V - Competence in English - 2nd year of CSE - Marking ...

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Transcript of V - Competence in English - 2nd year of CSE - Marking ...

Servicio de Inspección Educativa Hezkuntzako Ikuskapen Zerbitzua




Name / surname(s): .....................................................................

School: ........................................................................................

Group: ..........................................................................................

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Date: ............................................................................................

2 0 13 / 1 4



We will begin with a listening test.

• First, read the first 9 questions (2 minutes).

• Listen carefully to the recording. You will hear the recording twice.

• After each part you will have time to answer the questions.


You will also read 4 texts and answer 17 questions.


Lastly, you will write a short composition, following some instructions.

The whole test lasts 60 minutes.


- Listening -

Blogging1 1. The word blog comes from ………………………… and …………………………………

Marking criteria Marks Answer

0 An incorrect or incomplete response.

1 Web and log.

2. When did Jackie first hear about blogging?

A. Five days ago from her boss.

B. Five years ago, before attending a conference.

C. Five years ago, after attending a conference.

D. She doesn’t mention when she heard about it.

3. According to the speakers

A. Blogging is less popular now.

B. Blogging is more popular now.

C. Blogging is still popular now.

D. They don’t talk about popularity.

1 http://www.podcastsinenglish.com/


4. In Jackie’s opinion: For what kind of people do bloggers write their blogs? ..............................................




Marking criteria

Marks Answer 0 An incorrect or incomplete response.

1 (their) friends and family

5. Who was interviewed by bloggers during the presidential election in America?


Marking criteria

Marks Answer 0 An incorrect or incomplete response.

1 President (to be) Obama / Obama/ The candidates

6. According to Richard:

A. 9% of all the blogs are very boring.

B. 19% of all the blogs are very boring.

C. 90% of all the blogs are very boring.

D. 99% of all the blogs are very boring.

7. Some successful blogs are used to share common interests about a topic. Which

of these is NOT mentioned?

A. Ingredients.

B. Cooking.

C. Recipes.

D. Food.


8. What happens to some people who write about their boss or their salary in their blogs?




Marking criteria Marks Answer

0 An incorrect or incomplete response.


They lose their job /They get sacked / They have got sacked Accept similar answers even if the spelling or the grammar are not completely right

9. Which sentence summarizes the recording?

A. Richard and Jackie discuss the main characteristics of blogs.

B. Jackie is an enthusiast of blogs and has started a new one.

C. Richard doesn’t like blogs because he thinks they are boring.

D. Richard and Jackie have created the blog “podcastsinenglish.com”.


Reading 1



10. The poster is about:

A. Anatomy

B. Safety

C. Facebook

D. Friendship

11. Which advice is NOT given in the poster? If you are ever cyberbullied

A. It’s good to inform your friends.

B. It’s good to inform your parents.

C. It’s good to inform your teachers.

D. It’s good to inform the police.

12. What do you have to do if you want to get a copy of the poster?




Marking criteria Marks Answer

0 An incorrect or incomplete response.

1 send an email to design@fuzion.ie/E-mail design@fuzion.ie

13. When using social networks:

A. Only talk to friends, be nice to them, and give them your password.

B. Only talk to friends, say things that can hurt them, and don’t give them your


C. Talk to people you don’t know, be nice to them and don’t give them your settings.

D. Only talk to friends, be nice to them, and don’t give them your password.


14. In your opinion, who has created this poster, and why?




Marking criteria Marks Answer

0 Other answers

1 Incomplete answer: Who or Why


Complete answer: Who and Why Who: The police /The authorities / Parents’ associations /Facebook / Somebody who has suffered cyberbullying Why: To warn teenagers about the dangers of cyberbullying/he/she wants to tell his/her experience/ he/she wants to prevent/stop cyberbullying Accept any logical answers around those lines even if the grammar or the spelling are not completely right.


Reading 2

This graph was published by the American authorities and shows some very interesting data.



15. According to the graph, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. In general more girls than boys have cyberbullied others.

B. In the last 30 days more girls than boys have cyberbullied others.

C. In general more boys than girls have been cyberbullied.

D. In general more boys than girls have said bad things about others.

16. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. 18.2% is the number of girls that suffered bad comments on the social networks.

B. 2010 is the year in which this study about cyberbullying was conducted.

C. 2162 is the number of girls that took part in the study about cyberbullying.

D. 4.6% is the number of girls who cyberbullied others with pictures.

17. Who is/are the author(s) of this study?


Marking criteria Marks Answer

0 An incorrect or incomplete response.

1 Sameer Hinduja and Justin W. Patchin

18. What do the numbers to the left of the graph (i.e. 0.0, 5.0, etc.) represent?


Marking criteria Marks Answer

0 An incorrect or incomplete response.

1 The percentage of teenagers / the percent


Reading 3

My Point of View on Social Networking Sites (Dave Stanley, aged 15)

I Myspace, Twitter and Formspring, all come to my mind when someone says “social networking.” But especially Facebook, which is the best known of all. Even my 6-year-old brother knows what Facebook is! And if you don’t know, well, maybe you are more than 60 or extremely outdated.

II For many teens today visiting these sites is a crucial part of their daily routine. And sure, it’s a good way to keep in contact with your friends and peers but, in my opinion, these sites can also be bad if used in the wrong way.

III On the positive side it’s true that social networking sites make it possible to interact with the people next door or across the world with just one click. This allows you to keep in touch with your friends and family that may live far away. Whoever you may need, whenever you may need them, you can reach them via social networking. These sites can literally keep you in touch with the entire world, even the Eskimos in the North Pole!

IV Besides, a characteristic of many of these sites allows you to upload pictures to your page. This is a very helpful feature in sharing pictures with friends and family. Also the ability of people to comment on your pictures is good because it’s nice to see what people have to say about your pictures.

V But on the other hand, sites like Facebook can also be a powerful tool for bad characters. For example, a new form of teenage cruelty has appeared with social networks, cyber bullying. Cyber bullies send or post texts or pictures to embarrass or intimidate other teenagers. They tend to act with greater impunity than ordinary playground bullies because there is no face-to-face contact with their victims, and they feel the consequences won’t be as severe as in real life.

VI Social networking is also an open door to identity fraud. A 45-year-old man can easily register with a false name, birth date and email address, pretending to be a girl from your same school who wants to befriend you.

VII And finally, we all know that sometimes these sites have contents that are not appropriate for children and teenagers. These include nudity, gore, violence and other mature things that children and teenagers should not touch.

VIII To sum up, social networking sites have their good and bad; it’s all in how you look at it.

Adapted from http://www.teenink.com


19. The author’s opinion about social networks is:

A. more positive than negative.

B. more negative than positive.

C. balanced between positive and negative.

D. indifferent.

20. Twitter and Formspring are given as examples of


Marking criteria Marks Answer

0 An incorrect or incomplete response.

1 Social networks /Social networking sites

21. In the second paragraph the author says that social networks are a(n)

………………………… aspect of a teenager’s life:

A. interesting

B. relevant

C. vital

D. nice

22. The word “their” in paragraph five refers to:

A. Texts

B. Pictures

C. Cyber bullies

D. Victims


23. When the author says that his 6-year-old brother knows Facebook he means that as an example:

A. of how many brothers and sisters he has got.

B. that everybody in his family likes Facebook.

C. of how much children like the internet.

D. of how popular this social networking site is.

24. What are the two positive aspects of social networking sites the author mentions?

You can share pictures and:

A. contact far away people.

B. escape your daily routine.

C. live far away.

D. visit the Eskimos.

25. In which paragraph(s) does the author discuss the negative aspects of social

networking sites?


Marking criteria Marks Answer

0 Other answers.


• V, VI and VII II and VIII may be accepted as part of the answer: • II , V, VI and VII • V, VI , VII , VIII • II, V, VI , VII , VIII But don´t accept incomplete answers: • II , V, VI • VI , VII , VIII • … •


Reading 4

My account on a social networking site Laura has written an email to her friend Sarah telling her about her new tuenti account.

Before writing her e-mail Laura has carefully decided what to write about, has put her ideas in order and has thought about the vocabulary to use.

Dear Sarah, you know what??? Finally my parents have let me open an account on tuenti for my 15th birthday so we can meet there in the evenings! Isn’t it wonderful?

I’m very happy because many of my schoolfriends are there. We usually chat or exchange pictures, and we can also arrange to meet at the weekend. Some of the friends I made during my last summer holiday are there too, so we can stay in touch.

The only bad thing is that during the week I can only go online for half an hour and only after I finish my homework. My mum is very strict about that.

See you at the weekend. And see you on tuenti too!!!





tuenti account


exchange pictures

mum - ½ after finishing homework

dad wanted to be my “friend” on tuenti

friends - summer holiday

15th birthday

Julia’s got two accounts

+ and -

arrange to meet at the weekend


Then she has prepared a scheme to put those ideas in order.

26. Look at the scheme and fill in the gaps with the missing words and phrases. THERE ARE TWO THAT YOU DON’T NEED TO USE.

Reason for writing What I don’t like about tuenti

Negative thing In touch with distant friends

Yesterday on tuenti Second paragraph

Limited time online Good bye

Chat with school friends E-mail to Sarah

Marking criteria Marks Answer

0 Other answers


(1) E-mail to Sarah (2) Second paragraph (3) Reason for writing (4) Negative thing (5) Good bye (6) Chat with school friends (7) In touch with distant friends (8) Limited time online Enter in Educa the number of correct answers.

E-mail to Sarah

First paragraph

Second paragraph

Third paragraph

Fourth paragraph

Reason for writing

Good things

Negative thing

Good bye

Exchange pictures

Limited time online

Chat with school friends

In touch with distant


Writing 27. You are going to write an email of around 10 lines to your best friend talking

about your experience with social networks.

Before you do, ORGANIZE YOUR IDEAS (if you have an account or if you would like to have it, why, what you like about it, what you use it for, etc...). This planning is scored).

First paragraph

Second paragraph

Third paragraph

Fourth paragraph


Now write your email here:


















..................................................................................................................................... Planning Adequacy Task Coherence Cohesion Grammatical accuracy Spelling accuracy


Lexical Range Total



It is likely that the 2nd ESO teachers that have to mark this composition are using this kind of rubric for the first time. Acknowledging the difficulty of the task we enclose a simple guide to help them with the marking.

Marking the composition

The 14 marks of the writing task are divided into TASK and LANGUAGE.

TASK comprises the aspects of PLANNING, ADEQUACY and COHERENCE.

• PLANNING: The written text has to respond to the planning of structures, vocabulary, paragraphs, etc. that are going to be used.

The student needs to plan in schematic form what will be developed more thoroughly later –single ideas, short phrases, vocabulary referred to the topic, connectors that may be used later, the anticipated number of paragraphs, etc.

In this particular case students may mention in schematic form:

If they have any account on any social network

Which social networks (mention the names)

Why they have –or not– got those accounts

What they like about them

What they don’t like about them

Any anecdote they may have

What they use those accounts for

They may advice the other student about opening an account on X network, etc.

They will probably use the frame given for the scheme, which has also been used in the model, but they may have other ways of organising their ideas –mind map, list, etc.

• ADEQUACY: The text must respond appropriately to the task given and the length required. Besides, it must meet the requirements regarding layout, mode of discourse, register, etc (e.g. an argumentative letter in standard English).

In this particular example we contemplate an expositive text based on personal experience. The student has to write an e-mail of around 10 lines to a real or imaginary friend talking from his/her experience with social networks.


All the details that are requested in the instructions have to be dealt with for the task to be considered satisfactory. If they have an account on a social network, they will have to give all the requested details. If not, they will have to explain why. The language has to be informal or standard.

• COHERENCE: The text has to be coherent. It must be understood without great difficulty by the reader. In this composition the student has to deal with all the items requested in the instructions in a logical, clear, well-ordered manner. The model and the draft should contribute to that.


• COHESION: The text must contain the right cohesive devices –connectors, paragraphs, etc.

In this particular composition the expected cohesive devices for 2nd ESO are AND, BUT, SO and BECAUSE. Even if no other cohesive devices are used, cohesion can be expressed through the use of sentences ordered in a logical way. Finally, cohesion can also be achieved with the use of paragraphs to differentiate pieces of information.

• GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY: The text has to show correctness and control of the use of the structures that must have been mastered by the end of 2nd ESO.

In this composition students are expected to use mainly the present simple and the past simple (if they give details about when they opened their account) of the verb to be, the verb to have and other basic regular and irregular verbs, the vern can, the right order of the different elements in the sentence (subject+verb+complement), etc.

• SPELLING ACCURACY: The text must respond to the spelling accuracy expected for the vocabulary acquired by the end of 2nd ESO. Occasional mistakes are acceptable in less frequent words.

• LEXICAL RANGE: The text muts show the lexical richness and variety expected by the end of 2nd ESO.

In this composition the expected vocabulary is:

Verbs like chat, share, exchange, play...

Nouns like friends, family, computer, internet, game, account, site...

Adjectives like fantastic, interesting, cool, wonderful...

We suggest that for all the seven different aspects assessed you start checking the text agains the middle column (mark 1) and then move up or down as necessary.




0 1 2

PLANNING There is no previous planning

Partial or incomplete planning

Adequate planning (there is a scheme, clear notes and ideas etc.)


None of the points in the instructions are mentioned

Just some points in the instructions are mentioned; the number of words may not be correct; the layout may not be adequate; the register may not be appropriate (only one or two of these four aspects)

All the points in the instructions are mentioned; the number of words is appropriate; the layout is adequate; the register is appropriate


COHERENCE Incoherent text

Easy to understand, although there are some incoherent points that may make some things difficult to understand

Easy to understand. A clearly coherent text

COHESION No cohesive devices are used

Some cohesive devices are used. There may be some mistakes

Cohesive devices, linking sentences and paragraphs. No serious mistakes.


Basic mistakes on 2nd year ESO structures

Some acceptable grammatical errors on 2nd year ESO structures

Mainly adequate use of 2nd year ESO structures


Many spelling mistakes in basic vocabulary

Some spelling mistakes (between three and six)

Most words are written correctly, only some occasional mistakes (no more than two in a ten-line text)





LEXICAL RANGE Limited range of vocabulary

Use of basic vocabulary, enough to convey the message

Rich and varied vocabulary for 2nd year ESO

Only the total mark is to be introduced in EDUCA total

* All mistakes will be assessed in relation to the total number of words written.


SOME SAMPLE MARKED COMPOSITIONS Below are five authentic samples of marked compositions written by 2nd year ESO pupils and the marks given for Task and Language.



Planning 0 Adequacy 1 Task Coherence 0 Cohesion 0 Grammatical accuracy 1 Spelling accuracy 1


Lexical Range 1 Total 4




Planning 1 Adequacy 1 Task Coherence 0 Cohesion 0 Grammatical accuracy 1 Spelling accuracy 1


Lexical Range 1 Total 5




Planning 2 Adequacy 1 Task Coherence 0 Cohesion 1 Grammatical accuracy 1 Spelling accuracy 1


Lexical Range 1 Total 7




Planning 1 Adequacy 1 Task Coherence 2 Cohesion 1 Grammatical accuracy 1 Spelling accuracy 1


Lexical Range 1 Total 8




Planning 1 Adequacy 1 Task Coherence 2 Cohesion 2 Grammatical accuracy 2 Spelling accuracy 2


Lexical Range 1 Total 11




Planning 2 Adequacy 2 Task Coherence 1 Cohesion 2 Grammatical accuracy 1 Spelling accuracy 2


Lexical Range 2 Total 12




Planning 2 Adequacy 2 Task Coherence 2 Cohesion 2 Grammatical accuracy 2 Spelling accuracy 2


Lexical Range 2 Total 14