Urban education reform analysis and ideas 2013

Post on 06-May-2015

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A White Paper on Education Reform. Taking the most innovative and comprehensive look. Full of ideas for brands to create new content and enhance education / stop poverty. A Must Read for Account Planners.

Transcript of Urban education reform analysis and ideas 2013

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Inner City Low Income Education A WHITE PAPER

Chicago Youth MarketPoverty. Race. Education Reform

Analysis and New Ideas by: Lisa RadinRevised: August 2013

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Those who have dropped-out of school must be educated to become economically and socially attractive citizens; drop-outs feed the system and if not trained/educated they perpetuate poverty

Embracing poverty as an educational issue is mandatory

Teaching basic reading is a priority

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Education success demands psychosocial stability

Education reform including STEM emphasis without a social / emotional major component will not succeed for the inner-city low income market

Reduced support for special education students needs to significantly improve; IEP’s may be used as a punishment tactic that needs to stop

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Public education needs redefinition – extending before and beyond K-12• Education has been defined by age / time / program / cognition vs.

Creating a Future

The urgency to Create Futures is dismal with the process taking 12+ years (K-12 only, not even college)

Targeting needs to change• Preschool children become a primary target as how these children

are shaped early in their development impacts long-term learning• Parents/caretakers as children ‘shapers’ – become secondary


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EXECUTIVE TOPLINE Education and NPO / nonprofit supports proliferate and the

#edu, #poverty and health / mental health and human service markets are highly fragmented

• More should be done to join forces to utilize core operations of NPO’s / capitalize their market knowledge vs. reinventing the wheel

• Stopping poverty and enhancing education are universal needs beyond 1 nonprofit (NPO)

• The supports are in place, nonprofits are competing for same dollars/grants – align for maximized benefit

• Nonprofits need to start talking to each other and view each other as friends and not ‘the enemy’

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Brands have the power to change the world

New strategic alliances and unconventional thinking are needed to change the game and revitalize education

Educating those out-of-poverty and those ripe for poverty need the attention of every business / every brand in both B2B and B2C. This is a job that goes beyond #tech and #STEM businesses. All brands can participate in enhancing #edu

Any city, any brand, any NPO, any advertising/social media firm can gain ideas to help stop the cycle of poverty and lack of education - the world is your oyster – find your pearl

• You have the power to enact positive change, use it – Rename as Unique Content for strategic gain

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RADIN COMMENTS Creative ideas presented are original thinking of Lisa Radin; it’s her

intention that ideas be used as thought-starters to revitalize education. Please use these ideas to reinvent education reform

This presentation is a work-in-process; original created in 2010

Radin is available for Q&A or additional thinking upon request

Radin hopes you will keep in contact as she has a passion for educating the inner city market plus she may have fresh thinking for you based on your specific issues She has been known to donate her time for great cause(s)

Over 200 resources were used to create this presentation, some are listed, some are not. Any questions? Contact Radin

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Market Research and Analysis

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Current Education Reform is not the Sole Savior

Education Reform will not solve the drop-out rate of low income/troubled households

• ‘Poor reading a battle against intergenerational poverty’ – Casey Foundation, Kids Count www.aecf.org

• “Across a range of studies, the emotional, social, and behavioral competence of young children, (such as higher levels of self-control, and lower levels of acting out) predict their academic performance in first grade, over and above their cognitive skills.” –National Center for Poverty http://www.nccp.org


• “Young children who act in anti-social ways participate less in classroom activities and are less likely to be accepted by classmates and teachers. Even in preschool, teachers provide such children with less instruction and less positive feedback. These children like school less, learn less, and attend less.” – National Center for Poverty

A strategy to attack the social / emotional component of education is necessary to assure cognitive success

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Need to Rethink Meaning of Education: More Than School or After-School Program

“85% said ‘Stable Home Environment” most important factor in determining how well a child does in school” – Chicago Urban League/Nielsen Study, 2008

Public education needs redefinition – extending before and beyond K-12• Beyond the doors of the school and into the lives of people

“Emotional challenges undermine fragile attitudes that underlie academic achievement.” – Chicago Urban League

“Parents of children who attend low performing, under resourced schools may be less able, or comfortable interacting with schools on child’s behalf (lost kids).” – Patrick T McCarthy, President and CEO Casey Foundation

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Stop Nonprofit Fragmentation

Ed Reform and Environmental (Family/Community) Reform needed for education stabilization

• Social services and job training innovations are needed to offset negative social ills facing inner city kids and their parents/caretakers

• Must elevate out of poverty

• DISRUPTIVE THINKING: ‘The student’ is no longer the child; the family becomes ‘student’ and ripe for enhanced education leading to job growth

Ed Reform must include ‘whole family’ when dealing with poverty market. This is strategic issue

Utilize existing NPO health and human service agencies as ‘We R One’ PR/Advertising/Social Media Campaign vs. fighting for grants servicing the same market.

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“Needing to repeat a grade – drop out increases with each change.” - National Drop Out Prevention Center

• Children who repeat a grade typically on an IEP through special education department, yet Special Education departments experiencing cuts

“Reexamine grade retention as element of dropping out” – Chicago Longitudinal Study 2000, U of Wisconsin, Madison

“Zero Tolerance supervision & discipline policies = double dose of punishment = suspended & expelled have higher drop out rate” - Clemson University

“Johns Hopkins study, large school size = drop out factories” “Paying attention to risk indicators of attendance and truancy rates allows early

intervention.” National Research Council

• Kids who are out of school for long periods of time are typically put on an IEP to catch-up. “ While African American men represent 14% of population young men in US they

represent over 40% of prison population not including those on parole.” – Henry Kaiser Family Foundation, July 2006 African American Men In US

“Cook County #Chicago has the largest population of African Americans of any county in U.S.” – CUL, 2008

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‘Urban schools still have a long way to go – if basic needs not met learning will suffer.’

Most often kids are from single-parent families where the parent is usually holding more then one job to support the family and so little attention is given to the child

Due to the lack of the child’s basic needs being met, more children who attend urban schools start school with a major disadvantage.

• Students of suburban schools, with their basic needs already have been met, are able to focus on learning and satisfying their growth needs

• Early child development becomes a strategic focus in this market

Many urban students are less concerned with learning and achieving a positive self-image then they are about obtaining food or safety. This has a large and lasting affect on their student achievement

Growth needs cannot be pursued until all the basic needs of an individual are met. According to Slavin (2005) schools and government agencies need to realize that if student’s basic needs are not met then learning will suffer. This is often the case in urban schools.

• Urban students are faced with many extraneous factors that the majority of suburban students do not need to worry about on a daily basis

• STOP THINKING ‘How my child learns is the same as how inner city children learn’ – Environmental Factors differ and play a significant role in education. #Empathy is demanded

All points from: University of Michigan: Urban Education Workpaper

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Education Success Demands Social/Emotional Stability

“Dropping out = a process that may begin before a child enters school; no single risk factor can accurately predict dropout, but dropout increases with multiple factors. ” – Communities in Schools, 2007

Schools and After School Programs only as good as the child’s willingness (personal environment/stability) to accept/learn – social/emotional trumps -various

“Perhaps the stronger effects of HCZ (Harlem Children’s Zone) on test scores reflect the consistency and continuity of the intervention over several years, as well as its comprehensiveness.” - Improving Education for Disadvantaged, National Poverty Center, U of Wisconsin, 10-04, April 2010

• “In school and out of school development”• “Providing adult critical mass, supports across development” (social/emotional stability)

“Chronic economic, social and psychological stressors that young children face increase the likelihood of poor social, emotional and cognitive outcomes.” – National Center Children in Poverty, 2002

“The greater the number of risks, the greater the drop-out rates.” – National Center Children in Poverty

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Education Success Demands Psychosocial Stability

“Family background & home experience exert a powerful influence over educational outcomes and dropping out of school.” – National Drop Out Prevention Center, Clemson University, 2007

• High household stress = more likely to drop out

• How can brand decrease environmental stress? What new supports can be created? Can new jobs help offset stress? Jobs that occur in-the-home?

“Several factors contribute to poor reading proficiency (cognitively, socially, emotionally, physically) – Annie Casey Foundation, Kids Count

• As the market moves to #STEM - where is emphasis on Reading?

“Help with social skills to reduce challenging behaviors in school & facilitate learning environment.” -Center Children in Poverty

• Who is teaching social skill? Does a gap exist? How can brand help?

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Group Category Category Breakdown Grade

ACT Reading

ACT Math ACT Science ACT English ACT Composite 

Means Means MeansTotal Tests Taken

MeansTotal Tests Taken

MeansTotal Tests


2009 2009 2009 2001 2009 2006 2009 2009  

CPS   Overall 11 17.1 17.2 17.3 15,200 16.2 18,391 17.0 20,783  CPS Race Native American 11 19.6 18.6 18.2 28 18.5 19 18.7 27 CPS Race Black 11 15.7 15.9 16.1 7,052 14.8 9,345 15.6 10,133  CPS Race Hispanic 11 17.1 17.3 17.3 4,619 16.0 5,909 16.9 7,263  CPS Race White 11 21.9 20.9 21.0 1,738 21.5 1,891 21.3 1,894  CPS IEP Has IEP 11 13.6 14.4 13.9 1,187 11.5 2,399 13.4 2,471  CPS IEP Does not have IEP 11 17.6 17.6 17.7 13,113 16.9 15,991 17.4 18,312  CPS Lunch Free Lunch 11 16.3 16.7 16.7 10,527 15.4 14,509 16.3 16,924  CPS Lunch Not Free Lunch 11 20.4 19.6 19.7 3,773 19.9 3,752 19.9 3,859  

CPSRace / Gender Asian / Pacific - Male 11 20.3 22.4 21.4 391 20.0 398 21.0 416  

CPSRace / Gender Asian / Pacific - Female 11 20.5 21.8 20.7 418 21.2 419 21.0 454  

CPSRace / Gender Black - Male 11 15.2 15.9 16.0 2,862 14.2 4,009 15.4 4,499  

CPSRace / Gender Black - Female 11 16.1 15.9 16.2 4,190 15.3 5,336 15.9 5,634  

CPSRace / Gender Hispanic - Male 11 17.0 17.5 17.5 2,117 15.7 2,677 16.9 3,412  

CPSRace / Gender Hispanic - Female 11 17.2 17.0 17.1 2,502 16.4 3,232 16.9 3,851  

CPSRace / Gender White - Male 11 21.4 21.1 21.2 861 20.5 904 21.0 888  

CPSRace / Gender White - Female 11 22.3 20.8 20.8 877 22.3 987 21.6 1,006  


Chicago Public Schools: ACT scores by Race * No IEP (special education) and no free lunch scores higher * In Reading: White Males score 5.2 points higher than Black Males, White Females score 6.2 points higher than Black Females.

2009 ACT Mean Score Black Males: 15.2 – At what point is book smart dismissed and street-smart elevated? Do we have society of young #entrepreneurs waiting to be developed? Who is this market? How can they be developed? Who is working on the drop-out market?

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Current #EduReform Tackles The Fix, not The Shape

The following chart summarizes how inner-city low income children historically interact with parents/caretakers and those who influence their future

• Wealthier suburban kids have fewer influencers as parents assume multiple roles

• To avoid ‘the shape’ of early childhood development (from birth) is to avoid true education reform• Disruptive Q: How to shape kids early, before Kindergarten? Reinvent and Fund Head Start?

• While full-day Kindergarten and/or pre-school are strategies to shape a child - more is needed to maintain consistency within a 24 hour day/7 day/week period

• Obviously, not all inner city low income families apply, but with high dropout rates, e.g. 40% in Chicago, a better fix is needed

• This lack of SHAPE has been going on for years and more is needed to jumpstart those who have gone through the system (past drop-outs) and failed, but continue to feed the system with negative consequence (crime, high birth rates, no job, increased state/federal benefits) – DROP-OUTS MATTER to the Entire Society. This is not a regional issue that can be dismissed as ‘Not in My Suburb’. DROP-OUTS impact U.S. economic indicators. “It Takes A Village’ and more…

• Parents/caretakers become a secondary audience for education reform

Conventional wisdom that better schools/better teachers and STEM will solve our educational issues in urban markets should be reconsidered when developing new disruptive strategies to educate such children

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Inner City Low Income Kids Have Multiple Touch Points To Child Development The current education system works on ‘The Fix’ approach. Research indicates more is needed to

‘SHAPE’ children early in their lives. SHAPING occurs in the household by Parents/Caretakers and new disruptive support systems. SHAPE = early child development and reduced stress HH’s.


Various:• Grandparent• Single Mom• Foster• Broken Home• DCFS (IL), HHS• Ward of State• Norm

Levels of Ed:Pre-KK-67-8High School CollegeCommunity College

Influenced by Luck and Action:CPS: Teachers/Special EdGovernment (local/state/federal)Religious/Church PoliceNonprofitsCommunityAfterschoolFriendsMediaSiblingsTechnology

Often:•Low Education•Low Income•Low Support System•Parents=teens=children themselves or seniors with no to limited child development supports

Opportunistic strategic gap 2 shape early

Move fix closer to shape

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Operational Strategy for Education

Game Changer & Disruptive Innovation• Create new paths to problem-solve (Disruptive Technology ‘Line’)• Significant impact, fast• Changing the game (Ed and Environmental Reform)

Graphic Source: Wikipedia, Disruptive Technology

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The following pages provide ideas for new education reform attacking social/emotional issues and elevating those who have dropped out of high school

My ideas were created in 2010 and have been openly discussed on Twitter; ideas are thought-starters and not all are flushed-out

I hope these ideas spur your imagination

I am available for further consultation if needed I can be found on Twitter @milguy23 and/or LinkedIn: Lisa Radin / Brand

Strategist: http://www.linkedin.com/in/lisaradinbrandstrategist/

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• @4As (American Association of Advertising Agencies) • @AMA (American Management Association)

Trade associations strategically align for greater #good, for example: • @ASPEorg (American Society of Plumbing Engineers), • @AHMANews (American Hardware Manufacturers Association),• @NRFNews (National Retail Foundation), • @ShopFloorNAM (The National Association of Manufacturers), • @WOMMA (Word of Mouth Marketing Association) and more

Associations embrace education and help their members develop strategies and tactics to create ‘WE R ONE’ Public Service PSA campaign Major ‘Coordinators’ Set-Up ‘the program’ – or provide conceptual direction

To eliminate poverty, enhance education – Demand No Drop-Outs – Create Futures

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BRANDS EMBRACE #EDU – We R One – Idea #1

Brands embrace education on a global perspective, extension of CSR, true #custserv Develop PSA - type 5 year campaign – Brands Have The Power To Educate B2B and B2C brands strategically align for a greater good -> Creating Futures Work in conjunction with Department of Education, Schools, Top Market Leaders

Brands are conduit to teach social/emotional / math / spelling / grammar / reading / child development and cognitive factoids on

• Websites, • Social Media, • Promotions, • Apps / games,• Packaging,• In-store and On-line

Brands are recognized via yearly Awards presented by The White House and The Department of Education. A plaque is displayed in The Library of Congress. Time Magazine @Time features participating brands in special supplement

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The #Brand + #Edu Benefit? We R One

Any social #good program must provide:

Win-Win-Win Objective Brands Win : Brand receives significant benefits

Greater + Consistent Positive AwarenessAltruistic badge beyond CSRCustomer / Prospect Brand LoveAbility to gain names/build lists for #mrx #promos #analyticsNew Unique Content

Education Wins : The information must be good / functional Consumer Wins: Taught in unconventional / fun ways If City involved add a Win to Win-Win-Win-Win

Must be strategically beneficial to any group involved … a WIN is always mandatory to dedicate funds and time

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THOUGHT-STARTERS / IDEAS McDonald’s creates education game / promotion with ideas of: #McMath

#McGrammar #McWriting #McFriends (Cultural Etiquette/No Bullying) #McCode reinventing #custserv beyond food and building customer loyalty @CocaCola supports @McDonalds efforts

Doritos creates #BookCrunch rap music app/ book club which supports / teaches basic reading in fun Dorito way

Toyota/Cadillac create ‘Shift to Drive’ teaching family/child development and stress management

Mondelez (Kraft) builds math skills teaching measurements/algebra via #recipes4intelligence / #recipes4success

Target + Master Lock: ‘Secure Your Future with Words’ (vocab / word power) Home Depot develops: ‘BUILD YOURSELF w Writing Skill’ IDEAS ARE ENDLESS; be creative Brand ‘Mass’ is Needed to Make A Significant Impact: Every brand can participate

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IDEA 2: Chicago city/schools to strategically align with existing health and human service nonprofits serving youth/adult markets to educate/support those who are vulnerable

Utilize existing NPO operations and community/church vs. reinventing the wheel Existing operations act as social/emotional conduit to Chicago Public School kids Build DCFS – What role? Enhances Pillar 3 of CPS Mission: http://www.cps.edu/pages/actionplan.aspx

• http://www.childserv.org• http://www.childrenshomeandaid.org/page.aspx?pid=251• http://www.voices.org/about/about-voices/• http://www.fryfoundation.org/about/our-history/• http://www.hispanicfederation.org• http://www.joycefdn.org/about/our-history/ • http://austintalks.org/about/

Stress utilization of existing human health and youth service nonprofits and local community activists to administer and/or help develop programs – they have experience with target audience


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Education is typically defined K-12 but those who have dropped-out have aged-out of the system. And those who have aged-out still need an education to elevate out of poverty

IDEA 3:• Chicago in conjunction with major research firm or @IBM #bigdata identify drop-out base

to determine size / impact / costs How large is historical drop-out market? How is it segmented? What are key characteristics? Look

at 10 year period, 5-year, year by year differences Work with major nonprofit or local community/church organizations to identify

• Create database of previous drop-outs but rename to Lift-Ups and track through existing means or create new program; start an analytics study on elevating drop-outs to lift-ups

Don’t lose them in the system as they feed the future If you don’t like Lift-Ups name, come up with a new name. Make it positive

• Being labeled as a DROP-OUT is negative – the idea is to eliminate stress, not add

• Chicago Public Schools to consider education support beyond grade 12 While budgets are being cut, cutting-out drop-outs from the education process will significantly

impact total Chicago metro quality of life• Crime escalates and City will demand more Federal Aid (that’s declining)

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Understand DROP-OUT/LIFT-UP DYNAMICS to create new strategies. Look at:• Ongoing tracking program for current DROP-OUTS to be established to assure graduation

to Lift-Ups• Over and above tracking via ACT and State/Federal Standardized Testing

IDEA #4: A strategic marketing plan targeting DROP-OUT/LIFT-UP populations • Better segmentation of this market – How do they differ than mainstream?

• Street Smart vs. Book Smart?• What obstacles do they face that can be overcome? How? When?• What obstacles too large to be fought by typical education system? What?• What other ‘Future’ paths should be open to them?• When cars could be fixed we had a strong economic society of auto mechanics. Do

we need society of technology mechanics? Is this an available path within the high school building? How?

• Can traditional education bring community college tech education within the traditional environment? Can high school tech certifications be replaced by high school graduation diploma?

• What constitutes a high school education? Does this need to be changed?

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IDEA 4: Build off of idea #3. Use market research and insights to create strategic plan to eliminate drop-out population Create social media positive promotion TWITTER LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM etc. for those participating and to reach those who

have previously dropped-out• Consider long-term integration with State / Federal benefits


• What can IBM do? SAP? • What teaching elements are needed to be hired in the digital market? • How can high school certification programs be developed for those who have street-smarts vs. book-

smarts?• URGENCY IS NEEDED• City of Chicago to hire/assign individual to create educational strategic alliances with major consumer

packaged goods and tech firms



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‘A NEW LINE OF THINKING’ starts at birth + #insight panels #5

IDEA #5: City of Chicago / CPS to create strategic alliances with major hospitals / gynecologists and upon baby birth – provide educational resources to parents for child

• A major initiative to bring in other nonprofits to start a Path-to-Education from birth• Strategically align with major brands to make win-win-win; identifying potential customers and

providing services; Win-Win-Win means brands must obtain sustainable benefits over time: brands win with access to market research/insights. City wins with brand funds/support. Consumer wins

City to create Insight Panels of registered users with approvals #5• These panels to be used to gain consumer insights for brands targeting inner-city populations

• Pew Research contacted to determine interest in funding/managing panels

City of Chicago to hire/assign position creating strategic alliances with major hospitals and brands to create ‘Path2Education’ program– Call it #path2edu for short #5

• @path2edu campaign begins on Twitter, apps developed, etc.

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#6 Microbusiness – Teaching Income Survival

IDEA #6: Build specific skills to inner city kids to make them job ready early and to create interest in having their own business How to be a brand ambassador and consumer insights collector (taught by Chicago area brands) via

Webinar. Available at public libraries/park district How to write a blog for income (traveling to schools and local church to promote) How to create apps (High school program and available at local community offices) How to give a Webinar

#6 -Create a Digital-Pantry system – similar to a Food Pantry where urban low-income adults/kids can go to: Learn new tech and mobile systems in their community Obtain social / emotional support

• Suggested funding by Walgreens, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of IL and CDW• Available at Park Districts / Libraries / Walgreens and Online via Mobile App

Miscellaneous Local cookbook development from families in the community

• Parallel a high school yearbook development; create teams across the City; Awards • Proceeds go to authors

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About Lisa RadinAnalyst, Strategist, Developer

• Practiced brand strategist with agency and client-side B2B and B2C marketing expertise – Lisa has worked on over 50 brands. Associates often ask her for insights because she’s #creative and always has a fresh ideas

• Some call her an idea-machine; she likes to think

• Everything Lisa does is market research and insights driven. She believes ‘markets talk, you need to listen to find ideas.’

• She started working at her family restaurant serving customers at age 6, she continues to serve new thinking and strategies to her clients

• Lisa’s thinking has directly made and/or saved over $30 million during her career

• Questions and comments are welcomed.

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Resources Supporting Radin’s Thinking

• www.aecf.org • http://uei.uchicago.edu/about/uei-results• http://www.hcz.org/images/whatever_it_takes_lesson_plan.pdf• http://www.catalyst-chicago.org/notebook/2010/06/07/schools-education-chart-new-roadmaps-chicago-teachers• www.dropoutprevention.org• www.waisman.wisc.edu/cls/NEWSLETN.PDF• http://austintalks.org/about/• http://www.nccp.org

• http://www.thechicagourbanleague.org/cms/lib07/IL07000264/Centricity/Domain/76/_Files/FINAL_08_AA_Eco_Study.pdf, • http://news.medill.northwestern.edu/chicago/news.aspx?id=78245&print=1• http://ccsr.uchicago.edu/publications/CCSR_CHSRI_Report-Final%5B1%5D.pdf• New Messaging Needed to Reach ‘New Majority’: http://adage.com/article/hispanic-marketing/messaging-needed-reach-majority/144536

/• http://www.sparxoo.com/2010/06/01/• http://cps.edu/NewSchools/Pages/ONS.aspx/docs/ONS_PerfReport.pdf• http://www.youthincare.illinois.gov/Education/ISAC_corps.htm• http://sitemaker.umich.edu/rosman.356/• http://www.gatesfoundation.org/media-center/press-releases• http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/special_reports/20100506inner_city_100.htm• http://www.youthbuildphilly.org/technology.html• http://www.idph.state.il.us/public/respect/african_american_fs.htm• http://www.bls.gov/opub/working/home.htm• http://chronicle.com/article/Many-Young-Adults-in-Poverty/65826/• http://www.cps.edu/Pages/actionplan.aspx

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Boiling Information Down: Many Resources

• http://npc.umich.edu/poverty/• http://www.ilvirtual.org/index.php?page=new-students-and- parents• https://communities.cisco.com/docs/DOC- 13973• http://ccsr.uchicago.edu/publications/organizing-schools-improvement-lessons- chicago• http://www.edfunders.org/downloads/CaseinBrief1. pdf• http://csi.gsb.stanford.edu• http://www.carnegiefoundation.org/resources/gallery- teaching• http://www.ipr.northwestern.edu• http://kellogg.campusgroups.com/netimpact/home /• http://www.cct.org/sites/cct.org/files/annual_reports/CCT_AnnualReport_2009_0. pdf• http://www.joycefdn.org/programs/special-opportunities /• http://www.chestercreek.com/ childrensProducts.html• http://www.state.il.us/dcfs/dr_pathway/ index.shtml• http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_10/sr10_208. pdf• http://www.techlearning.com/features/0039/technology-literacy-and-the-myspace-generation/44190• http://www.computerclubhouse.org/content/start-clubhouse• http://web.cuip.net• http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5170.html• http://www-news.uchicago.edu/releases/07/070201. blackyouthproject.pdf• http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/16/weekinreview/16steinberg.html?pagewanted=all&_r= 0• http://www.hcz.org/images/ whatever_it_takes_lesson_plan.pdf• http://cced.ces.uwex.edu• http://kellogg.campusgroups.com/netimpact/home/• http://www.learnsap.com• http://mandelcenter.case.edu

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Contact: radin.lisa@gmail.com

Twitter @milguy23Lisa Radin, Brand Strategist on LinkedIn

Hope you found this presentation insightful. Thank you for reading. Lisa