Useful Tricks For Awesome 'Thank You!' Pages

Post on 15-May-2015

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How often do you say "Thank You" to people who matter in your business? With clients, you can say it via the "Thank You!" page each time they complete a purchase on your website. But there's more you can do with a Thank You page... read the article to find out.

Transcript of Useful Tricks For Awesome 'Thank You!' Pages

Congratulations! You have a new customer who has just purchased from you. Are you doing the happy dance or what? Well, while you’re jumping around in

ecstasy, that client of yours might have a couple of unanswered questions. And I can bet that “Now what?” is somewhere at the top.

So, how do you really say thank you to your customers? How do you really show them how happy you are and how

appreciative? How do you make them like you and come again to buy from you…?

Let’s see what are some of the best tips for awesome Thank You pages:

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Useful Tricks For Awesome ‘Thank You!’ Pages

1. Say thanks… and a bit more

You know how it’s always a good idea to give your clients what they expect, plus some extra surprises?

After the purchase don’t forget to actually thank them for their purchase. Now is a good time to let them know how to contact you: your contact page, a contact email or a phone number where they can reach you.

2. Use A Call to Action

They bought from you, now what? Guide users on your website by suggesting other things they can do. For example, let them know of other similar products to the one they bought, or inform them about your special offers.

Do all these using a powerful and convincing Call To Action and, if possible, direct links or buttons to those special pages.

3. Are they following you on social media?

If not, this is a perfect opportunity for you to guide them on those social media profiles where you are most active.

Social media platforms are extensively used by people to report problems or ask for advice, so, for businesses, they act as a customer service. It’s great to know that your clients can follow you online and that you can interact with them on a more personal level.

So don’t shy away from telling them to join you on Facebook, Twitter, G+, Pinterest or YouTube.

4. Clear guidelines, explained step by step

This point is important for opt in offers. Each time someone opts in to join your mailing list, they are usually guided to a Thank You page.

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If your opt in process consists of more steps such as a ‘double opt in’, let people know that they’ve completed Step 1, and Step 2 will follow.

For example: they’ve given you their name and email address (in Step 1), but now they have

to confirm their subscription (Step 2). Explain how they can do that: “Thanks for joining our community! We’re almost there: all you need to do is check your inbox – we’ve sent you an email with a verification link. Once you verify your email, you will be included in our subscription list.”

5. Guide people to other pages on your website

This is a bit similar to what I said in point 2: if you know you have some amazing pages on your website, some awesome offers, or if you want to give buyers a bonus… the Thank You

page is really your chance to shine!

Think about it thoroughly: what is it that you want people to do next after they purchase from you?

6. Tell them what happens next: should they expect something from you?

On the same note as point 5: depending on what happens next, let people know that it will happen. If you have a special offer for their opt in, let them know when they will received it.

Is it a PDF? A presentation? A video tutorial? A 101 call?

Tell them what’s coming their way and when it will come.

7. Use visual elements to show off your personality

I always recommend business owners to include a photo or illustration that is representative to their business. Not only does a photo inspire trust and professionalism, it

also shows off your business culture, your personality.

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So if you want people to remember you next time they want to make a purchase, be different. A photo is a great way of building up that know-like-trust factor.

8. Up-sell or cross-sell

Should you up-sell on your Thank You page? Of course, if the offer you are giving away is worth people’s time…!

More about upselling and cross-selling here.

9. In case of a purchase, include an optin form (preferably with a discount)

So we’ve talked about opting in to your email subscription list. But what if a new customer who has just bought from you is not subscribed to your emails?

Well, then here is a good opportunity to include an optin form on your Thank You page.

10. Don’t overwhelm people with too much information

I presented you with 9 types of content that you can include on your Thank You page. You don’t have to use them all. Prioritise.

Before you set off to create a Thank You Page, think about your goals:

What are you trying to achieve with this page? What do you want people to do next?

“Thank you!” pages are a great means of showing your gratitude. But they are also a practical way of guiding your visitors on your website. Don’t forget that sale is not your end goal; building a relationship with your clients is. Because, you know, that’s how they come back to you.

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Now is your turn:

Do you have a Thank You page on your website? Which of these elements did you include on the page? Why? Are they working? How could you improve your Thank You page?

We’ll talk more in the Comments section below…

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