Up close and personalised. Episode 2

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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This is the second episode of the second story in which things get clearer. Or not.

Transcript of Up close and personalised. Episode 2

Policy PoliceVolume II. Number 2.

Up Close and Personalised. Episode 2.

The Prof had

already been

doing some


work, so I

thought the

DoC should see


I took the kid

along, too.

Just so he

could believe

she existed.

…big fish?

Middle-sized fish.

He’s a “Director of…”

… ?

… ?

That little word brings you down the hierarchy. Makes the limits of your domain explicit.


Plain “Director” is tastefully extensive.

“Director of” just sounds


What’s he saying?

There are caveats…

I know. Correlation not causation. I’m not

new to this game.

But what’s he saying?

The literature review pointed to a

weakness in the underlying paradigm.

What’s that mean?

He wouldn’t start from


Get him out.


Before I kill him.

I’ll see you downstairs. I’ve

got to sort things with the stiff.


It lets him feel I’m on his side.

Whose side areyou on?

Do you want me to answer that?

No. I’d rather not


Good. I’d rather not tell you.

… and what have you got

to say?

Um… I say you already

know what you think.

Too right. Our researchers found that over 90% of parental abuse of

children was carried out by the children’s

own parents.

That much?

Well, there is a margin for

error of around 10%.


So now we’ve got a legislative framework to

ensure parents keep their proper distance.


Cut parental abuse to 20% of current levels.

…and it does that?

In theory.

What are current levels, by the way?

Do I know you? Are you one of

our regular researchers?

I have an academicinterest.


I’ll send you the report. If it’s not

with you in a couple of days, call

my secretary.

We’re having thisone. OK?

…knows what she’s on about.

I don’t know how you did


Truth is, neither do I.

Are they all that stupid?

Not stupid. They just don’t listen to themselves,


And we work for these people


To be continued…