Use the Unit 5 Vocabulary Sheet Complete the vocabulary...

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Transcript of Use the Unit 5 Vocabulary Sheet Complete the vocabulary...

• Use the Unit 5 Vocabulary Sheet

• Complete the vocabulary activity being passed out. • On one side write the word “Imperialism,” copy the exact definition from

the page, then write a definition in YOUR OWN WORDS-no credit for having the same definition as someone else

• Draw a large picture to represent the meaning of the word. Extra credit for color.

• On the backside, write the word “Isolationism” and complete the same instructions.

• Alternatively, you may go to the new google classroom I have created for you (log into your school google account and go to google classroom) Add Class –My Code is hty4yrg, download the Vocabulary Activity and complete it digitally, finding and copying/pasting a picture to represent the word. Extra credit will be given for create pictures found, and use of color and font style on the words. Once completed, you will submit it through google classroom, if you do not know how to do this, let me know and I will show you.

• Due at 2:15 or it is homework.

America emerges as a World Power

• Isolationism: Belief that the

United States should not get

involved in foreign affairs or try

to acquire foreign territory

• Why did the US feel this way?

• President George Washington had

warned of “entangling alliances”-

alliances that would cause the United

States to get involved in fights that did

not directly involve them

• After Revolutionary War US needed to

center on domestic issues (like?)

• The country did not have a strong


• Previously expansion centered on Manifest Destiny (meaning?)

•Motivated by land hunger and created new domestic States

•Did not originally look to expand beyond territory connected to our States

• Late 1800’s began Imperialism: controlling another country economically or politically

• looking beyond our contiguous (connected) States to get new Markets to sell products

• (first example-Bought Alaska

• Imperialists/expansioni

sts worried about

Pacific because it is a

pathway to China and

Southeast Asia.

• William Seward buys

Alaska from Russian in

1867-7.2 million


• Many feel that this

was a foolish


• Done in part to stop

British influence in


• Land is full of natural


• Also in Pacific.

• 1850’s business leaders in US invest in sugar plantations.

• As time continues, US business leaders gain more economic control and begin a power struggle with Hawaiian monarchy.

• 1893-Plantation owners rebel against Queen Liliuokalani

• With help of US troops, plantation owners seize islands and get rid of queen.

• 1898- Territory status

• 1959- Becomes a state.

• Gives US direct fueling stop to large Asian markets

1. Capitalism

• Needed new raw materials and New markets for their industrial and farm products

2. Domestic Problems

• Depressions, Labor Strikes, Farmer unrest (why?)

• New markets would give farmers a new place to sell their goods even when the US economy was bad, and keep factories open to new business

3. Nationalism

• Expand navy to: A- compete

with Europeans who were

imperializing and colonizing the

world, B-Protect US trade with

foreign markets, C-spread

Christianity (Alfred Mahan-The

Influence of Sea Power Upon History-


4. Social Darwinism (meaning?)

• Americans superior

• To fulfill US “destiny” must

continue to expand

5. Developments in other Countries

• European nations distracted and competing amongst themselves

• Latin American countries still moving towards liberation (why would the US get involved?)

• Begin completion of the Mini DBQ (about 15

total questions)

• #9 will be answered tomorrow, however if you

finish everything else, you may look it up on your

dell venue.

• You may complete a paper copy, or answer the

assignment online by downloading the file on the

google classroom and submitting it code:hty4yrg

• Cuba one of the last Latin American countries

fighting for Independence from Spain- 1898

1. New Markets and


• Cuba is great for

sugar plantations

• Lots of natural


• New place to sell

industrial products

2. Humanitarianism

• Support Cubans

fighting for


• Spanish brutal and


• Use of


camps, butcher


3. Superior US Navy to Spain

• Militarily prepared

• War would ready the navy for world-wide


United States • 5 Battleships

• 29 Cruisers

• 10 Aux. Cruisers

• 2 TB Destroyers

• 11 Gunboats

• 10 Monitors

Spain 5 Battleships

16 Cruisers

2 Aux. Cruisers

20 Gunboats

1 TB

Navy Budget as % GDP, 1870-1916



































% G



4. Yellow Journalism

• Reporters exaggerating the

truth to sell newspapers

(Newspapers across the

country competing for


• Effect of Yellow Journalism:

• Public outcry against

actions of Spanish

• Leads to Jingoism:

demanding an aggressive

foreign policy

• Yellow Journalism and the Spanish American War:

• Papers publish De Lome Letter: Spanish letter calling President McKinley weak and unfit, stolen by the Cubans

• USS Maine: Us battleship exploded in Cuban Harbor

• Yellow Journalist blame Spain making Americans demand War! (really the explosion turns out to be an accident)

• McKinley asks Congress for a Declaration of War

• War in Cuba

• Rough Riders led by Theodore Roosevelt

• War ends in 3 months (US victorious).

• Called “Splendid Little War”

• US gains control of:

•Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam, Wake Island,

and allowed to Control Cuba

• Most people agree to

occupying Cuba and control

over Puerto Rico

• Anti-Imperialists: argue that

annexing the Philippines

hurts democracy, could start

more warfare, and it would

be impossible for these

Filipino people to become

apart of the United States


• Poem by Rudyard Kipling

• Written to the American government who had just acquired their first territory

• Asks US to “Take up the White Man’s Burden” like other European Imperialists

• Main Idea: Duty of the White Man to civilize the people of the world

• President McKinley: it is the American’s responsibility to govern the Filipino people who cannot govern themselves, Takes Control of Philippines • Based on Racial Prejudice

and Social ____________

• People used examples of Jim Crow Laws (limiting what) to show the necessity to govern those less superior

• Gain economic interests in SE Asia

• But Struggle to govern these areas

• Supreme Court Rules “The Constitution does not follow the Flag” meaning these new people do not have to be given the same rights as US citizens • Result: never offered

Statehood and

• Filipino’s use armed resistance against Americans

1. America emerges as a world power

2. Spread of American ideas, religion, and capitalism

3. Controlled countries begin to see America no longer as a “champion of liberty” but as a colonial power just like Europe

• Log into your school google account

•Go to the class website:

•Go to Unit 5 and complete Chief

Check 10/28 under Unit Chief Checks

China and Latin America

• New Markets

• Result:

•Look to expand influence in

China and Latin America

•Results of this new

expansion: US will anger

their neighbors but secure

their role in World Affairs

• Why China?

• Rich in exotic resources (silks, porcelain) and large population to sell products to

• Problem: European “Spheres of Influence”: China was split into areas where trade was controlled by different European nations

• Spheres of Influence left no areas open for US trade

• United States diplomatically, asks the world to approve their “Open Door Policy” • Makes all of China

open to free trade, eliminating spheres of influence

• World agrees why?

• Backed by US’s strong military ally Great Britain

• US helps fight Chinese Rebellion

• Chinese Nationalists called the ‘Righteous Harmonious Fists” (called the Boxers by Foreigners) begin attacking foreigners (men, women, children) in order to remove them from their country

• United States leads international force to stop the rebellion

• Effects: • US gains economic interests in


• Alienate and humiliate the Chinese

• Platt Amendment in Cuban Constitution 1898 Says:

•United States supervision over Cuba

•Can intervene when necessary

•Can build and control a military base at Guantanamo


• Roosevelt involves US in Panamanian Revolution

• Panama controlled by Colombia

• Panama tries, with help of the US, to buy their land, Colombia refuses

• US sends war ships- Colombia backs down and Panama gains independence without war

• Result of US help:

• Panama gives the United

States control over a portion

of their land to build a canal

(The Panama Canal)

• Results of US Control of

Panama Canal (until the


• US economically controls

shipping routes through the


• US gains economic and

political hold in Central


• Colombians and later

Panamanians will resent US

presence in the area

• Roosevelt runs his foreign policy under the motto “Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far” meaning?

• Result:

• Sends the new strong American Navy fleet “The Great White Fleet” on a tour of the world just to show US Navel superiority

• Expands interests in Latin America

• What is the Monroe Doctrine?

• Theodore Roosevelt expands the idea and says

the US will now be “Policemen” to keep

Europeans from intervening in the Western


•US will now send troops to take control of Latin

American countries’ economies (collecting taxes, etc)

to keep Europeans from occupying Latin

American countries because they could not pay

back their debts

• Dollar Diplomacy: prefers to use money rather an bullets by increasing foreign investments

• Increased foreign loans to other countries- increasing US economic imperialism and control (they now owe a debt to the United States)

• Protects US Businesses in Latin America by promising to intervene if their businesses are threatened

• Moral Diplomacy: role of the United States to promote democracy and moral progress • Used in Mexico:

• US Businesses being threatened by Mexican government

• Try to teach Mexicans to “elect good men”-ie those that will support US interests

• Causes Anti-US Revolutionary Pancho Villa to enter New Mexico and kill 19 people • US Military fail to catch him

will directly relate to Mexico’s potential involvement in WWI

• What are the MAIN causes of WWI?



• Imperialism


• European countries in

an arms race: building

military to be the

biggest and best

(prepared for war)

• To protect against each other’s militaries created alliances which will eventually become the sides of WWI: • Allied Powers: Great

Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, and Belgium

• Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria

• Ally goes to war-you go to war

• Europeans competing to control lands in

Africa, Asia, and parts of Europe

•Their empires will control many different groups of


• Also spurs imperialism and militarism

• Countries such as Germany competing to be the best militarily and have the largest world wide empires

• Looking to gain wealth and influence

• Concerned only with their own country not Europe as a whole

• European country’s pride causes them to imperialize other parts of the world

• Nation: a group of people who share a common goal, history, and culture (ie think “Cherokee Nation-they are a group of people living within the United States but are themselves a nation-don’t have to have their own country)

• Europe had several empires such as the Austria-Hungary which have several different nations of different peoples living within their country • Each nation wants “Self-

Determination”: right to govern themselves instead of being governed by an outside power (for example the United States exercised their right of self-determination when they fought Great Britain during the Revolutionary War)

• 1914: Serbians living within Bosnia (apart of Austria-Hungary’s empire) want freedom.

•Nationalist and Militaristic group called “The Black Hand” plot to assassinate the heir to the throne: Archduke Franz Ferdinand

• 7 Members sent to assassinate the Archduke

• Killed by Gavrilo Princip

• Austria-Hungary blames the small country of Serbia for the assassination since the members were Serbian- Declares War

• Alliances Bring country after country into the war

• Germany Declares War because Ally of Austria-Hungary

• Russia Declares War on Germany and Austria-Hungary because allies with Serbia- France declares war because allies with Russia…and is spirals from there

• 1914-1918

• Also known as the

“Great War” or the

“War to End all Wars”

• Trench warfare

• Flamethrowers

• Chemical gases

• Armored Tanks

• U Boats=Submarines

• Russian democracy

overthrown by Vladimir

Lenin, leader of


• Russia becomes


• Germans help

Bolsheviks, in return

Russia drops out of


• Germany now only

has to focus on


• USA-isolationists- war in Europe doesn’t concern US

• Advocate Neutrality

US enters WWI

1. Cultural Ties: • Most of the US supported

Allies due to similar cultures, history, and language with Great Britain

• Bankers have also invested large amounts of money in Great Britain

• Propaganda displays Germany as ruthlessness • Calls them Huns

• CPI- purpose to encourage public support for the war.

• Use of propaganda promotes ethnic and ideological conflicts within the US.

• Leads to discrimination against German Americans, paints picture of Germans as evil.

2. Unrestricted Submarine Warfare: • Germans attacked U.S.

Convoys (Merchant ships carrying US citizens surrounded by warships for protection) • Ships were often

carrying Allied Supplies

• Sinking of the British Lusitania 1915: carried and killed 128 Americans

• Germany promises to end Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, US doesn’t get involved. • President Wilson gets

reelected in 1916 under the slogan “He kept us out of War”

3. Zimmermann Note 1917 tips the Scales: • German foreign minister

Arthur Zimmerman asked Mexican Ambassador for Mexican support , agreeing to attack America if US exchange for returning Southwestern US lost during Mexican American War • British intercepted the

note and inform President Woodrow Wilson

• Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany…they do and 2 million troops enter Europe by January 1918 • “A War to make the world safe for

democracy…a war to end all wars”

• Fresh Start for the Allies (nicknamed –dough boys): • Morale Boost

• Supplies

• Pushed the Central Powers into Submission • Hungry citizens rebel in Germany

• Austria-Hungary teetering on collapse

• Sign Armistice (agreement to end all fighting) on November 11, 1918

• American soldiers play a

369th Infantry Regiment-

Harlem Hellfighters-

African American unit

who received France’s

highest medal of bravery

for service during war.

• Mobilize to keep the home front afloat (Propaganda made it “your duty”) • Worked in factories

manufacturing weapons and supplies

• Joined Branches of the military behind the front lines

• Buy war bonds • Grew food to meet shortages

(Victory Gardens) • Sedition Act: Illegal to

speak out against the war

• What do women get for their efforts during WWI?

Paris Peace Conference 1919

• What was the nickname for the war? Why did President Wilson want to get involved?

• Called for “Peace without Victory”

• President Wilson wanted to establish long lasting peace and stability

• Thought punishing Germany and acquiring new land was the wrong method

• Came up with 14 things that would keep lasting peace:

• 5 main ideas: • Freedom of the Seas

• End to Secret Treaties

• Arms reduction (less weapons)

• Self-determination of peoples (meaning?)

• Create a peace organization called The League of Nations

• Place where countries could engage diplomatically (discuss issues without resorting to war)

• France and Great Britain more interested in protecting their own national interests and punishing Germany than peace • 8 million Europeans

had dies

• Wilson must give into some of his 14 points in order to get France and Great Britain to agree to his #1 priority-League of Nations

• Compromise: • Wilson’s League of Nations is


• New boundaries are drawn giving ethnic groups self-determination (Yugoslavia for the various Slavic peoples under Austria-Hungary, Poland created from Germany and Russia, etc)

• Boundaries are not perfect, still fighting, and countries upset they lost land

• However “Peace without Victory” not established

• War Guilt Clause: Germany forced to take full responsibility for the War and pay Reparations –money to compensate losses from the war

• Effect: Germany will end up bankrupt leading to dictators like Adolf Hitler

• Based on Checks and Balances • Senate must ratify (approve) The

Treaty of Versailles

• Refuse to sign based on the League of Nations

• Concerned it will bring US into conflicts without Senate approval

• Senate did allow the USA to attend meetings of the League of Nations, reduced arms like the other countries and help pass the Dawes Plan: place to reduce and help Germany pay reparations

• Without the USA the League of Nations is too weak and is unsuccessful

• Woodrow Wilson suffers a severe stroke in 1919 preventing him from drumming up public support for the treaty

• Between Dewey Cox supporting Wilson’s idealism and Harding wanting a “Return to Normalcy:” time before American Expansionism and Interventionism • Brutality of the war and the greed of

the Allied powers made people NOT want to get involved in foreign affairs

• US turns back to ___________________ (vocab turn) and Harding wins

• Pass Neutrality Acts-keeping US out of foreign wars

• US will avoid being involved in world military affairs

• But it remains a economic powerhouse in terms of exporting and providing world credit (Europe trying to rebuild from war)

• US will also try to patch up relationship with Latin America through the Good Neighbor policy • Done by FDR

• Hoped by staying out of Latin American affairs, Latin America would open up new trade agreements with the US