Using Social Media in your insurance agency

Post on 11-May-2015

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A two-part webinar series provided by QQSolutions.

Transcript of Using Social Media in your insurance agency

Got Social Media?

Join us for a Two Part webinar series:

Understanding and Utilizing Social Media in your insurance agency

Facebook Personal Page:

- Setting up your personal profile- Username- Your Information- Privacy settings (who can see what)

- Who to invite as friends and how- Family, Friends, Alumni, Colleagues- Clients?

Facebook Business Page:

- Creating a Business (fan) Page- Profile Picture- Business Types- Contact, Product, and “Landing” Pages- Assigning Admins- How to post status, pics, and videos

- Creating Awareness- Inviting Friends- Promoting

Facebook Group Page:

- Understanding the “Types” of groups- Open- Private- Secret

- Reasons to setup a Facebook group


- Creating your personal profile

- Creating a company profile

- Finding contacts

- Joining groups- Similar interests- Be a subject matter expert- Find prospects


- Setting up your personal profile

- Who to follow

- How and what to “tweet”


- Creating a YouTube Account & Channel

- Searching on YouTube

- Uploading Videos

- Sharing Videos


- Overview

- Should you jump in?

About Our Presenter, Kevin Dorgan

Kevin began his insurance career in 1985 shortly after graduating from the University of Maryland. To say he has had a diverse insurance career would be an understatement.

Kevin has been an agent, P&C underwriter, service center manager, life underwriting manager, and then found his niche in technology where he served as a Technology Project Director for one of the country’s largest Insurance companies.

In 2006 Kevin stepped into the world of technology consulting and has worked with hundreds of insurance agents across the country on a variety of technology solutions.

“My background in the various business aspects of insurance provided me the knowledge to understand how technology can be used to improve the operations of an insurance agency.

Several years ago I saw this social media freight train coming and decided to get on board (rather than get run over!). And just like technology utilization, effective use of social media can improve your agency. Of course the question is “how?”.

The most basic value of social media is that it personalizes your business. For the first time ever, the outside world can look into your business. And when they do, what do they see?

In this two part webinar series I will show you how to get started in social media and provide real-life examples of insurance agencies capitalizing on social media.”