UXD Practicum - eMagine Point of Sale

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of UXD Practicum - eMagine Point of Sale

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Meet The Team










I. Background

II. The Problem

III. Our Solution

IV. The Takeaway


The emaginePOS Vision

I. Simple software with rich functionality that requires minimal support to get up and running

II. A POS system which is cost effective, reliable, and hardware independent

III.Cloud-based solution fosters growth and development in restaurant business through new technology





Making the customers’ lives easier


And that


Our Process

III. Design and Testing

II. User Research

I. Market Research

IV. Data Analysis

V. Implications

The Problem

Technology offers this...

but business is still being done like this...

This is our OPPORTUNITY!

To use Market Research, Field Research, and the emagine POS platform to bridge the gap

Other POS platforms had:

● Higher costs

● Unreliable cloud networks

● Hardware requirements

● Lack of flexibility (splitting/merging tables, menu creation, etc)

Market Research

The Problem

Interviews with staff illuminated holes in their POS-related workflow:

● wait times, seating system

● assigning tables to servers

● managing checks

Field Research

The Problem

In evaluating the platform we found:

● A simple interface

● Clean graphics

● Robust functionality

● Works anywhere

● Missing a table layout

emaginePOS Platform

The Problem

Our Solution


Integrate a table layout system within emagine POS with the following functionality:

● The ability to view and manage server table assignments

● The ability to manage tables, complete orders, and process payment using interactive table layout on the POS display

Our Solution

How Is This Going To Help?

Our Solution

● Provides a visual outline of servers’ work areas

● Gives users the ability to visually recall a table by location rather than order number

● Added functions for all front of house processes - quickly combine tables, orders, and process payments

We hypothesized a table layout would

INCREASE the speed and efficiency of the

staff by 25%

Time is Money

Our Solution

Time is Money

Our Solution

Server speed directly affects table turnover rate and customer satisfaction*

● Higher table turnover means more customers served

● Satisfied customers are more likely to return

*The Role of Technology in Restaurant Revenue Management, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Aug 2008, p299-300

Design Process

Our Solution

Started with a list of key features that MUST be present

Moved on to a separate list of “outside the box” featuresImage “User” by Michael Zenaty from The Noun Project

From these lists, we generated our initial sketches...

that led to our storyboard...

which led to high fidelity mockups

Host Prototype

Server Prototype


Who did we test?

3 Servers*


*None of the servers worked at the same establishment

2 Hosts

1 Manager

Images: Waiter by Sebastian Langer, Lecturer by Lissette Arias, and Boss by Артур Абт from The Noun Project

How did we test them?

Staff were timed while performing their normal job functions to create a


*For Servers, we had them use the emagine POS


How did we test them?

Staff were then timed completing the SAME tasks using our prototype


How did we test them?

We gathered qualitative data such as:

● Overall Impressions

● How does it meet their needs

● Satisfaction on a 5 point scale


What were our goals?

1.To gain perspective on the staff’s attitude towards our Table View interface

2.To measure the efficacy of our interface as compared to baseline


Key Research Questions

1.Does our interface speed up the process?

2.Can servers complete orders and process payment quickly and easily?

3.Do the staff find value in using our interface?


Host Test Results

This result was unexpected, but as we continued the user testing, a pattern emerged...

Hosts gave an average rating

of 4.5 out of 5

The Manager rated it 4 out of 5

Server Test Results

The Takeaway

The Potential Is There!

Following an initial “learning curve” in which participants adapted to the

system, processing time was significantly reduced and staff rated

the interface highly.

However, further testing is needed...

The Next Phase of Testing

● Set baselines by using the actual emaginePOS instead of a mockup

● Simulate actual working conditions i.e. have more than 3 open orders in the system

● If possible, test using current users of emaginePOS

The Next Design Iteration

● Add table numbers to the tables in the interface

● Allow users to access information through various touchpoints, devices, and methods (eg, NFC and NFC enabled devices)

● Expand upon table combine feature o drag and drop capabilities

Going Forward

● Users appreciate flexibility and personalization

o Build to optimize the core workflow: Staff - (excess time + cognitive resources) = a better experience for staff and patrons alike
