
Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Us.1.Am.6.9

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

• A quick and public trial

• A jury that is impartial or unbiased towards the case • Be tried in the district where the crime was committed

• Habeas corpus • Both parties (prosecution and defense) can direct and cross (question) a witness • Be represented by a lawyer

Right to:

Amendment VI: what does it say?

Amendment VI: Why

was it added to the constitution?

• -secures equal/fair trials• -protects natural rights• -without it people of higher importance

would have advantages and would commit crime

• -every person deserves a lawyer• --“habeas corpus”-those charged must be

informed with what they’re trialed for• -cross examination gives different


Amendment VI: why

is it important?

• Speedy Trial

•Public Trial Clause

•Right to Trial by Jury

•Arraignment Clause

•The Confrontation Clause

•The Compulsory Process Clause

•The Right to Council Clause

Amendment VI: How

does it apply to the United States today?

-Guidelines for the Judicial Branch

- Fair Trials

- Equality and unbiased

Amendment IX

What does it say ?

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights,

shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the


• Rights of the people are not limited to the rights that are listed in the Constitution and Bill of Rights

• There are more rights that exist that are not stated • Catered to Anti-Federalist’s main concern

Amendment IX

Why was it added to the constitution?

• enumerated rights=limited powers-people can still have certain rights even if its not specifically in the Constitution

• Important rights don’t have to be listed but are still known

• -“necessary and proper” applied to rights• With change in time new laws are needed

• enumerated rights=limited powers-people can still have certain rights even if its not specifically in the Constitution

• Important rights don’t have to be listed but are still known

• -“necessary and proper” applied to rights• With change in time new laws are needed

Amendment IX

Why is it important?-Constitution couldn’t cover all rights

- This clause leaves room for more freedoms

-Constitution couldn’t cover all rights

- This clause leaves room for more freedoms

Amendment IX

How does it apply to the United States Today?

-Changes in Society

- Causes conflict in situations like abortion

•       Rucklos, Mercedes.  “My Life in Pixels”.  Gilterbye. 15 June, 2008. <>.    •       “United States Constitution.” 1930: Census Resources For Genealogy. 1997=2008.  <>.  •        Monk, Linda. “Interactive Constitution.” National Constitution Center.  2003. < >.

-      “The 6th Amendment.” Revolutionary-war-and-beyond. 2008-2009.

- “The 9th Amendment.” Revolutionary-war-and-beyond. 2008-2009.