Valentine banquet 2014

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Valentine banquet 2014

Middlefork Road Baptist Church Valentine Banquet 2014

Fred and Wilma Flintstone


Rhett and Scarlett I guess they

did get back together

Amelia Earhart

Wow! Who would have thought you would find

her at Middlefork.

Phillip Fulmer



I’m not sure how these

two met and got together.

Rhett and Scarlett

Joseph and Mary

Now that’s a famous couple.

Amelia Earhart

Willie Scott looking for her Indiana Jones

Phillip Fulmer & Queen Elizabeth

Bro. Glenn & Judy

Ricky & Lucy Ricardo

Brenda Corey

Roy Rogers & Dale Evans

Where’s Trigger?

Tony & Kim Parrish

Guy Fieri & Sara Moulton

Food, food, and more food

Johnny & Judy Connor

Salt & Pepper

Now this couple spices up any party

Eric & Sunny Corey

Ricky & Lucy Ricardo

Loocy you got some splaining to do

Bro. Glenn&


Now that’s a happy
