Vague Article

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Aurora Skye, international Superstar known for her lucrative pop Career and her Unusual Fashion sense she has sold over 23 million albums worldwide and her latest Tour has grossed over 227 million dollars She is set to release her own Couture clothing line later this year for those who live a lavish and fancy lifestyle. Starting back in 2006 Aurora has fought tooth and nail to get to where she is today by relentlessly shading others and holding her nose up higher than all the other so called queens of pop and has carved her own place in the pop kingdom, Aurora has gracefully agreed to be pictured exclusively for vague and run us through her new clothing range: Vanille Skanqué.

1. What inspired you to create your own Clothing Range? Me of course. I am so great and of course no one will ever be able to achieve me level of amazingness but I felt that it was time to help create a new generation of beauty, I am sowing my sequin seeds and watching My beauty grow, as we all know I am of course the most beautiful pop singer to have ever existed so I will be hoping that the other ‘’competitors’’ for my crown as queen of all that is pop will maybe take a look at my clothes and think that they should try harder, for I am fabulous.

2. Who will it appeal to?Well the upper class stuffy aristocrats will be the only people who will be physically able to admire the subtle nuances and Effort that I personally have put into the designs thesmelves because when you have as much money as I and the other many rich people do you cannot afford to not be on cutting edge because you will be under a larger magnifying glass of scrutiny due to the expectations of the poor little sheep who hang off our every word. It is rather hard to be this rich and fabulous you know?

3. How much will it cost?Dependant on the gown or pair of shoes themselves (or accessories) the overall price will range from at the very cheapest $12,000 to the most expensive $268,000. With prices like that you know that it has to be worth it darling. I mean is anything ever worth owning if it isn’t as expensive as possible, I want people to know my prices so that when they see someone wearing one they will stop and think Wow look at how fabulously rich they are I bet they must live a illustrious and exotic life.

4. How do you think it will affect the Fashion world?Well obviously darling I will be creating waves and knocking some of the other fashion queens from their pedestals. My couture is aimed to kill the competition dear and I will not tolerate anything other than the result I am going for. If the other designers don’t like it then they can take it up with my lawyers and managerial staff. Personally I have always felt that there is something missing within the fashion world, I mean yes some of the fashion labels appeal to me because if they didn’t what would I possibly wear? But I think it is time that I personally attempt to fill the gap

5. When will you be displaying your new clothing range?It will be displayed before sale this summer in my own clothing even called Phashion Week, I use the ph ironically of course to poke fun at those who still use the word as a serious term, ah how people murder the English language so,

6. Could you describe the aesthetic appeal of the overall range?Complete and utter Noir, the darkest of all blacks just like the soul of fame itself has leaked into my designs. When I designed each piece myself I decided that each one would most definitely have to stand out from the crowd because if you don’t create something that is appealing and odd no one will want to look, I decided to mix and incorporate things such as animal print and luxurious Fur (all faux of course) into my clothing range because this is like a basic rule of the pretentious fashion world. You wear fur like your heart on your sleeve; it defines you and your background and shows that you are cut from a different more lush cloth. But as of course that those of an extremely lower class that wear cheap and disgusting abuse fur and this is something that appals me to my very core. While I am a firm believer in the use of fur I always make sure that if it is not faux my animals have not suffered or died, much in the way you would trim a sheep’s wool and allow it to live this how I feel that all animals should be processed for fur, while this may be more expensive I believe it is a more humane and eco-friendly way because why should anyone or anything die needlessly for the temporary beauty that slowly fades with each second that some people obsessively seek out

7. Do your musical influences also help to create your image and style?Well one might think so but to be brutally honest I find it ever so hard to link the feeling you get from music and the influence it brings into physical fashion format. I may be inspired by some music and just not know it because I just come up with everything for my designs randomly, a lot of people think that I work for hours on end perfecting a final design alone but this is untrue I just allow my ideas to flow naturally through me like cool water. Throughout the day I will carry with me a small notebook and sketchbook in case an idea strikes then I will always have notes and quick sketches of what I want to do. While this way may seem unorthodox I believe that this is a much more natural if somewhat longer way of developing and creating ideas because when you sit down and try to force yourself to think your ideas may be blurry and rushed so that I think that is truly the right way to think and develop your creative ideas.

8. Where does the name Vanille Skanqué come from? Again I chose to poke fun at the people around me because it something that brings a lot of secret joy to me if I’m being honest. Well the word Vanille is the French word for vanilla which when used explicitly against people is a term to call them boring and plain, you know very bland and whatnot? And the word Skanqué comes from the word skank which is a colloquial term used to express hatred towards those of a less dignified manner who use their bodies for Sex in such an undeveloped and disgusting way. The word itself is made up by me of course but because it sounds and looks French it makes the whole thing seem Fancy when in reality it’s just an insulting lie hidden away with beautiful Words and Dressed up in a formal way Much like those who will choose to wear my clothes.