Using Virtualizer Development Kits

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Using Virtualizer Development Kits

Bio Slide – Marc Serughetti

Synopsys in Automotive

Key Takeaways from this Presentation

Presentation Agenda

From Business to Technologies

Driving Innovation in Automobiles

Innovation Comes with Development Challenges

Development Shift Left

Deployment of E/E Virtual Development Tools is Trailing

What are Virtual Prototypes?

Automotive Virtual Prototypes

Architecture VP: Collaborative Design for Performance and Power

VDK = MCU VP + Debug, Analysis & 3rd Party Tool Integrations

Tier1 and OEMs Virtual Prototyping Use Cases

MCU – Earlier Complex Driver, Multicore & AUTOSAR Software Development

Embedded Control "In-the-Loop" Technologies

Virtual Hardware-in-the-Loop: Virtual Integration & Test

Fault Testing Current Techniques

Earlier Fault and Coverage Testing in Support of ISO 26262

Automated Regression Testing: Earlier Validation & Analysis

Automotive Case Studies

What is the Center of Excellence?

VDK for Renesas RH850 Support

Gear-Shift Controller RH850 VDK & Simulink Co-Simulation

Complex Timers

GTM Background

GTM Purpose and Functionality

What is GTM?

GTM Revision and Variants

GTM Model Integration in a Virtual Prototype

GTM VDK Use Cases and Synopsys Experience


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