VERB CHOICE Unit 2 Persuasive Writing. Objective Use descriptive active verbs in active voice...

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Transcript of VERB CHOICE Unit 2 Persuasive Writing. Objective Use descriptive active verbs in active voice...


Unit 2 Persuasive Writing


Use descriptive active verbs in active voice whenever


Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

Active: Subject ActsPassive: Subject is acted upon.

Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

Active: Luke wielded the light saber.Passive: The light saber was wielded by Luke.

Active: Yoda has an awesome voice. Passive: ??

Active: ??Passive: The father of Luke is Darth Vader.

Use a passive voice:

- Almost never- When you want to draw attention

away from the action or doer of the action.

- When you want to cause confusion.

“Bombs were dropped on a village last night by a U.S. Army fighter jet.”

Action Verbs vs. Blah Verbs

Although sometimes necessary, Blah Verbs offer no mental picture for the reader.

BE Verbs- Be, Is, Are, Am, Was, Were, Been, Being

DO Verbs: do, did, does, doing, didn’t, don’t

HAVE Verbs: have, had, has, having

MAYBE VERBS: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must

Action Verbs vs. Blah Verbs

Action Verbs appeal to the senses: ChattedGiggledShriekedWhisperedGossipedPreached MimickedSharedScreamedGasped

Come up with a list of 100.

Action Verbs in Active Voice

- To be more concise and to the point: I have been to the mall. I rocked the mall. - To be more efficient and descriptive: Yoda talks funny. Yoda gargles through his words.

TASK- TIME Magazine’s 25 best inventions of 2012 - Read about your assigned invention. - Write a brief advertisement that informs

the audience about your product while selling them on it.

- Limit your use of BLAH verbs to 2. - No passive voice.- Be prepared to present your advertisement

with enthusiasm.