Vastu tips for good fortune

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Vastu tips for good fortune

Vastu Tips for Good Fortune…


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Vastu Tips :-

The swimming action of a fish mimics the flow of energy. And with positive energy comes wealth and well-being. Keep an aquarium full of healthy fish and see to it that these are maintained in good shape with water being cleaned and aerated at regular intervals.

The Front door of any house signified the status of the residents therein and is also a means to bring in wealth. Keep it well maintained and distinct from the surrounding doors so that the Goddess of Wealth enters the right door, your door!

If the mood fancies her, the Goddess may even use Windows. So as a welcoming sign, keep the windows of your house spotlessly clean and sparking. All of them as you never know her mood!

Expenses going through the roof?? Keep live plants in the toilet to prevent money-related energy flowing down the drain. Live plants have this great property of attracting, retaining and recycling energy.

Purple is the color of wealth according to Vaastu Shastra. Keep as many things in the house as possible covered in purple and place them in the south-east corner.

Long corridors help both air and energy flow. Longer the corridor fiercer the flow and more the risk of your investments going with the wind. This can be remedied by keeping plants on its path thus restricting easy flow.

Any place in the house, be it a wardrobe or a cupboard where valuables and related important documents are kept should ideally be located facing the east or north. Preferably north as it is the direction of Kumber, the god of wealth.

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