VERBENA… · L bca tbat...

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Transcript of VERBENA… · L bca tbat...




bca tbat Jolla' ituat

:ie the from tlle 10 SL J now f6.

. ,

and aim to use •

the b~st grade


VERBENA floiir. ,

Exporters of Fish, Oil &c.

Premtaea--POIHT or BBAOH, HARBOR GRACE, NFLD · Branch Business al Grady, Labrador.


Jun a lflll1..,._ bmde4 ID a perfec\ly safe J1M1 for Uli in'aoUon oCour family

or Otai"lelftl ln old age. ~ lrFor f1lll particulan u'>to privileges and pt~ for

--. womea a.Dd 4l1dre11, apply to ,..


Board of Trade Building, St. John's.

JOHN DA VIS, local agent, Harbor Grace.



, 1

• S:t'ANDARD ~LENDAR. ---- ~ ---- - · · ""1ru8Em11siil9f5 ...

R A· SQUIRES Is IM L!..L~J ... !J.!'_ Ltl • • ""· I ' I I I I l I 2 I 314f

..; I( c.. LL B.. 1sr61- 7 C!l ~J1o I 1 ((

«! •• - ., B . IRRIS1'E'R· AT-LA w. L 12 j 13_L H l~lli L!IJ_!B L • I ,<;()f~ICl7'0R (ltld NOTAR't. I 19 120 121 122 I 2J I 24 I 25 I l : I - I 26 f27 I 28 I 29 I 30 I I I 'l f ~ tifl,,R n/ illontrral Ouildml!. • -= _ , :i ST. JOHN'S, :: NFLD. CURRENT PJUOBLABUDOR

--- FJSH LAST YEAR-1914. 1fd .!pboue-Office, No. 701.

Residence, No. 753

Soliclwr. -.-o--

o ... •1c¥--Renoof Building, Duckworth St.,

John's, Nfld.


. ,

M.D., C.M. Orfice Hours: •

9·11 A.M. 2·3. 7·8 P.M.

Office a nd residence, Victoria S treet, llarbor Grace.

'JJ .S .. Goodwin~ D.o.s; Graduate of Philadelphia A>eotal College aa4 Boe­pital of Oral Sa.rpry ... ·:·

Dental Office on Water St., out dQor to Shnmolll' Grocery.

Teeth extract.eel abaohttdJ with· out paia by ue of ,-ltallsed air or perfect anae.thetic.

-~ DR. A. B. LE'H R,



Be:.'t qyaii(y teeth, $1 2 o:o pe­Set. T ecth extracted, 2 5c. . 203 WATER STREET.


(Coatiaued.) J. !RomtaTS examined by

Moria K. C. oa bebllf of the plainti , said as folio•• :

I do·busineas ia St. John's. Tea was my principal bu$iness until the last two years, but I d~ t)titsg at a\l. l was inte.reated a bu1r.· r 61h opJhe Lab.~ yea • l sldpped frOlll Uae 1.Abra· dor to foreiga marlreta. I lbl~ two cargoes i>y foreign uOJai' vessel, the • WesterQ Lua' aad 'Ycrsa.' I tjhip~d. from Iodiaa Barbor. I have aa establishment of my owo at Iodian Hr. My agent there 1s Capt. Jehu Clarke.

The total amouat la my two car(OCll woulJ be about 6000 qtls. Besides that I brought home some in the fall, about 1100 qtls; that was (rom Harrisoa station. I soil! that 1100 qtla. ia St. John'• on board the vessel to aa agent of a foreig-n broker.- That 1100 qtls. would be what is called Labrador slop, and what I shipped wu the same kiad. The fish was aot an alike but it was all of ibe ume class. I sold. the 1100 ia the Jut week of December, I thitk. I aotd it for $5.40. T&e foreigur I aotd it to was makiag up a shipload here. I bought all tbis fish on the Labrador mostly from myowa dealers. I SU(>plied some mea to fish from Iad1aa Harbor. The7 fish on tbeir own account.and turn in their fish to me aad pay me (or suppliea. I also employ cren but my main dependence is oa shipped men. -----B. H.B.. Fowler from Portamouth,

Enal&nd, Jul1 12, to hit Parent.I at the Goulds. near Drips. -A few lchooaer loads of dry

codfiab trom the outports to SL Joha'a alace laa• iuue. Most of tbe fish was early-c&ua-ht Shore, aad told for she dollan a qaiatal. Oae cargo, or, al leaat. the great· er put of oae, which consisted of Jar,. ••llmadt ftsla, 9014 fbr S6 SO SeYpal Milera rot '6.25. All tbla bnticatea. wbell coaapared wttb coaditioaa ia Aupat, that tbe Rrice ia lreepiag firm, and a poeaUtili~ of $7.00 for prime­.-cle. No. 1 6th la OcURKr.

1 ·:!nr· The 111&pe tweea J4-0areclliif1lii'if-1~" not prellfd la. • e co.,. 3 miles, wltlt'aturf~

· GU~ loi: of~ But11 to tlae lait • liaeoes•. •tJl•. ..apiertoritr ,ot aamed abip._ / Tbf race ~off

. t• I

• aud workmu•lalP: aacl lbe Niobt'lmettall .. a''

I Abelout~ly etalolea. wot . _L .....L .& I w~ar •l 11: montb• bolee. ( NewJVUadlaaders)-of wb~u· or acw onn free. aeder Keaftdy of tbia totril wu

0 Specl 1 otf, one, tteat tbeii opg:aeata bJ ao~e

I To ~!!!",. 00~:.111 •• ,:-~. 1 30 boats' leart .. th~ apta crnrrcma7 or ~..i ....... _,,,, proving their proweaa at t~ oar. Ml' •r1l1lo1 and ab~DI chars-. 1'he.'1a~ were SS aa oar, put up we will 1tod J>09"° wlUI wrta.- b ·h n i f . ten 1to11rantee, bllck bT a ftn j t e oa men. vii le •tam O · mlllloo doUar OOJl'PU7• ellber 111\S)Dey chaapd bu4aioaHllddy ·

1 • 3 ,.era et•r95c. v81• t~iobe wlaaiair $100. l(ecdlen

Americ•n Milk RoelerJ, to l!ay the Niobeli ofllcen backec1 or 4 INlra •'our SOC. vllae •

Am.,..lcan CPbm"H Hoelery. their meo, baYi11r c:oaftd'eacd an or 4 ,..,.,, of eur SOc. v..... their favorite.-CO.. A mcrlea" C<ittnn·Ll•I• Ho.lery .

1 , ·

i ~l~cpaln or~~==}==- . -'ADVERTIS~ turns over • r.lMftH'~ ~h b011lel')" I• de- Stocka r~f JI tlaMefore muJ• : .tr.rt. · ' ti~ietl)> · mean• that 0 , Oti:ie'T. >""""'-Ol'Cer nplr'ff prtcu in a fiboP Aicla. 9dTtrti~ • ,..he11 11 dnler In 7oor locaJU:J . ..elt'alC'd. • caa. be sma 1 rather than bl&'·

~ lolcraatiouMlosier~ Co.· - There seem to be a r:ttat r. o. Ut>-x 2M: • th=u t ho,._ • nA YTO~. 0 1110, UAA. many m~a Ill a ry • .--• ... •••••o••• 00uu1 from the1r lath •because ~tJ

••• could aot eaclare'ifa metboda who K crp :\linml'') -Lloi.:,,ent . ,are cow read1 to llspose these

~e house metheda oa uL-U. S Pa~r. ..

i&TIU.. ~Trf,de Sept. 18Ul.).

Cobnaa- iiirmer \Ila• IQt


' ,. ' : ... ! ~ ~ "" !- }' •. - l ~ ......... . ._,.

week. ladep.. eat aellen atuao toacer aatbfieu with 16.00; bat gettlar more lliaa this cteRe•d• on the qualit1 of the-fish. 1'ro cit1 Public Notice I mep:banta have been pa_lifJ $6.-0 for No. l fislt • iace Tburaday. ---

It wa1 exceptional quality, and in PA S S P 0 RT S. / one caae needed ill bute to make Reaicleata of tbia Cololay. ia-up a cargo. td'aay outport hold· tending to travel out of New· era are. hold4'&' off for more than fouadlaad are hereby lloti&ed that 16.00. Labrador 10fl,- o(. wbich tbey may be required to produce here b Yer'f little here, fa rated Puaporta at nriou1 penal• oa from $4.80 toSS.00. their jourat:,y.

Cooon.. -The cocloil market PaMporta are iaaued at the D~ reached sno.dO, 1'eakeaed once partmeat of the Ooloaial Secre-GlOfe oa Thuraday, ud lapRd · d · R 1 back to SlOS.00, aad It was aot ta7,• aa accor aace wath u ea eaey to m~les at tbia fia'ure. aa Rqulatioa1 approved by the There i1 goior to be ao bif ahamp, Governor ill Council, to persons

e t&iak, th~fall la oil, ud the domicil<d ia Newfoundland, who are:- .

price will ft ate behreee SlOS • • aad tuo.oo. · · 1 Nabaral·bora'Britlah subjects;

Lowrus. -Bu1en are more 2 The °Wi_yea nd widows of 1hy of bu1ing big Iota tbia week. 3 p;.::;' ~u80ra1 .. ,·:~ ,·a th .. Very few are iacliaed to giwt lKU ..

more than Sl2.50. The blrllnt Uaited Kial[dom,ht British price paid-tbi1 week WU $12.75, Coloales,orfalacliL apiaat $13 00 lut week. It · 'A puaport C&Daot be iaued oa eatimatecl that about 2.000 cues bebalf o- a penoa already abroad; are attll f>eiar held ia the 011tporta sucb penoa abou1d appl1 for oae for a higher price in October aad to the a~ British Miasioa or November. We do not tbiak tbia coaaulate. P .. porta must aol will go over $13 oo al tlte best. be seat out of Newfoundland by

Fx.Ouir.-Wbeat la roiDI' ap poet. • • ' 'steadily in the Cldcap tD&rket _A.pphcaata are requea~ . ~ tlds week. owiDI' to aborts C:OYer.. bue tbeir Forms of _A.pphcallo.n tu-that ta to ay, ~ton (wbich caa be obtalaed at t~ia ,..6o boarht ia uticipatU,, of Depatt.aeat), prQ~y filled aa, tower pria. fearial' that tbe price accordia&' • to maiPDal iastruc­wlU be b~ller, are buying to aue tioaa -tbereaa, and forw~ed. to a Ible oa. former trauaetioas. ti/at the ~eat ia aufticaeat time preaer&Ure do not look fqr lowtr to ptftlaft ol aay •~ry a!tera· pricel, u4 all Uae iadtcalloaa &r6- • belac made an the aame be· tbat the maa who orden • JJO.llP f«lp.'ethe elate upon 1!hlcb tbe Pa... UmPGrtcr1 wlQ. ret the lowest ~ woa1d be required. ft r .fft. ll ear. .. ~he ch~rge ror a PutPC?rt

pqrk marbt Is $2 60, which covt? a period o Wint to the beav1 two years. after which it ma,r W

f.. qa. The price Cle- reaewed for four further periodl 50 ceata per llilltTel aiace of two years each, at a charre of

e. It ta imDoMltite to Sl 00 (or each renewal. fonc:ut whether the ia"f'Xt\m'>•e . Copaes of Rules and R•l•· yfll be up or down, l{Ut !Ollle kttD tlODS, f~rms Of 4ppticatioa, O{ bll8ille89 mea bere lre •~I' oa any desired iaformatioa may be the belie( thafthe priceofporkfor o~alaed upoa requeat. l9l5hunacbed the turalnr point. JOHN R. B~NNETT,

Bsu-..Tlae prica of beef ii . Coloa1al Secretary. uachaa,14 tla.ceJalt~ week. Beef ~pt. of Cololllal Secretary, ia dearer t~p,lc owiar ta d~ ~pt~~~ in\ 1915.:_ maad for r~oaa. Nor°"'-l .!J;::: tima, pork $4.00 a barrel d~arr r -er than bed, but we are liviD( ill war time • • beef is required for arm1 while little or · no pork la d.t -tWS pu~ PUBUC NOTICE.

NOJ.Alaj Alf1> Suou.-Priee rrowlar Ana?t. Wboltaale PUQ· cheoa lota now 40 ceats; tiered: 42c; barreh ~ Boldtr, are not auioaa to adt, beliuiar that the price wW ~-.; a cent or two hiper w fall trade eets in. Sugar ia 'tre ag aad, qcfiaed 10 cea• a YOt lbs. since 1-..t iuue. Retallen ~e dowu to aewea CeDta a ~ad. on Th11nd&7.

Ox aad after this date there will be ~led ia the Departmeal of Agriculture & Mines a list of all tiUee to Mining Locations upiriu&' during each curreat and aucceedlac month, with. the date 011 which each each titlCexpirea.

SYDNEY D. BLA?fDFO•D, Mia. Ag. & Mines.

Dept. 4griculture aad Miaea. Sept. 1st, 1915. CAT'l'Ul J.l'Jtao."-Mind oata are

aow 65cta. per bushel. C. l F. ~price la tzpecied ._, dnace M&lkei Report deal ilDlltb. Bran"aa. tie laaded . :" l for:tlO a 1bort ton, et.I'. Larre St. Joha'a. Sept. 1 l. 1'-b bai]Yl»eea bdoQd tiace ll'1as 4JQ) On..

aatldpatioti of an Luce Medium and Small Mer·

:• , • # cb&Dtable .. . .. . . . . . .. • .. . 6 00 • 1 !t , · ~ Medium ud Small

Ila. o__..., -tblie pre- V"adeira ..... ........ . ....... 6.00 -·-·--l for KiWloaadluul la.. Labrador . . . . • • . • • • . . . . • . uOJ1e d~lll,iltl4t a1114 ~Cllllarl7 Labrador, Sbore cared. . . • . . . none

wlaelnllli ollaJcl II ' ~Small Weatladla S3 00 to 3 SO "1f die 8tata for =,perbrL,No.1; lf'f2 SO to 3 00

i=- The 11.:.·~lf~~·:~~l:C.t~l~ ~

=~~~tzt"r:-= lalmoe. No. 1. eaa.all, per lrc . . 10.00 J,,obeten. per c, Mo. 1. • ....... 12 50

Ire. CDlloD.' ~ taa-of llafclwocid~.&'-............ Sl00.00

IOltwood • • . '. . . • • • • • • 94.00 •ti'fl• Cod Liar 0 per pl. 90c. to 1 00 PllOVJSIONB. &TC.

llli Maaittobalntpateata 7 5't to 71S

··~·-·J· BE3111d ta '700to 740 -""'"'~·... ta.. 1 so to 7 75 ...... '7 50 to 7 75 Oatario 7 50. to 7 75

~~ ~~tt..~;J~21~~ ~raw---.~ 111ltt PorlE ...... ao 050 to 21 o

, .. _ _,.. $. f. ----~00 to 28 00 Nd by otJa..,_, ••••• '!f .. 19 00 to 22 00

7.10 to7 20


I Advertiser.~

Dr. Morse•s Indian R0ot P ills.

Wr. l''llorse's.fndian Root Pills.

Or. Morse;'s Indian Root Pilis.

Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pilll•.

~To Sa"e Doctor's Bi!ls. use Ur. Mor~·s lndi8n Root &>iJls H!: flEST FA ... ILY Pl t.l. IN USE

Por Sa'• t>y aJI Oealtr.J.

1 from I The Peoples' Pppular Store, 1· ..

I ,

St. John's.

Summer Styles now at their Best. NEWARRIVALS·EVERY WEEK

I up-to-(This System helps to lieep our Stock fresh,

,, dcte, and always Complete.)

IN A WORD : Oar Showroom to­da.)1 is just what you woqld ex.­peel it to be . at 'the " f!iHg!K of Season. " -' / L .

r-..,.. A few Specia s - -. . -

- That should Interest Y~u. ,·

Ladles' American ··0 49 1'1 t . . d u t . ......... c / vn rimme na s, • This is a brand new Stock, showing Black !Plcl colored Straws. All the newest Shades. 'Qie purchase was'lsrge. otherwise we could not ofter hats of this cl&as for such an ex-tremely low price. Special.. .......................... 49c


Ladies' Wash Dresses. These come in plain linens and ginghams, • I other& 1D smar checks and stripes, with ·. plain fa$gs. Simple styles giving a nice · I cool ap~nce to the wearer. Oilr 1 Spec1al price for this lot ................................ 98c 1

~--------------------------..;.....~·-;._--------~ ! ·BLOUSE SPECIAL. I

The point of interest in the Showroom is 1 I our newest assortment of Smart American 1

Blouses, Real $ l.qo values at .................... 49c I Plain White Lawns, Muslins, Fancy



e" la "Tn4e JlcfJa pPL~w. ~ to43

p. 1 lb. .. 6 8) = , per lOCJJb. 9 20 to 9 50 pet' bif, Mo. 1. 5 60

Stripes, etc. Exquisites styles, leaving49

_ / nothing more to be desired, Specilll""rice C' . " _.., I \. I

~ '-f· Bo 2. 5 30 ~ per nclr. roard 5 21> Paa.-~ •pllt . . 6 00 -Tncl .. Rc•leor. .

f WB ~THE BEST aad l~t variety of stoves in the Onilatry, ud maay other goods &11 the same line too num· eroaa to meatioll. at

R. CALLAHAN'S, St. Joba'a. Nfld.

Boys' Underw~ar 28c. All sizes ill finest Balbrfggan, f injshed same as father's ; there is a hot ttme coming for us yet, get finer weight under­wear for the boys now. Special per garment ................... ........................................ 28c

·Men's Balbriggan· Underwear. . Good Saleamen Wanted. The better grade in fine Egyptian Balbrig. Goocl"S.alenauwaatedforu~ry gan ideal underwear for Sum.mer--pants,

towa Uct dillilct wllett we are , ankle length, double seats : Singlets with 46 aot """"°"'· Fralta.,e briar- ~ l~ \ lo~sleeves. Reg: 50c. garment. Spectal c

iq' Jifl'~ l*ica &Jld Manery I I ' • Stock Is Id demand. ¥ bir j aa0ae1


tlllt r ater by takinc an - MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. -

:c'i;.~eace aot aecemry. j l \• \ .._ ~ for fall pasticalara.


r ~ /:'. 8TOlllC A-..WBLLINGTON, -- - -

- . - '}.Woato Olltariq.


Mtaan1••L1"i':r• ie Everywhere I .. ~ vertlfe in Har~or Grace Standard.11


: i.\



. A r

Par.fies indebted wfll a_nd Subscribe at once

please "discharge their to the Home Paper.

otiligations promptl~. See our Liberal . Club Rates


Newfoundlanders abroad, keep . Ill ·

~~~-::. • lewfoDDCllaod .~ and

wiiirf'v,~ftr·A'8E · ~ i 11'1 W11:but>1a1d,aod<Ull'rcaaenbave

L a9 doubt tbourbt wilh us, that New(ou11dlaad ebould 1traia evtrJ nerve to take more part ia provid­ia{ our ·alliu witb mattrial re­quired wbilc tbe. war ia oa. By so dolaf we would be etre.ngtheo­iag olft-ielvea to bear the alr.:r.s of the atrugrle, and to be kept fit

1foi all that is before u1, aa well .. eoalributioJ ia greater derree to briar tbl.a hfc aad atrug­gle with tbe_JJ1tbleu Eaemy of ouracln• H !llillumaoity .at large to a epeedy, Yictorioua aad nery­w17 aatiefactory ead.

We are pltaaed lo see, therefore, the eadea.voR made by Mr. ~- W. AnKel of SL Jobo'a, one of. the mott eatuprialag and energetic

- •1

.. of our 7ou11rer mca of affairs-:;:-.:;;: • his wife from this Ba1. too, """ .. a daughter nf Captain William

.....,:.... OUR•• Bartlett of _Jive tbie ~~~~~~_,~;1111;~•=•a•;=;;~ couatr1 a part ia provid111g mu11i-: - tioas, aod we trust the work be I

-A soore of Amt!ric:aa bo71a11d bu uadutakeo. explained ia the really btcome ooe of the most im- the Placc:atia, Fortune Bay atld girls have beaten their "fathers in letter to the Telt'gram, :\ part of poctaat. • j Notre Dame Bay berrio&'? Wt' f! rowiag corn, oaU. and vcgc- which is fou11d below. will be 1up- Whilst Newfouadlaad baa beat-

1 r.urely 1ball be able to develop

tables per acre of land. ported most hnr1i17 by our peo- ca Nova Scotia ia recruiting aud I aad control the herriar fis~ery ia pl,., la particular by those. fbat ia the aeroplane aad machine gun those diatrkta. - We are 11eu the.

· Comfort. conteat, delight, have money available. eubscriptioos,Nova Scotia hauur- bi&b wave of the herrior iadn-Tbe age's alow-lSoUf'ht gala, The Mail aad Adv~ate baa altorether ia her efforts tr1 aow, aad we. 111 a peoplt', an

'They shriveled ia a a1,ht- apokca of the large amouat of to produce mualtioaa.-.. aow la a l>OIWoo to take adnat· Only ounehes remaaa qioaey eavioga that it\ is happy Mr. Angel teCUred a co~tract age of it by ~cbiag aad curlor

To face the aakt d days to aay is ia the po~oa or the from tbe Can. Shell Coat:actiag well aacl tblppiag lhe berriv Ia silent fortitude, fishermen. of the country, and no. for the Imperial GovernmenL in good co11«itlQD to market «MW·

'T hrough perite and dismays, doubt whatever there are Mr. Angel visited about oac selves. Shall we lose the 11"tateti Renewed and re-renewed. verJ much larrccr auma tba.a moat doz.ea 1bops la the Maritime Pro- commercial opportuaity that lau

-Kipliag. people tblalr ia the baade of otht'R vlac:ett aad Moat real, a lid through ner ·come to Newfoaadlaad ?----- allO lyiog ia the b&11ke of the tbe ...Utaace of Mr: CaaUey of rado RHiew.

latld ·at a mall hlterest or lylaf idle tlae Nova Scotia Steel Co., who is = ======-==· =e:::=-=====' -Paris, July 17.-Geaeral Gi l­licoi, yesterday ~~ aa order forbidiog the "pure bJ or sale tp the eoldien or ofllccn of what­ever grade ia tlaetatreached camp of Paris of aa,. alcoholic liquors wbateoever.

- A raLher tall ao1die.r, aa old resideater ·of Co. Antrim, he stopped and called ou a 1trect arab to ahiae hia boots. ~ feet were ia proportion to hi• '.height, and looking at the tttmeadous boot• before &lmt tho. arab knelt down oa the pucmemt, •d hailiac- a coJDpaaaoa bJ; exclaimed, •• Billie. come oYet and gie'a a baud. I've got an Army · con­t ract."

tucked away in the favorjle but a ·member of"tle Sbtll Committee, inaccurc stocking. procurred all tbe i11formatioa re­

Surclf, if there is a time when quired re cost and m1aufacture much o tbia ebould not be lclt aad plant. u where moth and rust will cor- Tbe opinion among munition I rupt and thicYes break tbru and manufacturers is that the •ar eleal," but em~loTed for th~ 1up- witt Jut a long Cime~ and that port of our rehg(oue ud beaC'fo· permanent peace may not be ea­Jeat ioatituUou and likewise of tabllshed until a considuable time our iaduslries, tbia.timeofialease after the fighting is ov~r. and atren aad 1traia ia the time. A• that munition making '!Jll coo· regard• this Muaitioa-eupplyiag tiaue a co111iderable time after e11terpriae, our people should ca- .peace la declared. deavor to take a share ia the Before sclettiag tbe order be at.Ock or u man1 more a1 they did, Mr. Aagel had to g\laraotee caa afford,·•nd •e hope the t bares aa output aad after estimating will be put down to u low a fipre carefully our capacity, figured u 1&7 $S to afford tbem aa oppor- that we could readily uaderta.k tunlty to "'fire a blalil'' at the to prodacc a thousaad llhella peT tbe Gumana ud for Hollle. Coan• week. 1'i do thie a plant coating ~· aa~Human Ri6bts. If wbat from 55 tP 60 dollars is ii eiic1 1a "\be Yetter i' c:Otrect, u required. we believe it

11&, there ia ao rl.ak By tile adaptation of 1taadard

atid the problll will be good. tool• aod tbe use of·~ Reid's Bat tbia coutemplated factory machine •hop. ""it is ~~ible to alloeld be oal1 oae of teYe~l. eq.Up a f~tor1 aad commeace Caaaot the GoYt'rameat perauade. m&aufacturiag here about Eebru­ot U aece,aary, utlat tbe Ore ary •

.._ -The Aoglicaa Synod of Nova co~ies at'Bell. lalaad to ' start Thia munition raat will bring -SC:otia at its meeting ia Halifax NQllitlon-Maaafacloriet ia tbe grist to tbe -mil of maay local

in June Jut paatd Yery atro•I' Conatq? Wearepretty1ureLlo7d iadu1trlea. Tbe Reid Dock Shop • resolutioDI calliDJ on the Domi- Ge.Or~. would if be were bere. aad Couo1idated Foundry Co.

aioa aad Pro•iaaal Goverameats We h&Ye (u ~e regret to l&J we will bue work to keep them busy " ·as anon u poaible to brial' oalJ of the Preu of tha coua~ for a few moatba. Tbe wood about the entire abolition of the have yet ettplaaciaed) teea bow worlriq plaa~ Ropewalk !:1d traffic ia alcoholic liquor u a oae at leut of the compaiales aail maaafac~unar compa111ts beverage." It espreaaed 1tsoplaio'-' hU waxed fat u ball• of Baahaa ..will pt COUtderable baalaeu. that the we ol iatodcauar n.· tiara •nlYiar •al~ Ja l,be Aad meclwlica wbo are feeJlar quon aa a ~nrare i1 P.fOdtaCU.-e "lbape ol"lfeU 111M4 ore to Get- aad will feel lor eome time.. tlle of uatold miaery and nal. tllU~~lml(. llMI', ew111 after dearth of·workt will hue pleat7

~ ltit 1ap to Ill 9owto to do. ~iM totbebt f..,._ Mr.~~ secured u order


..,._.. 11~ fOr *'9e foi']IO.,t!'!C>r.-., to -tie Ua:r.­* to 40,oqo, ..... u ,,. dfiDOd. aikl! ft ttrate om abillt1 to tum tlmi& Etii -~

.., ba& ia it" ~IVili fte • Obue'1 AaPlt, ~t:

981DO• ;:---·~ of to"tlle: •• ..,~,.._,.,..,..,.,..

··~ ~··· belllall ,. ..


PSl'DJJslD 185' !.D. OVER . 55 YEARS.

SVPPORT STANDARD drculates widely. in best BUSINESS ana

FAMILY ~-~boutthecountry. Isa Clean, Readable, ~ and lhdependent Paper.

Ady ..... &od it pays to use a ~per of good reputation. Quality counts. • r

THE HOME PAPER Our Job Work Oepartmeut is under charg e of an

experienc;ed competent foreman. It has a n excellent reputation- ct"" growing one. All sons of printing executed neatly, promptly, a t reasonable rates.

IN EVERY WAY Business Men-elsewhe-~ more than in N ew­

foand!and- are increasing>y bcc~ng convinced of the value of be~g their11ame.ind business before the Public.. Ha ve something the pJ.tblic wa nts o r would be tn9"beuer of. 1 ben the more widely you let such be<fcnown the better. One of the BEST a nd CH EAPKST ways of doing so is threugh the use of your name a rtdb 1sineso; on business paper-Envel· opes, Letter o'I Note Pap er, Bill Heads etc.

Y9U CAN. Look, too, a t the saving of t ime effected through

the use of PRINTERS' I K . Five minutes a day saved throug h letter headings, etc.. means 1 500 minutes a year. 8u!;iness men do not · need so much to be reminded of "this as the weary ho4se· wife. Then, by the use of printed order books, re­ceipt books, a nd other forms, how many hours a year will be saved, no t to talk of records of t ransac· tions kept.

Qtge·Jjarbar ~ractjtauharb, IJLY 11.00 l YEAR PREP~ID. '

. /

Bill Heads, Letter and Note H eads; Envelopes, Visiting Cards, Memor.ial Cards, oticcs of Meeting Cards, Receipt Books, Order Books, LabeJs in a ll colors, Counter Checks. Society Dues Books made to order.

-WITH- "' Church, Factories' and ~ocieties' Financi~orms

ot other requisites, Posters, Dodgers, Cimnars, Tic­kets, Bags, Tags, etc.

Mont-real Family Herald -oi--

The Weekly Witness -oa- ' •


$1.50 A YEAR.

~ Ask for ,...,.¢>

MID~· BEAUT¥. Highest Gr&de Kansas Flonr : ,

Rothwell &. Bowring l:td., l ST • .IOHN9S. NewfoundlAncL

~IJt I111t'bor f8t'Rct 3to11•~rb , A~O •

GO~C£PTIO~ BU ADY&RYH£i. l-'RlOA \' . ~ l~P1' 2-4, l<lt5.

Get W'\DY Mw;L Bo Put Dow.a. 11. is Ows to do Our Dest to

Help do it.

'rhe Uritisb Cabinet aad people \ are divided as to whether in order

to briog- t c War to a victorious c•nd and vc the Empis:c froa de; feat a destruction the voluntary s~·~t m of ra ising mco for the Frnot should ne1t be departed from and the fit of the British lslC"S be summoatd peremptorily to the colors. a'he agitation for cooscrip­tionismakinggrcat headwayi~ the British Isles. To b'! forced 1ato the ranks ia the Jut tbing a Cree J>COple like Mic British relitb ; but 1t may be·accesaar1 ia order to prceerve our life as a aatfoa and our liberties a.a a people. Lord Roberts advised it seven or cigbt

l• years ago, and the people of the f Northern United ~tat~ two gen­

erations age submillcd to it ia or­dcT to prescn·c tbe brcakinJ up of tbe Union. The oac lc(itimatc fhiag tbat will reader it unneces­sary will be for the Britlah men thruout the Empire that are lit to fight to rush to the ~tou,. with· out delay. Better to come of one's free will tbaa to be forced. But better to be forced lbaa tbat the ruthless Germans abould crush frce·l'Orn Britona down .to the dust beneath their iron becl. •

We bope that it lbe British Parliameat ud militarr and aanl aathorities'belie•e coaacrip· tioa aecaury tbat tbe1 will tell the COIUllsy 10 fraakl1 &114 that it will with oae voice AJ Allllllt be­fore it ia too late. Ia the 1ii'eaa­tlme all the machinery at diapola} to rtber mea ia for Nie Army aa Navy should work at full ..,..

Oa.r youag men of Ncwfouad­laad have come forward splendid· lh,batJlalri"'are many wbo Q.n li~aiwered tbe ealt. ·It- is laqrdy becauie the7 bne not 'ct felt they are ateded. They b&YC beea, as we. have tried to polat oat from the begia~inf, aeedfd all the time. Bat ne~r 90 bailly uaow.

The fact lbat many great RI!~ liah statesmeu aad military au· tborities that hated t he idea of C:Olllcriptioa ban been forced by the terrible danger the .Empire is hi to favor it. 1hould conYlnce 111 all that lbcre is aced of our doiDj[ our utmost to get every one tit ilf... to immediate riainf for lttViCt'. Oar young me should aot listen to uyoa~ or aaytbiar that would penuade them they are aot want­ed. They are most badly wan led.

Our authoria-. we alt. should be more up U4. ~- No effort. no ~ would. be '@_nldpl to ~ NCnliUllf. Tbae 111oall 1'i 110 sum· mer "·lJdl..""we Yt are =... ,_~

Any persqn iotendinglO invest in a Motor that gives lvtfu ,,......_. amount of b 'lther> and longest service, it will pay to call at our Water Street Storts, and be convinced that our Buffalo, \Von der and Eagle Motors arc the best procurable.

.... YOUNG DUCKS.-Tbi1 aea· 1011'• alld 1-.L Strain belweca la· dia Rmaaer aad Pekin . -prize-tak· en . .. Wilch about 3 to 6 lb.. Ap­pl7 st tbla Oftice.

- Scbr. Dorothy Duff reached Car· bonur Wedaeeday from S7dae, -The wbolctale floor market 1R

with a carco or coal1 to W. Daft 1teady, wilh a tcadencr tomuds aad SoaL 1light11 hl(her price• for Maaitob;i

ftoura. For iaalaace. " Sttdiog . .. -A D.tch &rm koowa to beacllog I a pure M.1niloba.f\Our la quoted lo·

u areola for a ~umber oC German day at $5 80 C.I, f. .. \{cat. " a 5() tradera. may be endcuoring lo U· per ceat Manilfba blet\4.i $5.55 c.r. port enemy irnoda to Canada under 1<~ ~od .. Cru,tnl"-Winter Wheal the guiac of Dutch manufacturu. -at $5.00 C.l F.

- Another Newfoundlander baa been ll•arded for braT«1 in lh Nortla Sea. Thia time it i1 Capt. Jack Jb.adtll, eon of tbe YCteran 1kippet of tbc Bilibop'1 yacht. Capt. John Randell of Trinity who h'• re· celnd the di1ling"Uia.hed aeoice crou CapL· Robert Randell who WH lo take charrc or Baine Joh••· ton'• out Icebreaker Iceland, la a "rot bu.

UNLESS Mf Companies bad promptly _.od

con111teol1y paid all loaaea (large or email) in Newfoundland durlog the m1ny )'UAI of my agenc7. could tbe1 cur Ila re pfoed lbe abs9lJ1te c:on6dcnc:e and remarkable popular· ity tbai they aow cnjo1? T~y are to-d•y aa religiou1ly ptt·

1i1tcat aa uer In gi•iog rouonable rate.. -

Ma1 t hu,-7oar bu1loeu? ,PERCTE JOB


NSON. ln1uraoce AgcnL

- Berli • Sept. ·22 - Commander• of Germar aubmarioea hue been l'ivcn atrlct order1 that in c:aae of doubt a1 to the lnleatioaa of lincra tbe1 are to take a aafe c:ourae and permit tbe 1biP. to escape rather tbaa rao the ltiarlate1t rlak of error.

-If ProhibillotJ la defeated. the old law Ylll remaJn In force, anti ils Lncal Option pro•lalon1 will be al ill aYallable. bat-and the BUT i1 a blr one-if Prohibition i1 rcfu1ed. It will •ouad tbe deatb·kncll of re. form for mao1 lour ycara ;to come. The opportunity 11 aow offered to clote down on the traffic in ita en· tlrety. make local option cffectiYe.­D Nc"a

.... AT TD FltORT. - A• u1ual we are at lbe froot with a aplendld 1fsowler of Saltlngw amt Overcoat· lnl'a for P'all aaa Winter wear, which uoder proailing condltiooa we were Cortanatclo securing. Beet quality tergea al uaual prlc:ea. Have your ocirt 1uil made from lbeae (oodt in the late•l New York atyle, with all lhe Amcricap dub" by uL Ma.ii orders given ·•pedal al· tcnlloo. Write to-day for umplct aud Ueaaure Card•

J. & W. MAl>JOAN, The Eirpcrt Tallora.

-The achooncr Mar1 Lloyd left Ball le Barbor Tbur1dny week for Valeoda, Spain. wilh 4000 qtla. of ,61b •hirpcd by Baine Jolloaon & Co. Thia ia lbe 6r•l i;af1ro for lhc 19&100, and it 11 hoped t6at tbc en· ttrpri1lo1r owael'9 will be rewarded br the ,Woyd reaching her distina­tlon tpce~'Jy, without encounlerinJ:' bad wut or 1ubmarlnea. and 6od tlLe oro6 le market that 611t cnr-goe1 gcutrall1 get.

-A Ne" Jeraey }odgc remarkccl aaya caaatlc:aH1 toa priaoncr that he liad better "~o to tbc front." T he ad'lke wu taken. literally. No"· the ex prlaoner "rltea lo lhe jud~e from a Brititb boapital : .. Well. l'•e beco through what l'll nc,·er (orget and 1'111 proud l'•c clone .my bit for a countr1 "orlh fighlar:K for.•· Be ~• aevercly wounded n t La Bauce. •

-We agree with one. of 011r city coatemporariea wbeo H any• thn l tbe Crown L~nda Dept . should he cleaned up. There baa been 1l J:'fell many rumor• current regard inir ~l for a numbet of lea,_, and on inn .. . t iraUon 1hould 0 baYC the effect "' dltpoalng or l bcee nasty q1morh If.the~ are guilty partic.,, out they aho1dd go. bait' and t»gguge. 11 they are tnnoccnt. ni! liarm cJ11 come of an iaYeatigation. Recent lnn1liption1 in Canada ba,·c r<'· 't'calcd a rolton atate of affairs. \\'c­wondcr if lhlnlt!' are u bad her.­Let lbe authoritiea iavealigatc ~ ace. J£ thia dy>'t occur 1u1pici6n . will atilt exi1t.-Tbe Pcoplc.

-bn1TUARY. - ?ttra. Lawrcn:'.:· Haye.a of l:hne1 Street near Noa it Street, (nee ;\riaa Mary Bearn) wl o bad b!tn io failin~ health for 11onw lime put died on Monday night la· · after a abort Jut illne1a aged 7' ycara. Ber bu1baod predece;iRnl by ten yeara. The funeral lot•I place on Wednesday, wbeu her r• main• were borne to thei r rtac" • real in tbe R. C. Cemetery. Sh· lea•ca to mourn her loaa one d:iuJ? lcr, 'l{iu Bell Ba yea: who lived w11 h her mother~ and two 1ona. sailorini.: abr~d in Canada and the State!'.

Wanted-A rcJiable Gcncr:ol Servant. with knowledge of cook. ing. Good t e(crcnccs r equin .J

Apply tb Mas L P111TC0AA11. Sept.24, tr !3ay Robcrh

-Our friend• acrou the Cabol Strait are al10 liniog ap for Probi· bition The g reat protfoce of Al· bcrta, Caoadabugonedr1. Happy. I' • apparently. for the opporluoit1 of.

~'l'be Sehr, le& Bellt la aowr at fcrcd to taJte a 11lap at tbe entrench· Wntffa Ba7 • ..V D. V.. landing cd liquor of the Mother Hppfl .. few tbe-,rOI . · L'!mber Country, the dry leadera of tbe N wf dJ R • eo~ new builder· • p11 atpre eaaa•tn pro•ince aeat thi• me••· 1st e OID and eg1ment. thaoe. l(r. 8t, , t ~manager age tb_ Lloyd G~rge : .. Eu11lind"• ol tJle Ir•• brl bere, 11 lo bue ~t enem1 ha. bttn 1laln by tbe oteNl.J!t of Ule llraacb. aad la \IM('Yote.raof Alberta.•· The Unit.M Parcc9 destined to the Battal· nor at -~ 1 naaklnr t 8tatt'9. then,-i• not lbe ooT, country' ion on acttvc scr"ice may be sen L ftmnag arraa,.. eat.. Mr. C. IQ which the l.lqpor dClllerfi are on Batt wllio bu aael1thar )fr. ruo. Tbert!'a a big agital~n to the Newfoundland Pay :ind BL Georp l&en. I we bear be· pqt roinr OD In OtJtarlo at tbe prca t Record Office, 53 Vicloria Street, la cbarn o( tbe new braacb. S1tt:j11 time. anJ Ne"fouodland baa prs.c · London s w for t ransmission ee.e to boUa tlle .. tcrpnee aad all tcally decldtd to rd, dry la Nonm· 1 t th r' t. • , eoae1ratdi11 lt:... bet ne.rt.-St Jobo'• o . Star. o c ron. •

\ ,_...l