VERBAL GUIDELINES - Arizona Brand Agency · Professional: Outside of being credible, it is also...

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Transcript of VERBAL GUIDELINES - Arizona Brand Agency · Professional: Outside of being credible, it is also...






If J Walkyn were a character, what would they sound like?

J Walkyn should speak like an established brand. Even though the company itself is new, the people behind it have been involved in this community for years and aren’t new at what they do. Rather than writing in the voice of who they are currently, J Walkyn writes in the voice of what it intends to be someday. Key elements:

Confident:One of the best ways to establish credibility is to speak confidently.

Would Say: Error 404 Page: “We’re better than you...and we know it. (But we still make mistakes)”

Wouldn’t Say: Error 404 Page: “Don’t hate us! We’re so sorry that the link didn’t work! We don’t know what happened, we hope that this doesn’t happen again. Sorry again!”

Straight-Forward:Short sentences makes it seem like you don’t have to prove anything to anybody, nor are you trying to.


Playful:This is where they personality comes in to play. You can give yourself some freedom for careful sarcasm. Make sure it’s obvious, however, considering sarcasm isn’t the same for everybody. Gentle banter can always make someone feel welcomed.

Would Say: On the help/FAQ page: “Figure it out for yourself. (Just kidding, we love you)” Search below!

Wouldn’t Say: On the help/FAQ page: “Do you have questions? We can help you with that. Search our list of items and frequently asked questions below.”

Writing in this confident voice also helps answer the question, “why should I trust my Jays with a start-up?” before anyone even thinks to ask. It’s establishing credibility within the context of what J Walkyn is saying. There is an obvious give and take with J Walkyn’s voice. With Jordans, the overall perception of the shoe is as a luxury brand, like a watch that’s worn for style and not just telling time. With that being the case, we should focus on having a luxurious voice. This will be especially important during the startup phase.

Would Say: “Buy ‘em now. Get ‘em now.”

Wouldn’t Say: “The following shoes are available for purchase quite simply and easily making use of an appropriate debit and/or credit card.”

Tone:In the context of the J Walkyn site, what is the message, and how should it be delivered?

The Situation: Middle-ManJ Walkyn is essentially the “middle man” between the buyers and sellers. Their website serves as a place where buyers and sellers come together to form a community.

The Message: In order for a community to form, there needs to be a level of trust established and a level of credibility. This is where you establish that you not only know about Jordans, but are an active member in the community as well. These customers, who essentially idolize their shoes, won’t trust just anyone to handle their pride and joy.

The Situation: CommunityJ Walkyn’s community will be a very personal one. Among other things, there will be thank you emails after purchases and follow up emails to make sure customers are consistently happy.

The Message: This is the chance for J Walkyn to really come into its own as far as the community goes. This message is to be both personal and fun. This is where “careful sarcasm” could be utilized.

The DeliveryCommunity: It is important to shift your message to make sure your audience knows that it is a community atmosphere. Using terms like “we” and “us” in your message will greatly help this out.


Professional: Outside of being credible, it is also important to show professionalism by following up on your word. It’s a brand that keeps its promises and stays true to its word..

Personal: The message to the community itself could be dubbed as “J Walkers.” Having a name would be easier for greetings, and add that personal touch needed.

Other Important PointsWhen J Walkyn writes as the company — e.g., ‘thank you for buying/signing up e-mails, description of the company’s history, etc. — it should be signed by Josh and have his name displayed. This is a message from the president of the company.

When J Walkyn talks about itself it is NOT talking about the company. It is talking about the Community. For instance:

>> BAD: J Walkyn reported sales up 95%

>> GOOD: J Walkers sold twice as much this year than last year.

>> BAD: J Walkyn loves you.; [I-YOU]

>> GOOD: We love this community; [WE]

J Walkyn should make their customers (both buyers and sellers) feel a part of their own community. There are a number of different ways to accomplish this. First and foremost, our tone needs to have a personal touch. It’s important to maintain a respectful and personal tone, but at the same time, they should feel as if they are welcomed and accepted into the J Walkyn Community as J Walkers.

The Message:

>> Highlighted sellers and buyers, with some more personal bio, photos of wearing shoes, etc.

>> A non-marketing survey that’s just to get to know you — publishes directly onto the site with responses — gives people a chance to say how they got into air jordans.

Would Say: Glad to have ya on board. Tell us how you’re using our site. [link to survey]

Wouldn’t Say: We are pleased to receive your registration. Your customer ID number is 675829134. Contact us with any problems you might encounter.

Mood:How should someone feel after reading content on the J Walkyn site?

J Walkyn should make their customers feel confident in their choice, connected in the J Walkyn community, amused by the brand itself, sophisticated in its luxury, and important by the way they are treated.

Confident in their choice. Credibility is the key to making people feel confident. You want J Walkers to know they are coming to the right spot. Avoid saying anything that makes someone question their decision. Another way, would be for them to hear from the owner of the company personally. The “Thank you” email could be


from Josh himself, asking if there were any issues, and most importantly, to contact him directly if they feel the need.

>> Might consider publishing reviews directly to the homepage to add credibility.

>> A security message at the bottom of the page. It should be a genuine message and not a legal cookie-cutter message.

Connected. The sense of community is what is going to make this brand take off. That’s what will separate J Walkyn from other competitors. [see above]

Amused by the brand. We keep talking about “careful sarcasm.” This is where this comes in handy. It’s always nice as a customer to be reading a website that has a lightheartedness to it. Don’t be afraid to be yourself.

Sophisticated in its luxury. This is obviously in contention with the “amused” as-pect of the brand but this has more to do with the product descriptions and the way we talk about the products, rather than the website content itself. This can be a way to show expertise and credibility, give us some history. J Walkyn should write about these shoes like you’d write about a luxury watch.

>> Use keywords like solid, optimal, performance, responsive, etc.

>> Appeal to someone’s desire to stand out and express uniqueness.

Important by the way they are treated. Everyone’s important: never make someone feel like they’re too small, as if the site is JUST for buyers or JUST for sellers. If there is a customer who is just getting started in Jordans, they should still feel welcome.

Superior CS Remarkabook

VerbalVoiceToneMoodContent Beats

Verbal Guidelines

VoiceIf Superior CS were a character, what would they sound like?

Superior CS should speak confidently. Your staff knows what they’re doing, even when they’re in over their heads.

Superior CS is so dedicated to an amazing product that it sometimes has little tolerance for loud ignorance or

lagging judgement. It speaks quickly in short, dry sentences. When Superior CS talks, readers should feel like

they’re talking to a witty genius who has neither the time nor the inclination to explain himself to people who

won’t understand. Key elements:

ShortOne of the best ways to establish credibility is to speak in short and truthful sentences. Short sentences makes it seem

like you don’t have to prove anything to anybody, nor are you trying to.

Current About Page: “Our smart, dedicated team will guide you through every step of planning, design, and scheduling to guarantee the most exceptional systems control implementation.”

Better About Page: “All kidding aside, our team is good at what they do. Your project will be done right—the first time.”

Straight-forwardDon’t beat around the bush with what you want your visitors to think or do. No BS. Just say exactly what you mean.

Current Contact Form: “We are here to answer any questions you may have about our products and services. Drop us a line and we will respond as soon as we can.”

Better Contact Form: “Want us on your project? ( do) Here’s what we need to know.”

Writing in this confident voice also helps answer the question, “Why should I trust my project with Superior CS?” before anyone even thinks to ask. It’s establishing credibility within the context of what Superior CS is saying.

SarcasticThis is where the personality comes in to play. You can give yourself some freedom for sarcasm. Make sure it’s obvious,

however, considering sarcasm isn’t the same for everybody. Banter can always make someone feel welcomed.

Current Error 404 Page: “Fancy meeting you here! Don’t panic, we’ll get through this together. Let’s explore our options here.

Better Error 404 Page: “Congratulations. You found a non-existent page.”

NOTE: All dry humor aside, Superior CS will get the job done right, and will never joke about that. Visitors to your site will never hear you quip about unfinished projects or projects being done halfway. When it comes to a job well done, Superior CS becomes very serious and earnest. Good work is no laughing matter.

There is an obvious give and take with Superior CS’ voice. Sometimes it will be sarcastic, and other times it will be dead serious. Underneath the attitude and the confidence, there’s a genuine desire to help customers and clients—to make sure they get the best solution. This will not come across very “snuggly” or “warm,” but it should still be apparent.

Verbal Voice 15

ToneIn the context of the Superior CS’ site, what is the message, and how should it be delivered?

The Client: EntrepreneurSuperior CS provides automation for the entrepreneurial car wash owners. The website is a place for Superior CS

to sell itself and its expertise. Imagine Superior CS is giving a presentation to impress a big corporation, but is

completely confident in its abilities. The presentation is just the final hook or the icing on the cake.

The Message: These pieces of content should speak to success and opportunity. Feel free to throw in technical

explanations (one sentence) here and there, but make sure to balance these with the typical short, impactful

phrases. Entrepreneurs should feel confident trusting Superior CS with their enterprise.

Examples: “Quality or speed? Is it too much to ask for both?” | “Buy the system you only have to install once.”| “For your consideration…”

The Client: Company Reps or PurchasersSuperior CS will deal with people who may be set in their ways—who don’t recognize the value of (or need for)

the systems that Superior CS creates. These people can be convinced through Superior CS’ expertise and witty

arguments. They should never feel ostracized or disrespected, but should recognize that Superior CS cares about

them too much to let them continue with inefficient systems.

The Message: This is when Superior CS can get more sarcastic. It should not be rude, but should almost have a

“I don’t have time for your stupidity/Do you hear yourself?” attitude. Through humorous remarks and confidence,

Superior CS can help these clients see the folly in their outdated ideas and closed-mindedness.

Examples: “Looks like a TKO to us…” | “Any time now.” |”Ok, here’s serious.”

The Delivery

Deliberate: When Superior CS speaks, it’s not an accident. You say what you mean and mean what you say. Nothing

should sound half-hearted or poorly-thought-out.

Distinct: Superior CS is not trying to create a community. You’re not trying to make a bunch of friends. Don’t be afraid of

using differentiating terms like “we” vs. “you.” Superior CS is an exclusive club of geniuses. Normal people don’t get to

be in the club just because they’re clients.

Current: Don’t panic, we’ll get through this together. Let’s explore our options here.

Better: Calm down. Our team will make sure you have what you need.

Loyal: Superior CS’ clients should know they are covered 24/7. They should know that Superior CS will back them up and

help them get where they need to go.

Verbal Tone 17

MoodHow should someone feel after reading content on the Superior CS site?

Superior CS should make their customers feel:Superior CS provides automation for the entrepreneurial car wash owners. The website is a place for Superior CS

to sell itself and its expertise. Imagine Superior CS is giving a presentation to impress a big corporation, but is

completely confident in its abilities. The presentation is just the final hook or the icing on the cake.

Confident in their choice. Credibility is the key to making people feel confident. You want clients to know

they are coming to the right spot. A great way to do this is to publish testimonials. This allows other people to

establish credibility without the company needing to brag on itself.

Affectionately insulted/Amused by the brand. We keep talking about sarcasm. This is where it comes in handy.

It’s always nice, as a client, to be reading a website that has a lighthearted jest to it. Don’t be afraid to be

yourself. Your readers should feel a little bit intimidated.

Impressed with the intelligence. Superior CS knows its stuff. It’s ok to throw that out there every once and a

while. You can use engineering jargon, as long as it’s been deliberately placed (almost like you’re showing off

what you know and they don’t). Because you’re just that smart.

Safe (because of great service). You want clients to know that their projects are in good hands. They’ll know

this partially from the apparent brilliance of the Superior CS team, and partially because conversations get very

serious when the topic is top-notch service. Superior CS will joke about a lot of things, but customers will never

hear a joke about quality of work.

Content Beats for Superior CS1. Patience & Availability Great service is not just a cliche

Superior CS sticks around to answer questions and follow up

We help with any issues that might arise

2. Shorter Lead Times Projects can have a quicker turn around

3. Making people’s lives easier with automation It’s a worry-free system (less stress)

Why people should pay a little more for convenience

4. Car Washes More advanced technology that hasn’t been introduced to the market yet

How do the control panels save money?

5. Control Panels

6. Programming

7. Experience and Ethic We do it right the first time

If it’s not perfect, it’s not good enough

Verbal Mood 19


VERBAL Communicating Honest, Savvy, and Laid Back

Stewardship Brand Handbook 13

VERBAL STRATEGYWhy a Brand Verbal Strategy?

The success of Stewardship’s business depends primarily on word-of-mouth and the development of loyalty and trust with its customers. A person who starts a relationship with Stewardship should feel like they’ve discovered something rare that they want to share with other people who they care about. A person approaching Stewardship for the first time should be struck by what they’ve found and moved to act. What makes Stewardship remarkable, and how is this best communicated verbally?


The best way to communicate the Stewardship personality traits of Savvy, Honest, and Laid Back is through showing them rather than explicitly telling people about them. Imagine if someone walked up to you and said:

“I’m really savvy about a lot of stuff and things like that.”

“You can trust me, I’m honest. I have your best interests in mind . . . really . . . “

“Good evening, sir. I consider myself a laid back individual.”

Obviously, no one in their right mind would believe you to be savvy, honest, or laid-back. What matters in communicating these traits is less what you say, and more how you say it. The biggest positive change in Stewardship’s writing (based on the website content) would be a move from telling us about these traits to showing us these traits by show it talks about other things.


Stewardship Brand Handbook 15

Ideally, Stewardship will sound mature and professional, and sincere and reputable, and personal and human. Right now the personal and the human and the sincere seem to be least well expressed: they’re talked about but not shown (these messages seem to be undermined by the way they are written).


COMMUNICATING HONESTYStewardship’s communications should give the reader a feeling of being dealt with honestly and straightforwardly without a hidden agenda. Stewardship provides honest advice, not salesmanship. Honesty is something that has to be shown, not “told” (anyone can tell you they are honest). Ways to show honesty in writing include: transparency, sincerity, objectivity, and relationality.

1. Transparency. Honest people are open people. Writing should feel candid, not like something is being held back or being manufactured. Including small details, even if they are completely trivial, can help reinforce a sense of transparency. You don’t want to air your dirty laundry in public, but you can take your shoes off even if your socks are a little sweaty. Insurance, mortgages, and finance are such serious contexts that simply having fun in your writing or using a bit of humor comes off as a sign of transparency.

2. Sincerity. Honest people don’t say things that they don’t mean. Avoid salesmanship in your writing – trying overtly to persuade people that you are the best, that they should call you, that you really do care about them. If you wouldn’t feel comfortable saying it to a close friend of yours who asked about your business – if it would hit them as unnatural or canned coming out of your mouth – then don’t write it about your business for other people to read.

3. Objectivity. Honest people aren’t self-interested, but instead are able to see things from an external point of view. Avoid false optimism; avoid playing to the fears of your audience.

Stewardship Brand Handbook 17

Writing should be clear and straightforward – avoid an abundance of busyness (or cliché) phrases or flowery expressions when you can say something in a plain, simple way.

4. Relationality. Honest people are trusted by others in long-term relationships. Talk about those relationships you have with clients and why they are important to you (not why you are important to them). You can’t really take an interest in someone who is anonymous (your actual reader), but you can show how you would take an interest in them if you knew them by showing the interest you’ve taken in your existing clients. Anything that reinforces a sense of distance (putting them back in the role of evaluating you, and you in the role of trying to persuade them) will get in the way of this relationality.

5. Other suggestions. Written Content that directly addresses honesty might include something like (i) a short list of key ethical standards or principles that the company holds as cornerstones, (ii) an emphasis on Stewardship’s independence, (iii) telling part of the story of the company that explains why it can be trusted. Note: we implicitly trust people and faces more than organizations and logos. Explaining why the company can be trusted may require telling more of the story of the person behind it in a humble way (not: “here is why I am so honest”, but: “here is what I am motivated by and what I care about”).

KEY WORDS: Open. Genuine. Real.


COMMUNICATING LAID BACKStewardship’s written communications should sound relaxed and down to earth rather than stilted and formal. Even if you’ve put a lot planning into what you say, it shouldn’t sound planned – the time you spent shouldn’t show. While much of the content on Stewardship’s site communicates the right message on a literal level, it is worded in a way that almost seems overly planned, forced, or unnatural and so it undermines this message on a less conscious level. Here are some suggestions for sounding more laid back when you write:

1. Assume you already know your reader. After all, most of the people who read what you write are likely to be people who already have some connection either with you or someone else who knows you. When you put “YOU” in all caps or overemphasize it, you make your reader feel like you are talking to everybody and not to them personally. Instead of trying to write to the entire planet, write as if your audience is either someone who you’ve already talked to, or someone who you are about to talk to.

2. Humility. Laid back people aren’t full of themselves. They make other people the subjects of their sentences, not themselves. (Not: “We are committed to serving our clients”, but rather:

“Our clients can trust our promise to serve them”). Humble people aren’t bossy. Don’t tell the reader what to do. Avoid using exclamation points in imperative sentences (“Do this!”) except when you really, really mean it. Exclamation points are fine when they are expressing a feeling (“With a captive insurance agency you are stuck!”), but not okay when they are issuing an order (“Call us right away!”).

Stewardship Brand Handbook 19

3. Relaxed, Conversational Style. Avoid unnecessarily heavy-handed, formal language – words like “regardless”, “accordingly”, and so on. Contractions are acceptable – this isn’t 7th grade English class. Avoid phrases that are particular to the trade but won’t mean anything to those outside of it (unless you explain the phrase). Most of us don’t think of mortgages as “products”, even if they are. Nearly all of these formal terms can be rephrased more like they would be spoken in the middle of a real conversation. Also, it can be subtle, but if you can find an appropriate way to do it, put a bit of humor into your writing.

4. Humanity. Also, try to show the human side of the people who work at Stewardship. How can I feel comfortable emailing with a question if I don’t have a clue who Brandon is? Who is Brandon? Who is Mike? Who is Grant? What roles do they have in the company? What is their background? Are they nice people? What sports teams do they like?

5. Short and sweet. Complex sentences and long paragraphs communicate seriousness, not laid-backness. If you can say something in two short sentences instead of one long sentence, or two short paragraphs instead of one long paragraph, then try it to see if it works. Not only will it make the text easier to read on an electronic medium (and easier to process for those with short attention spans) but it will put the reader at ease – you’re relaxed and direct, you aren’t trying to sneak something past them.

KEY WORDS: Stop on by. Hang out. Take your time.



Here are some examples from previous Stewardship messaging that illustrate suggested ways to improve along the honesty/laid-back dimension:

Current: “We make the process of securing a mortgage simple and straightforward by offering you the latest in financial tools that enable you to make sound financial choices.”

Better: “Securing a mortgage probably sounds intimidating and complicated. It doesn’t have to be. We’ll offer you our experience (we’ve done this before!) and can empower you with the latest in financial tools. We think you’ll find the process can be simple and straightforward.”

Current: “We are not salesmen nor do we create pressure situations. Choices are not made for you, and customers are not pushed into loans.”

Better: “We’re not salesmen. We don’t create situations where you feel pressured. We’re not going to make your choices for you. We will never push you into a loan.”

Current: “Stewardship Mortgage is committed to helping YOU find the right mortgage product for YOUR needs.“

Better: “You need the right mortgage for you. Our whole team is committed to helping you find it.”

Stewardship Brand Handbook 21

Current: “We understand that every borrower is different, and we offer a variety of products to meet your individual requirements.”

Better: “The mortgage your neighbor needed may not be the same as the mortgage you need. Instead of offering a one-size-fits-all product, we adjust and adapt so you can choose what’s best for you as an individual borrower.”

Current: “Regardless of your situation we will give an honest evaluation of where you are, converse about where you want to be, and form a game plan together to help you get there.

Better: “No matter what your situation is, we’ll give you an honest evaluation of where you’re at

and talk through where you want to be. Then, we’ll form a game plan with you so you can get there.”

Current: “At Stewardship Mortgage our customers feel important, because they are!”

Better: “It is a huge privilege to have customers like ours!”


COMMUNICATING SAVVYStewardship’s existing written communications already sound competent and informed and lead readers to the thought: here is someone who knows what they are talking about. Most of the suggestions in this section are things that Stewardship is already doing well, and shouldn’t stop doing while trying to improve along the honesty/laid-back dimensions.

On the “savvy” dimension, Stewardship takes the role of a good teacher, someone able to explain difficult and intimidating subjects in a way that anybody can understand. Stewardship’s communications should give people the sense that there is more they need to understand than they could figure out on their own with a google search, but nothing so difficult to understand or overwhelming that they couldn’t figure it out with help. Without crossing the line into offering free advice, teaching and explaining new concepts to people establishes your knowledge, expertise, and trustworthiness.

1. Content: written content should remain highly informative and relevant to the type of customer (mortgages, financial planning, or insurance). However, respond not only to the questions that people commonly ask, but also to the questions that they ought to be asking or thinking about but don’t know they should. Don’t just react (like an F.A.Q.) but be proactive in guiding people through what they need to be thinking about.

Stewardship Brand Handbook 23

2. Tone: When writing, write like a teacher who educates his audience patiently for their own sake, even if they don’t ultimately become clients. A good teacher doesn’t dumb things down, but also doesn’t assume his students already know certain references. A good teacher walks slowly and step-by-step through what they are trying to explain.

Previous phrases: “select a loan product”, “current financial picture”

Better: “decide which loan you want” / “where your finances are at right now”

3. Style: Explain technical terms or jargon to the beginner. Don’t overwhelm your reader with more information than they can handle, but “wow” them with your ability to explain a few things well. People want to know why these distinctions matter to them, not just what the distinctions are.

Current: “How is an index and margin used in an ARM?”

Better: “What is an ARM?” [explaining why someone should be sure they know what sort of interest rate they are getting themselves into]


4. When there is too much to explain in writing. Some topics may be too difficult to explain in a small space, involve too many alternative scenarios, or risk spilling over from “general explanation of how things work” into the category of “unbilled professional advice”. Avoid “cop-out” language when you run into these questions (i.e., “without knowing the particulars of your situation, it’s impossible to say”). That’s what politicians do. Instead, turn the difficult question to your advantage and say something to this effect: “Some of the factors

to consider are X, Y, and Z. In particular, for some people Z may be right, but for others balancing X and Y is a higher priority. Getting your X’s right can be tricky and getting your Y’s wrong can put you at risk. We’d encourage you to give us a call if you are considering these issues.” That makes the reader feel like you know enough to advise them, and they really need to meet with you to get that advice.

Current: “There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of mortgage, and the best way to select a loan product is by talking to us.”

Better: “Fixed-rate loans provide some people with x, whereas adjustable-rate mortgages provide other people with y. If you’re looking for a mortgage, talk to us and we can help you consider all of the advantages and disadvantages of each.” [In other words, establish that you know advantages and disadvantages, but then establish that your reader can’t really make up his or her mind on limited information like this – they need to talk to you.]

Stewardship Brand Handbook 25

5. Authority. In a casual, not heavy-handed way, reinforce your credentials and experience in subtle ways. Answer not only the question of why people need someone “independent”, but why Stewardship is the right independent third party to go to. What makes you an authority?

6. Realism. Explain how insurance companies really work, how banks that issue mortgages really work, and so on – including the parts most people aren’t aware of. You gain tremendous trust with potential clients when you sound like you know how these companies really operate (and you aren’t secretly in league with them to screw your customers over). Stewardship sounds like a realist, not an idealist, when talking about the options people have, and this is a positive.

KEY WORDS: Teacher. Explanation. Realist.






WHY A BRAND VERBAL STRATEGY?The success of Max Fit’ business depends primarily on word-of-mouth and the development of loyalty and trust with its customers. A person who starts a relationship with Max Fit should feel like they’ve discovered something rare that they want to share with other people who they care about. A person approaching Max Fit for the first time should be struck by what they’ve found and moved to act. What makes Max Fit remarkable and how is this best communicated verbally?

Verbally communicating the max fit personalityThe best way to communicate the Max Fit personality traits of Real, Strong, and Personal is through showing them rather than explicitly telling people about them. Imagine if someone walked up to you and said:

“I’m all about the latest fads, gadgets and trends...I’m as real as they come.”

“If you’d like, you could consider joining our gym. We are very strong.”

“We accept anyone and everyone. The more the merrier! We offer a personal touch.”

Obviously, no one in their right mind would consider you real, strong, or personal. What matters in communicating these traits is less what you say, and more how you say it. The biggest factor in Max Fit’ writing would be showing people these traits rather than telling them about it.


communicating “real”A real dude” would be transparent and open. This is real; it’s not about quick fixes and unrealistic goals. It’s about seeing ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Writing should feel genuine, not drafted and re-read over and over. Realness is portrayed by an external point of view; avoiding false optimism and playing to the fears of your audience. You can communicate real by being genuine and straight-forward. Sentences should remain at conversational length, and not drag on.

rooted in real lifeMax Fit isn’t a fan of the latest gadgets or superpowers. It’s about real hard work and dedication; a full life change. This isn’t a gimmick, and you want your audience to see that. Again, this is about ordinary people doing extraordinary things, and in order to do that, reality has to be the foundation.

wittyA real person isn’t concerned with impressing anyone with professional jargon and robotic interaction. They’ve seen quite a bit of life, and they don’t take themselves too seriously. They’re perfectly comfortable cracking a joke. You can start out by something over-the-top, and then bring your reader down to earth.

Ex: On a help page, you could say something like “you don’t need any help,you’re the best. But if you’d still like help, I’m here for ya. Look below.”

RelatableNothing is more intimidating to a potential audience than feeling like they don’t belong. Max Fit should strive to relate to each individual person. This will not only allow people to relate to the brand, but it will also show that personal touch that is so important to achieve. Max Fit understands that people have lives, and can’t workout all the time. They aren’t getting fit because it’s their job (like a professional athlete), they are just trying to keep active.


communicating “strong”The word strong is going to be automatically associated with any gym. Rarely, will Max Fit have an interaction where it does not exude some energetic or competitive aspect of it’s personality. It’s important to emphasize exactly what kind of strength that Max Fit is encompassing.

energeticMax Fit needs to be careful to portray exactly the kind of energy it wants to show. It’s not the typical “bouncy” kind of energy that we’re talking about. It’s an energy that will be shown by an excited, but not bubbly, style of writing.

Bubbly/bouncy: This style of writing has lot’s of exclamation points and lot’s of short, one word exclamations: Wow! OMG! Hey guys!! This, 78on top of uses of the words, “totally,” “literally,” “super,” etc. It involves evaluating things unrealistically. “This is the greatest program ever!!”

Energetic: An energetic tone uses some shorter sentences for emphasis. Very selectively use exclamation points, but never over the top. Always write in the active voice, not passive. In the active voice, the subject is doing the action. A good example of this is Johnny Cash’s song, “I walk the line.” “I” is the subject, the one doing the action. “I” walks “it,” the object of the sentence. In the passive voice, it would say, “The line was walked by me.” Not as big of a hit.


Here is another example that specifically relates to Max Fit:

Most boring: our clients have received for all the years we’ve been in operation the utmost attention to their fitness program.

Better: You will receive the utmost attention to your fitness program everyday with Max Fit.

Best: You are receiving the utmost attention to your fitness program everyday with Max Fit.

Keywords: Fast, quick, intense, powerful, strong, push, reach [words that refer to actual

physical actions you take with extremities. reaching vs pursuing. grasping vs obtaining]

gritMax Fit isn’t strong like man at the state fair that lifts cars with one hand. It has the kind of determination and perseverance that develops when life gets hard. Max Fit shouldn’t write like it was born with strength, but like it just wouldn’t quit.

competitiveNaturally, Max Fit is competitive in the athletic aspect of it’s business, but it’s not a “sports team” (pitting people against each other in a win-lose situation). Rather, Max Fit encourages it’s clients to continue pushing themselves to be better than they were the day before.


communicating “personal”This is where Max Fit can really separate themselves as a brand. This is where your word-of-mouth recommendations come in to play. Max Fit connects with people easily. When the brand speaks to the audience, it will be highly encouraging and empathetic towards everyone that it comes into contact with. You understand where people are coming from and you welcome them with open arms.

ComplimentaryMax Fit is its client’s biggest supporter. Everything that’s communicated to the client should make them feel amazing about themselves and who they can be.

Lifestyle changeThis involves Max Fit’s presence through the thick and thin of a client’s fitness journey. Max Fit should come across as a lifelong friend and guide, speaking as if you’ve always known them and you’ll always be there.

InteractiveMax Fit interacts with its clients as people with thoughts, feelings, emotions, and struggles - not robot bodies in need of trimming. This involves a constant interplay between trainer and client that is never automated and is highly responsive.

EmpatheticMax Fit should never sound like a typical, high-school football coach (always yelling and pushing). It should be in-tuned with the client’s emotions and thoughts, sharing in the struggle and providing encouragement. Ex: “I’ve been there too. Let’s work through this together.”