Unix is my IDE

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Unix is my IDE

Unix is my IDETomáš Kramár, @tkramar

Integrated Development EnvironmentThe primary rationale for using an IDE is that it gathers all your tools in the same place, and you can use them in concert with roughly the same user interface paradigm, and without having to exert too much effort to make separate applications cooperate.

Using UNIX as IDE● Shell tips● ZSH● Moving around● Terminal multiplexor● Composing commands● Customizing applications

Shell tips

#1 I need to run a long command I ran previouslyWrong:● lookup the parameters and type it all again● <up> <up> <up> ....● grep .bash_history

Good:● <c-r>, start typing, <c-r> to scroll results

#2 Oops, I made a typoWrong● <left> <left> <backspace> <backspace> ....Good● <c-u> - deletes from cursor to the beginning● <c-k> - deletes from cursor to the end● <c-w> - deletes word before cursor● <c-a> - move to the beginning● <c-e> - move to the endBetter● use vi-mode

#3 I need to switch to a different applicatione.g., I am in vim and want to try something in irb

Wrong:● open new terminal window

Good● <c-z> to suspend● fg to resume

#4 I need to disconnect from remote machineWrong● Ok, I'll wait

Good● <c-z> to suspend● bg to run in background● disown to ignore SIGHUP

#5 I forgot sudoWrong● <up> <c-a> sudo <cr>

Good● sudo !!● !! is alias for last command

Better● Custom keybinding that inserts sudo

#6 I want to change this file's extensionWrong● cp /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf


Good● cp /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf{,.bak}

#7 I want to exit the shellWrong● type 'exit'● click close button

Good● <c-d>

Keybindings work everywhere (readline).● mysql● psql● irb● ..● even browser's textarea


Features● Autocompletion menu● Autocomplete everything

○ command line parameters○ remote servers○ remote filesystems○ context-sensitive completion (e.g., dvips, git)○ kill

● Fuzzy autocompletion● Globbing

○ ls **/*.txt

Moving around

Stupid tricks● autocomplete● "cd" (no args) back to home● "cd -" back to previous directory

Use the dirstack● dirs -v● pushd/popd


● setopt auto_pushd● cd +3

Ranger● https://github.com/hut/ranger● OSX Finder \w vim keybindings● Integrates with shell easily

Terminal multiplexor

tmux● multiplexes several virtual terminals● sessions/windows● tile management

Composing commands

How do you identify your largest files?

How do you identify your largest files?

wc -l **/*.rb | tac | tail -n +2 | sort -n -r | head -10

Customizing applications

Embrace aliasesalias grep="grep --color=auto"alias lsa="ls -AahXBFov --color=auto --indicator-style=file-type --group-directories-first"

alias pacman="sudo pacman"

Application level aliases● git la

dotfiles● Most applications are configurable in plain

text○ .vimrc, .zshrc, .ranger, .rvm, .ssh ...○ Transfer between machines, backup, restore

Resources● http://dotfiles.github.com/● https://github.com/kremso/dotfiles

● https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh