U.S. Commercial Service Houston Export Assistance Centers (USEAC) Working with the U.S. Commercial...

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Transcript of U.S. Commercial Service Houston Export Assistance Centers (USEAC) Working with the U.S. Commercial...

U.S. Commercial ServiceHouston Export Assistance

Centers (USEAC)

Working with the U.S. Commercial Service:

Strategies for Increased Cooperation

NABC Business Forum:A Conference on India’s Energy Challenges,

Opportunites, Strategies and Solutions 28 June 2006

U.S. Commercial Service

Our mission:

To promote the export of goods & services from the United States, particularly by small- and medium-sized businesses

To represent U.S. business interests internationally

To help U.S. businesses find qualified international partners

The U.S. Commercial Service is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, an agency of the United States government.

• Trade specialists in over 105 U.S. cities and 85 countries worldwide...

Our Network & What it can do for you

We can...

• Locate international buyers, distributors & agents• Provide expert help at every stage of the export process • Help you to enter new markets faster and more profitably

Products & Services

• Market Research

• Trade Counseling & Advocacy

• Gold Key Service

• International Company Profile

Market Research

• Country Commercial Guides (CCGs) - Prepared annually by US Embassy Staff, CCGs contain information on the business and economic situation of foreign countries and the political climate as it affects U.S. business and foreign investments.

• Industry Sector Analyses (ISAs) - In-depth analysis of specific industry sectors and sub-sectors within a given market.

• International Market Insight (IMIs) - Brief updates within a foreign country highlighting specific market opportunities, trade events, or changes in market conditions.

Trade Counseling & Advocacy

Our trade specialists in the U.S. work directly with our team of experts overseas in getting you all the information and advice that you need.

We can help you:Determine the best markets for your products & services

Evaluate international competitors

Identify and comply with legal and regulatory issues

Settle disputes

Learn about cultural issues and business protocol

Gold Key Service

Pre-screened appointment schedule arranged for you before you travel overseas

Customized market and industry briefings with our local trade specialists

Timely and relevant market research

Post-meeting debriefing with our trade specialists and assistance in developing appropriate follow-up strategies

Help with travel, accommodations, interpreter service, and clerical support

International Company Profile

1. We conduct a background check (financial, business, operational, reputation, legal) on prospective foreign partners

2. Accepted by Ex-Im Bank, SBA and Commercial banks as proof of exporter’s due diligence.

Save valuable time and money by working qualified international partners that are vetted by the Commercial Service in the country where you operate.

Obtain high-quality information on the a company’s reputation, business acumen and creditworthiness.

Get all this information in 15 days.

INDIA: Opportunities for

U.S. Firms

Network of 7 U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service (USFCS) offices across India (New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, & Hyderabad)

Most extensive USFCS operations outside of the U.S.

43 professional staff to help U.S. Companies export

Successfully assisted 690 U.S. companies export to India in FY 2004, of which 86% were small & med sized firms.

India’s Energy Sector – Investments Approaching

$USD477B by 2030

Sectors Proposed Investments by 2030 Annual Opportunities (growth rates)

Natural Gas $ 30 billion Upstream & downstream $ 2 billion (12%)

Oil $ 25 billion Oil & gas machinery $ 1.2 billion (10%)

Electricity $ 422 billion Transmission & Distribution $ 2 billion (15%)Renovation & modernization $ 1.2 billion (15%)

How to Contact Us

Duaine A. PriestleyDirector

15600 John F. Kennedy BlvdSuite 530

Houston, TX 77032Tel: 281 449 9406Fax: 281 449 9437

Mobile: 713 502 6639Email: duaine.priestley@mail.doc.gov

U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service (US&FCS)

American Center, 24, K.G. Marg, New Delhi 110 001

Tel: 91-11-2331-6841 to 48Fax: 91-11-2331 5172

Internet: www.buyusa.gov/india