UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF SOIL …psasir.upm.edu.my/52033/1/FH 2014 17RR.pdf ·...

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Transcript of UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF SOIL …psasir.upm.edu.my/52033/1/FH 2014 17RR.pdf ·...



FH 2014 17


Azadirachta excelsa (JACK) JACOBS SEEDLINGS








Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, in

Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science

December 2014





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Copyright © Universiti Putra Malaysia








Lahawlawala Quwwataillabillahilaliyyilazim.




Abstract of thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia in fulfilment of

the requirement for the degree of Master of Science






December 2014

Chairman: Hazandy Abdul Hamid, PhD

Faculty : Forestry

Urban forest tree were highly exposed to various type of environmental stress which can

give negative effects to their growth. Series of experiments were conducted in

investigating the toleration and adaptation of Azadiractha excelsa toward current

common stress specifically soil compaction, over-top-filling and waterlogging.

Measurement has been made in morphology changes, biomass allocation, root

adaptation, and internal physiology comprising chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange,

hydraulic conductance and water use efficiency. Study was conducted in the nursery of

Faculty of Forestry. Repeated measures were used to examine the performance over time

of experiment meanwhile one way ANOVA was used to test among different treatments.

In soil compaction experiment, soil bulk density of 1.2 g cm-3 (low), 1.4 g cm-3 (medium)

and 1.6 g cm-3 (severe) were applied by compacting soil inside the pot. The result showed

that severe soil compaction treatments had caused the decrease in physical growth of

seedlings. Low optimal value was also found in photochemical efficiency, as well as

decreased photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance. It showed the diligently related

root sensitivity of the system architecture to the high mechanical impedance of the soil.

However, it still showed capability in tolerance towards compacted soil by maximizing

water use a low stomatal conductance in order to have enough sugar to recover stress.

Over-top-filling experiment was done by applying a layer of top soil over normal collared

seedling. Three different levels of 10 cm, 20 cm and 30 cm had given positively

significant results towards performance of the seedling including growth and

physiological. Evidently, seedlings in higher soil level had higher relative growth rates

in both diameter and height, and also leaf area parameter. It was also found that new

areas of root growth were present in higher over-top-filling. There were no significance




differences in any parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange and water

relations were shown which indicate encourage performance.

The third study tested on different periods of time to waterlogged seedling over the 1-

week, 2-weeks and 3-weeks duration. Further research was also carried out through

moving seedlings out of waterlogged after 2 weeks to assess their recovery. It was found

that oxygen deficiency disallow root respiration when it is flooded. Moreover, the ability

to allocate more carbon during flooding also appeared to be related to flooding tolerance.

A. excelsa seedlings were found are partially tolerance in surviving under compacted soil

with declined in morphology performance but still showed some high capability to

survive. Instead, it also possesses good morphology and physiology modifications

especially in managing photochemical efficiency, gas exchange and water relation which

improved their ability to survive in stress condition such over-top-filling and

waterlogging conditions. Planting or allowing this seedling to grow in locations where

such stresses have the probability to take place is plausible as the trees could still have

chance to survive.




Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysia sebagai

memenuhi keperluan untuk ijazah Sarjana Sains



BENIH Azadirachta excelsa (JACK) JACOBS



Disember 2014

Pengerusi: Hazandy Abdul Hamid, PhD

Fakulti : Perhutanan

Pokok hutan bandar banyak terdedah dengan pelbagai jenis stres alam sekitar. Beberapa

siri eksperimen telah dijalankan bagi menyiasat keupayaan toleransi dan adaptasi

terhadap stres oleh Azadiractha excelsa di mana jenis stress tertumpu kepada pemadatan

tanah, tanah yang melebih dan penakungan air. Perubahan yang terjadi pada morfologi,

peruntukan biojisim, penyesuaian akar dan fisiologi dalaman yang terdiri dari

pendarfluor klorofil, pertukaran gas, kekonduksian hidraulik dan kecekapan penggunaan

air telah diselidik. Kajian ini telah dijalankan di nurseri Fakulti Perhutanan. Kadah

pengukuran berulang telah digunakan bagi menganalisa secara saintifik prestasi

sepanjang masa eksperimen sementara itu ANOVA satu hala digunakan untuk ujian

perbandingan antara rawatan.

Dalam eksperimen pemadatan tanah, ketumpatan pukal tanah sebanyak 1.2 g cm-3

(rendah) , 1.4 g cm-3 (sederhana) dan 1.6 g cm-3 (tinggi) telah diaplikasi dengan

memadatkan tanah ke dalam pasu. Keputusan menunjukkan rawatan pemadatan tanah

yang teruk telah menyebabkan pembantutan dalam pembesaran anak benih. Didapati

juga nilai optimum rendah dalam kecekapan fotokimia, penurunan kadar fotosintesis dan

pengurangan pembukaan stoma. Keputusan juga menunjukkan kepekaan oleh bahagian

struktur sistem akar yang sangat sensitif dengan peningkatan mekanikal impedans tanah.

Eksperimen seterusnya adalah dengan mengisi tanah melebih dari normal kolar anak

benih. Rawatan yang terdiri dari tiga tahap yang berbeza 10 cm, 20 cm dan 30 cm telah

menunjukkan keputusan yang positif ke atas anak benih. Di mana, anak benih dalam

rawatan tertinggi telah menunjukkan kesan pertumbuhan morfologi secara relatif yang

baik dari segi diameter, tinggi dan keluasan daun. Selain dari itu, kawasan pertumbuhan

akar yang baru telah ditemui pada tanah yang melebih. Tidak ada perbezaan yang




signifikan pada ukuran pendarfluor klorofil dan juga pertukaran gas bagi rawatan dengan

anak benih kawalan yang menunjukkan prestasi yang mengalakkan.

Kajian ketiga pula diuji ke atas dengan anak benih yang dibesarkan pada kawasan air

bertakung pada tempoh masa yang berbeza sepanjang 1 minggu, 2 minggu dan 3 minggu.

Penyelidikan lebih mendalam dijalankan dengan menilai tempoh pemulihan iaitu dengan

mengasingkan anak benih yang yang telah dibanjirkan kepada kawasan biasa. Keputusan

menunjukkan kekurangan oksigen tidak membenarkan pernafasan akar berlaku ketika

dibanjiri. Selain dari itu, sebagai menunjukkan proses toleransi terhadap banjir, anak

benih berupaya untuk mengumpul lebih banyak biojiism.

Anak benih A. excelsa ditemui mempunyai keupayaan survival separa toleransi terhadap

tanah mampat. Namun begitu, masih mampu menunjukkan keputusan yang baik dari segi

morfologi dan perubahan fisiologi terutamanya dalam kecekapan fotokimia, pertukaran

gas dan sistem perhubungan air sebagai tanda toleransi untuk terus mencuba kemandirian

dalam tanah yang melebih dan juga dalam air yang bertakung. Oleh yang demikian, anak

benih ini masih mempunyai peluang untuk terus hidup jika ditanam atau dibiarkan di

kawasan yang mempunyai stres.





In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, most Compassionate. For whom without His

gifts and blessings, we shall not be standing to fulfil our duties.

Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Hazandy Abdul Hamid for his supervision and continuous support and inspiration to this

study. I would like to also appreciate the role of this dissertation committee member,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arifin Abdu had played. Not to forget the advice Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Mohamad Azani Alias, Dr. Haji Amat Ramsa Yaman and Dr. Mohammad Roslan

Kassim had given to enlighten my pathway throughout the journey.

Special thanks to my tree physiology laboratory’s’ and nursery’s associates especially

for Mr. Kamil bin Ismail from Tree Physiology Laboratory who have been supporting

the work I have been doing and keeping my spirit high. I can never thank you enough.

And also, all staff in Faculty of Forestry and Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest

Product (INTROP) who give huge cooperation and motivation. Only The Almighty can

reward them and their family as well.

My sincere thanks to the backbones of the extreme physical work involved during the

study. All my friends who has been around and supported my morale all the way through;

whose name would make the length of a thesis chapter. You know who you are, thanks

guys, I’ll treasure the friendship forever!!

I owe infinite thanks to my family and in-laws, who’d supported me spiritually

throughout my life; for being wonderful brothers and sisters; for your blessings; without

you guys, I would never be whoever I am now.

Not to forget, to my best friend, my confidant, and my significant half, Mohammad

Ifratshim Muhamad Sa’ed! Thank you for EVERYTHING. Only Allah knows how to

pay you. And as for our gifts from Heaven, Aliya Jannah and her coming brothers/sisters,

this thesis symbolized my passion and my love for you forever as all ILMU I got along

the way will be the fundamental in educating all of you to be great muslims, InsyaAllah.

Finally, I really hope that this thesis will help other researchers in their pursuit for

knowledge. Let’s spread the wonders of Tree, InsyaAllah.

Thank you .




I certify that a Thesis Examination Committee has met on 05 December 2014 to conduct

the final examination of Nurul Nasyitah Binti Shukor on her Master of Science thesis

entitled "Effects of Soil Compaction, Over-Top-Filling And Waterlogging on Growth

and Physiology of Azadirachta excelsa (Jack) Jacobs Seedlings" in accordance with the

Universities and University Colleges Act 1971 and the Constitution of the Universiti

Putra Malaysia [P.U.(A) 106] 15 March 1998. The Committee recommends that the

student be awarded the Master of Science.

Members of the Thesis Examination Committee were as follows:

Kamziah Binti Abd Kudus, PhD Associate Professor

Faculty of Forestry

Universiti Putra Malaysia


Mohamad Azani Bin Alias, PhD

Associate Professor

Faculty of Forestry

Universiti Putra Malaysia

(Internal Examiner)

Mohd Zaki Bin Hamzah, PhD

Associate Professor

Faculty of Forestry

Universiti Putra Malaysia

(Internal Examiner)

Mohd Zaki Haji Abdullah, PhD

Forest Research Institute Malaysia


(External Examiner)



Professor and Deputy Dean

School of Graduate Studies

Universiti Putra Malaysia





This thesis was submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia and has been

accepted as fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science. The

members of the Supervisory Committee were as follows:

Hazandy bin Abdul Hamid, PhD

Associate Professor

Faculty of Forestry

Universiti Putra Malaysia


Arifin bin Abdu, PhD Associate Professor

Faculty of Forestry

Universiti Putra Malaysia




Professor and Dean

School of Graduate Studies

Universiti Putra Malaysia





Declaration by graduate student

I hereby confirm that:

this thesis is my original work;

quotations, illustrations and citations have been duly referenced;

this thesis has not been submitted previously or concurrently for any other degree

at any other institutions;

intellectual property from the thesis and copyright of thesis are fully-owned by

Universiti Putra Malaysia, as according to the Universiti Putra Malaysia (Research)

Rules 2012;

written permission must be obtained from supervisor and the office of Deputy Vice-

Chancellor (Research and Innovation) before thesis is published (in the form of

written, printed or in electronic form) including books, journals, modules,

proceedings, popular writings, seminar papers, manuscripts, posters, reports,

lecture notes, learning modules or any other materials as stated in the Universiti

Putra Malaysia (Research) Rules 2012;

there is no plagiarism or data falsification/fabrication in the thesis, and scholarly

integrity is upheld as according to the Universiti Putra Malaysia (Graduate Studies)

Rules 2003 (Revision 2012-2013) and the Universiti Putra Malaysia (Research)

Rules 2012. The thesis has undergone plagiarism detection software.

Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________

Name and Matric No. : Nurul Nasyitah Shukor, GS 27700




Declaration by members of supervisory committee

This is to confirm that:

the research conducted and the writing of this thesis was under our supervision;

supervision responsibilities as stated in the Universiti Putra Malaysia (graduate

studies) rules 2003 (revision 2012-2013) are adhered to.

Signature : _____________________________

Name of

Chairman of


Committee : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hazandy bin Abdul Hamid

Signature : _____________________________

Name of

Members of


Committee : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arifin bin Abdu
















1.1 General Background 1

1.2 Problem Statement 2

1.3 Research Questions 3

1.4 Objectives 3

1.5 Hypothesis 3


2.1 Environmental Stress 4

2.2 Soil Compaction 8

2.3 Over-top-filling 9

2.4 Waterlogging 10

2.5 Azadiractha excelsa (Jack) Jacobs 12



Azadirachta excelsa (JACK) JACOBS SEEDLINGS


3.1 General Background 15

3.2 Objectives 15

3.3 Methodology 15

3.3.1 Study Site 16

3.3.2 Seedling Preparation 17

3.3.3 Treatment Preparation 17

3.3.4 Experimental Design 18

3.3.5 Data Collection 20

3.3.6 Data Analysis 28

3.4 Results and Discussion 30

3.4.1 Growth Analysis 30

3.4.2 Physiological attributes 41

3.5 Conclusion 53





OF Azadirachta excelsa (JACK) JACOBS




4.1 General Background 54

4.2 Objectives 54

4.3 Methodology 54

4.3.1 Seedling Preparation 54

4.3.2 Treatment Application 55

4.3.3 Experimental Design 56

4.3.4 Data Collection 57

4.4 Results and Discussion 58

4.4.1 Growth Analysis 58

4.4.2 Leaf Physiological Attributes 73

4.5 Conclusion 84



Azadirachta excelsa (JACK) JACOBS SEEDLINGS


5.1 General Background 85

5.2 Objectives 85

5.3 Methodology 85

5.3.1 Study Site 86

5.3.2 Seedling Preparation 86

5.3.3 Treatment Preparation and Experimental



5.3.4 Data Collection 88

5.3.5 Data Analysis 88

5.4 Results and Discussion 89

5.4.1 Growth Analysis 89

5.4.2 Leaf Physiological Attributes 97

5.5 Conclusion 107










Table Page

2.1 General relationship of soil bulk density to root growth based

on soil texture. (USDA Natural Resource Conservation



3.1 Treatments used in soil compaction experiment


3.2 Soil bulk density inside the pot during initial and end of



3.3 Repeated measures ANOVA within and between subjects, of

the effects of soil bulk densities and time on the chlorophyll

fluorescence parameter, Fo, Fm, Fv, and Fv/Fm


3.4 Repeated measures ANOVA within and between subjects of

the effects of soil bulk densities and time on the of gas

exchange parameters for each treatment whereas net

photosynthesis (Anet), stomatal conductance (Gs),

intercellular CO₂ (Ci), transpiration rate (E) and leaf to

vapour pressure deficit in leaves (VpdL)


3.5 Repeated measures ANOVA within and between subjects of

the effects of soil bulk densities and time on the of intrinsic

water use efficiency (WUEi) and instantaneous water use

efficiency (WUEinst)


4.1 Treatment application for over-top-filling


4.2 Repeated measures analysis within and between subjects, of

the effects of over-top-filling and time on the absolute

diameter growth rate (AGRdiameter) at different collar height;

15 cm, 25 cm, and 35 cm


4.3 Repeated measures analysis within and between subjects, of

the effects of over-top-filling and time on relative diameter

growth rate (RGRdiameter) at different collar heights; 15 cm,

25 cm, and 35 cm





4.4 Repeated measures analysis within and between subjects, of

the effects of over-top-filling and time on the absolute height

growth rate (AGRheight) at collar heights; 15 cm, 25 cm, and

35 cm


4.5 Repeated measures analysis within and between subjects, of

the effects of over-top-filling and time in the relative height

growth rate (RGRheight) at different level of collar height, 15

cm, 25 cm and 35 cm


4.6 ANOVA of effects of each part of over-top-filling treatment

on part of seedling biomass including shoot, leaves, stem,

root and total biomass


4.7 Repeated measures ANOVA within and between subjects, of

the effects of over-top-filling and time on the of chlorophyll

fluorescence parameters, Fo, Fm, Fv, and Fv/Fm


4.8 Repeated measures ANOVA within and between subjects, of

the effects of over-top-filling and time on the of gas

exchange parameters for each treatment whereas net

photosynthesis (Anet), stomatal conductance (Gs),

intercellular CO₂ (Ci), transpiration rate (E) and leaf to vapor

pressure deficit in leaves (VpdL)


5.1 Treatment each level have 16 replicates


5.2 ANOVA containing effect of each part of waterlogged

period treatment on part of seedling biomass including shoot,

leaves, stem, root and total biomass


5.3 ANOVA containing effect of each part of waterlogged

period treatment in the of chlorophyll fluorescence

parameter, Fo, Fm, Fv, and Fv/Fm at p>0.05


5.4 ANOVA containing effect of each part of waterlogged

period treatment in the of gas exchange parameter, net

photosynthesis (Anet), stomatal conductance (Gs),

intercellular CO₂ (Ci), transpiration rate (E) and leaf to

vapour pressure deficit in leaf (VpdL)





Figures Page

2.1 Biotic and abiotic environmental factors creating stress for

plants (Schulze et al., 2005)


3.1 Monthly average photosynthetic active radiation (PAR),

temperature and relative humidity at open nursery, Faculty

of Forestry, from April 2011 to May 2012


3.2 The size of the individual pot where height 32 cm and inner

diameter 34 cm, meanwhile the volume 16.2 liter


3.3 Pots arrangement layout using completely randomized



3.4 Pots arrangement using completely randomized in the



3.5 Flow chart of data collection and their tools for including tree

growth analysis, biomass, and physiological characteristic


3.6 Method to collect transpiration rate by using weight method


3.7 Survival rate over time of A. excelsa seedlings planted at

different levels of soil bulk densities


3.8 Sprouting shoot near to stem collar at identified death stem


3.9 AGRdiameter and RGRdiameter per month over time of A. excelsa

seedlings planted at different levels of soil bulk densities


3.10 AGRheight per month over time of A. excelsa seedlings

planted at different levels of soil bulk densities


3.11 RGRheight per month time over time of A. excelsa seedlings

planted at different levels of soil bulk densities


3.12 Mean values of leaf area per month over time of A. excelsa

seedlings planted at different levels of soil bulk densities


3.13 Biomass of A. excelsa seedlings planted at different levels of

soil bulk densities


3.14 Specific root length and root mass ratio of A. excelsa

seedlings planted at different levels of soil bulk densities






3.15 Chlorophyll content using SPAD value per month over time

of A. excelsa seedlings planted at different levels of soil bulk



3.16 Mean values of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, Fo, Fm,

Fv, and Fv/Fm of A. excelsa seedlings planted at different soil

bulk densities levels


3.17 Mean values over time of gas exchange parameters treatment

net photosynthesis (Anet), stomatal conductance (Gs),

intercellular CO₂ (Ci), transpiration rate (E), and leaf to

vapour pressure deficit in leaves (VpdL) for each treatment

of A. excelsa seedlings planted at different soil bulk densities


3.18 Mean value over time of hydraulic conductance (K) of A.

excelsa seedlings planted at different soil bulk densities



3.19 Mean value over time of leaf water potential (Ψ) at predawn

and midday of A. excelsa seedlings planted at different soil

bulk densities levels


3.20 Mean value over time of water use efficiency WUEi and

WUEinst is of A. excelsa seedlings planted at different soil

bulk densities


3.21 Relationship between Gs and WUEin for A. excelsa seedlings

in respond to soil compaction condition


4.1 Over-top-filling was reinforced by using polyethylene bag


4.2 Pot arrangement layout using completely randomized design


4.3 Pot arrangement using completely randomized design in



4.4 Level of measured in over-top-filling experiment


4.5 Survival rate over time of A. excelsa seedlings planted at

different levels of over-top-filling


4.6 AGRdiameter over time of A. excelsa seedlings planted at

different over-top-filling levels. Data were taken at collar

heights of 15 cm (1), 25 cm (2), and 35 cm (3)


4.7 RGRdiameter over time of A. excelsa seedlings planted at

different over-top-filling. Data were taken at collar height 15

cm (1), 25 cm (2), and 35 cm (3)





4.8 AGRheight over time of A. excelsa seedlings planted at

different over-top-filling levels. Data was taken at collar

heights 15 cm (1), 25 cm (2), and 35 cm (3)


4.9 RGRheight over time of A. excelsa seedlings planted at

different over-top-filling levels. Data was taken at collar

height 15 cm (1), 25 cm (2), and 35 cm (3)


4.10 Leaf area per month over time of A. excelsa seedlings planted

at different over-top-filling levels


4.11 Leaf mass ratio (LMR) of A. excelsa seedlings planted at

different over-top-filling levels


4.12 Biomass of A. excelsa seedlings planted at different over-

top-filling levels


4.13 Relationship between specific leaf area (SLA) and net

photosynthesis (Anet)


4.14 New root system along the buried stem


4.15 Root-to-shoot of A. excelsa seedlings planted at different

over-top-filling levels


4.16 Chlorophyll content using SPAD value per month over time

of A. excelsa seedlings planted at different over-top-filling



4.17 Mean values over time of chlorophyll fluorescence

parameter Fo, Fm, Fv, and Fv/Fm of A. excelsa seedlings

across time planted at different over-top-filling treatment


4.18 Mean values over time of gas exchange parameters treatment

net photosynthesis (Anet), stomatal conductance (Gs),

intercellular CO₂ (Ci), transpiration rate (E) and leaf to

vapour pressure deficit in leaf (VpdL) of A. excelsa seedlings

planted at different over-top-filling levels


4.19 Relationship between net photosynthesis (Anet) and stomatal

conductance (Gs) in over-top-filling experiment


4.20 Mean values over time of hydraulic conductance (K) of A.

excelsa seedlings planted at different level over-top-filling


4.21 Mean value over time of leaf at water potential (Ψ) for

predawn and midday of A. excelsa seedlings across time

planting in different level over-top-filling


4.22 Mean value over time over WUEi and WUEinst of A. excelsa

seedlings planted at different level over-top-filling





4.23 Relationship between stomatal conductance and water use

efficiency in over-top-filling


5.1 Pot arrangement using completely randomized design in



5.2 Pot arrangement layout using completely randomized design


5.3 Survival rate of A. excelsa seedlings in waterlogged and after

2 weeks recovery planted in waterlogged at different

waterlogged period


5.4 AGRdiameter of A. excelsa seedlings at all waterlogging



5.5. RGRdiameter of A. excelsa seedlings at all waterlogging



5.6 Relationship between growth efficiency against hydraulic



5.7 AGRheight of A. excelsa seedlings in all waterlogging



5.8 RGRheight of A. excelsa seedlings in waterlogging treatments


5.9. Leaf area (cm2) of A. excelsa seedlings in waterlogging



5.10 Biomass A. excelsa seedlings planted at different

waterlogged period


5.11 Root-to-shoot ratio for waterlogged treatment


5.12 Chlorophyll content using SPAD value of A. excelsa

seedlings planted at different waterlogged period


5.13 Mean value of chlorophyll fluorescence parameter, Fo, Fm,

Fv, Fv/Fm of A. excelsa seedlings planted at different

waterlogged period


5.14 Mean values of gas exchange parameters for each treatment

whereas net photosynthesis (Anet), stomatal conductance

(Gs), intercellular CO₂ (Ci), transpiration rate (E) and leaf to

vapour pressure deficit (VpdL) in leaves of A. excelsa

seedlings planted at different period of waterlogged


5.15 Mean value of hydraulic conductance (K) of A. excelsa

seedlings planted at different period of waterlogged





5.16 Mean value of leaf water potential (Ψ) for predawn and

midday of A. excelsa seedlings in different period of



5.17 Relationship between leaf area and water potential


5.18 Mean value of WUEi and WUEinst of A. excelsa seedlings in

different period of waterlogged


5.19 Relationship between stomatal conductance (Gs) and

intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEinst)






Symbols/Abbreviation Word (Unit)

ANOVA analysis of variance

AGRdiameter absolute diameter growth rate

AGRheight absolute height growth rate

RGRdiameter relative diameter growth rate

RGRheight relative height growth rate

Anet net photosynthesis (µmol CO2 m-2 s-1)

ATP adenosine triphosphate

Ci internal CO2 (µmol mol-1)

E leaf transpiration rate (mmol H2O m-2 s-1)

FO initial chlorophyll fluorescence

Fm maximum chlorophyll fluorescence

Fv variable chlorophyll fluorescence

Fv/Fm maximum quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry

Gs stomatal conductance (µmol CO2 m-2 s-1)

IAA hormone auxin

WUE water use efficiency

WUEi intrinsic water use efficiency

WUEinst instantaneous water use efficiency

VpdL vapour pressure deficit in leaf (kPa)

K hydraulic conductivity

Ψ water potential

Ψpredawn predawn water potential

Ψmiddday midday water potential







1.1 General Background

Trees growth is dependent towards its environmental condition in order to grow well and

continue to give benefits to human and it’s surrounding. Our environment consists of

biotic and abiotic factors that can contribute to the advantages or obstructions of tree

survival and success. One type of ecosystem with high stress level environment is the

trees planted in urban area. Remarkably, urban forest trees can be defined as trees that

are planted or grow nearby human activities and play important roles to the ecological

structure (Clark et al., 1997). These tree commonly used to satisfy environmental

benefits such as reducing atmospheric carbon and also the heat island effect (Akbari,


Urban trees mitigate many impacts of urban development by controlling rainfall runoff

and flooding, conserving energy, improving air quality, lowering noise levels and

enhancing attractiveness of cities (Day, 1999; Huang et al., 2013). However, trees

planted in urban areas are commonly exposed to numerous environmental stresses that

occur instantaneously. These compounding stresses can be more unfavourable to the tree

growth and survival even if stress when encountered alone. On the other hand, it has

been proven that higher plasticity attributes were found for tropical forest trees and this

can be recognized as a major advantage for the trees to adapt with various environmental

conditions in the tropics (Day, 1999). If it can adapt to the extreme conditions, we need

to figure out the qualitative description to prove the tropical trees abilities.

Hence, this study was conducted to examine the growth and physiological characteristics

of Azadiractha excelsa grown in three major stresses conditions namely soil compaction,

over-top-filling and waterlogging. There were three levels of treatments for each stress

condition used for each stress experiment imposed to the seedlings. At the end of this

experiment, conclusions were made to identify any correlation between plant growth and

internal physiological processes which can help in understanding the adaptation of

tropical trees towards environmental stresses.

Besides that, parameter comprising growth performance, biomass allocation, gas

exchange including net photosynthesis (Anet), stomata conductance (Gs), transpiration

(E), hydraulic conductance (K) and water use efficiency (WUE) can be interpreted to

determine whether the A. excelsa is able to undergo stress or not. This is because trees

express their tolerance and adaptation by observing both their growth and physiology

performances. These performances can only be examined by applying appropriate

equipment to the trees which were used throughout the experiment. As consequence, this

study expects that A. excelsa species will respond depressingly towards the imposed

stresses through the capability to alter its physiological attributes and performance that

leads to stunted tree growth.




1.2 Problem Statement

It was recognized that from an ecological perspective, urban tree ecology differs

profoundly from its natural habitats. The differences arrive from any prospective of soil

characteristics, species composition, animal association and also environmental climate.

Often ironic, species selection and composition is the deliberate choice of landscape

architects, planners, block associations contractor, and others based on the visual effects,

availability, and ultimately the cost. Thus, intriguing dilemma has been raised on the

capability of planting species to be suited with urban environment plus numerous

conditions are potentially lethal such as high soil pH, soil compaction, waterlogging, lack

of water, air pollution, and vandalism. However, serious investigation to these

environmental limits is frequently dismissed by assuming that the science is complete.

Therefore, to cover one spectrum on the urban tree stress studies, a quantitative

description on gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, hydraulic conductance, and

growth performance of A. excelsa were studied. This species was selected because it was

one of many common tree species planted along the roadside in the urban area which is

highly exposed to environmental stress. Other than that, as a fast growing species, this

species was expected to tolerate quickly towards the stresses casted upon it. The stresses

studied are soil compaction, over-top-filling and soil compaction which were applied

after the seedling acclimatized to the nursery surroundings.

Trees along highway or road side are prone to have compacted soil which occur by force

from heavy vehicles and frequent rainfall dropping to soil structure. The force can change

the structure of pores and soil particles which then give result of stunting the tree roots.

Other than that, due to inappropriate management during planting, over-top-filling of soil

above the tree collar can occur which also lead to effect tree growth. Improper drainage

management and also heavy rainfall may have caused trees to be waterlogged. In order

to survive and also to continue giving their benefits to surrounding environment, tree

respond to these stresses is by adapting and tolerating to the stresses.

The respond of internal process in a tree including in handling cell activities, controlling

enzyme and hormone as well as cell expanding will influence the efficiency of multiple

main processes of tree. The main processes involved are photosynthesis, carbon storage,

transpiration, and growth of tree parts can measure the stress level. Consequently, the

information on how this species manage the stress from physiological aspects as well as

morphological aspects can reveal on how tree respond to environmental stresses.

Through this information, management of urban landscape tree by arborists, landscape

architects and also forester will be more proficient. These observational studies of both

the environment and plants will provide limits for cultivar screenings. It can reduce the

amount of field material and possibilities on death to individual tree. Other than that,

through this baseline knowledge and approach, the appropriate procedure can be

designed for implementation on a large scale.




1.3 Research Questions

a) What are the effects on the morphological performance of A. excelsa planted in

compacted soil, over top filled and waterlogged condition?

b) How well A. excelsa does tolerates physiologically in the stress conditions?

c) By all means, how does the relationship between selected parameters can

explain the stress A. excelsa endured?

1.4 Objectives

The overall objective of this study is to determine comparatively the differences in

growth measurement and physiological characteristics of A. excelsa during the period of

six months planted in environmental stresses. The general aims are divided in several

specific objectives which are explained extensively in the experimental chapters.

1.5 Hypothesis

Thus, the hypotheses tested are

a) A. excelsa seedlings performance in morphological and physiological

characteristics decrease when planted in higher compacted soil.

b) The greater the height of soil increased above the normal collar against a

seedling’s stem, the greater would be the decline in the seedling’s performance.

c) The longer time seedlings were waterlogged, the seedling performance will






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