·ven - philipclarke.org DREAMS.pdf · dreamed dream and m spirit is troub ed to ... ~mmanuel K~nt...

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Transcript of ·ven - philipclarke.org DREAMS.pdf · dreamed dream and m spirit is troub ed to ... ~mmanuel K~nt...

"Md .Nebuchadnezzar said unto them, I h ve dreamed dream and m spirit is troub ed to kno the dream". Dc1niel 2: 3


Dreams are as old as hum n i tv itself. have been re~arded with more or less

si nificdnce in every o.ge - including this. ~specic1l y la ed un i~no rtant nart in cul­tlre of nri~itive neo es.

·ven kinPS drec;.m - uneus ily drean f 1meas. ies the h.ec1d th..1t ,~e rs cro n. introduction has to do ~>lith a kin@''S dre

rl King's Forgotten Dream

Let me tell . ou d out it. rtll interested in dreams and ortents in this so~histicated day.

The king w s l<"in~ over rri hty B..1bylon - his name, if i interests ;ou, as Iebuchadnez­zur. ~Jell, he bad u. dream. lndeed recur­ring dream. un ble to escape f ro1'l it. ..tmt in the r orn in he had forg0tten it complete­ly. GreatlY erturbed. Dream had mean ing. But unu.b le to recover it. uneasy •

..t:H.msacks memory but of no use. Then he ca 11 s in magicians l::U1d oo rcerers C!Ild te1ls the problem. They ook concerned und lise. Then •ri th unreason of desrot he dei'lill1ds he

e. ei ven inter ret t ion of d re est. , tel us the dre <.Jia nd .

the eanin,g". "That's the ru ; I've for ot en; ut ou rmst recover the dre m and in­

terre the dreaP'l .•. or else!" "0 kin , iv for ever, only tell us the dre nd re 'll t?:ive inter reta ion thereof". ,.,x:.isper ted. rders them to be s "'in . "Of ,~,hat use?"

Storv continues. ~rcung He rew . name of D niel ivinR i n ub~lon. Brought into situ~ ion and undert~kes to find f r~otten dre ~ ~d t sunn r inter ret tion. He did.

-2-t ow?'' ou ask. ccount r'3""ds th!it D nie sked his friends to r th..tt dre m might e revealed to him b God. i th ut di p r-

ing r::~.yer, right I suggest th t erh Daniel knew a li tt e bit about men tal ro-cesses and bout 'm t we term s cho-an· sis?

He knew sure v thut dream nd dreamer re related - dre~n co~es out nf experience

of dre mer. P rh ns he r ca. led one of the reJ.t H.Jbrews and 9. certain dre m he h..id •

.Tacnb's drean t Bethel was related to the dre mer. Thought he h d left God at home.

"Rel x ;vour :rJ;:tjest~ . Ju.:.t tel me al vou ' ve been thinking dbnut latelv. l'Jo'.l t ke vour time. Just s· y an:thin , that COT'1es in to :our mind". ...nd the king had be en think ing; the king had a troubled mind; h d problems of state on ~ind; w s orried the future. -\.ll atter of lia.nces growing no1·.rer of his ene'Tlie s.

t l,;t t he cries nut "No''l I renanber !'' 'Now I l:lave it"' :t-ot necessar t v.o into the dredm or its inter retation. Unless r0u re l y wou d il<:e to know what dream

was. "I sa 1 great irr.ij;j.ge. Head nure gold . Bre sts cmd dl'ms silver. tom ch, thi hs, legs of brass. Ji'eet mixture clay-iron. ' D niel was ctble to bring to forefront of king ' s consciousness the elusive dream and mental distress vanished.

r,ot interested in dream or interpreta­tion thereof. Red story for yourself. It is idea of a forgotten drEfl.m that- challeng­es the mind and imct~ination.

~ un ' s .J:t'orgotten Dream

. common exoerience this; to dream and then forget. Haunted. Can't find rest of mind until recaptured.

Grau.t fd.c t is that man is a dreamer. Brin

" ot in entire f rgetfu ness 1~ot in utter nakedness· ' ~ut trailing clouds of'glory do

we come, .1«' rom uod , vho is our home. "

'lordsw rth


dreams w1 th us into W:J rld. 'lords nrth ex­presses it for me this morning. Gre t words. M rk you, they would not be accepted by all

A psychologists. But who cares? I'll tag • along with 'Vordsworth and the poets in this

re gard. Psychologists insist we come into life with minds entirely negative and blank. ""' ... big, buz'7ing confusion".

I take mv stand with ' 'ords"WJrth, for I believe we are born with a dream. 'Ve bring something into ife with us. ~rin a dre m from God - beaut , truth, eternal goodness. ~mmanuel K~nt WdS challenged and amazed by two things -the starry firmament without a nd the noral law '•Ji thin. 'l'hat ' s it! John . uts it like this in his nrolop-ue - "There is a light that 1 iR"hteth every Illl:in coming •• "

.ie carry within us a dream. Detai s of that dream often are indistinct und almost

A forgotten. Hut it ' s there al the time. ' e • c tch glim se of it '"'hen men worship - then

forgotten dream is recovered for brief time. l~en we worshin, no matter where, we witness

to reality of that dred.m. 'l'he Christ ian be­fore his altdr, the Moslem with face tow rd Mecca, the uagan before his idol, all wit­ness to that dream placed there by God.

1\lan worship because they wistfully are un ble to completely forget their dream. It is d. part of us. Could we completely repud­idte it then ould we be utterly lost. rhis dream is the cause of our unrest - it is not tlu t we cannot find God; rat her is it that we cannot comp et ely evade or escape ·i th n us. .l!'rancis 'l'hompson knew it.

So much toda on to idea of

Ttl.atrs the rub. 'l'here are times when ha rd to believe there is sl ear-greatness in soul m n.

to nake it difficult to hold goodness and divinity of man.

~.a.n! Feverishly enlarging his civ1zat1on; erecting beautiful monuments and buildings; extending his social services; and then per-

A iodically going mad and with unbridled fury W' destroying the treasures of his civilization

Mcin - lunatic man! Aild people are saying, m.vhat 's the use

of anything? Where is there any hope? Life seems destined for the jungle rather than for a paradise". ..,.nd I vo uld have to be a pessimist also were it not for the fact that I believe man is man with a dream. Perhaps an almost forgotten dream, but a dream none­theless •

.r or man cannot escane this dream. Y.e hdunted by it. J!·undamentally, he dema.nds beauty, love, g-oodness. 'l'he se are normal de sires. ualiness, suspicion, hatred, ruined becili ty, are not normal - abnormal and repul­sive. xes. man has a dream- and a dream ha

e man. ~nd when I despair of ma.n, 1 turn then

to the one who knew 1.1ha t was in :man - and loved him just the sdme. Jesus who surely knew the deep denravity and darkness dlld mal ignant hatred of men 's hearts, believed in that dream . tie challenged neople and sought to awaken their sleeping greatness . .a.t His touch the dream became vivid and real - tie never l~"'~st fe:~.ith in men dlld their possibili ­ties - :ie never despaired of ony man.

Re:r1ember ing t he dredm v dry of Iv u.gdala rose from sordid levels to heights of loving service; and ~accheus abandoned his greed rose to _high levels of gemerosity; and ITWl as unstable as Peter became as a solid rock;

a and an intolerant, fanatical s ul became an W' anostle named Paul. .d.ll because Jesus Him­

self believed in the dream and made others believe in it also.

There is our hope - and the hope world drrl society - in that dream.

•• I ~ ..

·· f9onfident as a f9hild

No. 692

ALITTLE child came for the first time to the big city

to visit her grandmother. One day downtown the

little girl saw · a streetcar noisily coming down the

street. She was greatly frightened. Slipping behind her grand­

mother close to a brick wall she quietly folded her hands and

bowed her head. In a few moments she turned and looked

up at her grandmother. ''I'm not afraid any more. God will

take care of us," she remarked with the simplicity and confi­

dence of one not at all uncertain.

" Become like little children," was one of Jesus' very

earnest injunctions. A first step in compliance with that may

well be taken in our prayers.

Simplicity and absence of doubt are perhaps the two out­

standing characteristics of a child's prayer, that is, the prayer

of a child which from infancy has learned that he may speak

to God without reserve and in full confidence.

But what a st_ruggle for persons more mature and more

sophisticated to attain to this simplicity and absence of doubt!

Only by steeping· one's thought in the promises of God and

by practicing daily reliance upon them can these sublime

characteristics of the little ones be acquired.

Blessed indeed is he who in the artlessness ·and confidence

of a child can approach his Father in heaven.

C> A.P. H,l1lho In U.S.A.

FREMONT STREET METHODIST CHURCH Gloversville, New York Fred Clarke, Minister .

Marjorie Gensemer Minister of Music

Lewis Cunning, Sexton

Grace L. Gifford Church Secretary

ORGAN PRELUDE - "Cathedral Windows., INTROIT - "Deck thyself, my soul, with INVOCATION - By the minister

Henri Mulet gladness" Bach

·HYMN 2 - "Come, thou almighty King" RESPONSALS: Minister: Create in me a clean heart, 0 God;


People : Minister:


And r enaw a right spirit within me . Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; And uphold me with thy fr ee spirit.

Minister: 0 Lord, open thou my lips; People: And my mouth shall show forth thy praise .

DOXOLOGY .. To be sung by all


* SCRIPTURE LESSON - John 1:1 - 18


ANTHEM - "Open Our Eyes" Macfarlane The Fremont Choir

PASTORAL PRAYER :: LORD'S PRAYER ORGAN OFFERTORY - "Sheep May Safely Graze" Bach-Biggs PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS HYMN 353 - "The King of love my Shepherd is" Dykes


HYMN 73 - "Be still, my soul" BENEDICTION :: CHORLL J~MEN ORGAN POSTLUDE - "Deck thyself, dear soul" * Interval for Ushering



We welcome all visitors to the service this morning.


10:30 ll:OO 11:55



Morning Worship and sermon; "Forgotten Dreams". Antltem by the Fremont Choir. · Church-time Nursery for small children. Primary and Junior Church. Church School. Men of the church are invited to the "Everyman's Class" under the leadership of the minister. Classes for all a ge groups. Union Evening Service at First Methodist Church. Guest preacher, Rev. Harold F. 1~nte, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Rensselaer, New York.

The altar flowers today are the gift of 1~ . and Mrs. Keith Berner, married in this church yesterday and to whom we extend our best wishes.


MONDAY 7:00 Girl Scouts meet in tho church. 7745 Mass meeting inaugurating opening of New YOr1C State Council of Churches·, Ar ea Convent ion at First Me thodist Church, Amsterdam. Speaker, Bishop w. Earl Ledden

TUESDAY R: 30 Morning Session of Area Convention. 2s00 Arfernoon Session. 7:45 Evening Session. 3:00 Annual Party for members of Home Depart­mont with supper served at 5:30. 7:45 Executive Board of w.s.c.s. will meet.

WEDNESDAY 67ZO Covered Dish Supper and Quarterly Meeting or-ill church school t eachers and offic ers and the ir husbands and wives. The prayer mee ting group is also invited and any others who might wish to attend. Bring a dish and attend.

THURSDAY 6:30 Werner Worker Covered Dish at the church. FRIDAY 11:00 Weekday School for grade 9.

1:00 Weekday Sohool for grades 7 and B.

SCHOOL OF MUSIC Fremont Choir - Tuo sd~y, 7:30 p.m.

High School Choir - Thursday, 7:15 p.m. Chape l Choir (ages 12 to 14) -Friday, 3:30p.m. Carol Choir (age s 7 to 11) .. Saturday, 9:30 a.,m. .