User Made Software

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of User Made Software

Who will create the killer app
of the Moblin platform?

Will there be
killer app?

Or thousands?

Luciano Ramalho

Stand-up programmer

I love to program, but I am too impatient

I need the highest level language available

Therefore I use and evangelize Python

User-made softwareMake or break for innovative platforms

Luciano Ramalho -

Intel So Paulo Moblin Day February 2009

User-made software

User-made software

User-made software

A billion people in advanced economies may have between two billion and six billion spare hours among them, every day.

In order to harness these billions of hours, it would take the whole workforce of almost 340,000 workers employed by the entire motion picture and recording industries in the United States put together, assuming each worker worked forty-hour weeks without taking a single vacation, for between three and eight and a half years!

Benkler, Y. -- Some Basic Economics of Information Production and Innovation
in The Wealth of Networks.

The Home Card

Database = stack of cards

Application: a collection of screens

A simple yet powerful metaphor

Hypercard Help

High quality clip art

Icons for buttons


Created by Bill Atkinson, a key Macintosh software developer

Launched in 1987

Part of System 6 OS

Enabled thousands of ISVs and countless user-made applications

Transfered to Claris em 1991

Apple software subsidiary

Never learned to market it

Discontinued in 2004

Bill owned Hypercard, until he left

One of the bestselling games of all time

Cooper, Alan -- The Inmates are Running the Asylum

Why High-Tech ProductsDrive Us Crazy and Howto Restore the Sanity

Personas (MS Visual Studio)

Einstein: obsessive, likes to create the most efficient solution to a given problem, and learns in advance before working on the solution.

Elvis: pragmatic, likes to create long-term solutions addressing the problem domain; learns while working on the solution.

Mort: opportunistic, likes to create quick solutions for immediate problems and focuses on productivity and learn as needed.

Layers suitable to different personas

Screen-oriented: full screen apps

Overlapping windows need large screens

Message box: an interactive console

Rich in samples for all personas

From painters... scripters
(buttons carried their handling code!)

Luciano Ramalho -

Clique para editar o formato do ttulo de texto

Clique para editar o formato do texto em estrutura de tpicos

Segundo Nvel da Estrutura de Tpicos

Terceiro Nvel da Estrutura de Tpicos

Quarto Nvel da Estrutura de Tpicos

Quinto Nvel da Estrutura de Tpicos

Sexto Nvel da Estrutura de Tpicos

Stimo Nvel da Estrutura de Tpicos

Oitavo Nvel da Estrutura de Tpicos

Nono Nvel da Estrutura de Tpicos