Using Extron's "TeamWork" for collaborative learning in an FE college - Key Ecclestone

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Using Extron's "TeamWork" for collaborative learning in an FE college - Key Ecclestone

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Kay Ecclestone Learning Resources Manager for Mid CornwallThe Cornwall College GroupUsing Extron’s “TeamWork” for collaborative learning in an FE College

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90% agreed that it was very useful

15 of 20

Great interactivityExcellent



Everyone in the group was involved

because they could show

what they were doing Good to demonstrate ePortfolios & share ideas

Staff feedback

Genuine equality of


16 of 20

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More of this

equipment available

to ensure all

learners can use this

to support their

learning at any and

all times

I’d like a larger


Include in induction as I have only just

found out about it. The

equipment was really easy to


Suggestions for improvement

18 of 20

It was much

easier to

share our

ideasIt was fun putting my

work onto the screen

Great tool for collaboration; have booked the space next week too!

Student Feedback

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References & Further Information

CUE | Powerful Learning (2015) Sugata Mitra: The future of learning. Available at: (Accessed: 21 June 2016).

Extron Electronics (2016) Extron electronics. Available at: (Accessed: 22 June 2016).

RiverheadBooks and Johnson, S. (2010) Where good ideas come from by Steven Johnson. Available at: (Accessed: 21 June 2016).

School in the Cloud (2016) Help design the future of learning. Available at: (Accessed: 21 June 2016).

TED (2013) Sugata Mitra: Build a school in the cloud. Available at: (Accessed: 21 June 2016).

The Cornwall College Group (2013) Brilliant Learning : Making Learning Work. Available at:,%20training%20and%20learning/course%20organisation%20and%20review/brilliant%20learning%20poster.pdf (Accessed: 23 June 2016).