Using ECO Manager automated change management software to improve productivity

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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ECO Management software presentation at Collaboration & Interoperability Congress, May 2011 by Jim Gordon, VP development, Kubotek USA

Transcript of Using ECO Manager automated change management software to improve productivity

Using Automated Change Management Software to Improve

Productivity and Reduce CostsJim Gordon

VP Development, Kubotek USA

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives.It is the one that is most adaptable to change”

Charles Darwin

Who made that

change!Not Me

Its not my fault!

Is it lunch yet?

Change makes me


Change Impact

“While companies of all classifications are removing inefficiencies and increasing coordination internally, the Best-in-Class stand apart by improving change management decision-making processes. These companies recognize the fact that even a small change can have a large “ripple effect” on downstream processes and even the supply chain at large.”

Source : Aberdeen Group, Engineering Change Management 2.0: Better Business Decisions from Intelligent Change Management, September 2007

Best-in-Class Performance for Engineering Change Management

Aberdeen used six key performance criteria to distinguish Best-in-Class companies. Best-in-Class companies enjoy significant performance advantages over their competitors, including: • Meeting change deadline targets 96% of the time • Achieving design project budgets 94% of the time • Concurrently achieving product performance 99% of the time and quality objectives 98% of the time

To put the performance gap into perspective, the Best-in-Class are 55% more likely than Industry Average companies to hit target deadlines for implementing changes and 2.8 times as likely as Laggards to hit these same targets. These companies are clearly performing better in regards to efficiency, but the Best-in-Class approach involves more than just streamlining tasks.

Source : Aberdeen Group, Engineering Change Management 2.0: Better Business Decisions from Intelligent Change Management, September 2007


Best-in-Class performance and improve decision-making in change management, manufacturers must address the four fundamentals of Best-in-Class change management:

– Get the right supporting product data to the right people in a timely manner

– Formally analyze the impact of change on the product across the lifecycle and the supply chain, including technical and commercial considerations

– Collaborate visually about product change with visualization and virtual meeting technology

– Develop and execute formal change implementation plans to put the decision into action

Source : Aberdeen Group, Engineering Change Management 2.0: Better Business Decisions from Intelligent Change Management, September 2007


Benefits of Automated Change Management

• Rapidly Identify, Manage and Communicate Change

• Geometric Comparison Provides the Most Accurate Validation Process Available– “All the Needles in the Haystack”

• Extremely Fast Calculation of Changes• Significant Time, Effort and Cost Savings Through

Data Oriented Architecture• Single Point of Truth

Why is Change Management Hard?



Importance of Communication

kamar kecil

Importance of Communication


Importance of Communication

Importance of Communication

Provide the Right Information to the Right People at the Right Time in a

Graphical Format

ECO Software Use Cases

• Phase Gate Design Process• Design Quality Check• Engineering Change Management• Configuration Management• Supplier Management

Phase Gate Design Cycle






Phased Gate

Design Cycle

Conceptual Design

Preliminary Design

Interim Design Review

Critical Design Review

Key Manufacturing Information

Conceptual Design

Preliminary Design

Interim Design Review

Critical Design Review







Phase Gate Design Cycle

Manufacturing Impact


Manage and Plan Based on the DIFFERENCE

Types of Engineering Change

Intentional Change• Phased Gate Design• Engineering Change

Unintentional Change• History Based

Features Unintentionally Modified

• Components Relocated in Assembly

• Missing Components

Engineering Change Cycle

1. Eng Chg Request

3. Quality Review


Engineering Change


Design Cycle

4. Mfg Review

2. Eng Chg Data

5. DER Review

PDM Shortfalls

R1.0 V1.1 V1.2 R2.0


D1 = Difference Release 1 to Release 2OR

R2= R1 + D1

ECO Data Model


Original CAD file Revised file

Manually Overlay Models

Manually Document Change

Manually Measure Change

Manually Locate Change

New Release

NC ManufacturingCAE


Manufacturing Engineer

Project Engineer

Design Engineer



Best-in-Class Management ProcessAutomatic Graphical Change Report Creation Including Dimensions and Storage of Results for Viewing by Additional Team Members

Read Into VT and Define Tolerances

Original CAD file Revised file

Automatic Geometric Comparison

User organizes Changes

Automated Change Management Summary

• Increased Quality– No Changes to Changes

• Reduced Labor Costs• Communication– Collaborative Change Order– Graphic Display Ensures Effective Process

with Cross-Functional Team– Improved Decision Making– Get the Right Data to the Right People at

the Right Time