Using i pads with autistic children

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Using i pads with autistic children

Technology Helps The Disabled: Using iPads with Autistic Children

“One out of every 100 children in the U.S. have Autism.”

By: Michelle New

iPads: What’s all the hype about anyway?!

iPads use our sense of touch

iPads use our sense of touch

iPads: What’s all the hype about anyway?!

UDL: Universal Design for Learning

• Three Principals of UDL

• Using an iPad in the classroom covers each of these principals!

UDL: Universal Design for Learning

• iPads work great with differentiated instruction.

• With iPads, learning is accessible to ALL students!

UDL: Universal Design for Learning

How can these devices be used in the classroom?

Whole Group Instruction


Groups of 2 or 3

Whole Group Instruction

A 5th grade teacher used an iPad to deliver the


How can these devices be used in the classroom?


A 2nd grade class in Chicago uses iPads for the first time in their

literacy centers.

How can these devices be used in the classroom?

Groups of two or three

Students using iPads in small groups in music class.

How can these devices be used in the classroom?

Daily Life Improvement

Children with autism tend to have difficulty keeping up with daily tasks and life skills.

Andrew Ashline's face lights up as he works with an Apple iPad during

a therapy session.

To-do lists and schedules

Autistic children are visual leaners. Visual schedules and to-

do lists are key.

Daily Life Improvement

Communicating for the 1st time!

One of the three main areas that autism effects the most in a

child’s life is communication.

Everything comes with with a few obstacles to overcome!

Apps need to be organized in folders

Label your folders so that it is easy to find what you need.