Use of the Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope for Space Weather A New Solar-dedicated Radio...

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Transcript of Use of the Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope for Space Weather A New Solar-dedicated Radio...

Use of the Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope

for Space Weather

Use of the Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope

for Space WeatherA New Solar-dedicated Radio

FacilityA New Solar-dedicated Radio


Dale E. Gary, NJIT; Stephen M. White, U Maryland

Outline of TalkOutline of Talk

What is FASR?• Space Weather

Radiophysics• Timeline• Conclusions

What is FASR?• Space Weather

Radiophysics• Timeline• Conclusions

What is FASR?What is FASR?

• Frequency-Agile Imaging Array Of order 100 antennas (5000 baselines) Better than 1” imaging at 1 s time

resolution Full frequency coverage 0.1-30 GHz

• Designed Specifically for Solar Imaging Full Sun (to at least 12 GHz) Designed for solar spatial scales Designed for solar brightness variability

• Frequency-Agile Imaging Array Of order 100 antennas (5000 baselines) Better than 1” imaging at 1 s time

resolution Full frequency coverage 0.1-30 GHz

• Designed Specifically for Solar Imaging Full Sun (to at least 12 GHz) Designed for solar spatial scales Designed for solar brightness variability

Isaac Gary

FASR Flyover MovieFASR Flyover Movie

Isaac Gary

Outline of TalkOutline of Talk

• What is FASR?Space Weather

Radiophysics• Timeline• Conclusions

• What is FASR?Space Weather

Radiophysics• Timeline• Conclusions

Space Weather Radiophysics

Space Weather Radiophysics

3D View of Solar Atmosphere

• Coronal Magnetic Fields• Synoptic Data• CMEs on the Disk• Eruptive Prominences• Particle Acceleration

3D View of Solar Atmosphere

• Coronal Magnetic Fields• Synoptic Data• CMEs on the Disk• Eruptive Prominences• Particle Acceleration

3D View of Solar Atmosphere

3D View of Solar Atmosphere

S. White

Space Weather Radiophysics

Space Weather Radiophysics

• 3D View of Solar Atmosphere

Coronal Magnetic Fields• Synoptic Data• CMEs on the Disk• Eruptive Prominences• Particle Acceleration

• 3D View of Solar Atmosphere

Coronal Magnetic Fields• Synoptic Data• CMEs on the Disk• Eruptive Prominences• Particle Acceleration

Coronal Magnetic FieldsCoronal Magnetic Fields

J. Lee

Lee & White

Coronal MagnetogramsCoronal Magnetograms

S. White

Space Weather Radiophysics

Space Weather Radiophysics

• 3D View of Solar Atmosphere

• Coronal Magnetic FieldsSynoptic Data• CMEs on the Disk• Eruptive Prominences• Particle Acceleration

• 3D View of Solar Atmosphere

• Coronal Magnetic FieldsSynoptic Data• CMEs on the Disk• Eruptive Prominences• Particle Acceleration

Nobeyama 17 GHz synoptic map

Synoptic DataSynoptic Data

From K Shibasaki 1998

Space Weather Radiophysics

Space Weather Radiophysics

• 3D View of Solar Atmosphere

• Coronal Magnetic Fields• Synoptic DataCMEs on the Disk• Eruptive Prominences• Particle Acceleration

• 3D View of Solar Atmosphere

• Coronal Magnetic Fields• Synoptic DataCMEs on the Disk• Eruptive Prominences• Particle Acceleration

Coronal Mass EjectionsCoronal Mass Ejections

from Bastian et al. 2002

CME Visibility in RadioCME Visibility in Radio• Best frequency to

see thermal emission should be around 1 GHz or less.

• Need very good imaging to see relatively low contrast

• Multi-frequency gives physical parameters.

• Best frequency to see thermal emission should be around 1 GHz or less.

• Need very good imaging to see relatively low contrast

• Multi-frequency gives physical parameters.

from Bastian & Gary 1997

Observed CME SpectrumObserved CME Spectrum

from Bastian et al. 2002

Space Weather Radiophysics

Space Weather Radiophysics

• 3D View of Solar Atmosphere

• Coronal Magnetic Fields• Synoptic Data• CMEs on the DiskEruptive Prominences• Particle Acceleration

• 3D View of Solar Atmosphere

• Coronal Magnetic Fields• Synoptic Data• CMEs on the DiskEruptive Prominences• Particle Acceleration

Erupting ProminencesErupting Prominences

Gopalswamy et al. 1998

Space Weather Radiophysics

Space Weather Radiophysics

• 3D View of Solar Atmosphere

• Coronal Magnetic Fields• Synoptic Data• CMEs on the Disk• Eruptive ProminencesParticle Acceleration

• 3D View of Solar Atmosphere

• Coronal Magnetic Fields• Synoptic Data• CMEs on the Disk• Eruptive ProminencesParticle Acceleration

Particle AccelerationParticle Acceleration

from Aschwanden et al. 1996

from Aschwanden et al. 1992

Type U bursts observed by Phoenix/ETH and the VLA.

Particle TrajectoriesParticle Trajectories

Outline of TalkOutline of Talk

• What is FASR?• Space Weather

RadiophysicsTimeline• Conclusions

• What is FASR?• Space Weather

RadiophysicsTimeline• Conclusions

Timeline For FASRTimeline For FASR2002-3: Design Study (NSF/ATI)• International Science Definition Workshop

(May 23-25, 2002)

• Configuration studies; Software architecture

• Design options; Costing (Current estimate $30 M)

2004-5: Design and Development• Prototype Major Elements

• Prototype Array (< 10 elements)

• Refine Hardware and Software Design

2005-8: Construction

2002-3: Design Study (NSF/ATI)• International Science Definition Workshop

(May 23-25, 2002)

• Configuration studies; Software architecture

• Design options; Costing (Current estimate $30 M)

2004-5: Design and Development• Prototype Major Elements

• Prototype Array (< 10 elements)

• Refine Hardware and Software Design

2005-8: Construction

Outline of TalkOutline of Talk

• What is FASR?• Space Weather

Radiophysics• TimelineConclusions

• What is FASR?• Space Weather

Radiophysics• TimelineConclusions

ConclusionsConclusionsFASR… • is a solar-dedicated radio array

designed specifically for the Sun• will obtain high-resolution images at

hundreds of frequencies, 0.1-30 GHz• will measure coronal magnetic fields

and make coronal magnetograms• will image CMEs and provide physical

parameters (T, B, ne)

FASR… • is a solar-dedicated radio array

designed specifically for the Sun• will obtain high-resolution images at

hundreds of frequencies, 0.1-30 GHz• will measure coronal magnetic fields

and make coronal magnetograms• will image CMEs and provide physical

parameters (T, B, ne)

ConclusionsConclusionsFASR… • will image thermal and nonthermal

emission simultaneously• will study particle acceleration• will open a new era of study of the

Sun and make new discoveries we cannot predict

FASR… • will image thermal and nonthermal

emission simultaneously• will study particle acceleration• will open a new era of study of the

Sun and make new discoveries we cannot predict

FASR and Space WeatherFASR and Space Weather• Standard observing mode• Daily data products

Coronal magnetograms Coronal temperature maps CME movies (?) Type II, Type III movies

• Input from Space Weather Community What data products are most useful What operational modes are needed What are we missing?

• Standard observing mode• Daily data products

Coronal magnetograms Coronal temperature maps CME movies (?) Type II, Type III movies

• Input from Space Weather Community What data products are most useful What operational modes are needed What are we missing?

Principal Institutions and People

Principal Institutions and People

NJIT D. E. Gary, P. Goode, J. Lee

NRAO T. S. Bastian, J. WebberUMd S. M. White, A. HarrisBerkeley G. J. HurfordLucent L. J. LanzerottiNSO C. Keller

NJIT D. E. Gary, P. Goode, J. Lee

NRAO T. S. Bastian, J. WebberUMd S. M. White, A. HarrisBerkeley G. J. HurfordLucent L. J. LanzerottiNSO C. Keller

Nonthermal CME Parameters

Nonthermal CME Parameters

from Bastian & Gary 1997