University Services All Staff Quarterly Meeting Dec. 14 th, 2007.

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Transcript of University Services All Staff Quarterly Meeting Dec. 14 th, 2007.

University Services

University Services

All Staff Quarterly MeetingDec. 14th, 2007

What is stress?

• Stress is what you experience when you believe you cannot cope effectively with a threatening situation.

• Stress is created when your mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the living daylights out of some idiot who desperately deserves it.

Five Good Reasons to Manage Your Stress1. Better Health2. Probably a longer life span3. More fun4. More energy5. Something to talk about at parties

Presentation Objectives:

1. Understand stress and how it affects you2. Work, home, money, general hassles affecting you3. Effects of Stress4. Identifying your stress level (test)5. Stress relievers6. Organizational skills strategies7. Time management strategies8. Stress resistant strategies9. Clarifying goals and values

The Three D’s of Stress: Disorders

• ________ Americans have some form of major heart disease. • ________ Americans die from a heart attack every year.

• ________ Americans have high blood pressure.

• ________ Americans are alcoholics.

67 million

1 million

69 million

18 million

Three D’s of Stress: Disorders

• _______ adults are either obese or overweight.

• _______ preventable deaths annually are caused by modifiable, behavioral patterns.

_______ people have diabetes associated with obesity and inactivity.

108 million


31 million

Three D’s of Stress: Drugs

Each year…• _______doses of tranquilizers are prescribed.• ______ doses of muscle relaxants are prescribed.• ______ doses of antidepressants are prescribed.• ______ doses of painkillers are prescribed.• ______ people are abusing prescription drugs!

6 billion4 billion4 billion 5 billion 4 million

Three D’s of Stress: Dollars• _________is lost annually from stress related

reasons.• _________ is lost annually from alcoholism and

drug abuse.• _________ is lost annually from chronic pain.

• _________workdays a year are lost because of stress-related absenteeism and lost productivity.

Sources: US Dept of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control, and National Center forHealth Statistics

$300 billion $246 billion

$100 billion

$132 million

The Top Ten Stresses1. Loss of a loved one2. Major illness or injury3. Divorce or separation4. Serious financial difficulties5. Loss of job/New job6. Getting married7. Moving to a new place/Major remodeling8. Serious falling out with a close friend9. Birth of a child10. Retirement

Work Stress• Requirements don’t match capabilities or needs.• Working conditions – excessive workloads;

conflicting expectations.• Poor communication; not involving employees in

decisions affecting their jobs.• Lack of opportunity for growth.

Work Stress

• Lack of support, trust or respect.• Rapid changes.

Work Strategies• National Institute of Occupational Health and

Safety identified the following organizational low stress characteristics: – Recognition for good work performance– Opportunities for career development– Culture that values the individual worker

– Effective management strategies and actions• Open and honest communication• Effective work/life balance benefits • Specific job expectations and continuous


Home/Personal Stress• Need more time? • Less leisure time• "Stress Sandwich" - generational divide• Primary care giving roles• Meals, clean house, bills, chores, shopping, lawn

and garden, car maintenance, phone calls, kids chauffeured, walking the dog, helping kids with homework, doctors appointments, etc...

Something to Ponder…

"Life is what happens while you're busy makingother plans." - John Lennon

Money/Financial Stress• There never seems to be enough money, is there?• The search for the American Dream.• Keeping up with others.• Media and ‘must-have’ items.• Instant gratification.• Charge it now and pay later.

Money/Financial Strategies

• Develop and maintain a budget.• Read “Mind over Money: How to get Control of

your Finances and Revitalize your Emotional and Physical Well-being” by Dr. Charlesworth and Wayne Nance.

• Live within your means.• Don’t equate money with success.• Understand what you really want.

General Hassles

• Noisy Traffic - stupid drivers• Rude salesclerks• Crowds• Deliveries made 'between 9 and 5'• Long lines• Cell phones • Technology

Effects of Stress

• _____ of people surveyed said that stress affected their health

• _____ said stress negatively affected their friendships• _____ said stress was hurting their marriages• _____ said stress affected work performance


Physical Symptoms of Stress

• Tiredness, fatigue• Heart palpitations, racing pulse, rapid, shallow breathing• Muscle tension and aches• Shakiness, tremors, tics, twitches• Heartburn, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, nervousness• Dry mouth and throat• Excessive sweating, clammy hands, cold hands and/or feet• Rashes, hives, itching• Nail-biting, fidgeting• Overeating, loss of appetite• Sleep difficulties• Increased use of alcohol and/or drugs and medications

Psychological Signs of Stress• Irritability, impatience, anger, hostility• Worry, anxiety, panic• Moodiness, sadness, feeling upset• Memory lapses, difficulties in concentrating,

indecision• Work absenteeism, lowered productivity• Feeling overwhelmed• Loss of sense of humor

– This is for STARTERS!!!

Understanding Stress – A,B,C-

A is the Activating event or potentially stressful situation

B is your Beliefs, thoughts, or perceptions about A.C is the emotional Consequence or stress that results

from holding these beliefs.

A potentially stressful situation → your perceptions → your stress

A, B, C ExampleA. Activating Event: Boss pointing out my errors.B. Irrational Belief: I must be totally incompetent

and I am sure I will lose my job. C. Stressful Emotional Consequence: Anxiety,

terror, worry, loss of sleep, overeating.D. Dispute Your Irrational Beliefs: If would be nice if

I didn’t make any mistakes, but I am not totally incompetent, just human.

E. New, Less Stressful, and More Effective Emotions: Some appropriate concern and motivation to get the job done correctly.

It’s The Thought That Counts

• How your beliefs, thoughts, perceptions and interpretations impact the stress you feel.

How Stressed Are You?• Handout

Managing Stress

• Body Scan/Muscle tension release• Breathing• Affirmations• Visualizations

Techniques to Mitigate Stress

• Massage• Stretching• Exercise• Yoga• Tai Chi• Pilates• Listen to Music• Meditate

Organizational Stress

• Reducing Organizational Clutter• Schedule it • Have a party

Stop Feeding Your Stress

• Stressed backwards spells: DESSERTS

Food Solutions

• Prepare food ahead of time• Ask yourself if you are really hungry• Substitute relaxation for food• Eat breakfast and lunch• Eat healthy• Exercise

Need More Sleep?

1. I notice a major dip in my energy level early in the afternoon.

2. I need an alarm clock to wake up in the morning.3. On the weekend, when I don't have to get up , I

end up sleeping much later.4. I fall asleep very quickly at night.5. On most days, I feel tired and feel as though I

could use a nap.

Is this YOU?

Sleep Solutions

• Go to sleep earlier• Bed = Sleep

Stress – Reducing TM SkillsTen signs you're experiencing time-stress and that your timemanagement skills need help:

1. I feel I don't have enough time for myself, my family, or friends.2. I feel that I waste too much time.3. I find myself constantly rushing.4. I find I don't have enough time to do things I really enjoy.5. I find I frequently miss deadlines or am late for appointments.6. I spend almost no time planning my day.7. I almost never work with some kind of prioritized "To-Do" list.8. I have difficulty saying NO to others when they make demands on

my time.9. I rarely delegate tasks and responsibilities.10. I find I procrastinate too often.

– Checking 1-2 items - tune up– Checking 4 or more items - overhaul

Step OneDetermine what you DO want to spend more time doing• Kids• Spouse• Friends• YOU• Job or career• Hobby or interest• Reading• Exercising• Nurturing your soul• Spending time on community activities• Traveling• Sleeping

Step TwoDetermine what you want to spend LESS time doing• Fewer hours late at the office• Fewer hours on paperwork (touch it once)• Fewer hours attending events I don't enjoy• Fewer hours cleaning house• Fewer hours doing laundry• Fewer hours with people you don't enjoy• Fewer house watching television• Fill in your item here...

Step Two Exercise

• Use the space below to identify where you want to spend YOUR time…

Step ThreeFind more time• 80/20 rule• Unload low priority stuff• Delegate• Start a list• Save time by doing similar tasks at the same time

(bills, phone calls, bundle errands, cook ahead)• Use technology (shop by mail or web)• Eliminate interruptions• Get up earlier• Buy time

Secrets of StressResistant Thinking • You can control the amount of stress you feel • You feel stressed because you have to give a

presentation at work tomorrow to win an important new client.

• You feel stressed at the store because you got trapped in the slowest moving check-out lane.

• You feel stressed because your picky Aunt Agnes is coming to stay with you for a whole week.

• You feel stressed because your neighbor is playing his music too loudly.

Clarifying Your Values & Goals

1. The tombstone test (The - )

• When I am gone, what would I like my tombstone to say about me?

• How would I like people to remember me in life?• What would I have liked to have accomplished

in life?

Clarifying Your Values & Goals

2. Five-ish years to live

• If you had just five more years to live, would you spend the time you have left any differently than the way you are spending it now?

• If yes, what would you do that is different? Would you stay at your job? Would you live where you live? Would you finally call you mother? Etc...


• Why are you not doing these things?


"Live each day as if it was your last becausesomeday you're going to be right." - Anonymous

Handouts & Exercises

• Staying on track• Making the time

The Power of Humor

• Laugh… at yourself if you have to • Humor as a healing tool

“Seven days without laughter makes one weak.” - Anonymous

Integrating Humor

• Watch funny movies/shows.• Find funny sayings, poems, or witty remarks to

repeat to yourself.• Find humor in stressful situations or past stressful

events.• Go to a comedy club.

Integrating Humor

• Look for cartoons connected to stress in your life.• Find something fun to do and make it a habit.• Consult Directory of Humor Magazines and Humor

Organizations in America.

Ten Habits of Highly Effective Stress Managers1. They know how to relax.2. They eat right and exercise often.3. They get enough sleep.4. They don't worry about the unimportant stuff.5. They don't get angry often.6. They are organized.7. They manage their time efficiently.8. They have and make use of a strong social support

system.9. They live according to their values.10. They have a good sense of humor.

Giving Thanks