Values of Love - learning to choose

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Transcript of Values of Love - learning to choose

8/14/2019 Values of Love - learning to choose 1/15


Always do the right thing -

Your choice counts!


1. In the first classes of this curriculum we sit with the

children and tell the first Superbunny and the Streetkid 

story. This deals with making choices and looking for the right way in life.

2. Where does the feeling of right and wrong come from? (Heart) Does everybody

have it? Does everybody know how to listen to the heart? Discuss those things that

help us listen to our 

heart and make love grow.

3. Discuss with the children the different values that support love feeling. What

experiences destroy this inner feeling of joy? (topics home violence, child abuse, child

soldiers, divorce…)


Pictures to talk about:

What is happening here? How does it affect them?

How does it shape their thinking?


How can they be kids again?

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Superbunny and the Street kid

 Introduction to the story:

Once upon a time, Superbunny was just another rabbit who liked to eat his carrots and

hop in the fields. But then he saw something that was very wrong, a poor street kid

 becoming a bad boy who bullied others. He decided he would help all of us who want

to be good and do good to others.


Street kid was very unlucky. He had no family to care for him and lived in the street

(street kid song). He tried to be good and asked people for food. And sometimes they

did help, but often they chased him away.


Instead of begging, Street kid would clean windows, or carry other people’s bags. But

many times they didn’t give him anything. He was often hungry and sick.


Then one day he saw the witches. They had everything: toys, food, and friends. Theycalled him (witches song) and gave him cake. Oh what a treat! They wanted him to

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When the project is complete let the children take their story pockets home.

To make a story pocket, fold here

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Ideas for dancing and ac ting out the story.The story is suitable for movement. Use the CD as a background and tell the children

the different parts of the tale as they move through the room.

Street kid: Moves sadly – cleans window, begs, gets food is happy, then gets

rejected and becomes sad.

Witches: Look cool and very much like the gang members we see in the USA


Animals: show how they feel the pain and writhe on the ground as the witches

 beat them.

Superbunny: moves gently and gracefully.

Street kid wakes up: first moves like the witches, then he too learns to move

gracefully and becomes good.

Ends with the love grows like a flower – song.


Make a ‘not for sale’ button with your portrait




SaleAre you for Sale?

Questions to Discuss

1. Who is good and who is bad in this story?

2. Street kid was good, but because he was hungry, he changed. He could not resist

the temptation of some cake and clothes. Are you for sale too?

3. Is it always easy to choose the good things? Which values did the Street kid learn?

4. Can good people change? How about bad people? Can you give examples?

5. The most common example of change from bad to good in children’s literature isthe prince in ‘Beauty and the Beast’. He changed. How about the wolf in ‘Red

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Riding Hood’? Did he change? And what happened to him?

6. It often happens that we learn to be good after making mistakes. Do you think 

everybody should have a second chance?

Love is like a flowerLove can change the whole world. And love is something we can learn and let it grow,

 just like a flower. Bring a potted plant and show how we care for flowers and help

them grow. How can we protect our love, just like the little flower?

Love is like a flower,

In the sun and rain

Plant it in your heart

And it will grow again and again.

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And when you let it grow inside you

It helps love grow in others too….

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The Love ValuesGrowing love is one step into choosing the good. When we are quiet and smile inside,

our love grows. The other step is learning the good habits.

In the coming chapter your teacher will tell you what these are. Listen to this song,and maybe you can learn three good habits from it already:

Ar t P ro ject

Explain that the dove is a symbol of peace. Use hand prints to make birds. Stick the

lyrics of the song below on the art work.

Do you want peace?

Oh yes we do!

Do you want love?

Oh, yes we do!

Then these are the things you should do:


Always care and be kind

Never steal

And speak good words all the time.

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The Values of Love

Good Values let you fly ! 

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Stop the BullyingIn the story the witches are the bullies who terrorize the poor 

animals. We call them ‘bullies’. Do you know what ‘bullies’ are?

Do you feel that these witches are really strong?

Have you ever seen a group of angry kids making a ‘gang’ (or a clique) and hitting

others? Do you feel the need to join such a group sometimes? Why do people make

groups and stick together?

Are there bullies or gangs in your class?

Are you a bully?

How can we stop others from bullying us?

Can we help them grow love and do the good things?

Bullying - the Facts

• It is estimated that 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear

of attack or intimidation by other students. Source: National Education


• A survey conducted by the American Association of University Women

reported that 85% of girls and 76% of boys have been sexually

harassed in some form and only 18% of those incidents were

perpetrated by an adults.

Young bullies carry a one-in-four chance of having a criminal record by

age 30. Study by Leonard Eron and Rowell Huesman.

• One in seven students is either a bully or victim.

• 15% of all school absenteeism is directly related to fears of being

bullied at school.

• 71% of students report incidents of bullying as a problem at their



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You can make everything of 

Love!Cut out different sizes of love hearts and use these

shapes to make other objects (trees, people, cars,etc…) Everything grows from Love.


Good vs. Bad: Who will win?Good cards against the bad cards. Mix the cards and divide to each team. Explain that

the good cards are more powerful than the bad cards. And that a good card can cover a

 bad card. Put a bad card on the table. Use the good cards to cover the bad cards. Who

will win? (the game is designed such a way that of course the good will win! – we


Good Bad

Help somebody Say bad words

Say ‘thank you’ Steal

Be clean Forget to clean your hands

Open the door for somebody. Hit somebody

Help clean the classroom. Kick somebody

Sing a good song. Spit on somebodyRead a book. Break somebody’s toys

Write a thank you note. Telling lies

Help your classmates.

Make a Banner or sticker!

Always do the right


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Value Visualization - Peace Circle

 All my friends are here with me.

There are friends, friends, friends

 As far as I can see.

I love my friends,

 All the friends I see

But when I close my eyes,

I feel my greatest friend 

Is inside me.

Discuss that knowing right from wrong is a feeling that comes from the heart and by

going deeper into the heart you can understand better what to do and what not to do.

For this reason we make a Peace Circle, where we grow love and peace.

 Prepare cards/ pieces of wood/ stones with good words.

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Ask the children to sit in a circle. Place a large candle in the middle of the circle. Give

out the good words. Tell the children that these good words are gifts to our friends and

ask one of them to say something about the word in their hands. After the child hassaid something about the good words, they place the card/ stone/wood in the middle.

The teacher then calls the next child. Use soft music in the background

 Ideas for good words:

Kind, help, listen, understand, forgive, patient, care, smile, good words, work hard,

serve, clean, share, friends, love, peace, meditate, study, tell,

 Your choice counts !