Using remote-sensed data for quantitative shallow water

Post on 23-Oct-2020

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  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Using remote-sensed data for quantitative shallow water habitat mapping in New Zealand

    with substantial contribution from :

    Jean-Marie Augustin2, Xavier Lurton2, Vanessa Lucieer3, Scott Nodder1, Arne Pallentin1, Anne-Laure Verdier1

    1: NIWA; 2: Ifremer, Brest, France; 3: University of Tasmania, Hobart

    Friday 24 February 2012

    Geoffroy Lamarche

    National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research


  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012


    I. Habitat Mapping - Rationale

    II. The New Zealand Ocean Survey 2020 project

    III. Segmentation & classification of biophysical datasets

    IV. Quantitative use of Backscatter data

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    What is an Habitat? The natural environment of an organism [Oxford Dic]

    Localized surroundings to which an organism, species, or community is specially adapted and which provides for all its needs. [Google]

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Contribute to the sustainable management of critical ecosystems (Ecosystem-Based Management - EBM);

    To support effective management of economic and biological resources;

    To support scientific research as a foundation for sustainable management ;

    To assess vast remote & isolated regions;

    To increase certainty in decision making

    Why Habitat Mapping?

    Defining the spatial domains of organisms, geology and environmental variables, that together constitute “habitat”

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    C o

    n f I d

    e n

    c e

    The Habitat Mapping

    Conundrum Can we develop a global quantitative

    procedure to routinely and objectively characterize seafloor substrate, habitat and biodiversity

    using remotely sensed data ?

    Physical surrogates




  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Habitat Mapping in New Zealand

    Cook Strait : object-based BS image analysis

    OS 2020 National initiative : Coastal

    Bay of Island






    Subtropical Front

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    OS 20/20 Bay of Islands

    Fate of sediments & pollutants

    Conserve and manage sustainably its ocean resources

    Involvement of indigenous &

    environmental groups.

    OS 20/20 is to provide NZ with knowledge of its ocean territory to demonstrate its stewardship

    and exercise its sovereign rights

    Provide baseline for estimating impacts of uses on ecosystems ;

  • Seabed Mapping

    Offshore EM300 Multibeam 50-200 m. 5m grid resolution.

    Inner Bay of Islands EM3000D for > 10 m Sidescan in < 10 m Aerial Photographs for Shallow 1m grid resolution.

    • 10 classes derived from Backscatter Strength

    • Classes used to define Phase 2 sampling plan for Deep Towed

    Imaging System (DTIS)

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Direct sampling: Field teams - intertidal Coring - subtidal (incl by divers) Trawling - subtidal (fish, benthos)

    Indirect sampling: Cameras (video/still; DTIS/BUV/Drop) Diver observations Multibeam/side-scan sonar/aerial photography

    Sampling habitat & measuring biodiversity

    -# taxa -# individuals -diversity indices

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    imaged Holocene sediment to bedrock

    → up to 30 m of sediment

    High sedimentation (& gas)

    SW NE

    Very-high resolution seismic reflection (boomer) profiles

  • Grain size • Muddy sand dominates the shelf with

    increasing mud towards the south • BOI is predominantly sandy mud, with up

    to 90% mud in the inlets

    Sediments: Carbonate content

    • Highest carbonate contents (60-80%) in gravel / very coarse sand in areas of high

    backscatter reflectivity.


  • Land use

    Mean annual sediment loads by land-use Flood events can greatly exceed mean loads























    t y





    2600000 2605000 2610000 2615000 2620000 2625000 6645000












    -26.5 C18:0 ? 13 C ‰ C18:0 ? 13 C ‰





    Mean Annual Discharge (m3/s)

    Stable isotopes indicate 3 major inflows with Kerikeri Riv. plume isolated from Waitangi and Kawakawa river plumes

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012



    *Limited with texture: ** e.g.: polarimetric, entropy, etc

    Source: Daniel L. Civco, University of Connecticut

    Parameters Pixel Object


    Size -*

    Shape -

    Neighbors -

    Hierarchy -

    Sensor Specific** ~

    Object-Based Image Analysis vs pixel-based segmentation (the human perception)

    Segmentation and Classification

    Integration of ecologically-significant biophysical variables to create classes

    Lucieer, V.; Lamarche, G., 2011. Continental Shelf Research, 31: 1236-1247.

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Image Segmentation

    • Refers to the process of partitioning an image into multiple homogeneous regions

    • Locate objects and boundaries (lines, curves, …) in images

    • Spatial homogeneity plays the most important role in segmentation.

    • Objects or segments are formed because of their spatial correlation, not just because of their thematic similarity

    2D feature space shows

    that on Brightness and

    Max difference the

    classes separate well

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012


    • Classes have an identifiable and consistent relationship from a combination of different physical parameters

    • Unsupervised classification do not attach meaningful labels to the classes

    Need to ground truth the classes

    Habitat surrogate (proxy): %Gravel %mud %sand Log of slope

    Other possible habitat/biodiversity physical surrogates • % Carbonate • Primary productivity • Seafloor temperature • Sheer bed stress • probability of ground shaking • current velocity •…

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Membership Result for each class

    Uncertainty layer for entire image

    Fuzzy C Means

    Hard class map of Class Location

    Quantifying uncertainty and progressive

    transition from one class to the other

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Validation • Both maps detect continental shelf in water depths < 120 m as one class • Classes 1 & 2 gravel & sand with Class 2 small to moderate-sized bed forms. • Classes 3 and 4 silt and mud • Canyon floors well delineated, reflects bedforms and coarse-grained sediment • Neither approach separate many classes in the SE • 1 dominant class in trough is coherent with homogeneous seabed

  • Aim: develop a simple robust model that quantifies (parameterises) the angular response of the BS


    Modeling the BS Angular Response

    Lamarche, G.; Lurton, X.; Verdier, A.-L.; Augustin, J.-M., 2011, Continental Shelf Research, 31: S93-S109.

  • Backscatter Strength Angular Response

    A functional model aimed at:

    - Fitting a variety of BS(θ) shapes - Depicting the dominant physical

    processes - Quantitative BS description - Avoiding detailed modelling - Robustness and simplicity

    The Generic Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter model (GSAB)


    BS(θ) = 10 log[ A.exp(-θ²/2B²) + C. cosDθ + E.exp(-θ²/2F²) ]

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    3 physically significant components: Specular – Intermediate – Lambert







    BS(θ) = 10 log[ A.exp(-θ²/2B²) + C. cosDθ + E.exp(-θ²/2F²) ]

    C = Lambert Law Reference

    sediment volume heterogeneities

    D = Lambert Law Decrement (=2)

    A : Specular Level

    high for soft & smooth sediment

    B : Specular Lobe width

    Linked to seafloor roughness;

    E: Transitory Regime Level (dB)

    F: Transitory Lobe Width (°)

    Backscatter Strength Angular Response

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    BS(q) classification 8 homogeneous reference areas selected from BS level and texture in Cook Strait. e.g., sandwaves, flanks, smooth, roughed, shallow, deep…

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    BS(q) classification

    40˚ -40˚

    One profile for each 8 areas.

    Substrate Characterisation

    BS Parameterization (A, B, C,… & BS40°)

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Classes BS Angular Profiles

    Profiles have distinct shapes, relate to the grain size, volume heterogeneity & seafloor roughness.

    Classes 1 & 3 ~ sand, higher specular amplitude (class 3) suggests stronger interface roughness.

    Class 2 ~ gravel or high volume heterogeneity.

    Class 4 ~ mud with underlying sediments

    High BS

    Low BS

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Conclusions Biodiversity mapping can be undertaken using biophysical relationship

    to create maps of unsampled biodiversity on heterogeneous, difficult to sample features - OS2020 proved a successful integration of remote & direct sampling of biodiversity over a variety of environments

    OS2020 showed requirement for continued monitoring to establish baselines, determine rates of change, and improve land-use & offshore resource management practices

    Unsupervised classification is suitable to characterise habitats at multiple scales with ability to quantify uncertainties but there is a need to use other surrogates (seafloor velocity, disturbance, primary productivity) & validate classes

    Backscatter Strength is a suitable tool to Qualitatively and Quantitatively characterise seafloor substrate but data processing is complex and requires good instrument calibration

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Backscatter Strength (BS) angular response







    Incidence Angle

    60° 0 60°


    Gravel -10

    Fluid sediments

    Specular + volume Rock/coarse sedmts

    Interface roughness


    GR SL





    TL TL


  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Sandwaves detection

    Amplitude 3 - 7 dB

    Amplitude < 1 m

    Range 46-65°

    BS variation is an excellent descriptor of sandwave

    Better than bathymetry data (altitude or angle)

    The BS variation over sediment-wave cannot be explained by the incidence angle alone it is controled by sediment type variation

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Habitat Mapping

    • Defining the spatial domains of organisms, geology and environmental variables, that together constitute “habitat” from the perceptions of what organisms use as individual species or assemblages;

    ~5 km ~50 km ~500 km

    • The classification and characterization of seabed benthos and substrate;

    Snelder et al., 2005

  • Geoffroy Lamarche – Shallow Survey 2012

    Habitat Mapping Programmes Worldwide

    Canada’s National Marine Mapping Strategy Marine Biodiversity Hub, Australia Framework for Mapping European Seabed Habitats (MESH) MAREANO programme, Norway Coastal & Marine Ecological Classification Standard (USA) California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP)

    CERF Habitat Mapping Surveys

    ~5 km

    Tatuteranga Marine Reserve Substrate map