Variables affecting the heart and ventilation rate

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Transcript of Variables affecting the heart and ventilation rate


IB Biology HL Lab ReportShantal Al HabibMarch 2, 2016


The aim of this experiment is to detect the changes in heart rate and circulatory rate in different body positions and after exercise. The rates measured will be compared in order to see the influence of sex and age on the rates.


If the rate was monitored in

conditions where oxygen

supply is needed more, the

rates will increase.


Heart rate: Your heart rate is the

number of times your heart beats per minute

Blood pressure: The volume of air

passing in and out of the body at a given time

Ventilation rate: The strength of the

pushing against the walls of the blood vessels is your blood pressure.


-Independent variables:Different activitiesBody position

-Dependent variables:Heart rateVentilation rateBlood pressure

-Controlled variables: Control groupTemperature Time doing the exercises

MATERIALS: Stopwatch

Blood pressure Heart rate Ventilation rate

sphygmomanometer Hand-Grip heart rate monitor Respiration monitor belt

The test subjects will be needed to be in the following positions:


Lying down



1. Adjust the respiration monitor belt over the diaphragm of the first person2. Have the test subject sit down3. Close the screw of the bulb pump4. Pump until the pressure reaches 108 KPa5. Let the equipment measure the rate for 120 Seconds6. Have your test subject stand up 7. Adjust the pressure by pumping the bulb a few times until 120 is reached8. Measure the rate for 120 seconds9. Adjust the pressure of the monitor belt 10. have your test subject do exercises for 120 seconds while measuring the rate11. Measure it for 120 seconds after he/she is done12. Repeat with another test subject with a different sex13. Repeat with another test subject with a different age


1. Attach the sensor or Polar Transmitter Module to the Hand Grip2. Let your test subject sit and hold the Hand Grip according to the marks on the instrument3. Align the arrow on the receiver with the hand grip4. Monitor the heart rate for 200 seconds5. Do the same while the test subject is standing up, lying down, and after doing exercises6. Repeat the same steps with another test subject of another sex7. Repeat the same steps with another test subject of another age


1. Have your test subject sit 2. Wrap the cuff around his/her arm firmly above the elbow3. Close the screw of the pressure release valve4. Squeeze the valve to inflate the cuff until you reach 170 mm Hg5. Start opening the valve slowly6. Record the pressure at which you first hear the heart beats7. Listen and record the pressure at which you here the last heart beat8. Do the same while the test subject is standing up, lying down, and after doing exercises9. Repeat the same steps with another test subject of another sex10.Repeat the same steps with another test subject of another age


Step 3Compare the results of varying effects and how it

influences the rate depending on sex and age

Step 2Create graphs that show all three test subject results of each individual measurement

Step 1Using the data and graphs in Logger pro find the average rates

Fig. 1 Male breathing rate- standing

Fig. 2 Male breathing rate- sitting

Fig. 4 older female breathing rate- sitting

Fig. 3 older female breathing rate- before, during, & after exercising

Fig. 5 Male heart rate- standing

Fig. 6 Older female heart rate- standing

Fig. 6 Male heart rate- sitting

Fig. 7 Older female heart rate- sitting


The results show that the activities and positions that require more energy, oxygen supply or carry out more cellular respiration have higher a heart rate, ventilation rate, and blood pressure. This happens because more oxygen will be needed increasing the amounts of times a person inhales and a faster heart rate will be needed to carry the oxygen and nutrients to the cells. As a result, the blood pressure increases


• The experiment can be repeated multiple times to check the accuracy

• The control group was small and a bigger one will result in more reliable conclusions and better comparison

• The person measuring the rates was not the same for all trials. However, using the same person to measure the rates will result in less experimental error.