
Post on 18-Nov-2014

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The chief controller of body movements

Transcript of Vata

VataChief controller of body movements

The movement you think of Vata you remember pain. Yes you feel pain because of nervous system. Nervous system, metabolism, hormonal glands are under the control of Vata. Even our sensory organs are under the control of vata.

Even internal communications of the body & body external communications with the environment completely & totally depend upon Vata. The centre of vata is in large intestines below naval. All the problems of intestines, thighs

Waist, bones of entire body, ears, skin are due to vitiated vata. Whether Vata is excess or less than normal also causes health problems. Excess of vata is called ‘Prakopa’ let us see the symptoms of vata prakopa in the next slide

Body will loose weight Skin becomes blackFine tremors may be

feltWants to eat hot foodSleep will be lessStrength is reducedBody/ Joint pains are feltTri malas are less

Experiences constipation

Abdominal flatulence/ pain

Fear, weeping tendencyIncoherent talk

Are some of the vata symptoms which Ayurvedic texts describe.Vata is distributed all over the body. Based on place 5 types

Prana Vata-HeadUdana Vata-ChestVyana Vata-Heart

Samana Vata-Stomach

Apana Vata-NavalLet us see various vatas role in our body functioning.

Prana Vata: Concentrated in the head moving in neck, upper chest region. Influences our thinking, decision making ability. Strengthens blood vessels. Spitting, sneezing, belching, respiration are under its influence.

Udana Vata: Concentrated in chest region. Moves up to nose, throat & upto naval below. Controls our talking ability, complexion, body activeness, understanding, also stimulates one’s mind, recalling ability.

Vyana Vata: Present at heart region and minutely all over the body. Stimulates all body organs -specially sensory organs, flexing, extending, getting up/ sitting down, closing, opening, yawning, masticating, likes & dislikes of

Food. Cleans & clears channels of our body, improves circulation of blood, induces sweat, helps in taking semen to uterus & helps in pregnancy formation. Helps in digestion of food consumed by separating rasa from waste portion.

Samana Vata: Present in all body channels, improves appetite, stimulates digestion & Uro-genital systems. It helps in digestion, chime formation and also sending waste material to bowels for evacuation.

Apana Vata: Present around naval region. Sends out urine from urinary bladder. Helps in bowel evacuation. Also controls and helps in delivery process till the child comes out of the mother’s womb.

What happens if

Vata vitiates?The impact will be on the body Ayurveda detailed more than 456 diseases due to vitiation of Vata like

Cracked Nails Cracked Heals Shooting pains Bend in the

legsNumbness of feet Heel PainCalf muscle pain SciaticaKnee pain Thighs weakensMuscle stiffness LamenessAnal pain Painful testesUrogenital dysfunction Inguinal areaPain in buttocks Change in

faecesProtruding Belly Hunch BackDwarfism LumbagoPain in neck Pain in sides

Nausea LustTachycardia Chest

HeavinessChest pain Shrunken

shouldersStiff Neck Shaking NeckSwollen throat Jaw painPainful lips Cracks in teethLoose Teeth DumbnessStammering Incoherent

TalkBitterness in mouth No tasteDry mouth No smellEar ache Noises in the earDeafness Eye pain

Eye irritation Protruded Eyes

Blurred Vision Pain at TemplesHead ache Scalp PainPain in hair shafts Facial paralysis Paralysis Stiff BodyFatigue HallucinationsTremors DepressionRough Skin Black SkinSleeplessness Mental

ImbalanceDelirium Hot FleshesLoss of interest Withdrawal


Are you astonished to know the impact of Vata on your body? Are you worried? How to over come from the effects of vitiated vata. Here lifestyle plays 80% & medicines will play 20% role. What life style? Thoughts, bath food, work, sleep

Hurry WorryCurry





Hurry makes worry and eats away all merry in your life. Nothing can be done in hurry except in rare life threatening situations. Think - Plan - Act to over come the problems, situations and to achieve things in your life.

Worry buries your merry. Can you change a unchangeable situation by worrying? A worried person loses his physical & mental abilities and land up in more problems. Yoga, dhyana, humarology, good family relations reduces worry.

Curry: You are what you eat. Eat only when you are hungry is the golden rule. Avoid all foods which vitiates vata right from the age of 18+ yrs. Let us see what are the rules of the game makes your life healthy happiness to you & your family.

Consume Reduce/ Avoid

Fruits: Grapes, lemon, Cherry

Straw Berry, Pineapple, Dates Mango, Papaya

Dry Fruits

Vegetables: Cooked Onions, Carrot, Beet Root,Radish

Mushrooms, Raw Onions, Cabbage, Cauliflower

Rice, Basmati, Wheat Boiled Rice

Pulses: Mung, Ground Nuts, Almonds, Til, Cashew

Dairy: Ghee, Butter Milk

Soya, Chikkudu, Beans

Cheese, Cream

Have light nutritious breakfast with idli, wheat, raagi, sajja, jonna, veg salad, fresh fruit with ginger tea/ butter milk by 9 AM

Take lunch around 1 PM little rice/roti, 2 varieties of cooked veg curries, curds, salads & fruit

Have Ginger/ Tulsi tea/ Butter milk with sprouts, salads, little upma, 1 vada around 4-30 PM

Take light dinner around 7-30 PM with 2 pulkas, veg curry, salad, fruit, butter milk

Walk slowly for 20 min after supper. Consume about 100 ml diluted milk with Aswagandha around 9 PM and go to bed before 10 PM. Never sleep during day time, if you want lie down and relax for 10-15 min. get up 1 hour before Sun rise

Drink 500 ml warm water walk briskly for 20 min, consume another 500 ml warm water and do yoga/ exercise for 20 min, consume another 500 ml warm water and then visit toilet. Take laxative/ enema once in 15 days for bowl cleaning.

Daily apply either warm gingly oil, Ksheerabala taila all over the body massage for 15 min thoroughly and take bath using moong powder with herbs recommended by our rishis. Don’t use soaps having animal tallow. This will improve blood

Circulation and reduces vata accumulated in our body daily.Spend on warm water, fruits, juices with honey only for 24 hrs weekly to clean your blood. This improves your WBC and develop body immunity. Reduces hospital bills.

If you observe this you will start experiencing the results with in 3 mandals. Pains reduces, skin complexion improves, skin will be glowing, digestion will be better, constipation is relieved, voice will be sweet many chronic diseases will be under

Control. New diseases will not come near to you. You can live happy, healthy, enjoyable life for you, your family and friends for well over 100 yrs if you wish.Experts are available to offer Sastreeya Tailabhyangana regularly if you want.

If you are already deep in health problems and fed up with consuming too many allopathic medicines for years with more drug side effects we have a very effective sure answer for many of your chronic health problems.

Thoroughly cleaned Vamu (Ajwain) 800 g, Triphala 800 g, Yastimadhu 800 g, Rock salt 40 g mix well and take 10 gm 2 times / day after food with 1 glass warm water for 120 days will normalizes vata in the body.

Consume 1 spoon 10 ml warm Eranda Tailam (Castrol) daily 2 hours after dinner for 40 days and take about 500 ml hot water next morning around 6 AM and repeat water after 30 min. it cleans the bowl thoroughly and relieves VATA

For more info

Bellavistan KovurWellness Consultant

98480 13958Sreyas Ayurvedic

FamilyCounseling Center