Various aspects of astrology

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Transcript of Various aspects of astrology

  • 7/30/2019 Various aspects of astrology


    'The Musician' / saturn conjunct Neptune /Earth and Water - Conditioning unites with


    Taylor Swift, Christ Brown, Tyga, Joe Jonas, Jordin Sparks, Jennifer Lawrence, Kristen

    Stewart, Soulja Boy, Sean Kingston, Edgar Allen Poe John F Kennedy Abraham Lincoln

    Pablo Picasso, Dean Martin, Ella Fitzgerald, Charles Darwin,

    This aspect occurs approximately once every thirty-six years; during the last century, in 1917,

    1952 and 1989. The effects of Saturn have a beneficial influence on the tendencies of Neptune,

    helping definition, stability and ease of expression; the potential is for practical idealism and an

    ability for positive application of the ideas and imagination emanating from Neptune. This is

    useful for creativity, as the inspiration of Neptune can be given adequate form and manifestation

    by the concrete tendencies of Saturn, and so the imagination is not left swirling in an inner world

    of dreams and fancies but is released onto the physical plane to be shared with others. There is

    less of the delusive nature of Neptune present with this aspect, and there should be a greater

    perceptive clarity than usual, one that is especially sensitive to issues of deceit and glamour. You

    are less prone to make mistakes through such reflective blindness, and tend to be self-protective

    mainly by a careful and wary distancing that you maintain with strangers or new acquaintances.

    This is part of the Saturn contribution of caution and unease with anything that is unknown.

    Trust needs to be progressively developed in you, whether in people, circumstances or situations;

    and you are usually reticent in making any firm commitments until you have thoroughly

    evaluated any set of choices. You tend to rely on a faith in facts, and impersonal judging of whatseems to be the wisest choice to make; this can be beneficial in your life, privately and in a

    career. It is probable that the Saturn energy will be the dominant one, with the Neptune energy

    occasionally repressed for practical reasons. If you allow Saturn to be too emphasized, then

    opportunities may be lost through excessive evaluation and lack of decisiveness; that fear of the

    unknown will also act as a restrictive and inhibiting factor. You are likely to erect a well-defined

    lifestyle and personality structure which allows relatively little space for the Neptunian influence

    to be expressed, as it is more anarchic and expansionary. What can occur is a sense of confusion

    regarding your own personal limitations, where they begin to feel imprisoning and Neptune

    agitates to dissolve those barriers and to experience those repressed dreams that you are

    attempting to ignore. A careful balancing of both these planetary energies is essential, both forinner harmony and for external success. Otherwise, degrees of distortion and lack of perspective

    will increase, as the Neptune influence demonstrates its repressed presence through more

    negative characteristics. For those exploring the spiritual dimension of life, this aspect offers

    several valuable assets, in that there is a questioning of dogma and assumptions, a tendency to

    deglamorise through a more earthy perspective, and a developing ability to rely on the inner

    guidance of intuition rather than on external 'authority sources'. This stage may have been

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    reached as lessons learnt through earlier phases of gullibility and submission to teachers,

    possibly through religious or parental conditioning which you begin to cast away as inimical to

    your own development. Discrimination is important in life, and especially so when contacting

    occult teachings, where the likelihood is that through a lack of real personal experience only

    genuine ignorance exists; and the tendency of most is to fill that void by passively accepting

    whatever teaching is making an impact on them. As you continue to develop, especially through

    standing alone and living through your own light, a greater maturity and perception will unfold.

    Insight and compassion founded on living experience will be gained, and if you practice

    meditation techniques then your own power and light is likely to shine brighter as your inner

    clarity emerges. Effective concentration and meditation should be possible, and some signs of

    psychic abilities may also emerge from the Neptune energy being released. You may become a

    channel for the transpersonal energies to enter these levels, and there will be a sense of social

    responsibility and of the context through which they can operate. Your intimate relationships are

    likely to be deep and enriching, partly as a result of your careful evaluation of suitable partners;

    and in those relationships where your heart becomes involved you will tend to be cautious beforeopening to a full commitment. Relationships are important to you, and you place great emphasis

    on continually working at them to ensure that they are mutually beneficial and a source of

    evolutionary growth. You believe that 'right choice leads to right action'; and this is a key to your

    success and to your procedure of careful evaluation of options and decisions.

    'Selfishness' / moon conjunct mars / Water and Fire - Emotional Nature unites with Self-


    Keanu Reaves / Ted Bundy / Celine Dion / Ringo Starr / Rainer Maria Rilke

    Moon and Mars contacts involve the psychological relationship between instinctive andemotional patterns with an ability to act decisively by applying a consistent will directed toward

    achieving aims. The conjunction indicates you have strong emotions and feelings which

    influence perceptions and decisions. Their intensity may often feel uncomfortable and

    frightening, especially in situations of heightened passion or confrontation. You are aware that

    unleashing these energies often results in displays of temper, emotional outbursts, and anger, and

    that your sometimes belligerent style of disagreeing with others is actually a form of self-

    defense. Being overly sensitive to others' reactions and having emotional anxiety can create a

    mental state where you imagine that others criticize or plot against you. Before such situations

    are proven real, you are ready to retaliate. Until a deeper integration and understanding of these

    energies occurs, you may find that contentious relationships continue. Those erratic and volatile

    emotions help to stimulate inner agitation, and this friction spills over into your exchanges with

    others. While you want to form better relationships, there are often problems with co-operation

    and trust, at work and in intimate partnerships. You are both attracted to and repulsed by

    emotional intimacy, often unable to deal with powerful feelings due to emotional immaturity;

    and others may sense these raging feelings and withdraw from closer contact. Rejection strikes

    into your deepest core. Reacting against the pain, you often strike out verbally with unkind

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    words designed to damage and wound, or throw childish temper tantrums when needs are denied.

    You are liable to brood on any rejection, often continuing to criticize someone to friends for a

    long time afterward. Perceptions of losing erode a fragile self-esteem. One of your major

    problems may be self-preoccupation; concerned with your private emotional world, you fail to

    recognize that others have needs too, and that they are also emotionally sensitive. Your world is

    egocentric and revolves around your desires, expecting others to serve your needs, and rejecting

    attempts at compromise. Being unaware of these tendencies is no excuse; failing to acknowledge

    that others have an equal sensitivity is a denial of reality. If you react against criticism, then so

    do others from you. You need to realize that others' needs are as important as yours.

    Compromise between all concerned is necessary to minimize conflicts. Emotional reactions

    distort your perceptions and evaluations, influencing choices, decisions, and actions; and

    sometimes these may contradict rationality. This apparently negative portrayal of Moon-Mars

    conjunctions can, however, be transformed into a more positive approach. Much depends on an

    honest appraisal of your relationships, and of how you deal with inner difficulties, especially

    identifying how you project emotional frustrations onto others close to you, making theserelationships fail to satisfy and later collapse. These intense feelings can be directed toward

    positive aims designed to shape constructive action. If you consciously attempt - even for a short

    time - to project yourself into the position of others and to imagine how life is from their

    perspective by seeing through their eyes and feeling through their heart, then your egocentric

    world may be transformed, and your latent sympathy and understanding awakened. Moon and

    Mars can work successfully together, once inner adjustments are made; and feelings of personal

    anguish and frustration are reduced by developing awareness of others' needs. Then you may

    discover a new meaning and purpose to life. There can be a crusading spirit about this energy

    supported by powerful, assertive Martian qualities, which can increase persistence and

    opportunities for eventual success. This could initiate a real transformation.

    'Raising of Consciousness' / uranus conjunct Neptune / Air and Water - Intuition unites

    with Subconscious

    Walt Wittman, Fyodor Dostoyevskyeveryone born between 1988 and 1998

    This conjunction started in November 1988, and stayed in orb until 1998; the last time before

    that was 1821-1831. These children will have a strong degree of identification with the collective

    mind and group consciousness, which in some cases could revert back to fervent nationalistaffinities in countries that have a powerful controlling religious, racial, political and social

    structures. Yet in most cases it is unlikely that this will result in the emergence of charismatic

    demagogues as in recent examples of the manipulation of the masses. There will be a directing

    sense of social responsibility, and an awareness of participating in a social community, which

    will be expressed in positive ways for the betterment of all. The merged energies of this

    conjunction will inspire concepts of brotherhood, which will reflect the ideals of Uranus and

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    Neptune, as a form of revolutionary mysticism emerging from an acute mental and emotional

    sensitivity connected to an intuitive imaginative faculty. Personal freedoms and rights will have a

    high priority, and there will be a new perception of 'leadership' being formed, which can dissolve

    those old patterns of a powerful leader and hundreds of following 'sheep'. There is a distrust of

    leaders, based on an intuitive perception of their real motivations and characteristics, which will

    also develop into a new understanding of authority and power in society. Those born under this

    aspects will be willing to 'fight' for the maintenance of personal freedoms and rights if they are

    under threat by the decisions of social leaders. A new balance of power between the people and

    the state will begin to form, and a new politics should rise into view, reflecting this increase in

    individual rights and power. Generally, this should be a period of spiritual and scientific

    development, where breakthroughs occur in the exploration of nature and mind. Changes that

    became inevitable by 1994 will have to be more fully achieved and realized by this new

    generation, imbued with a more conscious spirit of human unity and solidarity.

    'The Social Worker' / jupiter opposition Neptune / Fire and Water - Expansion opposes


    Chris Rock, Hugh Hefner, Robert Downey Jr, Lee Harvey Oswald, Allen Ginsberg, Winston

    Churchill, Fidel Castro, Sathya Sai Bab , Aleister Crowley, T.S Eliot

    The opposition has several similarities to the square, but here the source of 'contention' is

    projected externally onto the outer world and people. There is the difficulty of 'follow-through',

    where intentions and plans are often thwarted by an inability to actually realize them, despite

    your original aims; things are started but never completed in any satisfying way. You tend to

    resent and resist any external pressure that can be placed on you by others' expectations of your

    performance and abilities. Conflicts often arise in interpersonal relationships, especially with

    other work colleagues, who may attempt to take advantage of your skills or persuade you to take

    on responsibilities which may be thankless tasks, or in which for reasons of their own advantage

    they expect you to fail. There is often a lot of manipulative activity in work places, and you can

    become a victim of this if you are not aware of the hidden motivations of others. You can

    become paranoid and suspicious of people, perhaps as a result of previous experience, and there

    is often a kernel of truth and validity there; yet equally, part of this is a projection emanatingfrom you based on the tensions inherent within this opposition. You tend to either oppose or

    antagonize others, sometimes by being too direct in your comments and attitudes; there is little

    social diplomacy in your style of expression, and sometimes you can be very tactless and too

    adversarial. There can be a blind spot in your character that is often unrecognized, and is related

    to the sign and house positions of Jupiter and Neptune. Whilst you may fail to fully comprehend

    your own nature and what you 'should be doing', you still express yourself forcefully and with a

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    tendency to be authoritarian. Yet you also often challenge the dictates of those in positions of

    authority, questioning their perceptions and rights to wield power. There is less of a social

    awareness and conscience here with this aspect, as most of the energy is tied up in an external

    uneasiness; you do not have any great trust in the good nature of others, which, whilst possibly

    more realistic, is also symptomatic of your own inner fragmentation and stress - you cannot relax

    and trust yourself either. You need to learn how to accept others as well as accepting yourself;

    the two are intertwined, and if you can manage this then stress will be diminished and all your

    relationships will improve as you correspondingly feel more at ease in your own nature. Intimate

    relationships can pose difficulties until the step of personal integration and resolution is taken.

    Your choices of partners may be unwise, especially where those anima-animus projection are

    superimposed on the partner, apparently turning them into the ideal lover who possesses

    everything that you believe you desire and need. When these projections collapse, you are liable

    to be emotionally distraught and see that person as another one who has deceived you; in fact, it

    may have been your own illusions that have been self-deceptive, and so the consequences of a

    hurt heart should not be taken out on your partner in any emotional or physical aggression.Resorting to the Neptunian addictions of drugs or alcohol must be avoided at such traumatic

    times. Some form of religious or spiritual life and aspiration is likely, yet this too can suffer from

    some distortion and invalid projections. Your spiritual attitudes may lack a practical dimension,

    or even a serious application by yourself in everyday life. There can be a greater attraction

    toward the glamours of more exotic religions, which offer a colorful fascination and mystery that

    appeals. Cultism and an idealized surrender to gurus can be a temptation, despite your resistance

    to forms of authority, and can seem to offer a way out from the disappointments and stresses of

    your life. Alternatively, you may dream of foreign travel or pilgrimages across the world as an

    antidote to the lifestyle you feel trapped within. Realizing that so much of what dissatisfies you

    in the world is a reflection of an inner lack of integration would be a major step forward.Reabsorbing those powerful projections, allowing yourself to re-own them, can only strengthen

    you and give you back the ability to redirect your life in ways that you want it to move in.

    Taking such control and self-responsibility is crucial, unless you want to persist in the likelihood

    of unsatisfactory relationships with others, where your need for development and expansion is

    perpetually thwarted by 'external resistance'.

    'Jealous Lover' / venus opposition Pluto / Earth and Water - Sensuality opposes Renewal

    Kurt Cobain, Al Capone, Celine Dion, Ramana Maharshi, Noam Chomsky, Gandhi, Helena

    Blavatsky, Elvis Presley

    The challenging aspects of square and opposition invariably display the dark face of the

    distorted Pluto energy, and require considerable individual transformation and self-understanding

    to mitigate the potentially negative impact on life that they will otherwise influence a person to

    experience. It is important to remember that this influence to confront the darker side of the

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    psyche is inherently positive and creatively beneficial if it is used to reorientate the inner life,

    and that this is he hidden purpose of the Pluto impulses. It is likely that you will experience a

    repetitive pattern of sexual love and emotional affairs which either do not seem to satisfy and

    fulfill you, or collapse into failure, acrimony and suffering. This can lead to a jaded, cynical

    attitude founded upon a frustrated, demoralized emotionally battered perception of love. Your

    emotional intensity and passion is likely to cause difficulties for you, as it often seems to run

    away out of your control, and can take you into situations and encounters which from a clearer

    perspective you would consider to be undesirable. Certainly you are looking for something; but

    your sexual and emotional desires can be too strong, creating distortions of inner energy and

    leading to compulsive behavior on your part - followed by an attempt at justification in the vein

    of 'I couldn't help myself...'. Either you will feel driven to experiment in various relationships on

    a continuous basis, or, as a reaction, you may attempt to avoid entering any emotional affair as

    you are afraid of experiencing the old established pattern again. Problems can arise in your

    intimate relationships due to your tendency to introduce the element of domination. You tend to

    demand your own way or assume a dominating role, sometimes played out in potentiallydamaging sexual and emotional contexts, sometimes obvious, sometimes more subtle. Even if

    you assume a submissive role, it is only as a hidden way to manipulate and achieve your

    intentions through a subtle route; it is not your natural approach. Usually, you want your partners

    to change to suit you, and you can put intense pressure upon them, especially sexually and

    emotionally. You will need to learn the necessity for mutual compromise in relationships, to

    understand your inner underlying desires and impulses which are conditioning and controlling

    you from the depths of your unconscious. It may be appropriate to study humanistic psychology,

    or take part in a course or therapy designed to bring about safe release of hidden impulses into

    the light of conscious awareness. Such impulses, and unconscious inner fantasy lives, are present

    to some degree in everyone; but with this aspect they will stimulate problems for you, which areresolvable if you are willing to confront them in an act of personal reintegration and

    transformation. This will also serve to balance out your erratic flow of emotional desires, which

    often seems to confuse you and your partner, as you appear to 'blow very hot and very cold' in

    your responses to them; this is when your inner impulses arise and fall in some hidden rhythmic

    cycle, leading to uncontrollable emotional and sexual needs and intensity, or to a lack of

    response and to coldness. Always, the choice is yours; potentially you can defuse many of the

    difficulties that usually face you in relationships, or you can continue hoping that they will lift of

    their own accord. Pluto is influencing you to take the positive approach, by facing you with the

    results of being passive to the inner forces and by remaining unconscious of their hidden


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    'Evaluation of Worth' / Jupiter opposition Saturn /Fire and Earth - Expansion opposes


    Paramahansa Yogananda, Mother Teresa

    The opposition from Jupiter to Saturn indicates that you fluctuate between knowing what youare worth and having grave doubts of your value. You are never completely sure of yourself, and

    need to be constantly reassured by others that you are as talented as you think. Probably some

    strained contact with superiors, perhaps your parents, has given you this poor understanding of

    your capabilities. This is a push-pull planetary combination. Because you need approval, you

    seek people who will make demands on you to prove your competence to them and to yourself.

    If their praise is not forthcoming, you reject them and alienate yourself. You seem to be looking

    for 'yes' people to give you the approval you require. But how hollow the victory that is forcibly

    extracted. Wouldn't it be simpler to accept competition from your peer group and make your

    determination that way? You obviously cannot face the truth, and your progress will be slowed

    until you can be honest with yourself. You generally reject other people who have qualities likeyour own. You are inclined to be irresponsible and look for the easy way out of duty. This

    attitude needs severe adjustment. First, you must face reality and accept the responsibilities it

    brings; second, you should learn how your behavior hurts people and try to be less indifferent to

    them. If you can change in these ways, you can rise to any goals you set for yourself. However,

    if you doubt your own competence, your associates may also refuse to attest to it. You have work

    to do, and it is advised that you begin soon, if you haven't already. The same problem in

    evaluating your worth will crop up in personal relationships, both in friendship and in romantic

    interests. You might well decide to use better judgment in these instances, because it wouldn't do

    to sever an alliance with someone very special to you. You don't usually make generous

    overtures to anyone, even to a lover. Even though you casually reject anyone who doesn't voice

    enthusiastic approval, you are surprisingly shattered when you are rejected and can't believe you

    deserve such treatment. Once you know what you are worth, you won't feel threatened by

    anyone. Then you can proceed to develop your potentials for success.

    'Giver and receiver' / venus opposition midheaven / Earth and - Sensuality opposes


    Paul Cezanne, Robert De Niro, Michael Jackson, Ringo Starr, Winston Churchill

    You may have trouble expressing your feelings and may lack affection or displays of

    affection as a child, but you have a deep love of your family and your parents. Your love of

    domestic harmony often leads you to marry in order to have a beautiful home and family life.

    Your home is artistic and beautiful, even if simple, and much of the money you earn is spent on

    home improvements. You like good cooking. Your childhood home should be a place of warmth,

    love and friendliness; and while you are young your life should be reasonably calm. As a result,

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    you will have an excellent relationship with your parents as you grow up, and you will feel

    secure within yourself. You will be able to give and receive love very easily and make others feel

    your personal warmth. Your family, as well as your own spouse and children when you are

    older, will always be important to you. Whenever you need help, you know you can turn to your

    parents. You enjoy warm and comfortable home surroundings. Wherever you go, you will create

    a warm, friendly place where you can get away from the cares of the world. You enjoy having

    friends come to your home, because you like to share your personal world with others and make

    them feel as good there as you do. While you are still quite young, but later in life especially, you

    will enjoy having objects of art in your home. You like to be surrounded by elegance and grace.

    In youth, your taste may border on the flashy, but you should tire of this quite quickly, and

    eventually your ideas about art and decoration will be quite advanced. Also you will prefer rather

    fancy clothes.

    'The Unsatisfied Seeker' / jupiter opposition Uranus / Fire and Air - Expansion opposesIntuition

    Ramana Maharshi, Nick Drake, Albert Einstein

    Most of the challenges that are likely to face the individual with this aspect will be centered

    on personal beliefs and expression, and relationships with others. You are likely to have a bright,

    alert, intellectual mind, and a sense of self-assurance which can be expressed with enthusiasm

    and dynamic energy. Over time you will amass a large storehouse of knowledge, which you can

    use in your efforts to become successful and creative. What is likely to disrupt the results of such

    natural assets is the influence of the Uranian opposition, which essentially distorts the outerexpression. It is in the spheres of judgment and sensitivity that you may find difficulties

    occurring. Under the expansionist tendencies of both Jupiter and Uranus, you can easily become

    over-enthusiastic about ideas, business schemes or unconventional beliefs. Allied to an erratic,

    restless tendency, this can lead you to become involved in highly speculative business ventures

    where your obsession with the project idea can override any real rational analysis of financial

    feasibility. Often your attachment to ideas veers towards investing them with elements of fantasy

    and imagination, which can lack a real applicability within daily life, also adding a distorting

    factor. There is likely to be some conflict with established traditional beliefs and social attitudes,

    especially in the areas of religion and politics; and you may become involved with radical

    politics or more unusual religious and spiritual beliefs. These will hold considerable personalmeaning for you; and you will feel impelled to share these with others. Often despite that clever

    mind, there is an element of simplicity and faith in you, which can become naivety at times. If a

    belief resonates with that point of imagination within, you can accept it then with little

    questioning, because really you are looking for a sense of centre and security; and a belief

    structure appears to offer this. You may need to be wary of an urge to convert others to your

    beliefs which, whilst genuinely held, may not be suitable for everyone. If others oppose you, this

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    serves to reinforce your support of your beliefs against any odds; you can feel that this often

    validates them. There can be a tendency to be too domineering in expression, founded on that

    strong self-assurance; and in relating there is often a lack of tact and sensitivity to the feelings

    and abilities of others. Not everyone has your ability to be so focused on achieving important

    objectives; many vacillate, or sit on the fence, instead of choosing to be on one side or the other.

    Also, others have different requirements for life experience from yours, different challenges; and

    they may be following their path as much as you are following yours. Eventually, you may find

    that the Uranus action causes you to revolt against any belief structures to which you have bound

    yourself. At least for a period, you may have to stand alone and adrift from security in beliefs;

    this can occur as a result of disillusionment and a collapse in your faith in a specific belief. Yet

    this can be liberating, since in the experience of such a phase of inner darkness, your own light

    may be perceived and contacted, enabling you to live more freely and attuned to your own life

    pattern through later life. Identification with outer belief structures can be personally inimical

    and restrictive.

    'Freedom in Spite of Security' / Moon square Uranus / Water and Air - Emotional Nature

    clashes with Intuition

    Robert De Niro, Michael Jordan, Salvador Dali, David Beckham, Deepak Chopra, Eddie

    Murphy, Carl Gustav Jung, O.J Simpson, Ian Thorpe, Pope John Paul II

    The square's characteristics are quite similar to the opposition, indicating a clash of disparate

    energies and personality signals. Relationships are likely to be a battleground; and your domestic

    life will remain unsettled whenever you struggle with unresolved inner conflicts. While you arementally alert and quite clever, one challenge could be how you apply your talents. Finding a

    satisfactory outlet could also benefit your inner balance; failure to do so, through lack of

    discipline and application, will only exacerbate personality conflicts. You are capable of

    releasing restrictions from the past; but an idea path for you would be founded on well-

    established ways (the lunar influence), which also allow enough freedom to explore new

    horizons (to satisfy Uranus). The problem is how to achieve this balance. Your usual experience

    involves relinquishing the past, so that you feel free to experience the new. How to do this

    without unnecessary disruption or pain - for example, by finishing relationships - is the

    challenge. If you allow the Uranian impulse to dominate, it may sweep away most of your life

    foundations. While this can create a temporary excitement at glimpsed potentials and a promiseof unrestrained liberty, there will inevitably come the time when a consolidation phase to re-

    anchor roots is necessary. Unlimited freedom is hard to handle without losing stability. Within

    relationships, several vital lessons may need to be learned. These are co-operation, commitment,

    responsibility, compromise, and shared decision-making. You have no innate right to be always

    dominant, authoritative, or right, expecting a partner to acquiesce to your will or bow to your

    need for freedom when you do not allow the partner the same rights. Changing your behavior

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    patterns to be more positive and creative will work wonders; and intimacy will become more

    fulfilling for all concerned. Don't reject your life-style as unsatisfying, or be tempted to 'throw it

    away' in search of new excitement

    'The obsessive Impluse' / Mars square Neptune / Fire and Water - Self-Will clashes with


    Michael Jordan, David Beckham, Gary Oldman, David Bowie, River Phoenix, Al Pacino,

    Britney Spears, John Dillinger, Heath Ledger, Andy Warhol, Mother Teresa, Dawn Fraser

    This is a challenging position, as you have difficulty trusting in your ability to go after things

    that you want in a direct manner. It may also be that you have difficulty pinpointing what it is

    that you want, or that part of you doesn't feel you deserve it due to a basic lack of self-confidence. You fear rejection as well as criticism, and often use roundabout means to go after

    what you want. Your imagination is so powerful that it can be hard to trust your instincts. You

    easily imagine things going wrong, just as you easily fantasize about good things! Your desire

    nature is strong yet also very suggestible. You're attracted to mysteries and intrigue. Sexual

    experimentation is likely, as you are forever addicted to sensuality and unusual or perhaps even

    what many would consider perverted sexual scenarios. However, your sensual appetite might be

    much like a bottomless pit, and you could find yourself forever in a state of wanting more, tiring

    of regular sexual scenarios quickly, and endlessly searching for the next sensation. If an

    addiction to fantasy is present, you can find yourself constantly chasing a new and more

    complicated fantasy. It is only when you get into touch with your heart and discover your true

    desires that you realize that sensations are merely sensations--not deeply satisfying or fulfilling

    'Biting off more than you can chew' / Mars square Jupiter / Fire and Fire - Self-Will

    clashes with Expansion

    Kurt Cobain, Vincent Van Gogh, Mick Jagger, Kurt Vonnegut, Gary Oldman, Gwyneth

    Paltrow, Trent Reznor, Mel Gibson, Brad Pitt

    Your Mars square Jupiter indicates that it is essential for you to discipline yourself in using yourabundant physical and intellectual resources. Everything you do must be planned, or you will

    waste a lot of energy in nonproductive enterprises. You want to emulate those you admire for

    their professional accomplishments, but you may not be willing to endure all the hard work

    required to succeed. You make valiant efforts to acquire knowledge, but when there is no

    immediate reward you quickly lose interest. Once you acquire faith in your ability to succeed,

    persistence and determination will come. You are impatient to an extreme, but with some contact

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    between Saturn and Mars or Saturn and Jupiter, this will eventually be corrected. In spite of the

    sloppiness resulting from your careless use of your energy, you will nevertheless benefit

    somewhat from the lessons learned. Only time can refine your manner of applying yourself. You

    need to define your objectives clearly and then establish a program for realizing them, a schedule

    you can adhere to. You need to consolidate your resources to make a massive assault on your

    most important priority. To do anything less than this would be a sheer waste of energy.

    Diversification is fine, if you take up each subject exclusively, but not if you attempt to develop

    a variety of interests simultaneously. You are almost certain to have domestic and professional

    difficulties when you first set out to make a life for yourself. This planetary combination inclines

    you to have some difficulty in dealing with people. You feel threatened by competitors and

    unfairly treated by superiors in your job. You don't accept criticism gracefully. Your domestic

    tranquility will be disturbed because you complain so bitterly about the way you are treated that

    your partner becomes bored with it all. You have the potential for excellence in law, government,

    teaching, writing, public speaking, sports, acting, and the communications media in general. This

    aspect gives you the necessary drive to accept challenges, for you realize that they are the onlyway to determine your competence. You are probably more likely to avoid a confrontation when

    you suspect that your opponent is expertly trained and has a greater advantage than you. With

    experience, you will meet any challenger with complete assurance of success. Even if you don't

    succeed, you will know you have given your best, and that is all that can be expected. This

    configuration indicates that you are accident-prone because of your reckless disregard for safety

    measures. You tend to act impulsively, not taking time to consider whether any danger is

    involved. Because you do everything to excess, you need frequent rest to restore your physical


    'A lightning Bolt' / Mars square Uranus / Fire and Air - Self-Will clashes with Intuition

    Madonna, John F Kennedy, Elton John, Jack Kerouac, John Dillinger, Ernest Hemmingway,

    Noam Chomsky, Steve Jobs, Mother Teresa

    The square will be felt as an inner tension, you are torn between the Uranian search for freedom

    and a deep need to feel safe and secure. This is a clash between the familiar patterns of the

    known and the siren call of the potential of the unknown. This is likely to be felt as a fear ofcommitment and risk. Whilst you will be attracted towards greater freedom, with the possibility

    of creating a context where you can be more fully yourself, the likelihood is that you will resist

    the impulse. As you analyze your options, you prefer to play safe, as you cannot obtain these

    cast-iron guarantees that you would like as to the future success of your choices. This inner

    frustration that is likely to build up can cause stress, as a part of your nature is being denied and

    repressed. You are liable to feel some emotional unease, where you are afraid of allowing full

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    emotional expression, or even properly acknowledging your emotional nature. It is a fear of

    'letting go' that is the root of this difficulty, where emotional or material losses are to be avoided

    if at all possible. This may have arisen through childhood experiences of loss which deeply

    affected you, or though a pattern developing that too strongly identified your self with people or

    possessions, so that with any withdrawal or removal of them from your life, you felt that you

    were losing part of yourself. You will feel that you need to keep a tight control on life, trying to

    ensure that chance and predictability are fended off; in this sense, you accept the more grounding

    energy of Mars, whilst denying the unsettling but potentially liberating energy of Uranus. You

    apply the Mars energy in terms of conservation, ensuring a protection of your resources through

    prudent and cautious organization. You intend to apply yourself diligently to your objectives,

    even if you expect that they will take longer to achieve without taking risks; the problem is that

    for varying reasons, your intentions often fail to be realized, perhaps through an impatient

    Uranus unraveling those attempts at persistent effort. Or your interest wanes as you reach a point

    where a more risky decisive step has to be taken. When that journey of a thousand miles requires

    the taking of the first step, you may decide not to travel anywhere, preferring establishedsecurity. Yet you may find that you are willing to allow the Uranian impulse to move freely in

    your life. This could initially arise as a result of a phase of denial where some external

    circumstance beyond your control throws you into a period of confusion and turmoil.

    Redundancy or the sudden collapse of a marriage could be triggers for Uranus to break through

    that dam. Certainly, it will not be denied expression for all your life, and that side of the square

    will need to be accepted and integrated. There is potential that even while maintaining your

    relative control you could safely begin to open up to new horizons, to explore other interests, to

    expand and liberate your limiting conception of your nature and life. There are strong

    foundations there, and you should be able to build efficiently upon them. TO achieve those

    ambitions and personal desires, you will have to take some risks at some point, If you are notcommitted to achieving them, then it is unlikely that you will ever succeed, because your focus

    and energy flow will be too diffused and unconcentrated to generate the necessary momentum.

    That erratic will-power needs to be drawn through into a regular consistent direction. If you can

    succeed in liberating that inner frustrating tension, you would be surprised how effectively that

    energy could be applied to reach your aims, instead of clashing within you. Your personal

    relationships would also improve as the stress began to disperse, and you felt that a great weight

    was lifting away from your shoulders. Releasing that pent-up, potentially violent energy could

    mean the dawn of a new era of personal creative enrichment. To free yourself from the

    restrictions of this square aspect, you have to open up to life's insecurities and risks. It's your


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    'The Hallucinator' / Moon square Neptune / Water and Water - Emotional Nature clashes

    with Subconscious

    Edgar Allen Poe, Salvador Dali, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Natalie Portman, Al Pacino, John

    Dillinger, Warren Buffet, Sigmund Freud, Bill Hicks

    The main challenge facing you with the square aspect is that of discrimination between

    reality and unreality, between fact and fiction, and the consequences of confusion when these are

    not correctly perceived and established within consciousness. Volatile and tidal emotions and

    feelings are often intertwined with your imagination so that your perceptions are clouded by

    personal bias and fantasies. Attempts to warp realities, especially those concerning others, are

    never welcomed and are a source of conflict within relationships. Insisting that you are right -

    even against the recall of several others - will eventually generate antagonism, as no-one enjoys

    having their reality and memory threatened by others, even if they are family members. You

    often feel uncomfortable with your feelings and emotions as they are not easily assimilated and

    integrated by you, and being liable to moods you find it difficult to feel centred in any stableemotional pattern of responses to people and life. There may have been some emotionally based

    difficulties in your parental relationships, especially to your mother, where emotional needs were

    not satisfied or where you imagine failings to have occurred. Changes can be successfully made

    by working with those intrinsic assets which you may have blocked so far, or whose presence

    you may have denied, rather than acknowledging them as gifts. Imagination is present; this can

    be used in positive ways. What you need to do is to build positive images of a 'new you' who has

    less of a chip on your heart, and who is prepared to change into a more creative and loving

    person. Understanding your own nature is the first step towards being tolerant of others'

    weknesses and strengths, so some form of inner psychological enquiry is required. Releasnig

    pent-up emotional tension is essential, and should be carefully done, probably with the aid of

    trained counsellors or psychotherapists, because too great and sudden an emotional explosion of

    pressures may be more damaging than healing. Types of body work, manipulation and massage

    could possibly be additionally beneficial too. Be more open and honest in relationships

    concerning any feelings of confusion; try not to let them fester inside. Organise your life more

    consciously. Work with others, so that you realise that all need support and guidance at times in

    their lives from others who may be perceptive on a clearer level. Believe in your own potential,

    and determine to allow it access into your life. In so doing, you can transform the negative

    aspects of the square into positive assets. Perferably work with more down-to-earth schools of

    therapy, which can then ground you better, rather than following a natural tendency towardsmore imaginative escapism, which can result in involvement with any religious / mystical cults

    that aim to fly in holy skies of grandeur and hallucinations rather than experience real life.

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    'Self-righteousness' / pluto square ascendant /Water and - Renewal clashes with


    Martin Luther King, Al Capone, Diego Maradona, Sean Penn, Edgar Cayce, George

    Harrison, Brad Pitt, Ian Thorpe

    Pluto square the Ascendant shows that you feel you are destined to have a powerful influence on

    the lives of the people you contact. Overly impressed with your righteousness, you feel that you

    alone can properly control their affairs. A major issue in your life will be learning to accept

    traditional chains of command, especially in organizations. You make an arrogant display of

    showmanship by assuming command that doesn't belong to you. Once you learn how to exercise

    good judgment, you can truly achieve greatness with your skillful ability to organize others to

    achieve your objectives.

    'The Procastinator' / Moon square Jupiter / Water and Fire - Emotional Nature clashes

    with Expansion

    Lewis Carroll, John Travolta, Kurt Vonnegut, Ringo Starr, Malcolm X, Johnny Depp, Mark

    Twain, Johnny Cash, Gandhi, Mike Myers

    The square indicates possible difficulty in uniting your sensitive feelings and emotions with your

    impulse to expand and manifest potential; the two sets of inner messages either conflict or fail to

    combine, reducing purpose and motivation. For example, you may possess creative ability, yet

    fail to demonstrate this tangibly due to not making sufficient effort to develop latent talents. You

    tend to resist hard work, and can display a lazy, apathetic attitude at times, especially if you havelittle interest in the work to be done. You may believe that life should be easy, with few worries,

    allowing you to be self-indulgent. This attitude may have grown from your parents who served

    and overindulged you, or made you feel special and perhaps encouraged a belief that the world

    would take care of you. You react to the world through powerful emotions which condition

    perceptions and evaluations of experiences. As you prefer to follow instincts and emotional

    messages, you may be reluctant to listen to your intellect. Adopting such an approach may not

    always work to your advantage; and, over time, you may realize that relying on emotional

    responses alone may prejudice actions, choices, and decisions, often leading you in unsuitable

    directions that might have been avoided if you had taken a more rational approach. As emotions

    can wax and wane, consistency may be lacking in your attitudes and relationships. Limitations

    may be self-created if you listen only to your feelings. While they can provide a good guide at

    times, their reactions are not always suited to every choice; and more time spent in careful

    thought and consideration could be useful for your future. A tendency to make impulsive and

    emotional decisions needs to be superseded by deliberate planning; rushing to satisfy immediate

    desires may later be regretted. You may require more realistic attitudes, both with people and in

    dealing with the world. Sometimes you can project overly optimistic emotions into relationships,

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    feeling that this is 'the greatest love of all time'. Or genuine generosity may leave you financially

    bankrupt, perhaps through extravagance, lending to the wrong people, or just a lack of financial

    acumen. Be extremely careful not to overestimate business prospects. You may benefit from

    receiving expert financial advice, although even then discrimination is needed to avoid choosing

    the wrong type of advisor. Intimate and social relationships may be erratic at times, as you can

    fluctuate between extroverted moods and introspection, depending on the relative strengths of

    either Jupiter or Moon. With an independent spirit, you may often feel you do not need much

    social contact, and so friendships may become characterized by infrequent contact, indifference,

    and fickleness at times. You will do your own thing, either with complete enthusiasm and

    temporary commitment, or by slipping into apathetic disinterest. These fluctuating tendencies

    can be changed if you choose to do so. The approach needed is one of self-determination and

    concentrated application, once you decide on a suitable direction that offers potential for greater

    meaning and purpose. In your early life, you may not have been particularly ambitious,

    preferring freedom, acting with little responsibility, and moving in and out of situations and

    relationships as it pleased you, directed by your inner emotional pendulum. This could have beena phase of wandering and exploration, lacking any distinct aim. This phase may continue with

    varying emphasis until you face the need for responsibility in life, perhaps encountered through

    settling into marriage, financial commitments, and the raising of a family. Having to 'shape up'

    may shock you into several realizations. You may make greater efforts to make life stimulating,

    preventing it from becoming staid and restrictive, and realize that planning and organization can

    make routines flow more smoothly, with less conflict and fewer painful experiences. Social

    awareness may deepen, as you become less self-preoccupied; any tendencies toward extravagant

    fantasies are modified as you recognize the limitations of real life. When reality intrudes,

    illusions should dissipate; if they persist, then reality is being ignored and evasiveness will exact

    its own price later. As maturity depends, you may move in new social directions, reflecting yourgrowing awareness and sensitivity, and releasing previously latent talents. Social concern and

    activity may replace your earlier desire for emotional freedom; and you may work to benefit

    those who are socially deprived. If you come to this direction through religious or political paths,

    you may need awareness of any imbalanced attitudes which may persist. Your emotional power

    could be transferred into zealous proselytizing; you may perhaps become obsessive about your

    newly chosen path and lose sight of realism and perspective due to overenthusiasm. Learn how

    to moderate any such tendency, and allow others the freedom

    'The Seer' / Jupiter trine Pluto / Fire and Water - Expansion flows with Renewal

    Chris Rock, Vincent Van Gogh, Diego Maradona, Kurt Vonnegut, Lee Harvey Oswald,

    Mother Teresa, Elvis Presley

    As with the sextile aspect, the trine indicates the potential of releasing a powerful creative

    energy emerging from a humanistic and spiritual perspective, which will be of positive use to

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    yourself and the world. Your innate optimism and belief in the essential goodness of life will

    turn your inner faith into an effective ability to manifest your creative vision, especially as you

    are able to channel your will into constructive forms of expression. Your contribution to society

    may well be in working closely with people; and you have the gift of being able to inspire others

    to discover how to experience life more intensely and creatively and to release their own latent

    talents. This can involve you in the expression of a sort of life philosophy which can be adopted

    by others on their path to self-understanding. Obviously, any such influence must be carefully

    handled by you, both in how your own self-perception is changed and in what you offer to others

    or share with them. There is a great responsibility to be assumed when presenting yourself in a

    way that can have considerable influence on others' lives; and awareness must be shown and

    applied to ensure integrity is maintained, that the 'teaching' is as honest and valid as possible, that

    there is freedom for disagreement or new thinking to occur, and that it is understood that 'your

    way' is not the only or most appropriate way for everyone. In fact, even direct opposition from

    another may be the right way for them to unfold themselves or to discover new insights, and

    could be right for you as a stimulus to re-evaluate your own path and attitudes. Primarily, youseem to function in a role of 'educator', and you are likely to develop into an effective speaker,

    clearly expounding your beliefs, ideas and attitudes, and being quite persuasive in that way. You

    tend to need personal freedom, and dislike being tied down into predictable patterns of

    behaviour, as you may feel that you need to be relatively free in order to be able to respond to

    what you consider to be insights and intuitions. You support social transformation, and will

    reflect the unified vision as the direction for the future, offering a meaning and inspiring purpose

    for people to aim towards. You may find that a personal transformation is required of you prior

    to you fulfilling your potential role and function. Initially, this could involve considerable

    challenges facing you which require overcoming, or elements in your personal life that lead to

    periodic crises which lead eventually to wisdom and insight as a result of personal suffering.

    'The Optimistic Speaker' / mercury trine ascendant / Air and - Rational Mind flows with


    Babe Ruth , Matt Damon, Sean Penn, Paramahansa Yogananda, Natalie Portman, Jerry

    Springer, Tiger Woods, Pablo Picasso. Deepak Chopra, Lee Harvey Oswald, Malcolm X,

    Richard Pryor

    Mercury trine the Ascendant shows that you know how to express yourself. You are rarelymisunderstood because you dramatize what you say and get the full attention of your listeners.

    You know what you can accomplish as well as what your limits are. You speak optimistically

    about your goals in life. With your enthusiasm, your chances for succeeding are good, but if

    there are setbacks or reversals, you will simply start anew, because you don't accept defeat.

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    There are several similarities between the trine and the sextile, based on the fluid sensitivity and

    creative imagination that is the potential of this aspect. The trine has a reconciling function

    between planets, and with both Neptune and Venus there is an essential fusion of affinitive

    qualities and characteristics. The challenge here may be actually applying your innate potential,

    as there may be relatively little inner pressure to resolve personal conflicts through releasing the

    energy in creative expressions. There should be artistic cultural appreciation, plus an artistic

    talent that can be exploited, especially through such areas as music, art, writing, dance and

    drama. As you are responsive to the more subtle dimensions of life, and prefer more elevated

    ideals, your artistic creations are likely to reflect such perception and sensitivity and involve a

    high level of purified emotion and intellectual content. You express emotional empathy and

    understanding, and others feel safe and secure in your company, often confiding troubles and

    confidential problems to you. If anything, your permissive attitudes offered to others can be

    misused as an excuse to continue the path that they are taking; The type of social company that

    you prefer to be associated with is that of similarly artistic and sophisticated individuals, those

    who are involved with personal development and expression and who express a dissatisfactionwith much of contemporary society. There can be a preference for discussing the resolution of

    social issues, yet a lack of direct involvement in transforming them. Becoming more practical is

    an ongoing challenge and you needed to link your inspired creativity towards that; otherwise

    your imagination may be wasted and rarely anchored in objective form.

    'The Charming Speaker' / moon sextile mercury / Water and Air - Emotional Nature

    works with Rational Mind

    Paul Cezanne, Keanu Reaves, Michael Jordan, Rubin Hurricane Carter, Frida Kahlo, EltonJohn, Barack Obama, Edgar Cayce, Paul McCartney, Britney Spears, Lee Harvey Oswald,

    Warren Buffet, Fidel Castro, Richard Pryor, Carl Gustav Jung, Steve Jobs, Clint Eastwood,

    Friedrich Nietzsche, Mother Teresa, Steve Martin

    With the sextile, the Mercury qualities are often more emphasized, as this aspect is associated

    with the mind, information, understanding, and communication. The lunar personality

    foundations are usually well established and not disruptive or unduly intrusive. You should be

    able to express your Moon's qualities in ways which also enhance Mercury qualities. Information

    and knowledge will be especially appealing; and perhaps you will have an almost insatiable

    curiosity and need for wide and extensive intellectual exploration. For you, the world is like animmense store-house of fascinations, your mind lighting up with interest as every new one

    comes into view. You could become a 'perpetual student', loving to explore each topic to the

    greatest possible depth, and perhaps becoming expert in limited areas of knowledge. Alternative,

    this could result in a dilettantish tendency, sampling many varieties of knowledge but rarely

    exploring deeply. Both memory and comprehension are likely to be above average, thus creating

    a well-stocked intellect. What can emerge as a motivation is a need to be socially useful by

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    contributing to your community. To achieve this, you hope to discover ways to transform

    thoughts and ideas into practical results. The sense of value and pleasure this gives serves to

    encourage increasing your knowledge. The issue of right direction may arise in this context; and

    you may decide to become involved with civic and social groups, pooling your assets and

    abilities with those of others to achieve group objectives. Generally, you look at ideas as sources

    for practical action and possibly personal profit, as you possess an effective business and

    organizational ability which could also be successfully exploited. You can be an effective

    communicator, conveying ideas and presenting them in a clear and persuasive manner, being

    articulate and literate, entertaining and interesting. This can manifest in writing and lecturing,

    and can be beneficial in social communication, especially in activities which increase contact

    with groups. This can extend your influence and increase friendships; your personality is

    sufficiently flexible and tolerant to relate to many types of people. You may possess a sensitivity

    to others' thoughts and feelings, almost like a psychic intuition, but which operates through a

    Moon affinity of sensitivity and emotional rapport. This can act as an 'early warning system',

    indicating when people or situations are less genuine than they appear; so trust these innersensations and feelings whenever they arise. This sensitivity helps you to be tactful and

    diplomatic, whether in social contexts or within the family. Others can recognize your thoughtful

    and caring nature; and, provided that you do not become obsessive about manifesting your ideas,

    you should be able to co-operate and harmonize well with partners and family. Fortunately, your

    emotions rarely enter into direct conflict with your mind and ideas, but usually work with them

    in tandem, so that positive attitudes assist optimistic plans to become productive. This emotional

    and mental accord minimizes distracting inner conflicts and enables problem resolution to be

    achieved more smoothly. Your Moon's emotional warmth and protective concern is an asset for

    family members and intimate relationships; and domesticity will be well organized, founded on

    close and effective communication. Home is important; but wider social involvement will beequally so, as this is often the environment in which you intend to apply your ideas practically.

    Both emotions and mind are recognized as offering valid messages; but ensure that neither

    becomes imbalanced through overemphasis, as each performs an important role in different

    circumstances. Intimate partnerships, marriage, or love affairs will involve a high level of mutual

    communication and sharing; enriching both participants' lives and contributing to achieving

    personal aims. You will be attracted to similarly intelligent and optimistic partners who are able

    to exploit innate talents, especially those who conceive ambitions and then strive to achieve

    them. A danger is that, if two people are chasing individual goals and dreams, then conflict may

    occur if their paths begin to diverge rather than run parallel.

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    'Inferiority Complex' /moon sextile ascendant / Water and - Emotional Nature works with


    Keanu Reaves, Nicholas Cage, Noam Chomsky, Tom Jones

    The Moon sextile the Ascendant shows that you try to understand why you react sosensitively to what people say to you. You also try to understand the various circumstances in

    your life, so there is harmony in these areas of your life. It wasn't always this way; until you

    matured, you felt apprehensive that people were criticizing you, or that you were handling

    situations less skillfully than you should. Even now, there are times when you have some

    difficulty in separating fact from fiction, but you are learning all the time. You are not becoming

    less sensitive, just more understanding. You tend to become overly emotional in your dealings

    with people and to underestimate your competence in successfully handling the situations that

    develop. The truth is, most people consider you quite competent, so stop worrying about it. You

    have a wealth of ideas, which you should capitalize on. Perhaps in your work you can make

    meaningful suggestions that could be used constructively by your superiors. Your work is veryimportant to you. You accept your tasks eagerly and want to prove your competence by

    performing them well. In reaching the goals you set for yourself, you continually strive for

    excellence. Once you get over your feeling of inferiority, you can succeed in meeting any

    challenge from competitors. In a personal relationship, you hope to be appreciated for the

    contributions you make to sustain it. You are more than able to share mutual interests without

    shirking your responsibilities. Most people realize this, and some may try to take advantage of

    your compliant nature. You have a wide circle of friends with who you enjoy many pleasant

    social gatherings. You love to be included in social affairs where you can converse with people

    on a variety of subjects. You are fairly well-read and can make a substantial contribution to

    discussions on many topics.

    'Self-Exploration' Neptune sextile Pluto Water and Water - Subconscious works with


    Anyone born from 1942 to 2030

    During the past century, there has been only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto, and it

    is interesting to note that the sextile commenced in the midst of World War II during 1942. The

    influence of this relationship would be expected to have global and generational effects; and, like

    all of the transpersonal planetary energies, would be a directive force stimulating the

    development of the evolutionary process within time and space. The attempts to understand the

    nature of the universe, its composition and size, the possible creation of the universe and the 'big

    bang theory' reflect the traditional Western way of looking externally. What has paralleled this

    tendency has been the birth of an opposite movement amongst people, that of self-exploration,

    the inner mystical way. This has been through the New Age movement, humanistic / Jungian

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    psychology, occult techniques, and the rebirth of magical attitudes towards life. It has also

    involved the grafting onto the Western tree of many of the attitudes and much of the knowledge

    of Eastern philosophies and religions; a merging of the two hemispheres;

    'Live Wire' / mars sextile ascendant /Fire and - Self-Will works with Personality

    Martin Luther King, Keanu Reaves, Ted Turner, Bruce Jenner, Kurt Vonnegut, Amy

    Winehouse, David Beckham, Zinedine Zidane, Jim Carrey, Fidel Castro, Tom Jones, Nick

    Drake, Friedrich Nietzsche, Elvis Presley, Steve Martin

    With Mars sextile the Ascendant, you usually express yourself with persistence and

    determination. You are fearless in saying what is on your mind, and careless as well. You assert

    yourself enthusiastically but impulsively. This lack of temperance in expressing your opinions

    tends to put people on the defensive. Because you are somewhat of a 'live wire', people come to

    expect the unexpected from you. With so much nervous energy, it isn't easy for you to sit still for

    very long. When your body isn't in motion, your tongue is, and this is how most of your

    problems in relationships begin. Although you may want harmony in dealing with people, it isn't

    evident from your actions. If you learn to reflect before you speak, you will avoid saying the

    wrong thing at the wrong time. You want to be admired by your friends for having a mind of

    your own and the courage to speak up when you feel you should. You need their support because

    you aren't always that sure of yourself. You work hard at your career, perhaps doing more than is

    expected of you if you work under supervision, and certainly so if you are self-employed. There

    is some danger that you actually do more than you should, because much of your effort comes

    from nervous energy. You feel challenged by competitors and want to prove that you are morecompetent than they are. By being well-informed, you are prepared to take on any responsibility

    when the opportunity is offered. You need greater self-discipline to get the full benefit of your

    creative ability. If you can consolidate your efforts towards a specific objective, you will always

    manage to succeed. Your zest for living is dramatically shown by your boundless enthusiasm in

    everything you do. Don't waste it in nonproductive enterprises or in a useless show of superior


    'The Technician' / mercury sextile mars / Air and Fire - Rational Mind works with Self-


    Carl Lewis, Sean Penn, Ted Turner, Edgar Cayce, Jeff Buckley, Al Pacino, Prince, Bill

    Clinton, Ernest Hemmingway, Malcolm X, Mel Gibson, Andy Warhol, Albert Einstein

    With Mercury sextile Mars, your mentality is sharpened by an insatiable curiosity that will not

    rest until you have acquired all the knowledge you desire. But obviously that point will never be

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    reached, and you will never stop learning. You are a genuinely friendly person and don't wait to

    be introduced to others, for you see no reason to waste time waiting for a formal introduction.

    You enjoy meeting people and conversing with them. Although you are a persuasive talker, you

    are also a good listener. You are friendly to everyone, but heaven help the person who tries to

    deceive you. Your response is as sharp and incisive as a surgeon's scalpel, and that person will

    know better than to provoke you again.

    'The Sympathetic Listener' /Venus sextile Jupiter / Earth and Fire - Sensuality works with


    Keanu Reaves, Michael Jordan, Lewis Carroll, George Clooney, Nicholas Cage, Al Pacino,

    Jim Morrison, Allen Ginsberg, Winston Churchill, Dane Rudhyar, Edith Piaf, Hugo Chavez,

    Bill Hicks

    The sextile from Venus to Jupiter shows that you have an outgoing personality. Your ease in

    expressing yourself endears you to everyone with whom you deal. You know how to say the

    right thing at the right time for the results you want. You are generous with praise when it is

    deserved, and sometimes even when it isn't. Others think of you as a kind, sympathetic, and

    understanding person who can always find the time for someone who needs assistance. Even

    people who are inclined to pessimism come away with hope because you can always visualize a

    solution to their problems. You don't generally interfere in the affairs of others, but you will

    make yourself available if necessary. Your attitude is, 'If they need me, I'm as close as the

    telephone'. You are popular because you don't make excessive demands on people, being tolerant

    of their frailties. You can apply your talents in many diverse directions, for this planetarycombination does not of itself give a specific talent. It does give a personable quality that is a

    distinct asset in certain professions and fields. Any occupation involving public contact is far

    easier with this kind of temperament. It would be especially beneficial, both to you and to others,

    to work with the public in some capacity, perhaps as social director of some large organization,

    as a teacher, or as a travelers' guide. Writing would be another avenue of expression for your

    creative ability. You are not patient enough to submit to the rigorous discipline required for

    writing lengthy stories, but essays or magazine articles would certainly be suitable. The 'good

    life', with comfortable surroundings, a lavishly furnished home, good friends, and plenty of

    social activity, is what you desire. You would find it difficult to accept a life of austerity that

    allowed only the barest essentials. You round out your daily living with a variety of vocationalinterests. Reading, travel, social activities, music, art, and theatre are some of the many interests

    that enrich you and give you pleasure. You not only enjoy these interests as a spectator, but you

    also participate in them when you can. You expect honesty and sincerity from anyone with

    whom you have more than a casual relationship. Even among your casual acquaintances, you are

    'turned off' if you discover them to be deceptive, indifferent, insensitive, or coarse. You identify

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    with people who are not content to stand still in their development and are always eager to

    improve themselves.

    'The Loner' / saturn sextile midheaven /Earth and - Conditioning works with Environment

    Chris Rock, Vincent Van Gogh, Donald Trump, Frida Kahlo, Michael Jackson, Barack

    Obama, Edgar Cayce, George Clooney, George Harrison, Gary Oldman, Whitney Houston,

    Johnny Depp, Edith Piaf, Sigmund Freud, Aleister Crowley, Bill Hicks, Steve Martin

    This signifies that you have a strong sense of inner discipline and that you can work toward

    the goals you set for yourself steadily and without wavering. It may also indicate that you work

    mostly alone, without much help from people of your own age. They will not hinder you, but you

    work best by yourself. Whatever task you undertake, you work at it patiently, with thorough

    organization and method, leaving no stone unturned. You may take on responsibilities that most

    young people would be reluctant to attempt. You may seem older than you are. You are

    independent, even a loner, because having other people around may seem to distract you from

    your purposes. For this reason, you may not have many friends while you are young, but that will

    be because you have chosen it, not because no-one can get along with you. When you are older,

    you will be a very dependable person, because you have worked out your own methods and have

    proved to everyone that they work. As you grow, you will have the aid and assistance of those in

    authority, such as teachers and parents. They will approve of your early maturity and will help

    you find your course. When you are older and working for a living, your relations with

    employers should also be good, because they will know you can be trusted to do a job well and

    take responsibility.

    'The Inventor' / Mercury inconjunct Uranus /Air and Air - Rational Mind challenges


    Michael Jordan, Ted Turner, Deepak Chopra, Eddie Murphy, Albert Einstein

    The new and unusual things that occur to you may carry you far from the basic needs of your

    everyday life. Good ideas do not necessarily require you to act immediately to bring them about.Positive innovation will require you to alter yourself and your basic habits before you will see

    much change in the world or your environment.

  • 7/30/2019 Various aspects of astrology


    'Burning out' / Sun inconjunct Saturn / Fire and Earth - Vitality challenges Conditioning

    Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Richard Pryor, Clint Eastwood

    It is easy for you to take on responsibilities that aren't yours while ignoring ones that are.

    Because you work hard and aren't always recognized or compensated for it, you often "run out ofsteam" before your work is done. Your life works best when you learn to take care of your most

    important responsibilities first.