Useful Seo Tips

Post on 09-May-2015

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Keywords play a pivotal role in the process of search engine optimization (SEO) process. Without keywords there would be literally nothing for your website to be found in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Search engine usually display results based on keywords. Hence it is most important that you take care of your keywords which in turn will take care of your website.

Transcript of Useful Seo Tips

Useful SEO Tips 

• Keywords play a pivotal role in the process of search engine optimization (SEO) process. Without keywords there would be literally nothing for your website to be found in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Search engine usually display results based on keywords.

• Hence it is most important that you take care of your keywords which in turn will take care of your website.

• From search engine optimization (SEO) perspective, the following are the few important points to be considered when working on keywords for your website:

• Select a domain in such a way that the main keyword is contained in it. If a domain with your main keyword is unavailable, make sure that build URL is in the form

• When selecting a title for your site see that it includes main keywords; also make sure that it clearly conveys about your business.

• Place your main keywords with good combinations in Meta tag, Meta description and H1 tags.

• Use alt tags for images that you use on your web pages, and make sure that that alt tags contain keywords, also you can use some text below, above or beside the image to describe it; remember to use keyword even in the description.

• Use keywords in your web page content. Be careful when stuffing keywords in the content as over density may result in blacklisting your site. A keyword density of about 3% would be ideal.

• Also make sure that you use main keywords in articles and blogs you post. Try to give titles with keywords in them and see that they are specific to your business.