User Experience - The Secret Sauce of Extraordinary Projects

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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UX or User Experience is a popular topic in the industry today. My session will provide a brief overview of what UX is and why it has become such a critical part of today’s workflow. We’ll discuss how UX methodologies can be implemented with a minimal amount of effort to boost the overall value and ROI of any project. Whether you are a designer or developer, building your own product or building products for clients, this session will include rich information to aid you in bootstrapping your own UX efforts and thought-process.

Transcript of User Experience - The Secret Sauce of Extraordinary Projects

User Experience

The Secret Sauce of Extraordinary Projects

Twitter: @steveo_adams

Who is this guy?

Steve Adams

Senior Web Developer @ Bit-Wizards

What I do: Front-end design

Front-end development


Manage teams and projects

My UX Story

Over the course of my career, I’ve always been frustrated with the subjectivity of the design process

My decisions were largely based on my own preference and intuition, and my projects suffered because of it

Then, I discovered the principles of UX




Examples of Good and Bad UX

Putting it All Together

Usability Testing

What is UX (User Experience)?

Understanding UX is challenging: The term User Experience is interchangeable between both a process for achieving a good

user experience and the actual user’s experience itself

User Experience (UX) - Also - User Experience Design (UXD)

UX Methods (Research, Interviews, Wireframes, Prototypes, Usability Testing)

There isn’t a good shared vocabulary in the field

No single agreed upon definition of UX

Nielson Norman Group - “User experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company, its services, and its products.”

UX Team of One – Leah Buley

1. No dipping2. Hard to open and use3. The packets were too small, you had to eat 20 of

them4. You had to have something to squeeze the ketchup

on if you wanted to use it…messy!

“When the point of contact between the product and the people becomes a point of friction, then the designer has failed.“

• Heinz’s new ketchup packet considers the user’s overall experience as well as the product.

• The new packets provide a good experience and address the pain-points of the previous design

• How did they get this so right? – Good UX

“On the other hand if people are made safer, more comfortable, more eager to purchase, more efficient --- or just plain happier --- by contact with the product, then the designer has succeeded.“

What’s wrong with this picture?

The reservation app failed at three main components of the UX honeycomb

1. Usable (Usability) – It wasn’t easy to use, too many clicks

2. Useful (User needs) – It wasn’t useful, it didn’t account for people waiting in the bar

3. Valuable (Business requirements) – It wasn’t valuable. They paid a custom software price tag for a whiteboard.

How do we do it right?

We need a framework for success – The UX process

The UX Process Discovery – Research to obtain an understanding of the business and user needs

Strategy – Establish a shared vision for an ideal user experience that meets these needs

Design – Realize the strategy and ensure that it truly accomplishes the goals…iterate if necessary

How does the UX process help? Helps flush out legitimate business and user needs that would otherwise been overlooked

Builds credibility and consensus with decision makers

Provides real data to drive design decisions

Ultimately produces a more polished and valuable final product


• Questionnaires• Surveys• Stakeholder Interviews• Comparative Analysis


• Design Brief• Personas• Card Sorting• User Story Maps


• Sketching• Wireframes• Prototypes• Usability Testing

UX Process & Methods

Demonstration: UX Process

Nordstrom Innovation Lab: Sunglass iPad App Case Study -


Did you notice the UX process throughout the video?

What kinds of methods were used? Interviews

Paper prototyping

Card sorting

User story maps

Usability testing

Usability Testing was the key!

What is Usability Testing?

Usability Testing: Observing real users performing critical tasks with the goal of identifying pain-points and opportunities for improvement.

Why test for usability?

Designing and developing for yourself is stupid – you are not every end-user

Usability testing doesn’t have to be time consuming or costly – Guerilla Usability Testing You only need 5 people -

How to go Guerilla

1. Find Real UsersIdentify real users and target them for optimal feedback

2. WhereContext matters, think back to that waiter and his fast paced-environment

3. Create a Testing PlanIdentify key scenarios, tasks, and user flows

4. Record sessionObserve, talk out loud, interview

5. Analyze results and iterate

In Summary

1. Creating a good user experience requires empathizing with those users…UX helps with this

2. Don’t design based on intuition and assumptions; use UX to make data-driven design decisions

3. Get your project functional as fast as possible and put it in front of real users

4. Gather feedback and improve and iterate


Twitter: @steveo_adams

