Using the Projector and Interactive Whiteboard to Enhance Science Instruction How Can SmartBoards Be...

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Transcript of Using the Projector and Interactive Whiteboard to Enhance Science Instruction How Can SmartBoards Be...

Using the Projector and Interactive Whiteboard to Enhance ScienceInstruction

How Can SmartBoards Be Used in Science Instruction?

iProject Interactive

Science Session 1

Focusing Questions

Why use Interactive White Boards in the classroom?

What do I remember about SmartBoards?

Can I set it up alone?

What’s in the Gallery?


Framing Our Work

Why do I have to have this enormous device in my classroom?

Why do I have to learn to use this?

These are some of the questions we teachers have about using the SmartBoard in our classroom. It is important that we understand the rationale behind them -- the answer to the question --

Why is the SmartBoard here?

Research on Multiple Intelligences

The answer to that question has to do with research on how children learn. In 1983, Howard Gardner wrote a groundbreaking book called Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

In it, Gardner developed his theory on the way people learn. He established that there are seven types of intelligence…

Gardner’s Types of Intelligences

• Linguistic: students who are good at learning language; usually strong auditory learners

• Logical/Scienceematical: students who are good at Science and science; usually strong visual/auditory learners with excellent short term memory

• Musical: students who born with strong musical ability; usually strong auditory learners

• Bodily-kinesthetic: students who are excellent athletes, dancers, gymnasts.

• Interpersonal: students who are extremely social; very good with reading people’s body language

• Intrapersonal: students who are very reflective; deep thinkers

His Theory in Brief

Basically, Howard Gardner said that human beings learn in many ways, not just visually or orally as we have long thought.

We as educators must redesign HOW we teach so that we reach all students’ learning styles.

Here’s the link to more information on his work…

Link to Gardner’s website

What’s that got to do with SmartBoards?

Research has shown that Interactive White Boards (SmartBoards and others) are effective teaching and learning tools because they:> “Encourage a more varied, creative and seamless use of teaching

tools> Engage students to a greater extent than conventional whole-class

teaching by increasing enjoyment and motivation> Facilitate student participation through the ability to interact with

students.” Becta ICT Research 2004

Say that Again?

What that means is that SmartBoard help teachers reach students who are:

> Bodily-kinesthetic learners: students who have to MOVE to learn

•The tactile learners who learn through touch•The kinesthetic learners who learn through movement

> Interpersonal learners: students who have to learn collaboratively.

In Short

In short, SmartBoards help teachers get students “actively engaged” in the lesson, and as any teacher knows, once students are engaged:

> Classroom disruptions decrease> Interest levels increase> Learning can take place

Guided Practice

But a tool is just a tool without a trained teacher using it to its fullest extent. So let’s review what you remember from your Introductory SmartBoard course.

Work Time

Small Group I

Each group will:

Assemble and disassemble the laptop - projector - SmartBoard combination.

Review basic set-up including projecting to full dimension, moving the projector cart to maximize projection, marking floor placement of the cart and handling wires.

Discuss the optimal placement of the SmartBoard in the classroom.

Small Group II

Each group will:

Open the SmartBoard Notebook

Explore all tools including pens, highlighters, screen shade, camera shot, transparencies, inserting features, creating boxes, grouping/linking & locking features.

Small Group II (continued)

Each group will:

Review creating pages in the page sorter

Review features of the Gallery

Review online resources including:••• - guest access code: “newsomlang”

Individual Work Time

Each individual participant will:

Open the gallery

Explore “Essentials for Educators”

Open each content area individually and explore all clip art, interactive and multimedia activities at the bottom.


Participants will be encouraged to discuss a new tool they used or a new activity they discovered in the Gallery.


For more information

Office of Instructional Technology