Unknown - Unknown - What is the Soft Systems Methodology

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Transcript of Unknown - Unknown - What is the Soft Systems Methodology

  • 8/17/2019 Unknown - Unknown - What is the Soft Systems Methodology


    What is the Soft Systems Methodology? Description

    The Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) from Peter Checkland is a qualitative technique that can be used for applying Systems Thinking to non-systemic situations !t is a "ay of dealing "ith

     problem situations in "hich there is a high social# political and human activity component Thisdistinguishes SSM from other methodologies "hich deal "ith $%&' problems that are often

    more technology-oriented

    SSM applies Systems Thinking to the real "orld of human organiations ut crucially "ithout

    assuming that the sub*ect of enquiry is itself a simple system SSM therefore is a useful "ay to

    approach comple+ situations and corresponding messy questions 

    Origin of the Soft Systems Methodology. History

    SSM originated from the understanding that ,hard, Systems Thinking# such as perations&esearch techniques# is inadequate for enquiring into large# comple+ organiational issues Soft

    Systems Methodology "as developed by Peter Checkland for the e+press purpose of dealing

    "ith problems of this type $e had been "orking in the industry for a number of years and had been "orking "ith a number of hard system methodologies $e sa" ho" these "ere inadequate

    for the purpose of dealing "ith e+tremely comple+ problems "hich had a large social

    component Therefore in the ./01s he goes to the 2niversity of 3ancaster in an attempt toresearch this area# and to deal "ith these soft problems $e conceives his ,Soft Systems

    Methodology, through a number of research pro*ects in industry and its application and

    refinement over a number of years The methodology# "hich is pretty much ho" "e kno" ittoday# "as published in ./4. y that time Checkland "as firmly entrenched in 2niversity lifeand he had left the industry to pursue a career as a professor and researcher in Soft"are


    Usage of the Soft Systems Methodology. Applications

    • %ny comple+# organiational situation "here there is a high social# political and human

    activity component

    Steps in the Soft Systems Methodology. Process

    The follo"ing steps should be taken (often several iterations are needed)6

    . !nvestigate the unstructured problem

  • 8/17/2019 Unknown - Unknown - What is the Soft Systems Methodology


    7 5+press the problem situation through ,Rich Pictures, &ich Pictures are a means of

    capturing as much information as possible relating to the problem situation % rich picture

    can sho" boundaries# structure# information flo"s# and communication channels ut in particular it sho"s the human activity system This is the element that is not included in

    models such as6 data flo" diagrams or class models

    8 &oot definitions of relevant systems 9rom "hat different perspectives can "e look at this

     problem situation:

    o &oot definitions are "ritten as sentences that elaborate a transformation There are

    si+ elements that make a "ell formulated root definition They are summed up in

    the acronym A!WO"6

    ustomer 5veryone "ho may gain benefits from a system is considered

    as a customer of the system !f the system involves sacrifices such aslayoffs# then those victims must also be counted as customers

    Actor The actors transform inputs into outputs and they perform the

    activities defined in the system

    !ransformation process This is sho"n as the conversion of inputs to


    Weltanschauung The ;erman e+pression for "orld vie" This "orld

    vie" makes the transformation process meaningful in conte+t

    O#ner 5very system has some proprietor# "ho has the po"er to start up

    and shut do"n the system (po"er of veto)

    "n$ironmental constraints These are e+ternal elements that must be

    considered These constraints include organiational policies as "ell as

    legal and ethical matters

  • 8/17/2019 Unknown - Unknown - What is the Soft Systems Methodology


    Strengths of the Soft Systems Methodology. %enefits

    • SSM gives structure to comple+ organiational and political problem situations# and it

    can allo" them to be dealt "ith in an organied manner !t forces the user to look for a

    solution that is more than technical

    • &igorous tool to use in ,messy, problems

    • Specific techniques

    &imitations of the Soft Systems Methodology. Pitfalls

    • SSM requires from participants to adapt to the overall approach

    • e careful not to narro" the scope of the investigation too early

    • !t is difficult to assemble the richest picture# "ithout imposing a particular structure and

    solution on problem situation

    • People have difficulties to interpret the "orld in the loose "ay They often sho" an over-

    urgent desire for action

    Assumptions of the Soft Systems Methodology. onditions

    • %ssumes that most management and organiational problems cannot be seen as pure

    ,systems problems, as the system is far too comple+ to analye

    •  ?evertheless applying a systemic approach in a non-systemic situation is valuable

    ook6 Peter Checkland - Systems Thinking# Systems Practice -