Urban Crowd Mapping for Social Good

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Urban Crowd Mapping for Social Good

Translating Idea into Action

Management Consulting

A Smart Urban Solution…

Crowd Mapping :: for Social Good

Crowd Mapping

By the People

For the People

Of the People

• Participatory Mapping

• What can be mapped

• Current Scene

• Limitations

• Incident Reporting System


• Incident Reporting System

• Stakeholders

• Implementation Plan

• Achievements

• Benefits

• Case study – Disaster Preparedness

• Screen shots

• Making maps together means piecing together collective experiences, discovering patterns, and arriving at a collective understanding of the root causes of these shared experiences.

• Early examples of maps include sharing paths to good hunting grounds and clear water sources.

Participatory Mapping

hunting grounds and clear water sources.

• This does apply in day to day Modern Life to improve the quality of life, in some form or the other.

• Says strictly NO to the Tacit Knowledge.

• Based on the principle of ‘Crowd Sourcing’.

• The Crowd retains the Ownership of information.

• Many all together different ideas come out from the people, those are directly related to their daily life.

A lot many features can be mapped, as,

• Water logging areas, open drainages & waste water outlets throughout the city.

• Education & Health facilities.

• The quality & quantity of safe & pure water availability.

• Illegally dumped garbage & debris in public places.

What can be mapped

• Illegally dumped garbage & debris in public places.

• Environmentally polluted & hazardous locations.

• Potholes & unsafe road patches, indisciplinery parking etc.

• Health hazardous areas like mosquitoes reproducing locations, dengue prone areas, stray dogs annoyance etc.

• Transport infrastructure catering to the City

• Irritating noise polluting locations in social/private events

• Encroachments on roads & footpaths for various reasons

• Various crimes, those take place in City pockets

• A handful financially sound ULBs (only), those can afford capital investment, have got developed mobile apps based complaint registration/grievances system.

• The ULB procures the system abided by its processes.

• A user may upload a photograph and its geo location. He must be physically present at that location (probably!)

• Many ULBs sought the long term objectives as per their

Current Scene

• Many ULBs sought the long term objectives as per their designated duties, but short term objectives are often neglected. Also, they are costly to implement, if a separate app needs to be developed for such short time period.

• It is not known whether the ULB conducts awareness / training campaigns to encourage citizens for active participation.

• If other govt departments (eg. Police) would possess their own system, the citizens may also need to raise issues with a separate app. This may create ambiguity among the citizens.

• There lacks an inclusive system for the City as a whole.

• One to one communication between the complainer & the ULB is observed. Somebody registers the issue and other fellow citizens are unaware of it. May cause multiplication of issues.

• Even If the issue gets resolved, a notification can be sent to the user who has initiated the process and not published publicly. This may cause a confusing situation for the people as well as the machinery who takes the action.


the machinery who takes the action.

• The complaints and their status (verified, photographs of action taken etc) are not available through a centralized web platform for public viewing. (Hon. High Court guidelines)

• If the system is developed as tailor made, it often lacks the flexibility and becomes difficult to extend and scale up.

• A citizen must possess a smart phone to get the app installed. It is injustice with the people to dictate them to raise the complaint only by one particular (glamorous!) method.

• The issues can not be visualized on the backdrop of city map.

• Web based system to view & process reports sent from crowd.

• Reports can be submitted by,– Email to portal specific address

– SMS to portal specific number

– Filling Online Form from within the portal

– Receiving a designated #hashtag specific tweet

– Android mobile phone app (under development)

Incidence Reporting System

– Android mobile phone app (under development)

• Reports can be submitted in various categories for filtering.

• Reports can be marked as verified, action taken, etc.

• Reports display the information on city base map & timeline.

• Users can comment on reports to strengthen the cause.

• Powerful Alert system to receive notifications about incident.

• The reports can be downloaded in CSV file & can be opened in MS Excel or GIS software for advanced analysis.

• Additional static map layers can be added in KML format.

• (Local) (Self) Government. -- (ULB)

• Various other Line & Government Departments

• Various government schemes

• NEWS papers & other Media

• City level / National / International NGOs

• The Corporate Sector (as Social Responsibility)


• The Corporate Sector (as Social Responsibility)

• Educational Institutions

• Civil society groups

• Political Parties

• Trusts & Foundations as prospective donors

• The People

• A presentation is made to Hon. Municipal Commissioner.

• If the ULB gets convinced about this, it will initiate its own procurement process. (time consuming..).

• The ULB will have its own eligibility criteria for the vendors which might be rigid & restricted.

• The ULB will purchase the system & associated services and

Implementation Plan - I

• The ULB will purchase the system & associated services and thus becomes the Owner of the system and the data it collects.

• The ULB will introduce the system to the citizens, manage all the media coverage and create awareness about the system.

• The ULB will train its staff about receiving the alerts and completing the process cycle after taking necessary action.

• The ULB may or may not publish the related statistics through media/own website etc.

• The role of common citizen is just to submit a complaint.

• We deploy the system in Cloud and introduce it to the ULB.

• The ULB need not initiate the procurement & purchase process and gets the ready to use solution. This saves the procurement time, efforts, administrative costs etc.

• The ULB will pay for a basic set up cost and further charges are based on pay as per use basis. If the ULB intends to use the system for 3 months (i.e. encroached pandals on roads in

Implementation Plan - II

system for 3 months (i.e. encroached pandals on roads in festivals), payment will be made for that much period only.

• The ULB will own the system & underlying data.

• The ULB officials will receive alerts automatically, once the report is submitted. Then they can take necessary action and complete the process.

• The ULB may or may not publish the related statistics through media/own website etc.

• The ULB can use the system in future, without payment of set up cost, on pay as per use basis, within a year.

• We deploy the system in Cloud and introduce it to the ULB.

• The ULB need not initiate the procurement & purchase process and the ready to use solution will be available free of cost.

• This crowd mapping platform will be survived & sustained by Crowd Funding and other external funding mechanisms.

• The ULB will not own the system & underlying data.

The ULB officials will receive alerts automatically, once the

Implementation Plan - III

• The ULB officials will receive alerts automatically, once the report is submitted. They may or may not take the necessary action and complete the process. (They will obey their boss!)

• We will have to take efforts to create awareness about the system through media and encourage people to submit reports

• We will have to find out & encourage volunteers for verification of the submitted reports. Although a trusted person (NGOs?) can submit the report directly to the system.

• There will be many stakeholders, other than ULB, who will be continuously contributing in some form or the other.

• We can refer to Hon. High court decisions to ULB, if the ULB has not met necessary compliances towards this.

• We should convince ULB that how difficult it is to deploy such systems for short term events & take ownership.

• We need to encourage citizens to submit more & more reports. The role of print/electronic media is crucial.

• We need to encourage the volunteering efforts to verify the

Key points towards Success (In our context)

• We need to encourage the volunteering efforts to verify the reports (through media and coordinating with ngos, civil society groups etc), especially increasing trusted volunteers.

• As more & more reports will be submitted & no actions from ULB are reciprocated, medial will take note of this and the ULB will have to take cognizance of all this.

• Lastly, the matter should be presented to Hon. High Court, that despite of the people contributing to the information via publicly available platform and honouring Hon. Court decision, no action from the regulating authorities is being taken up.

• The City will get its own inclusive platform to raise complaints from its citizens, for their own social good.

• Security of the citizens is maintained. ULB or Police will not be able to know the identity of people who has raised/verified the complaint, which matters to many of them (in our context).

• The ownership of the information collected will be with us and not with any govt agency. It may happen that, in conventional


not with any govt agency. It may happen that, in conventional system, people may opt for RTI to receive information from the ULB, Police etc, which they themselves have submitted.

• If it gets the custody of Hon. High Court, then the things will get much easier and people will come forward to submit more & more reports.

• Transparency is maintained in the whole process while accountability lies with the enforcing & regulatory agencies.

• Technology will not be a barrier while submitting reports (Android phone is must to install an app!).

• Information submitted by the people will be available to them without any restrictions, processes etc.

• The complaint gets visible throughout the City on backdrop of the base map for citizens to view. It is possible to visualize that the noise polluting area is within 100 meters of hospital, school. The encroached pandal is on the road with high traffic.

• All the complaints will present global view of the City.


• All the complaints will present global view of the City.

• The data collected by people will be available to people free of cost. Anybody can submit as much data, as well as can receive data for further analysis.

• As more & more information gets reported without the identity of the originator, there will be automatic check on illegal, indisciplinery activities and action can also be taken in bare minimum time.

• People will definitely adopt their own platform rather than any restricted one.

• Innovative, affordable, precise, open and dynamic mapping & data collection is useful for disaster risk management decisions in a data driven decision making process.

• Disaster prone geo features like old buildings, vulnerable and unsafe living environments.

• Local expertise & stakeholders map the geo features and their

Case Study - Disaster Preparedness

• Local expertise & stakeholders map the geo features and their vulnerability attributes though crowdsourcing.

• Detailed information about roads, buildings, schools & health infrastructures, and population to help develop land use plans, contingency plans, evacuation routes, and plans for distribution of aid to affected vulnerable households in an informed and effective manner.

• The data collected is openly accessible to other government, non government agencies for their own assessment, reuse, & can be complemented & enhanced by other applications.

• Background

• Local OSM presence in Kathmandu for Open Cities Project funded by the World Bank.

• The latest satellite image was acquired by Digital Globe and deployed in just 48 hours.

Nepal Earthquake

• Fine grained base map data was digitized for Kathmandu. Later 4,500 volunteers from all over the world joined mapping exercise for quake affected region in Nepal.

• Mapping was done for,

– Collapsed buildings

– Emergency shelters / camps

– Land slides

– Stolen sculptures / idols from collapsed temples.

Number of reports received

List of Reports

Detail Report

Submit New Report

Submit New Report

Registering for Alerts

Our Role

• Documenting the Scope of Work & Data Model design

• Identifying key groups for outreach & partnerships

• Defining project scope & objectives

• Building the project team

• Assessing & preparing existing resources & mobilization

Our Role

• Assessing & preparing existing resources & mobilization

• Software Deployment in Cloud

• Conducting workshops & trainings

• Resources management & scheduling tasks

• Logistics & managing the data collection process

• Implementing measures for quality control

• Reporting to authorities

• Maintaining the supporting systems

• Create awareness about OSM by organizing workshops.

• Awareness sessions for Government / ULB / NGOs etc.

• Marking a local OSM presence on a world map.

• Team building, community mobilization & technical expertise with state of the art tools & techniques.

Our Role…

expertise with state of the art tools & techniques.

• Installation & configuration of fieldServer to collect the real time data sent from fieldMaster Android App.

• Make available the fieldMaster Android App and the necessary Digital Forms in shortest time period.

• Stakeholder Training & Capacity Building.

• Generate & distribute the real time maps.

• Necessary technical maintainence & support.

• Role of catalyst in Urban Development & Planning.

• (Local) (Self) Government. -- (ULB)

• Various other Government & Line Departments

• Various government schemes

• NEWS papers & other Media

• City level / National / International NGOs

• The Corporate Sector

Key Partnerships

• The Corporate Sector

• Educational Institutions

• Civil society groups

• Political Parties

• Trusts & Foundations as prospective donors

• The People

• Ability to contribute to a free and open map that makes detailed, relevant data available to everyone.

• Access to high-quality geographic data to drive their operations and strengthen informed decision making.

• Increased capacities to update, maintain, and use key datasets by

Benefits to the Partners

datasets by

– Sharing skills and knowledge with other local collaborators.

– Interacting with a global community of mappers and technologists to gain exposure and education on new mapping tools, methods, and skills.

• Use of innovative approaches and cutting-edge technology that strengthens both data collection and management processes while reducing costs.

Praxis Management Consulting

Thank You

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Cell : 91-9923429150Email : info@praxis.org.in