V Home Tov^n - NYS Historic...

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Transcript of V Home Tov^n - NYS Historic...

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Home Tov^n V



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yOL. ELEVEN NO. 48 \\ *A1

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* *In The Business Hub Of The Southern AdirouOac^s*'


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Joe E. Brown In 6 Day Bike Race


Acting lias not always been the* orte of many of the screen's most prominent stars and players.

When Joe E. Brown, now star­ing in First National's ^'6 Day Bike Rider," snowing at the Happy

- Hour theatre Sunday* Monday and Tuesday, December '2, 3, 4, return­ed to Toledo. Ohio, in the summer

JOE E.6ROIVN I of 1910 after a season of ytroupl ing, he decided to take up motor bike, racing as a profession.

He purchased a motorcycle and had it geared so that it w«^ the *econd speediest in %p ©wintry. The day before a scheduled To­ledo race, Joe filed Ms entry ap­plication and fee. He was enter-ing*-the competition * a i a dark horse. On road tryonts, those in charge of the race got their J r s t glimpse of him, / x

Pate entre4 the game a t thi point. That "first glimpse' was to rale that Joe was to remain an actor.

As the star himself describes it: "X was such[ a screwy rider that the; judges feared there would be serious accidents, so they barred mtf from the race."

"6 Day Bike Rider'* is a hilari­ous comedy of thrills and spills OM a pacing track. Supporting Joe E. are Maxine Doyle, Frank Mc-Hugh, Gordon Westcott, Arthur Aylesworth and Lottie Williams. Lloyd Bacon directed the picture from the story and screen play by Earl Baldwin;


0> — s -

Lester T. Moston, of ' Waynes-burg, Pa., formerly of North Creek, i s the' happy father of twin daughters, born Thursday, Nov­ember 22.

Mr. Moston is a son of Dr. and Mrs. George T. Moston of Ocean Grove, N. J~

V .

Chester Firemen Give big Opening


CHESTmTQWH, . Hov. 2$—In spite of rain, a good crowd of lo­cal people were on bond to view the new Quarters of the Volunteer Firemen at their public opening, Friday evening, November 23rd. Judging from their enthusiastic testimonials 'jotted down in the register for guests, : thef com­munity is proud of this- cc&afort̂ able and tasteful addition to the b/Uildlhgs p l i h e town. L£s well kept equipment and the business­like atmosphere of the engine room is satisfactory indeed, while the artistic furnishings of the club-rooms above were a .delight to the guests.

Members of the Fire Depart­ment were gracious hosts to the public, explaning and exhibiting the interesting points about the building- Delicious punch was ser­ved tpoeaefc guest, making the evening a peasant affair, indeed.

Seniors to Present Play Dec. 7th

W at Happy Hour SEE A BIG SHOW FOB

10 Cmms DECEMB1IR 5 anSB

. Two Bargain Nights will be given a t trie Happy Hour theatre on Wednesday and Thursday, December 5 and 6, when the ad­mission price will be only Ten (10) cento to everyone.

A grand picture will be shown entitled "Student Tour." starring-Jimmy Durante and Charles Butterworfcfc.

AVail yourself of this great opodrtunitv to see a big/ show for only a DIlEBL > . . . . .

Crescents Squeeze Hor*


Boy Dies From Cm Accident


Eifiteen-year-old Youth Probably Bled to Death, Esses: County

Corone? Reports Robert Keyes, 15-year-old Olm-

stedville High school freshman, is dead today* victim,, of a gun-shot wound inflicted when bis own weapon accidently discharged as he hunted Saturday in a - woods-back o the school he attended.

Keyes' body wa& found at about 11 -o'clock Saturday night by -a-searching party which started out an hour. before when the boy's parents., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keyes. became anxious over their son's failure to return home.

A severe wound, inflicted by birdshot from bin gun, WAS found in the*bovrs leg. Dr. John Breen of Schroor* Lake, Essex Countv Cor­oner, state* the.bov otobably Wed to death. He beuevef the gun dis­charged when"" the boy fell oh Tt.

Keye"-. started out or* bis hunt­ing and trawrinff expedition about 10 o'clock Saturdav morning after telling his narenfs he would return by noon. With him he took his gun and some,traps.

His parents* anxiety increased throughout; the afternoon when the boy failed to return, and the decision to send out searching parties was reached Saturday evening. After/the body had been found, Dr. Breen and Trooper Reiyer of the Schroon Lake patrol were summoned.

Dr. Breen rendered a verdict of accidental death 'after 'the inesti-gation.

Besides his parents, the youth is survived by .one brother, Charles jiy jand one sister, Bessie, Funeral services were conducted Tuesday morning in St. Joseph's churcfa*ai. Olnastedville.


Miss Madeline <aillen, danghter.' of Mrs. "Walter ;(>*Coimer» and-^Eld ward Mc0w#eney,. boiQi., Ohnsted' ville, were married l?0vember ^1 in St. Joseph's church a t Olmfted-ville by the Rev»;F..a Hatch. The' attendants were Helen Brown, sister of the -bride,. and Vincent Galusha.. The couple leftrf or trip to Canada,. • k.

Legion Hold Big Party at Chester


Xorfh Creek Hero

vs Tapper Lake To-nighf

of % e . jEnsmbers of the Haynes

' Creek. Crescents

^fhe date of the play, -UW I s For Family," to be given hy the Senior Class of Hortfi Creek High school! The North has beeu set as December 7. Re- handed Horieon High school team hearsals axe in progress and the their first defeat of • the season performance promises to be high- Thursday eight at Hoiicon, North ly entertaining. Filled with ro-j Creek has scheduled games with inance, pattios, and laughs* the 1 the Coriutfc Sportsman Club, Ha-r a ^ T

l s , . f % « « act comedy of gue- Nighthawks, Lake George fafialy Me ttmt, everyone should Firemen aiw* a return game with enjoy. The trials and. tribulations Tapner Lake.";

family are shm»-.m they meet comic? and tragic situatiibiis. The g a y was originally produced ohfAndru^ rf. B l i S < i ^ a ? : . ^ . „ . JSabatt is , rf. ^ The ftflamng Seniors and Jun4 L, Cole, lit xors make tip the cast* I MeArdle r MaudeHayhes Helta* prdway j Ba^oudi., c f

Haynes, her 'sisteran-lawJ Sawyer, rg* ". ,l|Eaz '̂-B^&: :i&.-"Cble* 'fk

Douglas Gallagher I Tofesl WHliam Waldron Lililan Islington

If arlitt Brown Seaman Paul Swanson

^ 'Baynes .Haynes

Thi sunamaxy:-....... .', 2fortli Creek-


t&Wm • Smith-.' Barbara -Cornwell: Tra»<*hn d ^^ Fjdwin Martih J l om HadlS(>h Thelma Dirolf

, Thft plajf fe under the direction of MrVWafiajceE* Green of iM

-faculty;' ., '.'.-'

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Smith, rf, •Culver, If*.- •«***-|i-*B.H^*.»^il»*^-»*

* » *>t* !(*.•* «*-»»lr ».

Bolton, Tg* WattersL' jg»

. * » . » . * * . * . •

Itoali •ltoJ?gai^;0'Eeeffe>', Miss; KutJfiirlW. Jge^-lfey-*t tdt • -Ifes, James 1 O'Xeeffe an^ aosi* ©aniel ^ are spew»n* <t^Mi!i^lv|ttg irfQi ^am-

' . • " &

a ...5.


'^11 ; vfednesfey^ November- 28,

:cents-p^lay'the fast Tunnef e teaiii 4m. the locat <court. This

ihbuld be a fast game. Tupmr de­feated ?*fo?fc3i Creek earlier iri' ifee

m- 2̂ 5 t * t& liaiough Korfh 'Creek imL *e fayef to .. wpi , this

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CHESTERTOWK, Nov 2SKThe mostr successful event of iar iaad held in this community for/several years, was the annual card party held in the restaurant of the Pan­ther Mountain House on thSp even­ing of Kovemfeer 22s4

This party has been nelty an­nually for the past few years and has for Its purpose the raising of money to be used in nroviding a Xmas Treat' to be combined with a-free picture show for all the child­ren of the communities ' of this nlace, Pottersvaie* Korfcon and "Eiyerside. The Parent-Teachers association, having tafeen oyer this projeet. are to foe eongratulated ucon their efficient, management of the affair, as well as upon the splendid financial' returns, of. the evening, The '-sum. of • EST* • ^as reaMzea\ practically -aH of which Is profit, as the expenses of the party wast largely covered by donations'. •5*uads'not reaulred for the " fur­nishing of the Children's -Kmas Treat 'will' fee utilized by the\P.'T. Ai. in." practical Welfare •work-among the school eMldren'of this eommunity. •'. ;• ':. • The p.- T. ' A* has'" exnresse-d

thanks to,,Mr* amd;.Mrs. Wertime for the use of .the Panther Moun­tain House .and thanks is-also due •the/large number of people -who .codfjerated in various .ways—com-mlttee' activities,, the selling .of tiekets, .donation "'Of prizes- -and food-for the party.

-Mss Laura. Sahdlers was chair-mart in' ch.arge« ""*$$&'." comnntfees ass^a;g were-S' prizes, Mrs«. BJarry .BaMwirt. Miss Sara' Murphy, Mrs*' i3.,W»;^ette»bach; " refreshntent^, •;0.' ̂ L. • Stevenson, .' Mrs,.. Wffiam

' liurphy* Ifes. - <2, A. Stevenson

Hunter Acquitted by Jury of Ckarges , After thirty minutes* delibera* tion, Otis Bates of Floral avenue, Binghamton, was found not guilty Friday of violating section ISO of the conservation law by a: Jury whieh heard trial * of his case be­fore Justice of the peace Kenneth Bennett at this place.

Attorney Warren T, Ratcliff appeared for the defendant who v^*i charged, with possessing ven­ison which had not been tageed with the deer tags as provided by Taw. The prosecution was repre­sented "by Protector Mark H. Stewart.

Similar carges aeainst Mrs. Emma, Morehouse of Bakers Mflls and Kenneth Meade, also of that place, were withdrawn following the Bates trial. Their trials were scheduled to be tried Friday also.

Big Plot of Unused Land in


Reforestation Exhibit on Display in North Greek fligh School

- • . . . \ • .

.Wedn-esday, 'Thursday,. Mo%*. 2$, 29t-'.•Movie: -.MJM3m^ EYJRE"':- wJtht.

^rgmia Bruce and Colht CH«e* The most appeahng love story-.to all fiction. Benefit Month Creek High School Senibr Class. Oomedjr Laurel an^ B&ardy» Travelogue and Hews,. . '.v . ;'• •*

Friday, Saturday, Hov, 30^ Dec at . • Movie: 'Buck '.Jfones in <lFlGSaT>. INC CODE". Buck Jones, t h a t great western star of stars in a new-and.^exeiting --picture- -Ha^--isr M e l with action and thrills^ Oream. of Short; Subjects and! Pathe Kews.

Sunday, Monday* Tuesday December 2, 3. 4

Movie; Joe Es Brown in *'& DAlf BTKFI RIDER" with Marine Doyle and Frank McHugh. i l l snailag* records broken in a race foar laughs and thrills. Comedy "Paraes Paree", Short Subjects and Fox News. -

Wednesday, Thursdajy Dec 5,. 6 , B»gair» ISfigl̂ f-i

Movjei "STUDENT, TOUR,^ starring Jimmt. Durante anct Charles Butterworth, Adniissioa, Only TEN CENTS.


There are between four and five million acres of land lying idle in New York State that could be re­forested. Every County in the State contributes its share of idle land to. this total, declares George E. Stevens Supervisor of Forestry Exhibits of the State Conservation Department who is featuring an attractive .Reforesting Exhibit in North Creek High school this• wecft The Exhibit was placed in the high school through, the courtesy of Prof. J. Arnold Shaw, Principal of the High School,- - • --"Warren County has approxL

mately 85,000 acres of idle land, Mr. Stevens states, while several of the Counties adjacent to War-im'County have pteaty of m% landY./as- follows;" Washington county has 50,OQO acres; Essex * S J m 0 0 ° a c r e^ F«lton Co., 40.000 acres;. Hamilton county mMQ acres and Saratoga county 60,00ft acres.

Under the address of the City of Olenr Fallr there are over M per­sons who have planted trees -and established forest plantations' in Warren county and three other adjacent Counties, while there are 16 persons under the address .of North Creek, 23' under ' Warrens-burg, 14 under Lake George, XI) imeter-Soitaatt 1-9 -under'- Minsburg and many others who have planted trees ia, Warren County fcesfdesC44 other persons' living . outMde ' the county but who own and have 're­forested . Idle . land within the Countv, 19 of whom five, right in New York City.' In a!L there '. are over 250 persons, who have planted frees and established forest plan* tation** 'Within'the county.

„In the Spiting of i§S4-'atotel. of 185.000. fotest trees were -planted, In Warren county sav&g.a

'£&m*~ m "four [am %&mt •


News of. the Town Picked Here and There During the Week

^^fn<Jr^w Morehouse of Bakers MMls was in town Tuesday. '

• N M t

Kathryu M. Gregory, who is at* tending the Mildred Elley Private; Business School, Albany, is spend­ing the Thanksgiving holidax~s with her parents* Sir. and Mrs* George Gregory. . .

. Misn Alice Baroadi soeat Friday • evening at Glens Falls.

- Arthur' Morehouse and '011061* Lackey of Bakers Mills were &* town Monday* .

M««. and M m »Tohn Eussell wer«: .(Sens Falls visitors • recently.

. SBFS Mildred Ordway -.-and sfe* ter. Janet, have returned to Nemr York. . . .

D^^and"Mrs. A,' B. Fitzgerald? , pnd -son, John, shopped 'in • GienS;. Falls'-'recently, ./ . •*

- Ilr*- and Mrs. Williana.. Newortht' were recent 'guests a t the home of Iff, and Mrs* Elmer Waldron.

^ ^ tables ah#'chairs,


total -5f "oyer 74^,009 forest trees • nTanre£?' in the county-- shtee W$*. The City of fSens Falls alone has planted: over '2,5§&'fM}0; treps. on- its watershed 'since 1M# iwhite" there, has been, near ly 2J§©$00-, trees.1

plantetl on State Land wftMn .the;; eotmty. Antony -some'-of the other f1^ m town' recently latge' Manieinal. Plantings the countv an* the Warren Co'tmty | forest with S06J10& fe?eesr •-WafrlUe. m&Mk HalL-llrs.. Balph Tetter j-irensb«rE:#Ater' --District' yS®i, 15.; \ •*&*& | > ^ ^ S S ^ 0 ^ ^ '

: p i a ^ g supnlies,- "Mm, E. %.-V&tef M tree^.and Lake deorge School In^trlct^wllh WM frees. Them Is Slliv*-"'ntieh-'iargef-' list of;,«ht-

(OoatJiu^t on P«gft Ul

' .-.Mrs.' $ohn Day Falls recently.

visited 6Iehs&.

lars.'"Henry Carr of S^ratogar. recently /vteited' Mc*.. and

Wt&ebem. •• '- • '

called! 'Joseph Dickesfison on'l&s^Etta Ws

Albeit Wawensburg*

X B. Bandall and |£r§« Nellie ;Wfasttet


The North Creek High school Senior class is presenting a moviev "Jane Eyre"* Wednesday aa$" Thursday night, November 28", 29,, at the Happy Hour Theatre. "Vir­ginia Bruce is excellent as tfe% little girl frpm an orphanage wlw> becomes povernesr in the house of Edward Rochester i Colin CKve)^ The east is m. well chosen and ex­pertly directed one. Jane Eyre is a picture you wilt remember long after seeing at. Admission regular, thirty-five and fifteen cents.


i p t e t Randall 'Wneps they ipead the-'

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