items.

The only limitation of TADDM in Fixpack 5 is the inability to discover SNMP devices with AES-256 beingthe only encryption algorithm configured at the target. For supporting discovery of SNMP devices withAES-256 enabled, an upgrade is required in the version of the AdventNet SNMP library used by TADDM.This is a planned work and shall be made available to the users post the release of TADDM

• MSS Data cleanup

The “MssObjLinkCleanupAgent” has been added in TADDM 7.3 Fixpack 5. This clean-up agent willperform additional clean-up of MSS Data.

By default, the agent will delete maximum 100K rows daily which are more than 365 days old. Thisnumber of days can be configured. User can set this to a lower value like 30 days to delete rows whichare more than 30 days old. This will lead to better performance of MSS related queries and UI.

Following properties can be configured in

For deleting old data specific days old, set the below value to number of days. The default value is 365.


To enable the agent, configure the following property to 'true'. By default it is 'false' which meansthat the agent is disabled.


To change the number of rows deleted in a batch, in a single deletion access to the database. Thedefault 100 value of this property is 100. This property is also used in Orphan MSS Data Deletion in thisAgent.


• New view for MSS Info data lookup

A new view “MSS_INFO_VIEW” has been defined for the user to query the MSS Info details. User canwrite a query on this view to fetch the MSS Info specific data. To see the columns that are defined forthis view, user can run the following SQL query:


• New supported discovery targets:

1. Lotus Domino 9.0.12. RHEL 7.53. DB2 11.1

Chapter 1. Release notes 11

• New severs supporting TADDM installation:

1. Windows 20162. RHEL 7.5

• New browsers supported by TADDM:

1. MS Edge

New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 4

TADDM includes the following new features and enhancements. For more information, follow thelink, where provided.

• Sensor and discovery enhancements - Collect Boot time with all SNMP Sensor

– Boot time is a common attribute on the default OID for an SNMP device and helps in knowing for howlong a SNMP device is up.

– User can collect boot time and store in TADDM database for all SNMP devices i.e. blade chassis,routers, switches, firewalls, load balancer, etc.

• IIS sensor redesign – use appcmd.exe instead of Powershell IIS module

Prior to this enhancement, IIS sensor required UAC to be disabled if using a domain account. This wasdue to PowerShell requirements. Now, with this enhancement, you can discover IIS without UACdisabled as IIS sensor will use appcmd.exe instead of PowerShell.

• Support discovery of Virtual Center System Appliance through web ports

This enhancement can allow you to discover VCSA using web interfaces. There is a new configurationoption in Port sensor to allow the specification of VCSA listening ports (vcsaListeningPortList) to be usedto trigger seeding of VirtualCenterSensor.

By default, `vcsaListeningPortList` is empty in the Port sensor. Ports 80, 443 are ubiquitous ports andmay appear a bad choice for seeding the VirtualCenterSensor, since they can cause many false positivesfor sensor invocations. It is recommended to provision a more unique port, or, lists of that port'spossible values in a customer deployment (e.g. 514, 902) should be used in PortSensors`vcsaListeningPortList`.

For successful discovery of VMware vCenter Server Appliance, Web Services communication must bedefined. By default, ports 80 and 443 are defined in the VirtualCenterSensor. If your VMware vCenterServer Appliance uses non-standard ports, modify the value of the portList property in the discoveryprofile.Limitations:

If port mentioned in `vcsaListeningPortList` is opened by some process other than VCSA, theVMware Virtual Center server sensor will show an error.

• BIgIPSensor needs to be able to discover VIP IPv6

It is now possible to discover IPv6 VIP information of virtual and real server for Big IP devices.• Support of IBM Integration Bus(IIB) 10.0

IBM Websphere Message Broker has been renamed as IBM Integration Bus for newer releases. TADDMwill be able to discover IBM Information Bus (IIB) 10.0. WebSphere MQ is no longer a prerequisite forusing IBM Integration Bus 10.0.

• Discovery of Citrix environments by Citrix 7 Server Sensor

The Citrix 7 Server sensor discovers Citrix 7 XenApp environments. It is a script-based sensor. Thesensor only supports Citrix version 7.6.

12 Application Dependency Discovery Manager: Release Notes

Sensor AuthorizationThe script-based sensor uses the same discovery user that is used for Windows logon. The Windowsdiscovery user must have “administrator read only” permissions (defined in the Citrix console) forthe Citrix configuration on any delivery controller for each site. Citrix requires that the discovery userbe an active directory account and not a local account.

LimitationsSite names are assumed to be global. You cannot have two sites with the exact same name or thiswill cause over-merging.

Discovery of VDAsDiscovery of at least one delivery controller is required but discovery of the systems that run theVDAs is optional. The sensor will launch when it detects a VDA and the sensor will collect basicinformation about runtime processes and hostname. This will create a more complete picture of theCitrix environment.

NomenclatureCitrix 7 introduces an architecture change from Citrix 6, but the TADDM data model is based onCitrix 6 architecture. In order to preserve backwards compatibility for business applicationmapping, the Citrix 7 architecture components are stored as Citrix 6 data model components. Thetable below shows the old and new concepts and how they map to the TADDM data model.

Table 2.

S No. Citrix 7 Citrix 6 Comments

1 Site CitrixFarm/CitrixZone For each Citrix Site there will be aone-to-one Farm/Zonecombination with the same name.

2 Admin Folder CitrixAppFolder Organizes the CitrixApplicationcomponents.

3 Desktop Catalog CitrixServerFolder NA

4 Desktop Group NA Desktop Groups are used to assignCitrixApplications to CitrixServers.

Some of the attributes in Citrix model objects are not relevant or not used in Citrix XenApp 7.6architecture and hence they will not get populated and thus may get displayed with no value (“Blank”)in TADDM Data Management Portal, since TADDM Data model is based on Citrix 6 architecture.

Table 3.

S.No Model Object Attributes List

1 CitrixApplication Default encryption, Default sound type, Default windows type, Readonly, PN Attribute, MF Attribute, Default window height, Defaultwindow scale, PN Folder, Default window width, Default windowcolour, Publishing flags.

2 CitrixFarm Discard Redundant Graphics, Alternate Caching method, Log AutoReconnect Attempts, SNMP Disconnect trap, Notify Degradation,Legacy ICA Display Compatible, Video Buffer Size ICA, Enable Autoclient reconnect, Use Client local time, Disable Client local timeestimation, Enable SNMP Agent, Enable DNS Address resolution,RAS Response to client broadcast, SNMP Threshold Exceeded trap,SNMP Logoff trap, SNMP Threshold value, Log over limit denial,MultimediaAccelerationDefaultBufferSize, DS Driver, Legacy MFServer compatible mode, DC Respond to client broadcast, SNMPLogon trap, DSODB, Max Connection per user, Degradation Bias.

3 CitrixUser Account type

Chapter 1. Release notes 13

Table 3. (continued)

S.No Model Object Attributes List

4 Citrix Group Account type

5 Citrix Accountauthority

Authority Type

6 CitrixServer Is farm server, Zone ranking ,Feature release level ,Install Date

• Discovery of Docker Sensors

The Docker sensors detect and discover Docker clusters, hosts, host attributes, containers and overlaynetworking stacks from the deployed Docker clusters or individual Docker hosts. A Docker systemconsists of following:

1. Containers containing virtual NICs, storage and running applications.2. Docker hosts running multiple containers and a Docker daemon to manage containers.3. Docker cluster consisting of several Docker hosts, and a cluster controller.

A Docker cluster can be achieved through Docker provided Swarm. The APIs called are Docker APIsover HTTP from a client to the Host or Swarm Manager to discover the objects within them. Thesesensors will discover the hosts and through existing means would be able to access the host.

1. DockerHostSensor – Sensor for a single Docker Host

The DockerHostSensor (DHS) uses Docker APIs through SDKs and discovers the elements from theDocker Host environment comprising – Containers, Images, Networks, Volumes, etc.

2. SwarmClusterSensor – Sensor for a single Swarm Cluster

The DockerSwarmCluster Sensor uses Docker APIs through SDKs and discover the elements from theDocker Swarm manager environment comprising - Detect Swarm Manager, list of Docker hosts (nodes)in the cluster, network information involving Overlay networks, docker_gwbridge, etc.

• New supported discovery targets

– TADDM can discover Windows 2016– Support for IBM Spectrum Control 5.2.11, 5.2.12, 5.2.13 and 5.2.14– ApacheServer Sensor discovers IBM HTTP Server (IHS) and Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) on Windows

2008, Windows 2008 R2, Windows 2012, Windows 2012 R2 and RHEL 7– TADDM can discover IBM i5/OS versions 7.2 and 7.3– TADDM can discover WebSphere 9.0– Oracle bug 22256560 in release prevents grouping patterns from running in certain cases.

TADDM has been tested with the Oracle patch for bug 22256560 for versions and the backend database. The grouping patterns work fine with the fix applied.

Note: Java version 6.0 is no longer supported and has been removed from the Client softwarerequirements documentation.

New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 3

TADDM includes the following new features and enhancements. For more information, see theappropriate topic, where provided.

• Sensor and discovery enhancements:

– IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center sensor: discovery of Managed Disks for SVC (storagevirtualization layer) with their relationships to the back-end storage: the Configuring the discoveryprofile topic in the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center sensor section in the TADDM Sensor Reference.

14 Application Dependency Discovery Manager: Release Notes

– DataPower® sensor: discovery of domains and proxies: the DataPower sensor topic in the TADDMSensor Reference.

– IBM BladeCenter SNMP sensor: discovery of IBM PureFlex® System chassis:

- The IBM BladeCenter SNMP sensor topic in the TADDM Sensor Reference.- The SVC Storage sensor topic in the TADDM Sensor Reference.

– Cisco UCS SNMP sensor: extended discovery capability: the Cisco UCS SNMP sensor topic in theTADDM Sensor Reference.

– Discovery schedule and scope synchronization enhancement:

- The Adding a discovery schedule topic in the TADDM User's Guide.- The Discovery Schedule window topic in the TADDM User's Guide.- The Schedule Details window topic in the TADDM User's Guide.- The Loading a discovery scope from a file topic in the TADDM User's Guide.

– Dynamic setting of address space name from the discover start command:

- The Discover command topic in the TADDM SDK Developer's Guide.- The Discovery management topic in the TADDM SDK Developer's Guide.- The Discovery service topic in the TADDM SDK Developer's Guide.

– Discovery of VMWare ESX hosts start time.– PowerShell session enhancements:

- The Automatic configuration topic in the Configuring for a non-admin Windows discovery section inthe TADDM Sensor Reference.

- The Configuring the file entries topic in the Windows computer system sensorsection in the TADDM Sensor Reference.

– New supported discovery targets:

- FreeBSD computer system sensor discovers FreeBSD 9.3, and 10.2.- JBoss Application Server 7 sensor discovers WildFly 8, and 9 on Windows Server 2012, and Red

Hat Enterprise Linux® 7.- Linux computer system sensor discovers SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12, CentOS Linux 5, 6, and

7.- Microsoft Exchange sensor supports Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 on Windows 2012.- Microsoft SQL Server sensor supports Microsoft SQL Server 2014 on Windows 2012.- VMware ESXi computer system sensor discovers VMware ESXi 6.- VMware Virtual Center server sensor discovers VMware vCenter Server 6.0 on Windows, and

VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.0 on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.• Business applications enhancements:

– Generating business application topologies in the SVG format: the Actions for exporting topologies tothe SVG format topic in the TADDM User's Guide.

– Grouping pattern traversal based on the hierarchyDomain attribute: the Traversal configurationtopic in the TADDM User's Guide.

• Migration of missing values of the hierachyType and hierarchyDomain attributes.• Placeholders creation: the Configuring for discovery of placeholders topic in the TADDM Administrator's

Guide.• Cognos® model – new time stamp column and query items:

– The Building block views topic in the TADDM SDK Developer's Guide.– The Data views in the TADDM model topic in the TADDM Administrator's Guide.

Chapter 1. Release notes 15

• New length of column names in TADDM database views: the TADDM database schema and views topicin the TADDM SDK Developer's Guide.

• Data type modification in the extended attributes views: the Extended attributes view topic in theTADDM SDK Developer's Guide.

• Updated content of the TADDM Data Dictionary.• Secure connection between TADDM components.

Significant changes from earlier releases

• Important: The discovery of MAC addresses on switch trunk ports by using the BridgeSnmpSensor,or BridgeSnmpSensor2 is disabled by default in TADDM, and later. When it is enabled, thetopology building performance is poor because of the excessive data that L2Agent is not able toprocess in time. As a result, too many temporary computer systems with type MACDevice arecreated. However, if you still want to discover the MAC addresses on switch trunk ports, you canadd the following properties to the file and set them to false:

For details, see the Configuring the file entries topics in the Bridge SNMP sensorand Bridge SNMP 2 sensor sections in the TADDM Sensor Reference.

• To display the Grouping Patterns pane in Data Management Portal, you must have the Updatepermission granted for the DefaultAccessCollection.

• Placeholders created in TADDM are more advanced than the ones created in TADDM7.3.0.2. Therefore, migration is not supported.

• Column names in TADDM database views can now have maximum 30 characters.• Data type in the extended attribute views has been modified. It might affect integration with

products that use TADDM database views for extended attributes. For details, see the Extendedattributes view topic in the TADDM SDK Developer's Guide.

New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 2

TADDM includes the following new features and enhancements. For more information, see theappropriate topic, where provided.

• Sensor and discovery enhancements:

– .NET 4.0 and 4.5 support: Configuring for discovery of Windows systems topic in the TADDMAdministrator's Guide.

– Auto-defining extended attributes for sensors: Auto-defining extended attributes for sensors topic inthe TADDM SDK Developer's Guide.

– Discovery of dependencies between MySAPJ2EEEngineInstances in pure J2EE clusters and databaseservers.

– Discovery of IIS module and database dependencies by using IISServerSensor: Microsoft IIS Webserver sensor topic in the TADDM Sensor Reference.

– Discovery of IBM software

- The Predefined templates topic in the TADDM User's Guide.- The Creating Level 3 application servers with no credentials topic in the TADDM Administrator's

Guide.– IBM® WebSphere®® Application Server script-based discovery for Windows: The Sensors that support

script-based and asynchronous discovery topic in the TADDM Sensor Reference.

16 Application Dependency Discovery Manager: Release Notes

– Load-balanced discovery: The Load-balanced discover command topic in the TADDM SDK Developer'sGuide.

– Microsoft SQL Server script-based discovery: The Sensors that support script-based andasynchronous discovery topic in the TADDM Sensor Reference.

– New discovery targets of Linux computer system sensor: Ubuntu 14 and RedHat 7.– New sensor: Cisco UCS SNMP sensor: The Cisco UCS SNMP sensor topic in the TADDM Sensor

Reference.– New sensor: Sun Sparc Virtualization sensor: The Sun Sparc Virtualization sensor topic in the TADDM

Sensor Reference.– New versions of Oracle JDBC drivers supported in TADDM: The Copying the JDBC driver topic in the

TADDM Sensor Reference.– PowerShell session in the discovery of the Windows target systems

- The Configuring for discovery of Windows systems topic in the TADDM Administrator's Guide.- The PowerShell session topic in the TADDM Administrator's Guide.- The Configuring the file entries topic in the Windows computer system sensor

section in the TADDM Sensor Reference.- The Setting up the PowerShell configuration topic in the TADDM Sensor Reference.- The Gateway problems topic in the TADDM Troubleshooting Guide.

– SAP HANA discovery: The Model objects with associated attributes topic in the SAP SLD server sensorsection in the TADDM Sensor Reference.

– Support for password encryption for Sybase discovery: The Sybase sensor topic in the TADDM SensorReference.

• Business applications enhancements

– Enhancement of Traversal configuration: The Traversal configuration topic in the TADDM User'sGuide.

– Grouping patterns filtering: The Grouping Patterns pane topic in the TADDM User's Guide.– Handling not discovered business applications components: The Topology builder properties topic in

the TADDM Administrator's Guide.– New bizappscli tool action – analytics: The Actions for analyzing the content of business applications

topic in the TADDM User's Guide.• Improved Cognos Model: The Data views in the TADDM model topic in the TADDM Administrator's Guide.

Significant changes from earlier releases

• The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent for TADDM Serviceability and Manageability which wasincompatible with TADDM is supported again. You can use it with TADDM and7.3.0.2. However, the agent is not shipped with the product, you must download the files from FixCentral. For details, see the Planning for monitoring of TADDM servers topic in the TADDMInstallation Guide.

• The Grouping Patterns pane was moved from the Discovery section to the Analytics section ofData Management Portal. For details, see the Grouping Patterns pane topic in the TADDM User'sGuide.

New features and enhancements in Fix Pack 1

TADDM includes the following new features and enhancements. For more information, see theappropriate topic, where provided.

• Sensor enhancements:

– Discovery of RuntimeProcesses for WebSphereServers

Chapter 1. Release notes 17

– SSL communication enabled for SybaseSensor:

- The Configuring the access list topic in the Sybase sensor section in the TADDM Sensor Reference.– New sensor: SVC Storage sensor:

- The SVC Storage sensor topic in the TADDM Sensor Reference– New sensor: XIV® storage sensor:

- The XIV storage sensor topic in the TADDM Sensor Reference– Migration of SoftwareModules deployed on JBoss.– Migration of LPAR name.– IBM WebSphere Message Broker 8 supported on Solaris 10.– Host storage sensor supported on HP-UX platform.

• Enhancement of the Business application tiers function:

– The Business application tiers topic in the TADDM User's Guide.– The Creating grouping patterns topic in the TADDM User's Guide.

• Complete Cognos model:

– The Generating the TADDM model topic in the TADDM Administrator's Guide.– The Data views in the TADDM model topic in the TADDM Administrator's Guide.– The Extended attributes views topic in the TADDM SDK Developer's Guide.– The Running the extended attributes view tool topic in the TADDM SDK Developer's Guide.

• Support for Netcool®/Omnibus 8:

– The Supported versions topic in the TADDM Administrator's Guide.• Support for Oracle Java™ runtime environment version 8.0:

– The Client software requirements topic in the TADDM Installation Guide.• Support for WAS Liberty Profile.• Show dependencies option available for all elements visible in topology view.• Additional changes in the documentation:

– The Business applications topic in the TADDM User's Guide.– The Simplified Model topic in the TADDM SDK Developer's Guide.– The Integrating TADDM with IBM Tivoli Monitoring via OSLC Automation topic in the TADDM

Administrator's Guide.– The Configuring TADDM communication topic in the TADDM Administrator's Guide.

New features and enhancements in 7.3.0

TADDM 7.3.0 includes the following new features:

• Completely new structure of business applications• New way of handling extended attributes• Simplified Data Model• Discovery over ITM by using KT1 protocol• Enhancement of delta books utility• Load balancing on anchors• Static script names• Scopes grouping• Credentials caching• Support for Apache Bean Scripting Framework 2.4 and Jython 2.5.3

18 Application Dependency Discovery Manager: Release Notes

• Security:

– Tomcat 7 as platform– FIPS compliant L2 discovery– Tectia SSH support– Support for TLSv1.2– Auditing of UI changes

• Platform support:

– Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 x86_64 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 for System z®.– Support for new databases: DB2® 10.5 and Oracle 11g Release 2 (11.2)– Support for new browsers: Mozilla Firefox 24, 31

• New sensors and sensor enhancements:

– Configuration for non-admin discovery on the Windows operating system– Discovery of Citrix XenServer– Discovery of DataPower– Discovery of dependencies between WAS Cluster, Cell, Node and Databases– Discovery of ESXi– Discovery of HP NonStop through SSH– Discovery of IIS WebDirectory– Discovery of JBoss 6– Discovery of JBoss 7– Discovery of Microsoft Exchange 2013– Discovery of MQ 7.1 and 7.5 and multiversion support for Unix and Windows– Discovery of MySQL (custom script for discovery included into FP3)– For MaxDB, a new access list entry type has been added– Discovery of MySQL to create modules for each database– Discovery of NetApp– Discovery of new attributes for vCenter– Enhanced NFS Dependency Agent to create relationship based on mounted share– Level 3 discovery on WPARs– New auth attributes in Windows and Linux scripts.– Removal of LSOF prerequisite for AIX® discovery– Script based and asynchronous discovery for Windows operating system– Script based discovery for AIX operating system: Increased parity– Script based discovery of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)– Secure discovery of LDAP services– Support of HyperV 2012– Support for Virtual Center Server Appliance (vCSA)– Unification of FCPort WWN format– VIOS connectivity to Storage SubSystem without agents

Features that are deprecated but still supported

The following features are deprecated but is still supported in TADDM 7.3.0:

• Jython 2.1 support.

Chapter 1. Release notes 19

• Synchronization server deployment, which is a TADDM deployment with a synchronization server(formerly known as an Enterprise Domain Server) and two or more domain server deployments, each ofwhich has its own local database. In this type of deployment, the synchronization server copiesdiscovery data from multiple domain servers one domain at a time in a batched synchronizationprocess.Where more than one server is needed, the preferred deployment is the streaming server deployment.

• Discovery Management Console (client UI that was formerly known as the Product Console).• Discovery history feature in both user interfaces (Data Management Portal and Discovery Management

Console). This has been replaced by new TADDM reports.• CMS/DIS integration.• Server Affinity report.• Utilization sensor. The component retrieves runtime properties for a discovery target. In this situation,

change management is not applicable. To monitor resource usage, you can use IBM Tivoli Monitoring.• BIRT reporting engine and reports.• Discovery support for Windows 2003.• Use of the Secure Shell (SSH) v1 and v1.5 protocols for discovery. TADDM anchor servers require SSH

v2 protocol support.• WebLogic JMX sensor. There is an equivalent WebLogic SSH sensor that discovers the sameconfiguration.

• WebSphere Application Server discovery using the JMX protocol.• Application infrastructure topology.• Physical infrastructure topology.• AppTemplate API.• The old Common Data Model classes (com.collation.platform.model.topology.simple andcom.collation.platform.model.topology.customCollection packages are preferred fromnow on).

• The lastModifiedTime attribute, use the lastStoreTime attribute instead.• The setExtendedAttributes and getExtendedAttributes methods used on CI are compatible with earlier

versions. They set the XA attribute that handles extended attributes from now on.• The setExtendedAttributes and getExtendedAttributes methods used on DataApi. Use setXA and getXA

methods directly on CI instead of DataApi extra calls.

Significant changes from earlier releases

The following information describes significant behavioral changes from earlier TADDM releases:

• Removal of NetFlow sensor.• Java API methods related to security (AuthorizationManager API methods) were modified to use only

those custom collections that have hierarchy type set to "AccessCollection". During TADDM upgrade, allexisting authorization policy entries and all Supports relationships between PersonRole andAccessCollection objects are automatically migrated to the corresponding custom collection objectswith hierarchy type set to "AccessCollection".Java API methods related to collections (selected Compatibility API methods) are deprecated. Useequivalent methods operating on corresponding custom collections. For details, see Managingcollections.

• To integrate TADDM 7.3 with IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager (TBSM), you must use TBSM 6.1.1FP1, or later.

• IBM DB2 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows is no longer supported as the TADDM back-end database.• 32-bit platforms are no longer supported as TADDM servers.• Sun Solaris is no longer supported as a TADDM server.• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 is no longer supported as a TADDM server.

20 Application Dependency Discovery Manager: Release Notes

• The Extended Attributes details pane separate tab was removed. Separate tabs are created only fornon-default categories. You can view extended attributes for default category in a separate table in theGeneral tab now.

Upgrade scenarios

Important: When you want to upgrade to TADDM 7.3.0, you must have TADDM 7.2.2 installed. Youcannot upgrade from TADDM 7.2.1, or earlier, to TADDM 7.3.0.

Key data modifications during the upgrade from earlier releases

• When you upgrade from TADDM 7.2.2, all grouping entities are converted automatically into groupingpatterns in accordance with a specific set of rules. A new grouping pattern is created for each entity.Later, the BizAppsAgent generates new custom collections from these grouping patterns. The newcustom collections' content (a set of configuration items) is the same as the content of thecorresponding original collections. For more information, see Automatic conversion of the old groupingentities.

• During the upgrade procedure, extended attributes are modified in the following way:

– Extended attributes are stored along with the CIs in the XA attribute of a new custom typeExtendedAttributesData. The data that is kept in separate objects of the UserData type is migratedinto the XA attribute.

– Extended attributes now have categories. If no category is selected, an attribute is stored in thedefault global category. All extended attributes present in the old data model were moved into thedefault global category.

System requirements

For information about hardware and software compatibility, see the TADDM Installation Guide.

Known problems

Known problems are documented as technotes on the IBM Tivoli Application Dependency DiscoveryManager Support site at

This site also includes APARs (problem reports), downloads, and education materials. As problems arediscovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching theknowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.

To search for TADDM 7.3.0 technotes, enter 7.3.0 in the Search support field.

To find solutions to the problems that you might have, you can also go to the dW Answers site at

Moving TADDM from one operating system to another

If you want to move TADDM from one operating system to another, follow the procedure that is describedin the following section of the TADDM Installation Guide:

Chapter 1. Release notes 21

22 Application Dependency Discovery Manager: Release Notes


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24 Application Dependency Discovery Manager: Release Notes


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