Untitled 2 diet

Post on 24-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Untitled 2 diet

Diet,Drugs and Disease

By Guransh Sethi

Treating and preventing drug abuse

• All addictions to drugs can be treated.

• Smokers-They can receive advice and support from health services.They may stick nicotine gum or attach patches containing nicotine to their skin so they still receive some nicotine while not smoking.

• Alcohol-They can also receive advice and support from health services.They can give up on taking alcohol by taking medicines, joining groups of others who have given up on drinking alcohol and staying in rehabilitation centre.

• People who are addicted to non-medicinal drugs can get support from health services to break there drug taking habit and also attend rehabilitation centres.

Sexually transmitted diseases(STDs)• Sexually transmitted diseases are known

by the initials STDs but they also may be called sexually transmitted infections (STIs).They are transmitted by sexual intercourse.Some of the diseases are-

1. Chlamydia

2. Gonorrhea

3. Syphills


Malaria • Malaria is a disease which is caused by a

microorganism belonging to the protoctista kingdom which includes amoeba .The disease is spread by the female of certain species of mosquito belonging to the species group or genus called anopheles.

AIDS• AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency


1. It is caused by a virus named the human immunodeficiency virus which is commonly called HIV.

2. It is spread mainly by sexually intercourse with an infected person or by drug users sharing unsterilised needles.

Tuberculosis • Tuberculosis is a disease caused by a

microorganism belonging to the bacteria group.It is spread by droplets produced by coughing,sneezing and spitting and infects the lungs.It can then spread to the brain,kidneys and bones.

Conception and development in the womb

• Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is a disease that can be caused by a wide range of infections and affects the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the uterus.When the fallopian tubes are infected they become inflamed and are the main cause of infertility.The main causes of PID are sexually transmitted diseases.

Male Diseases• When males are infected with a disease,

are particularly sexually transmitted diseases, the activity of the sperm is reduced so that they are less able to swim to find an egg.When a person recovers from the disease the sperm regain their activity but, if a male has had a sexually transmitted disease a few times, the tubes carrying the sperm may be scarred due to the infection and block of the path of sperm.

Tuberculosis • Can also affect both male and female

reproductive systems, blocking the path of sperm in males and causing infections in the oviducts and uterus in female.Tuberculosis during pregnancy may also cause the death of the foetus.

Malaria • If the mother has malaria it can kill the foetus

as it grows or slow down its development so a smaller baby than normal is born.

Rubella• It causes damage to the foetus which results in the

baby being born with disability.It can cause damage to the nervous system of the foetus and produce deafness and blindness.The heart can also be damaged

•AIDS• A female with AIDS may pass on the virus uring

pregnancy or at birth and this will damage the immune system of the baby
