Useful Apps

Post on 17-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Useful Apps

Useful apps

Here’s a few things students and teachers may want to use:

Data Storage

Access your data anywhere you have an internet connection. These are great for backing up important documents or easily accessing documents when your moving form home computer, to work computer, to mobile device

Google Drive

Microsoft One Drive

Drop box

Word Processing and productvity

You need a word processor that you are comfortable with and can manage formatting

There are free options available

Microsoft word: the king, but not free

Google docs:New, not as many features, free!

Open Office:Free and functions similar to word

Note taking

Wether your taking notes in class or just writing down some random musings your going to want a way to record your thoughts for access later

Microsoft one note




Wunderlist(more of a to-do app)



Being able to read newspapers, journals, and other media on your phone can be a useful way of doing research or just catching up on the news of the day.




There’s an app for any task, go Explore!