Urban eco-constructs_Port Philip bay ecocenter_presentation_20th may 2007

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Urban eco-constructs studio challenged the students to investigate and employ natural ecosystems and eco-systemic cycles as a model for landscape design. Studio works of Monique Govers, Nicholas Beer, Bride Blake (Chlorophyll park), Keith Farnsworth, Faculty advisor: Archana Sharma

Transcript of Urban eco-constructs_Port Philip bay ecocenter_presentation_20th may 2007

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2. SAFE UN-SAFE ACTIVITY 3. SAFE UN-SAFE ACTIVITY 4. Design Through Making StudioWestgate Parkconstructed-ecologies in hyper-urban environmentsRMIT Landscape Architecture Folio Nicholas Beer (s3078289) Tutor: Archana Bhatt 5. Introduction - The Hunch Westgate Park is one of those places that you become exposed to when driving along a freeway; one of those places you say to yourself: I should go there one day. The patchwork of different coloured lakes seen from atop the Westgate freeway seem to inspire thoughts of otherworldliness; surrounded as it is by an unrelenting industrial context. On visiting the park, one is drawn into the world of wetland birds, distant views and the occassional snake slithering across the path. Like many parks these days, Westgate park has a few information boards. Looking across the stretch of lake refered to as the salt lake, one notices a large body of water surrounded by dwarfing grassed mounds and the imposing Westgate freeway. After wandering around for a while, we arrive at the freshwater lake and rather than admiring the water itself, our attention is drawn to the many birds which seem to call the lake home. How is it that two lakes, not more than a hundred metres apart, can display such a difference? It is from this question that this project begins. The hunch being that a site surrounded by salt water (Port Phillip Bay and the esturine reach of the Yarra River) should be able to support at least as much wildlife in its salt water habitat as in the freshwater environment.Westgate park is relatively isolated from adjact residential communities. Access to the park is predominantly from bicyclists visiting from recent residential developments at Docklands, South Melbourne and via river access provided between Newport and the parks eastern boundary. It is believed that the key to the success of Westgate park revolves around the management of its various habitats, as this element provides a key difference between other inner public spaces.Due to hypersaline conditions, the saltlake functions more as an ornamental lake than a viable habit.We are focusing most of our attention on the freshwater lake because that is where most of the life is (Friends of Westgate Park) The freshwater lake is actually brackish, and the saltwater lake is hypersaline (Neil Duncan, Eco-centre) 6. Westgate Park : a brief historyDesign Through Making has been an eight week landscape architectural design studio based at Westgate Park exploring techniques in constructed ecologies. The studio brief was to undertake independent research which explored the relevant issues pertaining to Westgate Parks role as a designated habitat area for indiginous flora and flora and how this might be responsive to its broader context within Melbournes industrially zone Fishermans Bend, as well as the human occupation of the site.photo circa 1940s indicating site bounday of Westgate parkWestgate Park is located on the site of an old sand quarry which was subsequently used an aircraft landing strip during WWII (refer opposite) and later as a landfill. During the construction of the Westgate freeway (which adjoins the park), the site was designated as parkland, whos design was largely dictated by the need to incorporate vast quantities of the Westgate freeways excess excavated soil and construction debri. This construction fill was utilised in the partks design to serve various purposes such as: windbreaks, clearly defined water catchment areas, to provide opportunities for different plant communities and also to reveal distant views. Westgate park has continued to mature over the past twenty years. Today, the casual visitor might observe a distinctly Australian-looking landscape clothed in eucalypts, heathlands and several wetland environments; which serve as habitat for an array of birds, and other animals. Despite its naturalistic appearance, Westgate park receives considereable outside attention to maintain its role as a habitat for a diverse range of species. A look behind the scenes of Westgate park reveals a different nature altogether... one inhabited by: underground pipes and mechanical pumps transporting water from outside and within the park; and an ongoing human labour, be it planting, weeding or handwatering to maintain and expand the stock of plants within the park. Such is the nature of nature in our cities these days.photo circa 1995 indicating site bounday of Westgate parkConstructed ecologies such as Westgate park have the potential to create rich environments for wildlife and human recreation. Like all parks, Westgate park is a product of its past, present and projected future. As the scale of habitats continue to diminish, spaces like Westgate park are asked to perform compressed ecological functions over and above the natural systems on-site which might enable these to emerge. Far from being a problem-solution scenario, constructed ecologies invite us to explore and play with alternatives to expand the domain of ecology to what might seem at first unrelated fields. 7. Westgate ParkresidentialExchangescombinedindustrialWebb docksalt water habitatpark entry pointsbike path, river punttrain lineWestgate park is located at the intersection of several major urban scaled edges, most notably that of the Fishermans bend peninsular. The parks immediate neighbours are large scale industry, the Yarra River and Webb Dock (currently under redevelopment). Rain water is harvested from several locations outside the park. Considering the parks proximity to the salt water environments (Port Phillip Bay, Yarra River, Marybrynong River and Stony Creek) it is surprising that most of the parks wetlands are focused on fresh or brackish water environmentspedestrian accesshabitat edgesinfrastructureindustry 8. ColonisationWestgate park is located in area of the esturine reach of the Yarra River. Over millions of years, the processes of sedimentation and accumulation of aeolian sands in the area created a rich environment for esturine species. Successive generations of development around Melbournes docks precinct have transformed the area from a rhythmic delta (constantly eroding and colonising areas according to climatic variations) by an extensive process of land reclamation which has imparted a somewhat regular course to the Yarra River. Despite the monumental changes to the Fishermans bend peninsular, it still maintains an ongoing relationship with the historic processes which originally shaped it, both above and below groun level: the Fishermans bend peninsular is generally one to two metres above the high tide mark, and continues an intimate relation with the salt waters of the Yarra and Port Phillip Bay through two water aquifers created by the sedimentary layers of the Yarra Rivers past. What this means for Westgate park, is that it must develop strategies to either work with, or against, the the presence of salt. At present the park has been successful in the former, but as yet seems to struggle with coming to terms with this most mediating of site conditions. 10 teatree scrub07 brackish lake08 island habitat09 brackish lakeSECTION AB DETAIL 1:150011pathpathsalt water lake13 carpark 12 bench14 Todd RdSECTION AB 1:6000 01 industryA02 Shipping Dock04 industry03 Yarra River0506 Webb Dock Goods Train Recommissioned circa 2017refer section detail15 Motor Racing CircuitSchematic Diagram of the Hydrological Cycle of the Fishermans Bend & Webb Dock Precinct. (refer also geological sections)01 02 0304 05B06 07 080910 1112 14 1315Westgate Park Salt Lake Westgate Park Brackish Lake Salt Water (Port Phillip Bay & Tidal Reach of Yarra Delta)Yarra River (Brackish Water) Terrestrial Run-off Ground Water Salt Water Terrestrial Intrusion 9. westgate park boundary salt concentration (lake depth)webb dock railwayfrog habitatexisting physical barriers between park and train linefriends of W.P depotwetland vegetation communitiesflat ground (buffer before mounds)paths 10. HydrologyThe watertable at Fishermans bend is saline and close to the surface. Unlike the smaller wetlands which are perched, Westgate parks two main lakes are deep enough to be effected by the saline groundwater. The differing construction techniques and access to surface run-off between these two wetlands has resulted in the larger wetlands displaying distinct ecologies. The northern wetland has a low-permeability clay lining which reduced groundwater infiltration and also receives stormwater run-off from an adjacent road and from the roof of the herald-sun building; these combined conditions maintain the lake at a brackish concentration (slightly saltier than fresh water but well below sea water salt concentrations.), The southern wetland is a relic from the earlier sand mining. Groundwater is the main recharge of this lake and decades of evaporation have gradually caused the lake to becopme hyper-saline (ie: several times the salt concentration of sea water).train access roadcar park pathscar parkWater bodies and paths: light blue brackish; Dark blue - saltDrainage patterns: Black - ridgelines; Arrows - surface water flowWater movement: Red - gravity fed; Blue - mechanicalBrackish LakeCombinedSalt Water Lake Clay Lake LiningFill Sand Coode Island SiltGeological section adapted from Westgate freeway geological survey. 11. salt concentrations: Blue - salt content increases with water depth; Yellow - salt contnt highest at top of silty clay soil profilePresumed sectional profile (pre-european): Brown - silty Clay; Yellow fine sand; Red - existing sectionSurface Run-offPresumed content of Fill: Red - landfill including toxic pollutants; Grey - rubbleSurface Run-offWet-land fill Groundwater (sand) Confining unit (silt)Aquifer (Gravel) Confining unit (silt)Geological Section of Salt Water Lake 1:1000Three primary factors contribute to producing hyper-saline conditions in the saltlake. 01. The lake receives much of its recharge from saline groundwater. 02. Sand mining has created conditions whereby the bottom of the lake has close proximity to the underlying Coode Island Silt, which concentreates its salt load at its upper horizon. 03. The evaporative process removes water from the lake but not waters salt content. As a result the salt content increases over time. 12. Freshwater lake edgesCherry Lake Reserve - Melbourne Water Retarding Basin (Altona) sections 1 :200Variations at the waters edge create environments with distinct wetting regimes, which are exploited by plants adapted to those conditions. Constant edge conditions favour the emegence of a dominant species, while rapid fluctuations are colonised by a greater range of species.grasses & small shrubs single species of reedmelaleuca and cassuarina transition zonegrasses & small shrubssingle species of reedopen water transition zonereedopen waterNewport Lakes Park (former Bluestone Quarry) section 1 : 100 13. Salt water edgesUnlike the freshwater wetlands where growth is dictated by how close a plant is to water, saltwater wetlands are dictated by how far away a plant is from water. The reason for this is that plants require very special adaptations to deal with the harsh growing conditions provided by salty conditions. The further away a plant is from the saturated area (seepage zone, or groundwater) the less salt that the plant must deal with. This phenomena is evident in a visual banding around saltwater wetlands. Plants growing high salt concentration areas tend to be short-stunted plants. As such, we can predict with reasonable accuracy how these bands will be distributed and what plants will grow in these bands, should we attempt any changes to these environments. Saltmarsh environments are generally associated with low lying areas next to the coast and receive varying salt laden tidal waters from the sea (such as Point Cook). The exception to this scenario is in areas which were at one point in history submerged by the waters of the ocean and as a result the soil and groundwater retain a high concentration of dissolved salts (such as Lake Eyre and Westgate Park).50cm 20cm 00cmCheetham Wetlands - Point Cook section 1 : 50moderate salt content: grasses - small shrubs high salt content: succulent groundcovers high salt content: no growth saline watertable: no growth 14. Case Study:Murray River: Groundwater interception_ salt harvesting 02010304The Murray River creates an arterial of water which passes through the dry interior of south-eastern Australia. Water from the Murray River is used to irrigate farmland. The presence of water in an otherwise creating dry laqndscape enables a vastly improved productivity to areas inland from the Murray. As the natural conditions of the area have been modified, salt (deposited when the area was part of an inland sea) has begun to mix with the freshwater of the Muraay Basin. The presence of high salt concentrations are not conducive to the farming practices of the area which rely on freshwater. The major source of salt contamination in the area is the move ment of saline groundwater into the Murray River. To moderate the amount of salt entering the Murray River a large number of groundwater interception projects have been initiated. These projects work by first isolating whichgroundwater aquifers have high salt concentrations. The saline groundwater in these areas is pumped to the surface before it can enter the Murray River. The project creates a condition where there are large quantities of salty water. Some of this salty water is used in aqui-culture farms for the raising of saltwater fish, but the majority of the saltwater is utilised by harvesting chrystal salt through means of evaporation.04Diagrammatic workings of groundwater interception salt harvesting schemesalt harvest upstream flow (fresh)evaporation relative salt concentration0302 saline groundwaternet loss of salt entering river01groundwater pump 15. Case Study:Large Scale Salt Harvesting (Port Said, Egypt)This salt harvesting operations is located close to the shores of the Mediteranian Sea, and as such has a virtually unlimited reserve of salt water which it can process. This salt farm is situated on a large tract of flat land which enables it The salt farm pumps water from the sea in order to regulate intake of water to match the changeable evaporation rate (ie: variations in temperature and wind strength). 16. Case Study: Small Scale Salt Harvesting (Vinh Tien, Vietnam) This salt harvesting operation is located next to the ocean. The phases of the moon create abornmally high tides once or twice a month. This projectutilises these high tides to bring sea water into its first storage pond. The advantage of this method is that it is cheaper than pumping the water, yet it does not allow the same control of water volumes, which have a direct influence on the evapoartion rate. 17. Salt Harvesting Schemes SALT HARVESTING CYCLE isolate concentrate evaporateSALT WATER dissolved mineralTRANSPORTATION tidal gravity mechanical groundwaterPOND DIMENSIONS depth surface area EVAPORATION temperature wind transpiration rainfallCHRYSTALISED SALT harvestingAll salt harvesting schemes require reliable access to salt water; this is generally sourced from the ocean, inland seas, or saline groundwater. The climatic requirements of a salt havesting scheme are a consequitive three moth (minimum) period where evaporation rates are higher than precipitation rates. In order to produce a harvestable amount of salt the water content must be evaporated. Salt harvesting scheme use a number of sequential ponds so that the salt concentration in the water is progressively increased so that at the end of the processes a significant amount of salt is deposited in one place. The water must either be pumper or gravity fed betwenn these ponds.Salt harvesting in Peru. The use of terraces allows the water to be gravity fed from one pond to another. Unfortunately the terraces require alot of maintenance as the processes of wetting and drying create instability in the soil. For this reason the majority of salt harvesting schemes are located on flat ground, which also reduces the construction costs. 18. Water Budget To achieve a net reduction over time in salt concentration of the hypersaline lake it is important to calculate the volume of water in this lake and its fluctuations over time. The lake is experiencing drought conditions at present which enables an assessment of the lakes profile. A conservative average depth of the drought level of the lake at 1-1.5m means that the lake experiences a 10% fluctuation during drought conditions. This upper 10% occurs at the shallow edges of the lake which has a low volume to surface area ratio. As a general rule the more water that is in the lake the lower the evaporation rate and hence a slowing of the hypersalinity process. With the lake experiencing a 10% variation of volume between high rainfall years and drought conditions, it is considered that a removal of around 2% will keep lake levels within the existing fluctuation range.Evaporation Rates: Melbournes six warmest months OctNovDecJanFebMarPrecipitation Evaporation67mm 108mm59mm 138mm59mm 162mm48mm 177mm47mm 168mm51mm 120mmDifference41mm79mm103mm129mm121mm69mm# days rain141210879days >30 deg.C136875Monthwind speed 15km/h 16km/h 16km/h 15km/h 15km/h 14km/hSustainable average water budget for salt pans 2% of 15,000 m3 = 300 m3. With four viable evaporative periods available this equates to four first stage evaporative ponds with a capacity of 75m3.this upper 10% would lead to higher evaporation rates in the lake.estimating salt lake volume recent maximum level +50cm average rainfall years +20cm drought level 00cmeffect of drought conditions on volume of water in salt lake fluctuation lake full 20cm fall 50cm fallsurface area volume difference water loss in drought 15,902m2 1,275m3 = 8.5 % 14,710m2 - 238m3 @ full 11,252m2 - 1,037m3 @ -20cmestimate of lake volume at drought level (ie: - 50cm mark) av. depth (@ -50cm) volume @ - 50cm 1m 11,252m3 1.5m 16,878m3volume @ at full 12,572m3 (10% fluctuation) 18,153m3 (8% fluctuation)estimated level in salt lake during average rainfall years 15,000 m3continuous bands around lake reveal 3 constant levels 19. Salt Pond Specifications(Adapted from Nelson, 1991: Design & Construction of Small Earth Dams)The proposed salt pans must respond (at minimum) to several functional considerations. We must consider what are the specific spatial and climatic requirements of a salt harvesting scheme and how do the conditions of Westgate park inform the place ment and design of such a scheme.Dam Type StudyHillside DamDISADVANTAGESLargest storage area relative to amount of earthworks. Water is naturally directed towards dam.Gully DamADVANTAGESPredominately a approach to catch run-off or stream flow. Sites gullys are too small to accommodate salt pond network.Provides gravity supply to flow regime. Site conditions present several suitable hills, with the added advantage of close proximity to flatish areas.Significant earthworks required.Pressure of water is evenly distributed as opposed to dyke wall. Relativley cheap, as main requirement is for sealing base of dam. .Requires relatively flat ground. As the water table is high, excavation in these areas will generally cause these dams to fill up. Hence, unsuitable for evaporation purposes. Also, gravity to flow regime becomes difficult.Excavated Tankexcavation depthSITE LOCATIONSpicnic area small isolated 20. Dam type study The process of concentrating the salt content in water is undertaken in a series of ponds (as mentioned previously). A common method employed by most salt harvesting schemes is to maintain a similar surface areas of each ponds. As a significant proportion of the water evaporates at each stage the volume of water decreases, with the effect that the size of the dam also decreases. Recommended depths at the various stages are:15cm chrystalisation pond30cm evaporation pondpond 01 50cm pond 02 30cm pond 03 15cm. Ponds 01 and 02 require access only for opening and closing the gates which allow water to flow between ponds. The dimensions of Pond(s) 03 are dictated by the harvesting method. Small scale salt farms are generally harvested by raking the salt into piles. As a result the maximum width of these ponds is generally under 4m.50cm evaporation pondsectional qualities 1:100ZonedDiaphramAdvantagesDisadvantagesConstruction of dam is simplified by the use of a single structural clay.HomogenousSubject to excessive expansion and shrinkage if water levels in dam are not relatively stable (as is the case in salt harvesting)Stucturally the strongest type of dam and can therefore be built with steerper slopes, which reduces the amount of earthworks.This type of dam maintains its impermeability zone in the centre of the dam, thus absorbing much of the concentrated saline liquid.Less like to experience structural change with continual wetting and drying. The remainder of the dam wall can be constructed from material on-site.Requires more earthworks and is not as structurally sound as a zoned dam, yet considering the shallow water level required for salt harvesting this does not pose a significant problem. 21. Case study: 50cm Evaporation Pond at different grades If the cost of costructing is dam is largely dependent on the amount of earthworking required, then it is not surprising that most salt harvesting schemes are located in flat areas, or ones with gentle slopes. The advantage of locating a dam on a slope is that the dam can intercept surface run-off water. The intention of salt pans is not to collect water but rather to store water in conditions conducive to its evaporation. Salt pans necessarilly need to be shallow for this purpose, as a result, their construction on slopes requires significant amounts of earthwork to achieve minimal storage volumes1:3 Slope Over 50m1:2001:200 1:25 Slope Over 50m1:200 1:10 Slope Over 50m 22. numbersThe three stages of the evapoartive process require variations in size of ponds required. To maintain structural stability the fill required for the dams becomes greater relative to the volume it needs to hold. Having calulated these dimension a series of quick placement excercises reveal many combinations which might be achieved, and allow us to speculate on how these ponds might transform the spaces they inhabit.50cm evaporation pond(plan 1:1000)15cm chrystalisation pond 30cm evaporation pondmassing study exploring the relationship between ponds and proposed pathponds informed by pedestrian pathpedestrian path informed by ponds15cm chrystalisation pond without harvesting access15cm chrystalisation pond15cm chrystalisation pond module form 23. Locating Salt Pans (socio-topographic-climatic considerations) existing topographic conditionsPedestrian CirculationVegetation AdjacenciesPrevailing WindInfrasrtucture AdjacenciesHigh Solar Penetratione a s t s l o p eslope requiring major additional earthworks slope requiring significant additional earthworks slope requiring moderate additional earthworksThree Potential Salt Pan Sites northerly windslope requiring minor additional earthworksnortherly westerly winde a s t s l o p ewesterly0302 01 south westerly south-westerly wind 24. ConsiderationsThe spatio-functional requirements of a salt harvesting scheme processing 2% of the total salt lake volume can be met at three seperate locations at Westgate park. Site 03 has been chosen as it offers the greatest potential for the project to create interactions the surface run-off created by the areas topography.Slope, Vegetation, Pedestrain Circulation And Prevailing WindsPotental Intermingling Zones Between Salt Water Seepage And Surface Run-off Waternortherly windwesterly wind03020302 0101DRAINAGE EDGESsouth-westerly wind 25. Surveying potentials No accurate contour information exists for Westgate park. Having isolated Site 03 as a potential location for the salt pans, it was undertaken to survey the surrounding area at 50cm contour intervals. As the proposed salt pans require approximately 100m3 of fill consideration as to where this might be removed from was investigated. The slopes in this area of the park serve either windbreak functions, or are part of the pedestrian circuit. A decision was made to remove the cut from the south-west corner of the surveyed area as this location did not interfere with the salt pan scheme and even moreso, this location provided the opportunity to address safety issues and could greatly enhance the experience and scope of the salt pan projectpoints of accesspotential areas to remove cutcutflat areaslong viewsunplanted mounded areastrain edge (safety)sloped areascombined 26. 50cm contour plan 1:1000 01view A02 03view A04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11view Cview Bview C1:350 slope view BSequential Surveyed Sections 1:1000 section 01section 07section 02section 08section 03section 09section 04section 10section 05section 11section 06ground water level based on port of melbourne bore survey 27. Slope, Vegetation, Pedestrain Circulation And Prevailing WindsSlopeThe mounding in this area of Westgate park serves the primary function of intercepting and calming the prevailing westerly winds. The mounds are partly planted and rise to a height of 2-2.5m.0302 01Existing Sectonal Elevation East 1:600 Potental Intermingling Zones Between Salt Water Seepage And Surface Run-off Water0302 01drainage edgesExisting Cross Secton Looking North 1:300Existing Sectonal Elevation West 1:600 28. Planning strategy 01 proposed salt marsh habitatexisting salt marsh habitatexisting salt marsh habitat01The state government has recently announced plans that Webb Dock will be expanded as a container port and storage facility. Integral to the projects success is the recommissioning of the freight rail link, scheduled for 2017. Work is currently underway to establish a layer of construction fill over a large saltmarsh owned by Webb Dock. The Webb Dock saltmarsh is approximately twice as big as Westgate park and is an important habitat. The loss of the Webb Dock saltmarsh will place extra pressures on the saltmarsh habitats at Westgate parkWebb dock development land-reclamation. Presently functioning as tidal saltmarshSalt lake effected by hypersalinityLong-term measures taken to mediate effects of Hyperslinity ie: removal of a small quantity of the highly concentated salt found at the bottom of the lake.By-product of the works (water with high salt content) used as the catalyst for salt harvesting scheme, which requires construction fill.By-product of the works (hole in the ground) used as the catalyst for the creation of a saltmarsh, which compensates for any displaced species effected by the lowering of salinity levels in the salt lake and further integrates the parks edges with its adjacent ecologies.The construction of the salt pans requires vegetative cover to to bond the dam wall, which function as corridors allowing the salt ponds to interact with the wider salt marsh ecologies. 29. ASaltmarsh10mm Grading Plan (1:200)Located at the intesection of the freight rail and pedestrian path (where they pass under the Westgate freeway), the saltmarsh provides a topographic and vegetive buffer between park users and the passing freight trains.above grade bufferexisting grade60cm+ : grasses and low shrubs 40-60cm: medium succulent growth 20-40cm: low succulent growth 00-20cm: pond edge (no growth)Csalt pond (groundwater)DCDsection CD 1:200B ABsection AB 1:200 30. Cut strategy In many ways the salt pans function as a mechanical organised system; pumping water from the salt lake, storing then releasing the water several times via operated gate-locks, until all the water has evaporated and we are left with salt. Seen in these terms a salt pan scheme can be inserted in almost any place we might desire. The challenge for the strategy is: How can the salt pans utilise and adjust existing site conditions to create and strengthen relationships in the park?1 0The salt pan scheme derives its strategy to meet its requirements of 100m3 of on-site fill plugging-into the changing politicoecological circumstances surrounding the loss of saltmarsh habitat at Webb dock. The volume of cut required creates the potential to create a saltmarsh by excavating an adjacent area of land which lays a little over a metre above the saline watertable. The size of of the saltmarsh is proportional to the average depth of cut. By refering to salmarsh precedents we can reliably predict the effect which variations in micro-climate will create (vegetation relative to topographic height.0 1The salt marsh is thus created by its potential to maximise its size under the constraint of required cut. By adapting to the existing slope conditions the saltmarsh can receive additional surface run-off water and in this regard, provide the imputus for the siting of the salt pans.21 00 1 2 2 2 0 11.5 10 1 20.5 0 0m -0.5m01-1m500mm contour plan (1:1000) rl: 0m2 31. Salt Pan Strategy (first iteration) 1 0The first two salt pans wrap around the wind break, creating a channel and allowing sufficient space for a pedestrian path which follows the contours of the pond. Without modification the salt pans will gradually erode as water runs off the windbreak, and grading as yet does not deliver run-off water to the saltmarsh area.(C)(A)1:5001:5001 0(D)(B)0 1(second iteration) The introduction of a swale enables the transport of water run-off in two directions from the centre of the wind break. Sections AB and DC are indicictive of the upper reach of the swale, which is elevated to create flows further down the swale. All dams create a small amount of seepage which is indicated by in red (full volume for each dam) and yellow (evapoarted level prior to transfer into the next pond. The salt water seepage combined with freshwater run-off created envirnomnts suitable for saltmarsh plants.top of bank 0.6m(C) (A) 2 1 0.5 0m0 1 20.5 0.5 0m(D)0-1m0 top of bank 1m0 1 22 0 11.5-0.5m(B)section CA amendment detail 1:100section AB amendment detail 1:1002500mm contour plan (1:1000)12 32. Salt harvesting strategy To minimise the amount of fill required to realise the salt harvesting scheme it is necessary to position each of the three stage ponds in close proximity , so as to reduce the fall required to gravity feed each pond. For this purpose each of the three ponds have been tied into each other and a release gate positioned to facilitate water trasnport. The final stage (chrystalisation ponds) have used (with access modification) a type of dam refered to as a turkeys nest dam. The turkey nest dam solves several problems unique to the chrystalisation ponds. Firstly, the rquirement for access to the evavorated salt (maximum 2 metres from either side). Also, the existing conditions created difficulties in forming more than one pond. Multiple chrystalisation ponds would need to be progressively further away from the source of water in the second evaporative pond and therefore increase the slope required to gravity feed the water. These small changes to the chrystalisation ponds would necessitate large changes to the height of dams which feed them. This problem is solved by the creation of one large dam. To provide access to pedestrians and the people harvesting the saltthe centre of the turkey dam has been modified at two opposite ends to create ramped access. The ramps contain a pipe which allows the flow of water from one side to the next. A small depression has bee created north of the chrystalisation pond to collect surface run-off water from the swale on the side of the windbreak. saltmarsh swaleexisting pathproposed pathexisting moundschrystalisation pond evaporative pond 01 evaporative pond 02section 11 10 longitudinal section 09 08 07 060504030201run-off pond freight railwater release gate pump station, underground pipeslongitudinal section 33. longitudinal section 1:600sequential section 1:500 section 11 section 10 section 09 section 08 section 07section 06 section 05 section 04 section 03section 02 section 01 34. Chlor oph y ll Pa r k westgate park 35. 1 Port Melbourne Development Plan 2006-2035 2 park site analysis macro scale- Westgate Parks role in the Port of Melboutne 3 Ecological metabolism:the carbon cycle- a self renewing system 4 PoM Industrial metabolism: the energy cycle- a non renewing metabolism 5 carbon sequestering systems and public parks 6 the ef ciency of current carbon sinks- a solution or a time bomb? 7. Westgate Parks industrial heritage 8 Lifespan of a tree- its ability to sequester 9 park site analysis micro scale 12 intention and purpose 13 on site plant analysis- survival rates 14 intervention details 15 modeling 16 tree speci cs analysis 17 design life cycle- re-use of biomass energy for industrial purposesta ble of c o n te n ts 36. The PoM Port Development Plan is a 30 year proposal to manage the growth of Melbourne and its docklands. It speaks of sustainability in an economical sense, but does not propose any plan for ecological bene ts/ detriments caused by such rapid development. The issues of channel deepening Port Phillip Bay is discussed to compensate for an increase in ship size and numbers. No environmental repercussions of this act are discussed, only noting that it is vital to maintaining Port of Melbourne as a key economic hub of Australia. An increase in ship numbers will bring an increase in greenhouse gas emissions from the shipping industry.In 1999, 1269 gigagrams of carbon dioxide was released by the shipping industry in Australia. (Australian National Greenhouse Gas Inventory p62.) Carbon dioxide emissions from shipping accounts for four percent of all emissions in the world. (Carbonfund.org) The plan threatens, without proposed development and ecological manipulations to the bay, Melbournes Docklands will be bypassed for more favourable shipping conditions in other states, taking with it employment and possible economic growth for Melbourne. If this development is inevitable, its environmental impacts must be considered and strategies implemented to minimise pollution and recycle industry and developmental waste.Por t De ve lopme nt Pla n 200 6 - 2 0 3 5 37. CityWestgate ParkPoM landMa c r o sc a le pla n 1:28,000 38. roads and transportationresidentialbusinessindustrialparks and recreation1:700,00 pla n s e r ie s P or t of Melbourne Zoning 39. Westgate park is a green fortress in the heart of Melbournes industrial centre. It plays an important role in balancing the total quantity of carbon in the atmosphere. The park is surrounded from every side by developed land and cannot branch out . It is an important site and must be retained as a green space.1:10, 0 0 0 p la ncompar ison of developed land and park land 40. plantable area 267988 m2 water bodies 8450 m2 existing planting 4740 m2 pathways 7563 m2 entir e area: 288741 m 2Westgate Park1:3500 current site plan 41. Westgate Parkss industrial heritage included a sand mine and an air strip. Contours below show possible layout of site post mining, which brought about the formation of the salt lake. To retrace the history of Westgate park, the salt lake will be retained. With close proximity to the bay, there is a high salt content in lakes and soils. Salt tolerant species are prefered on site.21 02314222industr ia l he r ita ge - a san d min e 42. 22 3 4 2 34 41133 2 213 4 2312 34 3142 224 31131 342 454 3 51:3000 pla n c ontours c u r r e n t 43. Herman Prigann Yellow Ramp 1993-1995 open cast mine near Cottbus, Germanypr e c e de nt: a san d min e ecological r eclamation of industrial sites 44. a plant can produce carbon dioxide for growth through its own energy cycle. Carbon dioxide is one substance in a process that converts raw materials into energy for plant growth, emitting oxygen as a waste (by-product). This process is photosynthesis and occurs in the green part of the plant, called the chlorophyll. While plants convert carbon into oxygen and water, they also release carbon dioxide back into the atmospherethrough respiration, and also store carbon in the soil and their biomass. The amount of carbon a plant absorbs from the atmosphere exceeds the amount that it rereleased during the growth stage of its lifecycle, making trees bene cial for their role against overproduction of carbon from anthropogenic (human) sources such as fossil fuels, transport and industry.sunlight oxygencarbon dioxideglucoserule no 1. carbon consumption6CO2 + 12H20 + light = C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O carbon cycle- self renewingmicto scale odum diagram diagramed with physical cyclewaterEc ologic a l Me ta b o lis m the carbon cycle 45. Industry has the ability, through innovative spatial planning to create a self renewing metabolism, where each individual company or business takes responsibility for its own waste products arisen from goods production. They can recycle this waste by finding other companies that can productively use their waste as a new energy source for production. Through selling this waste they economically benefit and also benefit the environment, where otherwise unused waste products would go directly into the atmosphere or landfill. In this example from Kalundbeg Park, waste outputs such as gasses, acid, ash, waste water and heat, are sold to neighbouring industries. Parterning companies are in close proximity to each other to minimise loss, or accumulation of additional waste through transport. K alu n d b erg I n d ustr ia l Park- Denmark macr o scale Odum diagram consumer co n s u m ertransform t ran s fo rm at i o n producer e r produce n e rg y f l o wI ndustr ia l Meta b o lis m an eco park 46. carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, primarily by fuel from shipping. This waste product has no current reuse as a new energy source within the docklands precinct, thereby failing to create a non-renewable metabolism.CO 2Carbon dioxide was not always a detrimental greenhouse gas. It is normal to have a certain amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Humans release carbon dioxide when they breathe, as do plants. Carbon dioxide has become a problem as industry, transport and coal mining have created an imbalance in its atmospheric volume, due to the fact that they create volumes of this waste product but do not re-use it as plants and animals do.carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere through the respiration of plants, and is also reabsorbed by the plants as a new energy source for growth. Westgate Parks green plants, post industrialisation, have a new source of their energy- the docklands. however, plants can only absorb so much carbon. Emissions from shipping far exceed the ability of westgate park to absorb.CO 2DocklandsCO 2Westgate ParkCO 2CO 2 cconsumer r onsumetransform tra n s fo rm at i o n producer p ro d u ceren erg y fl o wP oM Do c k la n d s I ndustrial Metabolism 47. sunlight oxygenone m etr ecarbon dioxideglucosecarbon cycle- self renewingwaterone me tr erule no. 1- carbon sequestrationrule no. 2- absorption per metrefor carbon absorption to occur at rule no.1 rate, plant must be at a growing stage of the plant life cycle, water and sunlight must be present.one metre squared of healthily, growing planted space absorbs approximately 714 kgs of carbon dioxide, at its most ef cient, each year. This is its optimum level of absorption.de sign e le men t r u le s absor ption per planted metre plant carbon cycle 48. C a r bon Flux- C atalyst A BC R e p o rt e r : P a u l Wi l l i s R e s e a r c h e r : L e o n i e Ha n s e l l 4 March 2004Have our forests gone crazy? Forests are often called the lungs of the world - huge carbon sinks soaking up the carbon produced by the industrialised world, and producing the oxygen we need to live. But now researchers at the Australian Canopy Crane Research Facility in the Daintree Rainforest are nding worrying evidence that this forest may have started to produce carbon. It sounds unthinkable, but is it possible that rainforests could start to fuel the cycle of global warming rather than being the solution to it? Put simply, Carbon ux is the balance between carbon gobbling photosynthesis and carbon dioxide producing respiration by the plants and microbes in the soil. Mike Liddel: So were interested to know what exactly the forest is doing. Is it doing more photosynthesis or more respiration? Once the forest had grown back, they expected it to start behaving as a balanced carbon neutral forest using up as much carbon as it produced. What we know is that last year we had very little rain throughout the dry season. This year again its been a relatively dry season, drier than normal and the forest then is carrying out less photosynthesis... and the result is that our forest is producing carbon dioxide which is the last thing we want.Without enough water available to photosynthesise carbon into new plant matter decomposition was taking over and releasing carbon into the atmosphere. http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/s1058761.htmthe e ff ic ie nc y of c ur r e nt c a r b o n s in k s a solution, or a time bomb? 49. equalmature age tree: input of carbon equals outputgrowth has ceasedleaf mass thins with age, decaying branches release carbondeath of aged tree releases soil and trunk accumulated carbon into atmosphere.ratio of carbon input vs carbon outputgrowing stage: absorption exceeds release1 year5 year10 year15 year20 year30 year50 year80 yeartimedeciduous trees vs evergreen treeslif e - c yc le o f a tr e eand its ability to sequester carbon dioxide ( eucalyptus- lif espan of 80 years) 50. In 1999, 1269 gigagrams (1,269,000,000kg) of carbon dioxide was released by shipping fuel consumption in Australia. 332 gigagram (332,000,000kg) of carbon dioxide was emitted from shipping in Victoria..10If6(extracted from Renaissance Magazine- http://www.ru.org/22forest.html)5one square metre of healthily growing, planted space can absorb seven hundred and fourteen kilograms of carbon dioxide per year, and our site perimeter area is squared,288,741 metres41269,000,000kg 714 kg= 1,777,310 metres squaredis needed to absorb Victorias annual carbon dioxide emissions from Shipping.31,777,310m2 288741m2= 6.10In other words... we need 6.10 Westgate Parks, fully planted and constantly at growing phase to absorb Victorias shipping emissions.21The c a r bon me ta bolism of Vic to r ia non- r egener ating metabolism 51. A large public park situated within a high density city plays an important role as an atmospheric cleaner while balancing its position as a public space. it must serve its residents with avialable open space and amenities that allow safe, comfortable, traversable use of the park, and also planting trees that can sequester overproduced carbon dioxide from its host city.Central Park, New York- refered to as the lungs of the city, by absorbing carbon dioxide and converting it to oxygen for re usethe me ta bolism of a pub lic p a r k 52. Battle i Roig Arquitectes La Vall den Joan Land ll Landscape 2002 restoration of controlled rubbish dumpmediating its storage use and potential as an energy source- agricultural crops planted in between standard vegetation planting dependent on slopee c ologic a l r e c la ma tion of industr ia l s ite s 53. weave model grey shaped to site boundaries, strings can be pulled, increasing surface area, shown by the ltering of brown into boundariesfolding model piece of paper cut to site boundary shape once folded, site retains surface area but has reduced boundary size by 75 percent. could this be plantable though?mesh model pinching mesh allows curves to form, visually representing possible alterations on siteKen Yeang Green skyscrapers note folding design of levelsm o d e llin gability to maximise sur f ace ar ea, thus increasing planting 54. current site: one metre contours, height reaches no more than ve metres. contours have evolved from sand mining in which the salt lake was created.proposed site: intention to stretch contours by ten metres per metre, to increase surface area and increase potential for westgate park to sequester carbon dioxide amounts.c ur r e nt c ontour s vs. ne w c o n to u r s 55. park user safety issues? will temporary rails need to be implementedplanting and erosion stability issues arise area of greater increase per variationwill need additional structural supportarea of greatest increase per variation902.06880.00862.00847.54836.61828.06820.95815.92812.04808.03805.97803.60801.11800.00798.56797.32796.22795.26794.40793.63792.93792.31791.74791.22790.74790.30789.90789.52789.12788.85780.001:1000 sectional variation in slope and opportunities for foldinginve stiga tion of slope va r ia tio n s sur f ace ar ea in crease outcomes 56. 568 m511 m 11% dec 588 m 3% inc 721 m 26% incfind balance nding a a bal- within ance within this middle ground, this middle for plants to survive ground, for whileplantsincreasing also to surface area and survive between one and 276 percent increase surface area between 1 and 26 percent.me d ia tio n 57. 1/21/2.51/2.11/2.51/1.21/2.6healthy plants -small grasses with drought tolerance - steep, but also tall and wide, a well established hilldying plants - erosion of mulch and topsoil. - hill is tall and narrow, unstablehealthy plants -next to lake, salt specific plants - slope part of an original contour of sitehealthy plants -well spaced shrubs, slope protected from wind and full sun -well established hilldead plants -tall and narrow hill - unsuitable plant species, fragile trees. -salt spraydying plants -full sun unsuitable for plant species -cleanfill visible from surface.. not enough capping and topsoilon-site a na lysis of pla nt he a lth in r e la tion to slop e g r a d e s 58. small grasses: . 8 metre spacingmedium-large shrub: 1.5 metre spacinglow lying shrub: 1.5 metre spacinglarge grasses: . 1.2 metre spacingsemi mature large tree:3-4 metre spacingsmall perenials: . 8 metre spacingon - site a na lysis of pla nt he a lth in r e la tion to s p a c in g 59. 20 metrestoo steep a slope - safety issues for pedestrians - health of tree planting138 metres surface area increase in surface area but at cost of plant health15 metres125 metres surface area10 metres114 metres surface area05 metres106 metres surface areamore suitable slopes - possibly inhabitable by humans for recreation low percentage increase103 metres surface areaassigned pathwaysme d ia tio nsur f ace area increase vs suitability of slope 60. local work e r semployees from surrounding industry are often found in the carpark or as a group at wooden tables during lunch hoursb i k e r iderspath connects to Beacon Cove and city along the Yarrawa lke r sbird enthusiasts, Beacon Cove locals or loiterersthr e e c ommon use rs o f p a r k isolated park, limited users 61. 1:3000 pla n of inte r ve ntion top o g r a p h y w ith section lines 62. 1:3000 c olour pla n of inter v e n tio n 63. detailed intervention a. grade: flat surfacedetailed intervention b. grade: flatdetailed intervention c. grade: 1/1.06detailed intervention d. grade: 1/4.3 detailed intervention f. grade: 1/.8detailed intervention e. grade: 1/1.41:4000 plan of inte r v e n t i o n with slope grades 64. b.1.weintervention 685 m existing 642 m length 640 ma.2.c.n intervention 616 m existing 558 m length 556 mns2.w1.es1:30,000 inte r ve ntion s e c tio n s length of entire site 65. intervention: increase in surface area by stretching site 10 metres verticallya.111m 104mexisting potential of site for tree plantingincrease in rows of trees22 rows of trees- entire site 9,000 trees24 rows of trees- entire site 10,000 trees1:600 intervention detailed se c t i o n a . 66. more mounding, less stability with small interventionb.increase in surface area by 10 percent- tree planting on sitewater running off sharp edges could erode topsoil water loss through runoff 116m will capture more water, gradual slopes will reduce erosion likelihood105mwater will be lost, mulch will be lostsmaller scale intervention surface cuts to allow water to capture and prevent erosion through water loss1:6000 intervention detailed sec t i o n b . 67. c.increase in surface area through 10 metres, stretched vertically94m 78msteep section- cannot be utilised for plantation for access and growth reasonschoose more suitable plantation that will control soil erosion issues and can be removed by hand once reached its carbon sequestering potential1:6000 intervention detailed sec t i o n c . 68. d e t a i led intervention b 1 : 1 0 0 0 plan of timber transportation t h r o u g h existing train line 69. detailed interven t i o n d + e1:300 plan of human inhabitation of gent le sloping areas - tiered pathways mediating slope 70. detailed interv e n t i o n a1:600 plan active r ecr eation possibilities on flat slope. 71. inte r ve ntio n a r e a c . 72. inte r ve ntio n a r e a f . 73. possibilities f o r s a n dw aste f r om dedging to be used as f ill f or extreme topography mixed w ith other soils or clean fill for stability 74. 1 5 y e a rs first round planting harvested, leaving soil to rest before re p la n tin g3 0 y e a rs second round planting harvested, leaving soil to rest b e fo re re p la n tin gf ir st r ound planting second r ound planting thir d r ound planting 1 5 y e a rs third round planting harvested, leaving soil to rest b e fo re re p la n tin gpla nting a nd ha r ve s tin g p la ntime based str ategy f or maximum car b on sequestration based on tree lifespan- ability to sequester 75. Eucalyptus polyanthemos Myrtaceae Red Box ORIGIN AND HABITAT central and north-east Victoria, and south central New South Wales. PLANT TYPE AND HABIT/FORM round-headed to upright evergreen tree. CULTIVATION AND MAINTENANCE no special attention needed. PROPAGATION seed. NOTES a very handsome tree; very popular as an ornamental in California. Slow growing for a eucalypt, although quite fast when young. tree evergreen 5 years 2-2.5 X 1m Maturity 10-15 X 6-8m full sun average to good salt spray very good drought tolerance average wind tolerance waterlogging not knowntr e e spe c ie s sp e c if ic s 76. WESTGATE PARK 77. A PROJECT by KEITH FARNSWORTH RMIT SUMMER STUDIO 2006 design through making_bridging landscape_ 78. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION COLLAGE WESTGATE PARK LOCATION1SITE GEOLOGY2TOPOGRAPHY3SOIL AND WATER ANALYSIS4REMEDIATION5CONTEXT MAPPING AND ECOLOGICAL PROCESSES6CONCEPTUAL PLAN7CONTOURS PLAN8DESIGN PROCESS9COLLAGE10PROPOSED PLAN11DESIGN DETAILS12MATERIALITY, FLORA AND FAUNA133D PERSPECTIVE14 79. INTRODUCTIONThis studio relates to taking an ecological basis and understanding of landscape systems and their processes to generate flexible programs and adaptive uses of space whilst maintaining biodiversity and providing opportunity for creating habitat. An ecological understanding of the site and its industrial urban context and history as an industrial landfill and sand mine, provides a foundation for the development of design elements, structure and materiality to address the effects of industry by-products and its impact on the surrounding environment. The challenge is a design outcome that is able to meet cultural, aesthetic and ecological sustainability with flexibility to have an adaptive strategy as evolving, emergent events occur. As Westgate Park is considered contaminated from being a non-biodegradable landfill site, my approach began from an abiotic position studying leachate flow and the role of producers and consumers in remediating or degrading toxic material. 80. 01VE RWESTGATE PARK PORT MELBOURNEWESTGATE PARK IS LOCATED ON THE EASTERN BANKS OF THE YARRA RIVER, BORDERING THE WESTGATE BRIDGE, TODD ROAD AND AN INDUSTRIAL PRECINCT. OPEN SPACE , CLOSE TO THE MELBOURNE CBD IS RARE AND HAS ONLY EVOLVED BECAUSE OF BEING UTILISED AS AN INDUSTRIAL WASTE AND SAND MINING SITE. THE SITE HAS TWO LAKES, ONE FRESH WATER AND ONE SALT WATER. CURRENTLY, FRESH WATER IS PUMPED FROM STORMWATER COLLECTED FROM THE ROOF AREA OF THE HERALD/SUN BUILDING TO THE FRESH WATER LAKE WHICH THRIVES WITH LIFE, BUT THE SALT WATER LAKE IS POLLUTED,DEAD AND STAGNANT, NOT SUPPORTING LIFE.YA RRARIDISCONNECTIONTHE LAKES ARE DIVIDED AND SEEM DISCONNECTED NOT ONLY FROM EACH OTHER, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY WITH THE YARRA RIVER. THERE IS NO TIDAL FLOW, NOR THE DIFFUSION OF FRESH AND SALT WATER THAT ONCE EXISTED IN MARSHES ACROSS THE YARRA DELTA.N FRESH WATER LAKESW VIEW306090120150 180scaleSW VIEWVIEW OF WESTGATE PARK FROM OPPOSITE BANK OF YARRA RIVERSALT WATER LAKE210230260290 M 81. SITE GEOLOGY GEOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE YARRA DELTA Referred to as the Jolimont Valley, the original valley was eroded in the Silurian aged bedrock and has since been filled with volcanic rocks and sediments deposited through time by the Yarra River. Tertiary aged sediments and volcanics form an uneven terrain, which in turn have been overlaid by the Quartenary sediments.BRICK AND CONCRETE FILL COMPACTED CLAY CAPPING SOUTH MELBOURNE SAND COMPACTED EARTHCross section through the Yarra Delta area (Modified after Geological survey of Victoria 1:63360 scale geological map)QrfGR AH AMFillQrpSA LMONSTST RRE EEE Tr ive17 reaRbo BWYa rrMMTPort Melbourne SandWATERThe Port Melbourne Sands is the upper unit of the Yarra Delta Group. The unit is generally 5 to lOm thick. It is present on the southern side of the Yarra River in the Port Melbourne area near the West Gate bridge. The sand forms an Aquifer that extends SE towards St Kilda and generally consists of fine to medium grained sands. It overlies Coode Island SIlt and extends through West Gate Park with a width of aprox. 90m.WATER TABLE INDUSTRIAL WASTE NOT TO SCALESAND MININGSW ASPECTBOTH LAKES HAVE COME TO EXIST IN CONNECTION WITH LANDFILL,ONE FROM SAND MINING AND THE OTHER FROM THE DEPOSITING OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE. THE SAND THAT WAS REMOVED, ORIGINALLY PROVIDED A NATURAL FILTRATION SYSTEM TO THE AQUIFER BENEATH THE WETLANDS. HIGH SALINITY LEVELS IN THE SURROUNDING SOILS IS DETRIMENTAL TO PLANT SPECIES AND HABITATS.AQUIFERQrc QrfQrpQrcPort Melbourne SandQrfFishermans Bend SiltQrcCoode Island SiltCoode Island & Fishermens Bend Silt The Coode Island Silt is widely distributed in the Yarra Delta but is absent in some areas, mainly overlying the deposits of Fishermans Bend Silt. It is thickest where there is an absence of the underlying Fishermans Bend Silt and tends to then overy the Moray Street Gravels. Its thickness varies to 30m and consists of grey silty clays with clayey silts and sand lenses.Fill: Various amounts of have been placed in and around the Yarra to achieve the current river channel and surface profile of site. The fill consists of sandy clay, gravely clay, silty clay, clayey sand and clayey gravel with some organic material refuse and rubble. The fill may be contaminated in places. It is up to 7.5m thick however is generally 0.5-2m thick. Industrial waste dump 1930s for 23 year period, capped with clay aprox. 1956-1960. Fresh water lake established over dump site during the late 1980sFresh water lakeSand mining 1930s over 10 year period resulting in current saline lakeSalt water lakeN SCALE 1:5000NOT TO SCALE SW ASPECTTHIS SECTION SHOWS THE STRUCTURE OF THE SUBSOIL LAYERS OF MOUNDS AND SALTWATER LAKE. THE TOPSOIL HAS A DEPTH OF 100 MM OVER HARD COMPACTED CLAY AND IN SOME AREAS CONSTRUCTION RUBBLE IS VISIBLE JUST UNDER THE TOPSOIL SURFACE, PREVENTING THE PLANTING OF VEGETATION. BRICKS, CONCRETE AND DEBRIS LINE THE EDGES OF THE SALTWATER LAKE AND GREEN AND BLUE (CYANOBACTERIA) ALGAE BLOOMS THROUGHOUT THE LAKE INDICATING AN UNHEALTHY LAKE CONDITION02 82. 03TOPOGRAPHIC SECTIONSAABBN RIDGEWATER RUN OFFSCALE 1:5000Contoured mounds formed of construction fill, compacted clay and shallow topsoil, surround the lakes areas to catch rain water and provide wind breaks. The slopes encourage water runoff to the lakes, but have contributed to the toxic condition of the salt water lake and the stressing of vegetation.PREVAILING WINDS SCALE 1:2000 20RunoffRunoffRunoff40608010012005m 04m 03m 02m 01m 00mA51015202530354045505560brackish lake to salt lake section6570758083.5m0BA5101520253035salt lake to carpark section4045 46.2BSome potential views are prevented by the mounds, but also cause thermal stratification in the lakes Mounding prevents Wind currents from stirring water (mixing), causing stratification, stagnation and algae/bacterial blooms SALTWATER LAKEFRESHWATER LAKE ABOVE LANDFILLWATER TABLE SEDIMENT DISPERSAL THROUGH AQUIFER AND WATER TABLE10 METERSPORT MELBOURNE SAND AQUIFER A CONTAMINATED PLUME CONSISTING OF IRON,CHROMIUM, CADMIUM, MERCURY,LEAD AND OTHER TOXIC SUBSTANCES ARE LEACHED INTO THE AQUIFER AND EVENTUALLY INTO THE YARRA RIVER AND PORT PHILLIP BAY140160180200 M 83. SOIL AND WATER TESTSthe landfill 08. 07. 06.CONSTRUCTION FILL AND COMPACTION The lake salt lake edge reveals construction fill that has also been utilised to establish mounds. The photo of the lake below, shows signs of enrichment from phosphorus and nitrates. There is evidence that salinity is increasing throughout the site. Photo 1. & 2. of the lake edge, shows signs of high levels of osmotic stress. There is very little evidence of the food chain throughout the salt lake areas, except for where there may be a fresh water drain.05. 04. 01. 03.Fresh water lake02.2.Salt water lake3.N SCALE 1:350001.Dark sandy topsoil 100mm to extremely hard clay, exacerbated by drought conditions, very dry and would be considered a generic sample found in exposed open positions.02.Top of mound, dark sandy topsoil 100mm, hard clay03.Salt water lake sample, eutrophic, pea green color cyanobacterial blooms, planktonic algae, nitrogen levels in the water exceed 0.3 mg/L and phosphorus levels exceed 0.01 mg/L (Metcalf & Eddy, 1991, p 1213). oxygen levels extremely low, probably stagnant.04.Jetty site on fresh water lake: slightly moist at start of clay at 100mm08.EUTROPHICATIONShaded area to East side of fresh water lake, dark sandy topsoil to 100mm, hard clay compacted under topsoil07.4.Southern side of bank, soil profile to 300mm, 120mm black sandy loam topsoil to moist ocre colored clay with fragments of shale to 5-50mm. Moisture possibly from fresh water lake through capillary action.06.An enriched lake is one which contains too many nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorous. Symptoms of such enrichment may include excessive algae, odor problems and low levels of dissolved oxygen.Lake shore line: black, silty clay, pungent odour, anaerobic condition, toxic sedimentation, detrimental to supporting plant life, lack of emergent macrophytes, soil organic colloids, high salinity, low pH.05.1.Fresh water lake sample: Very clear, olygotrophic to mesotropic, supporting wide variety of plant lifeThe Port Melbourne Sand aquifer, tends to flow in a SE directions, following the course of the river. It is assumed that suspended leachate particles are dispersed in this direction also. As the water table is high and replenishes the salt water lake, contaminated sedimentation would be evident throughout the lake and soils.CONTAMINANTS The principal contaminates of concern that are possibly found leaching from West Gate Park, are metals (arsenic, zinc, mercury, lead, copper), phenolic, ammonia, hydrocarbons and volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons. Other contaminates recorded in the area include TPH, PAH, PCBs, OC Pesticides, cyanide and heavy metals (Sinclair Knight Merz, November 1999). Metals are often related to contaminated fill used in the area.Soil texture - Inorganic fractions Gravel - particles greater than 2 mm in diameter. Coarse sand - particles less than 2 mm and greater than 0.2 mm in diameter. Fine sand - particles between 0.2 mm and 0.02 mm in diameter. Silt - particles between 0.02 mm and 0.002 mm in diameter Clay - particles less than 0.002 mm in diameter.Soil Related Stress Soil compaction frequently causes long-term health problems with plants. This compaction resulted from the use of a "sheep's foot," a piece of equipment used to compact soils in preparation for constructionNINDICATES OLD LANDFILL SITE CONTAINING NON-BIODEGRADABLE WASTE FROM INDUSTRY DISPERSAL OF LEACHATE PLUME SE DIRECTION OF CONTAMINANT SPREAD04 84. 05REMEDIATIONS AND SOLUTIONSOLD SALT LAKEMSW MACHINE DRILLING PRBNEW CAPPING & LINERVOLVORhizofiltration and BioretentionRemediationAQUIFERPORT MELBOURNE SANDAQUITARDAs the analysis of West Gate Park reveals major environmental and ecological problems, remediation must be approached from a combination of abiotic and biotic chains to have a sucessful design outcome. As anthropogenic activity has precluded any notion of a restoration to a state that previously prevailed under certain conditions, consideration of possibilities that address current and future issues provide a guideline for design. Remediation involves below/ above, or starting from under the ground up, or more correctly, where both planes meet..COODE ISLAND SILTMOUNDING TO BE REMOVED, MATERIAL CLEANED & SORTED CONCRETE, BRICK & STONE TO BE CRUSHED AND RECYCLED IN GABIONS & TO CONSOLIDATE GRAVEL FILTER BEDS IN WETLANDS. A PERMEABLE REACTIVE BARRIER COULD BE CONSTRUCTED TO CLOSE OFF THE LANDFILL. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT A WELL COULD BE LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE PRB TO SUPPLY GROUND WATER TO THE LAKES FOR FURTHER FILTERING AND ULTIMATELY RECHARGED BACK INTO THE AQUIFER.PERMEABLE REACTIVE BARRIER (PRB) Modern landfills could be described as a sealed box in the ground. As the old landfill at West Gate Park cannot be sealed at its base to prohibit leakage into the Port Melbourne Sand aquifer, it would still be feasible to construct a PRB that penetrates into the aquitard (Coode Island Silt) to filter out contaminants.Heavy metal soil stabilization techniques 1. Phytovolatization 2. Microbial Bioremediation 3. Extraction of Heavy MetalsContainment of leachate to aquiferPRB PLAN VIEW4. Constuct a bentonite & permiable reactive barrier around contaminant source 5. Empty salt water lake, extract non biodegradable waste 6. Cap salt water lake 7. Establish bioretention ponds and treatment train through a new freshwater wetlandsProcess and recycle 8. Sort, grade and process current construction fill mounds 9. Recycle large solid masonry fill through crushing and grading into various sizes for gabion cages, wetlands base. and use in bioretention train.SCALE 1: 5500NLinkage to Yarra River edge 10. Establish fresh water lake close to the Yarra River edge, acting as recharge source, amenity and linkage to Yarra system /Port/ City. VOLATIZATIONACCUMULATION METABOLISMRed lines show mounds, preventing wind circulation and blocking views through to Yarra RiverUPTAKEBIODEGRADATION CONTAMINANTSTHE PHYTOREMEDIATION PROCESSContaminants are incorporated into the plant's tissuesOpposite West Gate Park, mounds block views to the park and city beyond. Narrow sandy beaches at Rivers edge, are used for fishing. 85. CONTEXT MAPPING & ECOLOGICAL PROCESSES KEY:CITYWESTGATE PARKINDUSTRIALRESIDENTIALRIVERS, BAYS & TRIBUTARIESLEACHATE FLOW DIAGRAMS MACRO SCALE DIAGRAMCITYYARRA RIVERRESIDENTIAL WESTGATE PARK LANDFILLPORT PHILLIP BAYINDUSTRYATMOSPHEREMICRO SCALE DIAGRAM AMMONIA NITROGENNINDUSTRY PORTSTORM WATERAQUIFERBENZINE, DDT, ARSENIC, LEAD, MERCURYSALT LAKERUNOFF LEACHINGAIR/ DUST ATMOSPHERE PRECIPITATIONPORT PHILLIP BAYMACROPHYTES LANDFILLSOILSTORAGEPRODUCERMACROPHYTESPORT MELBOURNE SANDS AQUIFERCONSUMERBENZINE, DDT, ARSENIC, LEAD, MERCURYYARRA RIVER06 86. CONCEPTUAL PLAN WETLANDS ARE VANISHING FAST, ALONG WITH SPECIES ENDEMIC TO THE UNIQUE AND COMPLEX ECO-SYSTEMS WITHIN COASTAL ESTUARIES AND RIVER DELTAS. ALTHOUGH AN ORIGINAL TIDAL ESTUARY FLOOD PLAIN CANNOT BE RESTORED, CONNECTIONS AND REMEDIATIONS CAN BE APPLIED TO PROTECT AND ENHANCE EXISTING LANDSCAPE SYSTEMS, AND ALSO ENCOURAGE AWARENESS OF THE UNIQUE FUNCTIONS THESE SYSTEMS FULFILL. THIS PROPOSITION MAKES MULTIPLE CONNECTIONS TO VARIOUS LEVELS OF INTEREST, CONSOLIDATES THE PRECIOUSNESS OF OPEN SPACE WITHIN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE CITY AND PROVIDES A WORTHY ENHANCEMENT TO THE WESTGATE BRIDGE LANDMARK AND WESTERN CORRIDOR. THIS CONCEPT POTENTIALLY ESTABLISHES WESTGATE PARK FOR CONSIDERATION AS OF STRATEGIC SIGNIFICANCE FOR PURCHASE, ACCORDING TO THE CRITERIA GOVERNING THE LAND AQUISITION DOCUMENT. CONCEPTUALLY THIS PLAN ATTEMPTS TO BRIDGE A LINK BETWEEN INTERFACES, PROVIDING AN OPPORTUNITY TO RECLAIM A SMALL PORTION OF THE YARRA DELTA THAT MAY EMERGE AS SIGNIFICANT IN TIME FOR THE FUNCTION THAT IT FULFILLS ECOLOGICALLY. THIS PROJECT MAY BE CONSIDERED AS AN EMERGENCY CORONARY BYPASS TO RESTORE CIRCULATORY FLOW WITHIN THE MIDST OF AN INDUSTRIAL METABOLISMKEY: STAGE 1 SEDIMENTATION LAKEBSTAGE 2 NUTRIENT STRIPPING LAKE STAGE 3 TIDAL ESTUARY INLET, MARSH & LAKE TO YARRA RIVER FILTER STRIPS & SWALES TREATMENT CHAINCTODDRARIVERROADAYA R071. 2.2.STORMWATER INLET, SEDIMENTATION TRAP & SAND FILTER TO TREATMENT TRAIN LIMESTONE & DOLOMITE ROCKS TO REDUCE & NEUTRALISE LOW PH OF WATER (CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM CARBONATE CONTENT) BOARDWALK & BBQ AREAA EPHEMERAL MACROPHYTE ZONE/ CARBON TRAP1.BTIDAL MARSHPATHWAYS & BOARDWALKSC SAND & SOIL REMEDIATION CELLSBRIDGE OVER ESTUARY INLETEXTENT OF WORKS20N406080100120140SCALE 1:2000160180200 MTODD ROAD 87. CONTOURS PLAN2+2.522.03.0R.L 0.0 Yarra River2.6+1.832.51.1 6 1.0.0+2.322.532.01.1 .71.4 2 +2.82 2.0208 88. 09DESIGN PROCESS LEACHATE DISPERSION PERMEATION PATHWAYSDISTRIBUTIONTHE DESIGN PROCESS EMERGED FROM LEACHATE FLOW INTO IMPERMEABLE AND PERMEABLE BARRIERS, INTERSECTIONS AND CELLULAR STRUCTURES AT MICRO AND MACRO SCALES. CORRIDORS FOR THE MIGRATION OF SPECIES ACROSS EDGE ZONES AND THE ABILITY OF CELLULAR ZONES TO MORPH AND RESPOND TO EMERGING CONDITIONS, PROVIDES AN UNDERLYING DESIGN PRINCIPLE AND STRATEGY WITHIN A FIELD OF ORGANISATION. 89. CORRIDORS FOR MIGRATION10 90. ER RIV375300RA YAR750 300AR IV ERWESTGATE PARK PLAN VIEW1650 300 STREET 1650LORIMER1800 300300 300 1800300300STREETINDUSTRIAL SECTOR300300 LORIMER300750300 750 300 300300TODD1800ROAD750RIV ER750225 300 225 6753001800300600YAR RAET STRE750600 DRIVEPRIVATE IMER 675300 AY675600600LOR750WIRRAW300 4501200 600300600 300 300 300 450DRIVE 1200 375300 3753754501050 375D 300 ROA RSTREET525LORIMERF WHA 300 300RAILWAY375300 300 DOCK WEBB675 3751050 750 300525300300 300 450750x225 300 300750x225750750 300 375300300 525300 300TODD ROAD750375300TODD ROAD525SABRE 525300 750x225YA RR300E)300DRIVE(PRIVAT450750300450NETWORKGE BRID525SARDINE(PRIVATWEBBTE 525TGASTREET 675 675600300300300300COOK300WES600300(OVER)BRIDGE300WESTGATE PARKDOCKE)ATE 1050 675 RAILWAYSTREETWESTG3001050 TODD 300 300 300 300EBRIDGE3001050300PARADE1050ROADWESTGAT HOWE(UNMADE)2100300HOWEPARADE 300 2100ROADGOVERNMENTYARRA RIVER11(UNMADE) 300 2100 TODD2100ROAD3002100 300300 300LORIMER300FORMER DOCKSIDE300300ROADROADSTREETOWN WILLIAMSTROAD TOWN WILLIAMS FORMERBR VE RIWEBA RR YADO CKLORIMER ST/TODD RD STORMWATER OUTFALL PLAN EXISTING FRESH WATER LAKES LIMESTONE WALL WITH REBATED PATHWAYGRASSLANDS LAKE FLOOD OVERFLOW DRAINWESTGAT EGROSS POLLUTANT TRAP LIMESTONE INFILL TREATMENT TRAINBRIDGECARPARK2SEDIMENTATION LAKEDAAWETLANDSRDTIDAL OUTFALL LAKED TO31 WETLANDSWETLANDS SAND DUNESWETLANDSTEA TREE THATCH RETAINING WALLSTE TGAGEBRIDWESSHIPPING CONTAINERSN 010 20 30 40 50A6070 80 90 100 M 91. DESIGN DETAIL12CELL & GABION DETAILS A. Wetland cells phytoremediation B. Secondary phytoremediation C. Final wetland remediation1. Wetlands sedimentation lake 2. Bioretention lake 3. Salt water lake and marshMACROPHYTES0.2231Gabion cage wallAAABWidth variation to suit pathways and cell walls (adaptable)CBABN 010 20 30 40 50600.970 80 90 100 MMACROPHYTES Gabions form moveable walkways and permiable walls. Configurations can be adapted to suit macrophyte growth and pedestrian trafficB2M Fall total0.9BSCALE 1: 200SECTION DETAILMacrophytes to varying depths 0.9 - 0.2 MWetlands depth 0.2- 0.9M 0.5M fall from lake to wetlands 232M max depth to lakes1Clay capping Fine & course gravels2.0 1.5 MGRADIENT OUTLINEFiltrationHeights of Gabions can be adapted to facilitate variations0.2 92. 13WATER CELLS & LAKES SOIL GROWING MEDIUM FINE GRAVEL LARGE GRAVEL FLOW LAYER GEOTEXTILE LINER COMPACTED CLAY LINERGABIONSMACROPHYTESSTORMWATER FLOWGRAVELSIMPERMEABLE CLAY LINERDIAGRAM SHOWING PERMEABILITY OF GABION STRUCTURES AND GRAVEL SUBTRATESA sampling of flora and fauna 93. PERSPECTIVES WASTELAND TO WETLANDWESTGATE PARK EMERGES FROM A LONG PERIOD OF CONTAMINATION TO RECONNECT WITH ITS ANCESTRAL RIVER DELTA PAST14