Vermachtnis chapter 13

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Vermachtnis chapter 13

Welcome back to the Vermachtnis legacy, a legacy full of fertile but nutty sims. Our heiress is now Sasha, pictured above, of generation seven. She beckons you to read onward! Obey her call!

As heiress, Sasha’s portrait joins her dad’s on the library wall. I was very pleased that she was picked because I really like her a lot. Good taste, voters!

Last chapter I talked about the difficulty in finding good-looking male NPCs while Samwise was cruising around the neighborhood on dates. We came up with two options. The first is Professor Blake, who I believe is a face 1. Pretty boring, but also pretty pretty. Our other choice was a deliveryman named Orlando, who was fairly easy on the eyes from the front but had quite a nose. We’ve had a few male nose problems in the past, so that gave me some pause. I do appreciate the truth in advertising after getting burned on some deceptive female sims recently, however.

Sasha easily and quickly becomes Big Woman on Campus in her second year at Academie Le Tour. As a popularity sim, she loves making friends and it keeps her happy while I am still settling on a future mate for her. You’ll notice Sean and Sid in the background there. They stayed on at the school but the three’s oldest brothers, Samwise and Sebastian, dropped out.

They had quite the housewarming when they moved into their new premade mansion. (I think it was the Moroccan one.) Two zombies, one of which is the former Malcolm Landgraab, now Malcolm Vermachtnis, plus some lady that came with the Pets EP. She didn’t stand a chance with these two around and Malcolm is soon picking on her.

These twins moved in not just to a new house, but also with new girlfriends. Although Sammy did some dating in college, he had never settled down with anyone, but now the boys had two very beautiful twin sisters to get to know. Luckily, the girls, named Jill and Jane, were a great match for the boys. You might even say they were made for them. (You could definitely say that.) With high chemistry, it wasn’t long before the boys were snuggling up with their respective girlfriends.

The rapid-fire courtships started with some hanging out, like Sebastian and Jane in the background of the top picture there. Before too long, Sammy had gotten his relationship high enough to fall in love and propose to Jill. They soon wed. Sebastian and Jane also jumped on the matrimony bandwagon, but they did so after woohoo, leading to a very unceremonious and scantily-clad exchanging of rings.

Sammy’s children, two girls named Kelly and Kimmy, are pictured at left. Sebastian’s twins, Ginger and Jacob, are at right. Both sets of twins turned out pretty adorable, although I was a little surprised to see the dark skin returning in Kimmy. Sammy must have been carrying his mother’s skin recessively behind the green skin. Otherwise the kids are very normal, but Ginger did inherit the alien eyes, which pleases me. And that’s the end of our update on these two spares. Now back to college, where Sasha has decided between her two choices and is now dating . . .

. . . Neither of them. While waiting to decide, Sasha needed some help with her grades so she started seeing philosophy professor Hayden here.

Her fling with Hayden ended as quickly as it had begun, as I had decided on Blake as Sasha’s future spouse. She only had one bolt with either of the choices, but, expected as it is, I went with Blake for his looks. I was just too afraid of the nose. Sasha started on the path of making friends with Prof. Blake by telling him gossip about Sid, who is just on the other side of the room. Very discreet, Sasha. They had some difficulty getting to higher levels of relationship, so I decided to try to cater to Blake’s turn-ons to see if we could get two bolts.

“Okay Blake, I dyed my beautiful red hair brown for you. Do we have two bolts yet?”“Nope. I like glasses too.”“Sigh.”

Sasha has to break away from the frustrating courtship to do some actual schoolwork since Blake isn’t in her major. With brown hair and glasses, she almost looks like an entirely different sim. My plan is to keep her this way until I feel that she and Blake have a sufficiently high relationship. Then she can change back and I can change his turn-ons once he’s in my possession.

Blake gets a makeover just in time to be proposed to by Sasha. He accepts, thank god. I was actually not totally sure he would because he had been difficult even with Sasha’s changed looks. Looks like we’ve got the next Vermachtnis spouse all wrapped up.

Meanwhile, Sasha’s brothers are seeing some loving of their own.

Sid’s lady is named Angie. She and Sid have great chemistry and are deeply in love, much quicker than Sasha and Blake fell.

Sean, on the other hand, had kind of a rough start with the maid, Shenene.

Still, with a little sweet talking from her, he softens up and they begin going out as well.

It isn’t long before Shenene and Sean are engaged too. Do you wonder why he’s proposing in Sasha’s room and why Sid and Angie were making out in it earlier? Well, it’s the only double bed in the house. Maybe siblings shouldn’t share just anything. Ew.

“I think wearing glasses is making me smarter!”But you’re in your PJs, Sasha. You’re not even wearing them.“It’s the thought that counts! Look, I just maxed another skill!”

Glasses or no, Sasha is maxing a lot of skills in between seeing Blake and doing her schoolwork. By the time she graduated, she had maxed all her skills. Since she and Sid were the last kids of the generation, they didn’t have any time to study as teens and thus she had quite a few skills to catch up in.

“Oh, you brought flowers? That’s cute. I brought a TV.”

No need to get competitive there, Blake.

Sasha, like many a popularity sim before her, is queen of the phone. She is always talking to someone, it seems.

“I feel funny.”

You look funny, dear. And it’s not just that face you’re pulling. Although, why are you making that face?”


Anyway, this is where I installed some new skins so Sasha is now a bluer green.

College life continues apace, with mascot/cheerleader fights, finals, and plenty of paper writing. The kids are now in their third year and doing great. They’ve all got spouses picked out and high grades. That’s about all you can expect from sims in college.

Vermachtnises and future spouses alike enjoy the bubble blower. Even Caryl the former cheerleader, Paul’s wife, stops back by the Greek house to blow some bubbles.

Sid, Sasha, and Sean enjoy some hobby activities. Sean in particular wanted a sewing machine and sewed a bunch of projects, several of which Sasha eventually took home to use at the main house. Sasha’s favorite hobby is sports, I think, but my sims rarely play sports so she focuses on music instead.

Sasha finishes maxing her skills in her junior year, as does Sean, who actually has the impossible want to do so, due to him being a knowledge sim, besides it being his LTW. I like maxing the skills of the heir/ess so that if they change jobs later, they don’t have to worry about skilling.

Angie and Sid, Blake and Sasha, and Sean and Shenene are all madly in love. I wish Sasha and Blake had higher chemistry, but pickings were so slim for male spouses that I guess I’ll just have to take what I can get. The boys both have two bolts with their ladies.

The boys like to do a little male bonding over catch or throwing the football. Only problem is, mean ol’ Sean throws too hard. Sweet, sweet Sid forgives all and follows up the game with a family kiss. Sid is so cute about that – he just loves to kiss his brother and sister no matter what they do to him.

Were you worried that there wasn’t enough hang-loosing (hanging loose?) going on in this chapter yet? Fear not, gentle reader, for it never stopped. Trust me: never. I just figured a bazillion pictures of these dorks doing this stupid gesture would get tiring after a while. Just because I have to put up with it doesn’t mean you do, too.

Oh Sid. Your niceness is working against you. Even though they had no relationship, Sid was too kind to turn the cow down when she wanted to whisper sweet nothings in his ear. They went on their merry way, relationship hardly any higher afterwards, but, well, this happened.

Interesting fact about Sid: all throughout college, he’s often desired to buy a game that’s worth $5,500. Just so we’re clear, that’s a bowling lane. He seriously expects me to buy him a bowling lane. Fortune sims!

Sasha is still a master of the bad phone call. She must have really bizarre interests because she gets so many negatives when she’s talking with others. It’s a wonder she can make friends this way. What I really love, though, are the faces she pulls.

Toga! Toga! Toga!

I wasn’t really thrilled about the prospect of another toga party so soon after the McMania one, but Sasha kept rolling wants for it over and over and I decided to indulge her. So get ready for the dullest toga party ever held. For one thing, it was in the middle of winter so everyone arrived in outerwear, but when they changed, it was back to their normal clothes instead of a toga. Sasha and her two brothers were literally the only three people at the party wearing togas. How embarrassing!

Even more embarrassing, the party was made up almost entirely of professors and relatives of the kids. The guy in the white hat is another student that Sasha’s friends with, but he was one of the only normal friends there, if not the only one.

While a group smustle session raged on the not-quite-big-enough porch, the library was another hot spot for socializing, especially since someone had brought a pizza. Sammy, Sebastian, Palmer, Lexie, Maddie, and Max were all in attendance. Max never made it in off the porch, though.

Thanks to the good influences of the Vermachtnis family, there was plenty of clumsy hang-loosing going on. This girl is Carrie, the alien daughter of an adopted generation 2 sim, who has been in college pretty much since the beginning of this neighborhood.

Note Sasha in the background there. She is super compulsive about the trash. Any time anyone throws anything away, she has to take the trash out. God knows what would happen if two things ever got in the trash at the same time. Disaster, probably.

The party winds down and Sasha is able to spend a little quality time with Professor Blake. She also makes best friends with the library wall. Max and a few other turkeys smustled on the porch for the entire party. Like I said, this was the dullest party I’ve ever had a sim throw.

Still, without any major excitement or entertainment, the party gets a good score and Sasha has her wants fulfilled.

Just another day in the house. Sasha plays the violin while Sid gives a kiss to his brother who just argued with him. The mix of personalities is really quite interesting, and I’m glad we have Sid around to sweeten things up.

Uh oh, mascot trouble. No longer content to just mess with his head, the cow mascot comes after Sid with some arguing and poking, which leaves Sid in tears but unwilling to retaliate.

Sasha, on the other hand, is more than happy to poke the llama mascot back. They have negative chemistry and had a bad conversation once, and it’s all devolved from there. Now they stand around poking each other until I direct her to ask him to leave.

“Aagh! So much studying! So bored! Head . . . going to . . . burst!”

Sorry boys, looks like the research session ran a little long. Sasha got out of the picture to go play a game.

These two lunkheads had to stand around and complain for a while before finally doing something to help their fun bar. Of course, it’s their favorite activity together: playing catch, even if it is freezing out.

This elusive creature is Chris Phelps, the resident streaker. I’ve been trying to get her into the legacy since at least June’s days in college, if not before. She is really, really good at only coming on the lot when it’s on fast speed and then running away before anyone can talk to her. And, of course, streakers are adults (which is a little creepy when you think about it) so I can’t just call her up in the directory. She finally decided to come do her dance for Sean and Shenene and Sid was near enough to catch her. For a chat, just so we’re clear.

After they talked, she ran off the lot, of course. Talking to her on the phone got the relationship high enough for Sid to invite her over and propose a makeover. Interestingly, she’s wearing what may be the most conservative outfit in the game – it’s the recolor of the social worker outfit. I guess it’s all or nothing with this chick. She got to keep her braids, but we did them in a slightly more flattering style. With a little makeup, she’s quite attractive. We may see more of her in future generations.

Ooh, this mascot is really asking for it. I watched for a while, ready to take a picture when they started to fight, but all they did was stand around and slap each other silly. How disappointing. Sasha, you have no nice points whatsoever, so let’s see a little less restraint from you, hmm?

Making new friends. It’s the end of senior year and we need a placeholder for the Greek house, so this young lady will suffice. Trust me that I redressed her as soon as she was pledged and moved in, after Sasha had convinced her with a long distance backrub.

And poof! Senior year is over and all three of the Vermachtnises graduated with a 4.0. Sid wants to be a cowboy, Sasha wants to be a ballerina, and Sean didn’t even get to come inside before growing up. Not the most dignified way to go about these sorts of things, but hey, at least they made it.

After graduation, Sid and Sean move in together into another M&G house. They quickly invite their sweeties over and get them moved in as well. Since the brothers had made such good friends tossing the football back and forth, I figured they wouldn’t mind living together.

A private, backyard, double wedding is held. Both couples happily say, “I do,” and two more are brought into the Vermachtnis fold.

Since it was all he ever thought about (or at least it seemed that way), Sid is keeping up his interest in bowling and has a bowling outfit as an adult. He also bought the bowling lane in Downtown. Now he and Angie can bowl any time they want to!

Sid and Angie had three children. Their daughter is named Sapphire and their two sons are Steven (top) and Seth (bottom). All three kids have pointy ears!

Sean and Shenene also make a very happy couple. Sean is permaplat since he maxed his skills in college, which is more than I can say for most of my spares. You got lucky, Sean!

Sean and Shenene’s only child is a girl named Mimi who got Sean’s huge eyes and Shenene’s eye color. She’s very interesting looking. I originally named her Angie because I have been playing a DS game with a character named Angie, before remembering that her aunt – who lives in the same house – is also named Angie. My point is, I can be quite forgetful at times.

Sid also finally got to buy a bowling lane and installed it in the front room of their mansion. Sweet, sweet success. And that’s it for the spares. Get a strike, Sid!

Back at the main house, several moving-ins are in order. Sasha returns home and grudgingly hugs her grandfather, but only because I told her to do so. She then invited Blake over and greeted him with a big kiss. Looks like we’re ready to roll on this generation.

This is the face of a sim that is laughing at me. First, he turned out to be romance, which – ok, I can deal with that. However, his lifetime want is to have 20 Simultaneous Lovers. This is a major problem because, while I let my sims screw around in college, they are always faithful after marriage. When I went to give him a secondary aspiration, he rolled Family. Palmer is family, Lexie and Sasha both have a secondary family aspiration, and I just played Katherine McMania who had a secondary family aspiration. I thought no one would believe I keep rolling these, so I rolled again. Yes, I cheated so it wouldn’t look like I was cheating. Look, it made sense at the time. Point is, he rolled family 3 times before I gave up and let him have a secondary family aspiration. At this point, Blake was on my you-know-what list.

I didn’t want Blake to cheat on Sasha 19 times or go the rest of his life without being permaplatinum, so I went ahead and changed him into a grilled cheese sim.

However, now he has NO chemistry with Sasha, despite having matching turn-ons. What bare stirrings there were before are now gone. Something had to be done.

Blake just wasn’t living up to what I wanted for Sasha, cute face or no. Although they were in love still, it bugged me that they now had no chemistry and I was really annoyed with Blake for being so difficult on so many issues.

I decided that Sasha deserved better from her spouse, so I had them break up. I let Blake be the bad guy, even though it did make Sasha cry, which broke my heart a little bit. Too late I realized that this just wasn’t the right match for her, but at least I did something about it. You’ll recover, Sasha.

A few days later, newly single, Sasha heads off to work at her new job. Culinary just wasn’t coming up on the computer but it was in the newspaper. I figured I’d let Sasha work her way up until it came up on the computer, which, as we all know, could take a while. She looks so cute in her flair!

Although this was not the way the first few days back of an heiress’ life usually play out, things continue pretty much as normal. Relatives, like Max’s half-sister Macy, come over and get treated to a big helping of hang loose. Sasha continues to have bad phone conversations. Except for the spousal situation, everything is on track.

In fact, nothing could be more normal than Max being a huge pain in the butt. He keeps wanting to use the computer but is stymied by the fact that Lexie has already parked herself there.

“Oh well, I’m not bitter. Guess I’ll just jump rope here, where it smacks you every single jump I take. Nope, no connection with the computer situation. Just random. Yup.”

Palmer has reached his second lifetime want to be Captain Hero. His next want is to have a Golden Anniversary, which will definitely happen. He’s turned out to be such a cute family sim despite his personality and however hard I try to write him otherwise.

The day of the wedding has come and we have one still pissed off bride, but where’s the groom? More importantly, who’s the groom? Guess you’ll just have to check back next time to find out how – and with whom – Sasha will recover from her break up. Until then, see you at SiMania!