VENTURING CREW 1717 Officer Training. AGENDA Who We Are Why Are We Here? General Obligations of...

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Transcript of VENTURING CREW 1717 Officer Training. AGENDA Who We Are Why Are We Here? General Obligations of...


1717Officer Training


Who We Are

Why Are We Here?

General Obligations of Officers

Specific Officer Responsibilities

Crew Member Responsibilities

Crew Organization / Governance


Key Considerations for Your Year in Office

Who We Are


• Part of the Boy Scouts of America

• Co-ed – a program for older youth, focusing on high adventure

• BSA / North Eastern Region / National Capitol Area Council / Aquia District

A Part of Scout Family 1717, Chartered to the Hartwood Presbyterian Church.

• Troop 1717

• GST 3236

• CSP 578, 579

First Chartered in the Summer of 2007

Non-Exclusive membership: Males, Females, Scouts, Non-Scouts

Goals of Service, Adventure, & Fun

Why Are We Here???


Who are you? …age…siblings…special interests?Where were you born?How long have you lived here?

Why did you join Venturing?

What are your expectations for tonight?


Who are you? Age (yes)… siblings… children… special interests?

Where were you born?

How long have you lived here?

Why are you here?

What are your expectations for tonight?

Crew 1717 - Elected Officers


Vice President – Administration

Vice President – Programs




General Obligations of Officers

Be Committed

• to the Crew

• to each other

Know your Crew Bylaws

Keep Things Organized!

• Plan it!

• Deliver it!

Set the Example

Do YOUR Part!

Your role as a Venturing officer

•   Foster and develop a true sense of community in the crew- encourage growth and responsibility to one another

•  Work in a spirit of partnership with your Advisors / Associate Advisors

•  Develop a program of activities for the crew and help to carry them out

•   Uphold the standards and policies of Scout Family 1717 and the Boy Scouts of America

•  Ensure that all activities are conducted within BSA safety guidelines and requirements

•  Cultivate the capacity to enjoy life - have fun and explore as you lead

• Approach Venturing in a spirit of fun and enjoyment- encourage Crew members to do the same


•      Serve as youth leader of the crew

•      Implement the crew program in cooperation with officers and members

•      Work closely with Advisors / Associate Advisors in a spirit of partnership

•      Represent the Crew - Venturing Officers Association (VOA) meetings - council VOA program planning conference - available to report to the Crew Committee and Board of Directors

•    Appoint youth chairs for special projects and appoint special crew officers

•     Present the annual report to the Board of Session of our Chartered Organization

•     Assess whether all of the officers’ duties are being carried out effectively    

VICE PRESIDENT - Administration

•     Serve as administrative officer of the crew

•      Assume the responsibilities of the crew president in his or her absence

•      Lead recruiting and admission of new members during the year

•      Organize and recognize the achievements of crew members- educate the crew on advancement opportunities- promote advancement among crew members

•      Maintain crew advancement chart and records in (TroopMaster?)- review progress of individual crew members at least monthly

•      Conduct opening and closing ceremonies for special occasions as scheduled

•      Attend all crew activities

•      Participate in the council VOA program planning conference


•     Serve as the program officer of the crew- coordinate the program planning process for the crew

•     Determine the interests of crew members on an ongoing basis - use Venturing Activity Interest Surveys and Program Capability Inventory- monitor crew feedback to assure that activities are meeting expectations

and maintaining the interest of crew members

•     Provide support for the chair and committee for each activity

•     Maintain an up-to-date calendar of crew meetings and activities

• Ensure that a debriefing session (AAR) is done following each major activity- what went right? - what could we improve upon?  

• Collect and maintain a crew activity file of all of the above information- PCI and VAIS- annual activity schedule / calendar- activity history file – a record of major activities and debriefing notes


•      Serve as the communications officer for the crew- manage all communications and publicity for the crew

•     Coordinate crew communications and publicity - coordinate distribution of crew newsletters- manage crew Facebook page (including access and information security)- manage crew Roster - crew e-mail & telephone network

•     Maintain crew membership roster and attendance records

•     Handle crew correspondence

• Keep accurate meeting minutes•Attendance•Votes•Events•Decisions•Program

• Maintain crew records of past activities and years


•      Serve as the financial officer for the crew- maintain financial records

• Crew general or specific accounts• Venturer accounts

- prepare crew budget for approval- monitor the crew budget through the year and report at meetings

• Prepare cost estimates for crew activities (with the Activity Chairperson)     

• Collect and disburse crew funds, to include fundraisers

•     Communicate with the officers and members at least monthly to keep them informed about the crew’s finances

• Coordinate with Committee Treasurer to maintain crew financial records

• Prepare financial summary statement for handoff to subsequent Treasurer


•     Serve as youth “pastor” for the crew

• Lead opening prayer at each crew meeting

• Assure that prayer precedes each major activity for Crew 1717- prior to travel- prior to each day’s activity

• Lead or coordinate worship or devotional activities at overnight events- Sunday morning worship- other devotional activities as required- daily devotionals for extended trips (each crew)

• Coordinate with Associate Advisor for other crew or crew member prayer needs

Responsibilities of Crew Members

Contribute to the Crew Planning Process

•     Communicate their interests throughout the year – Successful planning activities require a clear idea of the interests of the entire crew.  Interests may change and develop over the course of the year, so it is important that members talk about their interests with officers on an ongoing basis.

•     Suggest ideas for activities – Each crew member should think about and share ideas for good activities.  In addition, each member should listen to the ideas suggested by others.  Suggestions often begin simply by brainstorming possibilities.  It’s important that members feel free to make suggestions without worrying about their views being criticized.  When enough suggestions have been made, then and only then is it time to look carefully at the ideas that serve the best interests of the crew.

•      Participate regularly in meetings and activities – If the crew is to remain a caring and cohesive group, the group must meet on a regular basis.  Being there for regular meetings is an important part of commitment, and commitment is what holds people together and strengthens a group.         

Responsibilities of Crew Members

• Serve on activity committees – An activity committee works out the details of the crew program and puts the plan into action.  Crew members will be asked to serve as committee members for individual activities.  The success of each activity and the success of the program as a whole depends on members taking their responsibility seriously and doing their best to make each activity meet the interests and needs of the entire crew.

• Chair an Individual Event – Crew members may be asked to serve as chair for an individual activity committee. Effective leadership of an event committee can make all the difference between an OK event and a truly great and memorable event

•      Share the expenses – All members are encouraged to give input concerning the crew budget as well as the budget for individual events. The entire membership votes to adopt or not adopt a proposed budget.  Once a budget is adopted, all the members are expected to contribute their share, paying dues and trip expenses on time, and working on money-earning projects.

Responsibilities of Crew Members

• Vote responsibly for the best interests of the crew – The most important crew decisions are made by a majority vote of the membership.  Members should attend meetings and take part in discussions before voting, listen carefully to the different positions on the decisions that must be made, and speak out before the actual voting takes place.  Once a vote has been taken, the members should support the crew’s decision from the vote.

•      Work with the crew officers to achieve the overall and specific goals of the crew – Electing good officers is important because they take the lead in activity planning and other crew business.  All members should carefully consider which members would be good in each office, and consider their own abilities for holding office.  Once officers are elected, members should do everything they can to support their officers, offer assistance whenever possible, and take a leadership role as an event chair for one of the activities within the year’s program. 

Every member is responsible for contributing to the success of the crew.         

Responsibilities of Crew Members

•      Recruit new members – The best people to recruit other young people for the crew are the members themselves.  Person-to-person contact is the most effective method of recruiting new members who can add fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the crew.

•     Seek the help of the Advisors or Associate Advisors – Any member who has a question or is in doubt about what to do in any situation is encouraged to talk with the Advisors.  That is what the Advisors are for – to guide crew members and to provide support and assistance.


Becoming and being a leader is your primary goal as a crew officer


What, exactly, is meant by “LEADERSHIP”?


Leadership is NOT…..

X Making decisions for others

X Telling others what to do

X Using other people as tools to accomplish your personal agenda


Leadership IS…..

Empowering others through service

Creating a positive environment within the crew where everyone

feels their own self-worth

people grow and want to be involved and engaged


Three Characteristics of Leadership…



- serves the best interests and needs of those you are leading

- serves more as coach / counselor / guide

And NOT as “The GENERAL”!




- Involve others in decision making

- everyone has the responsibility to participate

YOU set the tone for shared leadership




- service to others

- the model for our behavior - Christ

- the standards for our behavior - scripture

Let others see Christ in you

…And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus… Col 3:17



We are all in the process of becoming better than we are today

We ALL Learn By Doing

We learn faster when we take the time to reflect on what we have done

- how might I have done that differently?

- how could I have done that better?

Make REFLECTION / AAR’s a regular practice…

- as a group

- individually


If your Adult lead is here, now is the time to get with them one on one for about 5 – 10


Key Considerations for Officers


The calendar is set – now is the time to PLAN!

Take a look at the Calendar – which activities will benefit from planning?

- How much time is needed for planning and preparation?

- Should you start now, or can you afford to wait?

- Should you designate an event chair and have them assemble a committee?

Look ahead to your end of term planning event –

- get it on the calendar soon

- begin collecting interest information/input

Key Considerations for Officers


What kinds of things should you be doing in regular meetings?

- What things MUST you do?

- What things need to be done, but maybe not at the full crew meeting?- Could some things be handled in a different forum (like e-mails)?

Meetings are the thing you do most often - Plan meetings to keep them interesting to EVERYONE- Make effective use of everyone’s time!

Should the Officers be meeting separately to ensure that crew business is being handled and regular crew meetings are well planned?

- How often? - Where?

Sample Meeting Agenda

Some things to consider…..

•Time Management

• Roberts Rules

Key Considerations for Officers

Future Training

Venturing Leadership Skills Course- for all crew members- REQUIRED FOR Venturing SILVER Award- can be taught at crew meetings

KODIAK- taught only in the wild (Spring Break ?)


Some Final Thoughts…

You have a great slate of officers

You now know what YOUR responsibilities are

Do your job – depend on the other officers to do theirs

Enlist other crew members to help as needed