Units of Measure Conversions€¦ · UOM Conversion Set Workflow 15 Create a UOM Conversion Set 15...

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Transcript of Units of Measure Conversions€¦ · UOM Conversion Set Workflow 15 Create a UOM Conversion Set 15...

Units of Measure Conversions

© 2020 General Electric Company


Chapter 2: Overview 5About Units of Measure 6

About UOM Conversions 6

Access the Units of Measure Conversion Page Via Admin Navigation Menu 7

Access the Units of Measure and Conversion Set Page Via Configuration Manager 8

Chapter 3: Manage Units of Measurement 9Units of Measurement Workflow 10

Add a Unit of Measure 10

Specify Conversions Between Units of Measurement 11

Modify a Unit of Measure 12

Delete a Unit of Measure 12

Chapter 4: Manage UOM Conversion Set 13About UOM Conversion Set 14

Access the UOM Conversion Set Section 14

UOM Conversion Set Workflow 15

Create a UOM Conversion Set 15

Add the Contents to a UOM Conversion Set 15

Delete the Contents of UOM Conversion Set 16

Modify the UOM Conversion Set 16

Delete a UOM Conversion Set 17

Chapter 5: UOM Conversions Editing 18Create a Unit Group 19

Rename a Unit Group 19

Create a Units of Measure Conversion 20

Upload Units of Measure Conversions 22

Modify a Units of Measure Conversion 23

Export Units of Measure Conversions 23

ii Units of Measure Conversions

Set a Units of Measure Conversion as Default 24

Chapter 6: Release Notes 25Third Quarter of 2019 26

Second Quarter of 2018 27

First Quarter of 2018 27


Copyright GE Digital© 2020 General Electric Company.

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This document may contain Confidential/Proprietary information of and/or its suppliers or vendors. Distribution or reproduction is prohibited without permission.


Access to and use of the software described in this document is conditioned on acceptance of the End User License Agreement and compliance with its terms.

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• About Units of Measure• About UOM Conversions• Access the Units of Measure

Conversion Page Via AdminNavigation Menu

• Access the Units of Measureand Conversion Set Page ViaConfiguration Manager

© 2020 General Electric Company 5

About Units of MeasureAny numeric field in any family can have a unit of measure (UOM) associated with it. The UOM associatedwith a field characterizes the values that are stored in that field. For example, a numeric field with theUOM Feet will store values measured in feet.

The UOM functionality in Configuration Manager allows you to do four things:

• Set up the UOMs available for association with numeric fields. After you have defined UOMs, you canassociate them with numeric family fields to characterize the type of data that is stored in the fields.

• Define how one UOM will be converted to another UOM (e.g., how inches will be converted tocentimeters).

• Create UOM Conversion Sets, which are groups of UOM conversions that determine how values will bedisplayed to a certain set of users. After you have configured UOM Conversion Sets, you can associatethem with the users in your system.

• If you are using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), then you can display the UOMs for the numericvalues in an SSRS Report. Therefore, when you view an SSRS Report, you can see the value and theassociated UOM.

Note: If the query used to create the reports is in formatted mode, then only the UOM will appear inthe Reports.

◦ To display the UOM in the SSRS Report, use the following expression in the Report Designer.Fields!<nameofthefield>.FormattedValueFor example: Fields!Operating_Pressure.FormattedValue

◦ To view the report without the UOM, use the following expression in the Report Designer.Fields!<nameofthefield>.valueFor example: Fields!Operating_Pressure.Value

Note: Members of the MI APMNow Admin Security Group has full access to Units of Measure andConversions.

About UOM ConversionsUsing the Units of Measure Conversions feature, you can configure the units of measure conversions andtheir system of measure if you are a tenant admin or a user with edit permissions for units of measureconversions.

UOM conversions let you specify how one unit of measure will be converted to another unit of measure.The conversions that you define will be used to convert values stored in one UOM to another UOM fordisplay. For example, you might define a conversion for the UOM inches that will convert values stored ininches to centimeters for display.

After you have defined conversions for the UOMs in your system, you can create Conversion Sets, whichare sets of conversions that will be used by specific users. For example, if your database is configured tostore values in English Standard units and you have a group of users who would prefer to view thosemeasurements in Metric units, you could create an English-to-Metric Conversion Set and assign it to thoseusers. In this way, your database would store the English Standard values, and when the system wasaccessed by a Metric user, the English Standard values would be converted and displayed in Metric unitsto that user.

You can view and analyze data in your preferred system of measure units regardless of your location.

6 © 2020 General Electric Company

The GE Digital APM system provides a set of default UOM conversions that are used by ThicknessMonitoring. You will need to configure manually any other conversion that you want to use for creatingConversion Sets.

Note: To define how one UOM will be converted to another, both UOMs must first exist in your system.This means, before you can define the conversions for a UOM, you must first add all the units of measureto which that UOM will be converted in the list of measures. Note also that if you define a conversion fromone UOM to another UOM, you should also define a conversion from the converted UOM back to theoriginal UOM. For example, if you define for the Inches UOM a conversion to centimeters, then for theCentimeters UOM, you should define a conversion back to inches.

Access the Units of Measure Conversion Page Via AdminNavigation Menu

Using the Units of Measure Conversions page, you can add or modify unit groups and units of measureconversions.

Before You begin

You must have tenant admin permissions or specific permissions to access the Units of MeasureConversions page.


In the module navigation menu, go to Units of Measure Conversions.


The Units of Measure Conversions page appears, displaying the units of measure conversions of various

unit groups. A next to a units of measure conversion indicates that it is a user-created record.

To filter a units of measure conversion, in the page, select , and then select one of the following options:

• AllDisplays all units of measure conversions that are available in the system.

• CustomDisplays the user-created units of measure conversions.

• StandardDisplays the system-provided units of measure conversions.

Note: To view the units of measure conversions for a specific system of measure, from the filter list, selectthe respective system of measure.

To show or hide columns, in the page, select > Show/Hide Columns and then select or deselect thecheck boxes next to the column names, respectively.

Next Steps

You can add or modify unit groups and their units of measure conversions.

© 2020 General Electric Company 7

Access the Units of Measure and Conversion Set Page ViaConfiguration Manager

About This Task

The units of measure that you define for your system determine which UOMs will be available forassociating with family fields. You can manage all the UOMs in your system via the Units of Measure andConversion Set page.


In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Configuration Manager > Units of Measure andConversions.The Units of Measure and Conversion Set page appears.

8 © 2020 General Electric Company


3Manage Units of MeasurementTopics:

• Units of MeasurementWorkflow

• Add a Unit of Measure• Specify Conversions Between

Units of Measurement• Modify a Unit of Measure• Delete a Unit of Measure

© 2020 General Electric Company 9

Units of Measurement Workflow1. Define a unit of measure.2. Specify the conversions between the units of measure.3. If required, modify a Unit of Measure.4. If required, delete a Unit of Measure.

Add a Unit of Measure


1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Configuration Manager > Units of Measure andConversions.

2. Select Units of Measure.The Units of Measure appears, displaying the list of existing units of measure.

3. Select .The New Unit of Measure window appears.

4. As needed, enter the values in the following fields:

• ID: Enter the ID for unit of measurement. For example, $/day.• Default Caption: Enter a label for the UOM. This is the label you will use to create record for a

family if the datasheet contains the UOM field. For example, Dollar per Day.• Description: Enter a description of the unit of measure.• Category: Enter the category that defines the unit of measure. For example, a unit of measure as

$/day can be of a category Cost.5. Select OK.

A confirmation message appears, indicating the that the unit of measure is created. The new unit ofmeasure appears in the Units of Measure list.

Next Steps

• Specify conversions between units of measurement.• Create a UOM Conversion Set.

10 © 2020 General Electric Company

Specify Conversions Between Units of Measurement

About This Task

Note: In the following instructions, we use the term From Value to mean the UOM from which a value isbeing converted and To Value to mean the UOM to which a value is being converted.


1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Configuration Manager > Units of Measure andConversions.

2. Select Units of Measure.The Units of Measure workspace appears, displaying the list of existing units of measures.

3. Select the measure for which you want to specify conversions, and then select ConversionsThe Conversions for <Label> page appears, where <Label> is the name of the unit of measure.

4. Select .The New Conversion window appears.

5. As needed, enter the values in the following fields:

• Destination Unit of Measure (UOM): Select the unit of measure from the drop-down list that willserve as the destination of the conversion (that is the To Value).

• Base: Enter the value that should be added to the From Value before the Numerator andDenominator are applied. To specify that a value should be subtracted from the From Value, type anegative number. A Base value of 0 (zero) indicates the From Value will not be modified before theNumerator or Denominator are applied.For example, the equation to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius is C = (F - 32) / 1.8, where 32 issubtracted from the From Value before it is divided by 1.8. In this case, the Base would be -32.

• Numerator: Enter the fraction by which the From Value must be multiplied to arrive at the ToValue.For example, the equation to convert Centimeters to Inches is cm = in x 2.54. In this case, theNumerator would be 2.54 and the Denominator would be 1.

• Denominator: Enter the fraction by which the From Value must be multiplied to arrive at the ToValue.For example, The equation to convert Inches to Centimeters is in = cm / 2.54. In this case, theDenominator would be 2.54 and the Numerator would be 1. Alternatively, you could set theNumerator to 0.39 and the Denominator to 1.

• Offset: Enter the value that should be added to the From Value after the Numerator andDenominator are applied. To specify that a value should be subtracted from the From Value, typea negative number. An Offset value of 0 (zero) indicates the From Value will not be modified furtherafter the Numerator or Denominator are applied.For example, the equation to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius is F = C ? 1.8 + 32, where 32 is addedafter the From Value is multiplied by 1.8. In this case, the Offset would be 32.

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6. Select OK.The new conversion is added to the list and appear in the Conversions for <Label> page.

Modify a Unit of Measure


1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Configuration Manager > Units of Measure andConversions.

2. Select Units of Measure.The Units of Measure workspace appears, displaying the list of units of measure.

3. In the list, select the measure that you want to modify and then select .The Update Unit of Measure window appears.

4. As needed, modify the available fields.5. Select OK.

A confirmation message appears, indicating the that the unit of measure is updated.

Delete a Unit of Measure

Before You begin

• Make sure that the unit of measure is not being used in any field.

About This Task

Note: When deleting a UOM, if you delete a UOM that is being used by one or more fields, it will causethose fields to have no UOM defined.


1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Configuration Manager > Units of Measure andConversions.

2. Select Units of Measure.The Units of Measure workspace appears, displaying the list of units of measures.

3. Select the unit of measure that you want to delete, and then select .The Delete Units of Measure dialog box appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete theunit of measure.

4. Select Yes.The unit of measure is deleted and no longer appears in the list.

12 © 2020 General Electric Company


4Manage UOM Conversion SetTopics:

• About UOM Conversion Set• Access the UOM Conversion

Set Section• UOM Conversion Set Workflow• Create a UOM Conversion Set• Add the Contents to a UOM

Conversion Set• Delete the Contents of UOM

Conversion Set• Modify the UOM Conversion Set• Delete a UOM Conversion Set

© 2020 General Electric Company 13

About UOM Conversion SetA UOM Conversion Set is simply a group of UOM conversions. Each Security User will have a UOMConversion Set associated with it to determine how numeric values will be converted and displayed forthat user throughout the GE Digital APM systems. You can manage all the UOM Conversion Sets in yoursystem through the UOM Conversion Set workspace, where you can add, modify, and delete UOMConversion Sets.

UOM Conversion Sets are useful for customizing the display of numeric values for the users in yoursystem. Any numeric field can have a UOM defined for it to indicate the unit of measure for the storedvalue. The base (or stored) UOM, however, may not be appropriate for all users. For instance, some usersmay prefer to see a value that is stored in inches converted to and displayed as centimeters. Other usersmight prefer to see the same value converted to millimeters. You can allow for numeric values to beconverted to different display values for different users by defining UOM Conversion Sets.

To take advantage of this functionality, you will need to complete the following steps:

1. Define the necessary base UOMs. For example, Inches.2. For each base UOM, define all required UOM conversions. For example, for Inches, create two UOM

conversions, one for Centimeters and one for Millimeters.3. For each type of user, create an appropriate UOM Conversion Set. For example, we would create two

UOM Conversion Sets.

• Conversion Set A: From Inches To Centimeters• Conversion Set B: From Inches To Millimeters

Access the UOM Conversion Set Section

About This Task

You can manage all the UOM conversion sets in your system on the UOM Conversion Set section, whereyou can add, modify, and delete UOM conversion sets.


1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Configuration Manager > Units of Measure andConversions.

2. Select UOM Conversion Set.The UOM Conversion Set section appears.

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UOM Conversion Set Workflow1. Define UOM Conversion Set by providing an ID and Description.2. Define the contents for UOM Conversion Set.3. If required, modify the UOM Conversion Set.4. If required, delete the UOM Conversion Set.

Create a UOM Conversion SetUOM Conversion Sets are useful for customizing the display of numeric values for the users in yoursystem. Any numeric field can have a UOM defined for it to indicate the unit of measure for the storedvalue. The base (or stored) UOM, however, may not be appropriate for all users. For instance, some usersmay prefer to see a value that is stored in inches converted to and displayed as centimeters. Other usersmight prefer to see the same value converted to millimeters. You can allow for numeric values to beconverted to different display values for different users by defining UOM Conversion Sets.

Before You begin

• Create the necessary units of measure.• Specify the conversions between the units of measurement.


1. Access the UOM Conversion Set section.

2. Select .The New Conversion Set window appears.

3. In the Conversion Set ID box, enter an ID for the conversion set.4. In the Description box, enter a description of the conversion set.

The description is optional.5. Select OK.

The new UOM conversion set is created and appears in the UOM Conversion Set workspace.

Add the Contents to a UOM Conversion Set

About This TaskThe content of a Conversion Set defines how values stored in one UOM will be converted for display inanother UOM when a user uses that Conversion Set. You can modify the content of any user-definedConversion Set. You cannot modify the content of the baseline GE Digital APM Conversion Set.


1. Access the UOM Conversion Set section.2. Select the conversion set for which you want to add content.3. Select Set Content.

The Conversion in <Label> page appears, where <Label> is the name of the conversion set that youhave selected in Step 2.

4. Select .

© 2020 General Electric Company 15

The New Set Content window appears.5. To add the conversion list:

• In the From box, select the UOM that defines the stored values. The available UOMs are those forwhich the conversions are defined but not selected in the conversion set.

• In the To box, select the UOM to which values stored in the From UOM will be converted fordisplay. The available options are limited to the UOMs that are defined for the From UOMs.For example, if you have defined conversions for Inches to Feet and Inches to Centimeters, whenyou select Inches in the From column, the To column will list Feet and Centimeters.

6. Select OK.A confirmation message appears, indicating that the new conversion set is added. The new ConversionSet appears in the list on the Conversion in <Label> page.

Delete the Contents of UOM Conversion Set


1. Access the UOM Conversion Set section.2. Select the conversion set, and then select Set Content.

The Conversion in <Label> page appears, where <Label> is the name of the conversion set that youhave selected.

3. Select the content that you want to delete, and then select .The Delete Set Content dialog box appears, asking if you want to delete the set content.

4. Select OK.The set content is deleted and no longer appears in the Conversion in <Label> page.

Modify the UOM Conversion SetWhen modify the UOM Conversion Set properties, you can only edit the description of the conversion set.

Before You begin

• Create a UOM Conversion Set .


1. Access the UOM Conversion Set section.2. In the list of conversion sets, select the conversion set that you want to modify.

3. Select .The Update Conversion Set window appears, displaying the current ID and description of theconversion set.

4. As needed, modify the value in the Description box.5. Select OK.

Your changes are saved.

16 © 2020 General Electric Company

Delete a UOM Conversion Set


1. Access the UOM Conversion Set section.2. Select the conversion set that you want to delete.

3. Select .The Delete Conversion Set dialog box appears, asking if you want to delete the conversion set.

4. Select OK.The conversion set is deleted.

© 2020 General Electric Company 17


5UOM Conversions EditingTopics:

• Create a Unit Group• Rename a Unit Group• Create a Units of Measure

Conversion• Upload Units of Measure

Conversions• Modify a Units of Measure

Conversion• Export Units of Measure

Conversions• Set a Units of Measure

Conversion as Default

18 © 2020 General Electric Company

Create a Unit GroupYou can create a unit group for which you can add units of measure conversions.

Before You begin

You must have tenant admin permissions or specific permissions to access the Units of MeasureConversions page.


1. In the module navigation menu, go to Units of Measure Conversions.2. Select the Manage Conversions tab.

3. In the page, select .The Add a New Unit Group window appears.

4. In the Unit Group Name box, enter a name for the unit group.5. Select Submit.


A unit group is created. A next to the unit group indicates that it is a user-created record.

Rename a Unit GroupYou can change the name of a unit group at any given time.

Before You begin

You must have tenant admin permissions or specific permissions to access the Units of MeasureConversions page.


1. In the module navigation menu, go to Units of Measure Conversions.2. Select the Manage Conversions tab.3. Select the unit group that you want to rename.

Note: You can rename only the user-created unit groups.

4. In the section for the selected unit group, select , and then select Rename Unit Group.The Rename Unit Group window appears.

5. In the Unit Group Name box, enter the new name for the unit group, and then select Submit.


The unit group is renamed.

© 2020 General Electric Company 19

Create a Units of Measure ConversionYou can add a new units of measure conversion to a unit group.

Before You begin

You must have tenant admin permissions or specific permissions to access the Units of MeasureConversions page.


1. In the module navigation menu, go to Units of Measure Conversions.2. Select the Manage Conversions tab.3. Select the unit group for which you want to add a units of measure conversion.

The color of the selected unit group name changes to blue.

4. In the section for the selected unit group, select , and then select Add a new unit conversion .The Add New Unit Conversion window appears.

5. As needed, enter values in the available fields.Field Name Description

Default Indicates whether the units of measure is set as default.

You cannot modify this field. However, you can set a units of measure conversions asdefault in the Units of Measure Conversions page.

From UnitAliases

Defines the different unit names for the units of measure for which you want to convert the value.

The names are separated by commas (for example, kilometers, kms).

From Unit Defines the units of measure for which you want to convert the value.

For example, if you want to convert the input value from kilometers to miles,kilometers is the From unit of measure.


• The value in the From Unit field should be unique for each unit group. You cannot add the same FromUnit field value that exists in another unit group.

• Previously, the letter ‘g’ was used in Pressure to represent standard gravity unit and in Weight torepresent gram unit. Now, the letters are differentiated by font: an Arial ‘g’ is used to representstandard gravity unit, and a Calibri ‘g’ is used to represent gram unit.

To Unit Aliases Defines the different unit names for the units of measure to which the value is converted.

The names are separated by commas (for example, miles, mi).

To Unit DisplayName

Defines the units of measure to which the value will be converted.

For example, if you want to convert the input value from kilometers to miles, miles isthe To unit of measure.

The selected name appears as a unit label for the converted value.

Note: Previously, the letter ‘g’ was used in Pressure to represent standard gravity unit and in Weight torepresent gram unit. Now, the letters are differentiated by font: an Arial ‘g’ is used to represent standardgravity unit, and a Calibri ‘g’ is used to represent gram unit.

To System ofMeasure

Defines the system of measure of the To unit of measure to which the value will be converted.

Expression Defines the mathematical formula that is used to convert the value.

20 © 2020 General Electric Company

Field Name Description

Precision Defines the number of digits that should appear after the decimal point of a value based on the followingoptions:

• None

Does not change the converted value.

If you do not select a precision value, by default, None is selected.• 0

Considers only the digits before the decimal point and omits the digits after thedecimal point.

For example, if the value is 2.91 and a precision '0’ is selected, 2 is the resultantvalue.

• 1 to 10

Indicates the number of digits to be considered after the decimal point,respectively.

Based on the specified precision, zeros are added at the end of the converted valueto make the number of digits after the decimal point of the converted value matchthe precision selected. For example, if the value is 2.92 and a precision '4' isselected, then 2.9200 is the resultant value.

Rounding Defines the type of approximation of a value based on the following options and the specified precision:

• None

Does not change the converted value.

If you do not select a rounding value, by default, None is selected.• Ceiling

Increases the value to the nearest number.

For example, if the value is 2.926 and the precision is set to 2, the value will beincreased to 2.93.

• Floor

Decreases the value to the nearest number.

For example, if the value is 2.926 and the precision is set to 2, the value will bedecreased to 2.92.

Description Describes the units of measure conversion.

6. Select Submit.


The units of measure conversion is added. A appears next to it, indicating that the units of measureconversion is a user-created record.

Note: In Predix APM, when a System of Measure (SOM) is created and assigned to a user, and the userlogs in, the same SOM (also known as UOM conversion set) will be available in the Units of Measure andConversion Set page in Configuration Manager. However, user will have to manually create the unit ofmeasure conversions for the new conversion set in the Units of Measure and Conversion Set page. Forinformation on adding a units of measure conversion, see https://www.meridium.com/secure/documentation/Help/V43020/Default/Master.htm#../Subsystems/FoundationConfiguration/Content/AddContentsUOMConversionSet.htm%3FTocPath%3DAdministrative%2520User%2520Help%7CConfiguration%2520Manager%7CUnits%2520of%2520Measure%2520and%2520Conversions%7CManage%2520UOM%2520Conversion%2520Set%7C_____3.

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Example: A tenant admin creates a new SOM called Metric and creates a units ofmeasure conversion such as Centimeter to Meter and then assigns it to UserA.

When the UserA logs in to GE Digital APM, Metric will be automatically created in theUnits of Measure and Conversion Set page without the units of measureconversion. UserA must manually create the units of measure conversions such asCentimeter to Meter in the Units of Measure and Conversion Set page.

Note: This example does not apply to Legacy Predix APM.

Upload Units of Measure ConversionsYou can upload multiple units of measure conversions using the template file.

Before You begin

You must have tenant admin permissions or specific permissions to access the Units of MeasureConversions page.


1. In the module navigation menu, go to Units of Measure Conversions.2. Select the Upload Conversions tab.

Note: You must add the units of measure conversions that you want to upload to the template file. Todownload the template file, select Download Template.

While adding the units of measure conversions to the template file, you must ensure the followingconditions are met:

• None of the fields should be empty.• The order in which the fields are displayed should not be changed.• The From Unit value of a unit group must not be used in another unit group.• The To Unit and From Unit values should not have the same aliases.• The precision value should range from -1 to 10, where -1 retains the calculated value as-is.• The rounding value should be Floor, Ceiling, or None.• The units of measure conversions should be unique. Any replicated units of measure conversions

will be discarded when the file is uploaded.• Only the system of measures that are available in the system should be assigned.• The To Unit Display value should be one of the To Unit values.

The following table shows a sample data of the template file.



To Unit To UnitDisplayName











mi None (#value*0.62137119223733)


-1 None kilometers tomiles


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To Unit To UnitDisplayName









3. In the Select File to Upload box, select .4. Navigate to the folder and select the file that you want to upload, and then select Open.5. Select Upload.

ResultsThe units of measure conversions are uploaded and appear in the Manage Conversions section.

The Upload Logs section displays the following information associated with the upload of units ofmeasure conversions:

• The name of the file.• Information on the success or failure of the upload activity.• The date and time of the upload activity.• The user name of the user who initiated the action.

Modify a Units of Measure ConversionYou can modify a units of measure conversion for a unit group.

Before You begin

You must have tenant admin permissions or specific permissions to access the Units of MeasureConversions page.


1. In the module navigation menu, go to Units of Measure Conversions.2. Select the Manage Conversions tab.3. Select the row that has the units of measure conversion for which you want to modify the values, and

then select .The Edit Unit Conversion window appears.

4. As needed, modify values in the available fields, and then select Submit.

ResultsThe units of measure conversion is modified.

Note: You cannot modify or delete an existing unit aliases.

Export Units of Measure ConversionsYou can download multiple units of measure conversions to a single Microsoft Excel file.

Before You begin

You must have tenant admin permissions or specific permissions to access the Units of MeasureConversions page.

© 2020 General Electric Company 23


1. In the module navigation menu, go to Units of Measure Conversions.2. Select the Manage Conversions tab.

3. In the page, select , and then select Export.


The units of measure conversions are exported to a Microsoft Excel file.

Note: The data that is exported is determined by the All, Standard, or Custom filter that is applied.

Set a Units of Measure Conversion as DefaultYou can set only a user-created units of measure conversion as default. If the From Unit and System ofMeasure of a units of measure conversion is same as for the other units of measure conversions, only oneof them can be set as default.

Before You begin

You must have tenant admin permissions or specific permissions to access the Units of MeasureConversions page.


1. In the module navigation menu, go to Units of Measure Conversions.2. Select the Manage Conversions tab.3. Select the unit group that contains the units of measure conversion that you want to set it as default.

4. In the Default column, select .


The selected units of measure conversion is set as default.

Note: If you want to set a system-provided units of measure conversion as default, you must create thesame units of measure conversion, and then set the user-created record as default.

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6Release NotesTopics:

• Third Quarter of 2019• Second Quarter of 2018• First Quarter of 2018

© 2020 General Electric Company 25

Third Quarter of 2019

Units of Measure ConversionsThis topic provides a list of product changes released for this module on the dates listed below.

Release Date: September 27, 2019

Table 1: Resolved Issues

The following issues that existed in one or more previous versions have been resolved.

Description Tracking ID

Previously, when you converted the original UOM value to a new UOM value, the calculation was

based on the last value instead of the original value. This issue has been resolved. Now, when you

convert a UOM using the Unit of Measure Converter window, the calculation is based on the

original value.


Release Date: July 26, 2019

Table 2: Resolved Issues

The following issues that existed in one or more previous versions have been resolved.

Description Tracking ID

Previously, in the UoM field, when you searched for a converted value, the search was applied on

the original UoM data instead of the converted value in a query result. In addition, the issue data

was not filtered correctly. This issue has been resolved. Now, the search on the UoM field works

according to the User conversion set.


26 © 2020 General Electric Company

Second Quarter of 2018

Units of Measure ConversionsThis topic provides a list of product changes released for this module on the dates listed below.

Release Date: June 29, 2018

Table 3: Resolved Issues

Note Tracking ID

Previously, the Rankine to Kelvin formula was same as the Kelvin to Rankine formula. This issue

has been resolved. Now, the Rankine to Kelvin formula has been updated.


Previously, in place of mile or miles, mil or mils were used inappropriately because mile and miles

were unavailable in the system. mil and mils represent thousandth of an inch unit. This issue has

been resolved. Now, mile and miles have been added to the units of measurements and the

related formulae have been corrected.


First Quarter of 2018

Units of Measure Conversions Release Notes for March 30, 2018This topic provides a list of new and updated product features that are available for this release. It alsoprovides a list of resolved and known issues in this version of Units of Measure Conversions.

Release Information

Module Name Units of Measure Conversions

Release Date March 30, 2018

Documentation Build Date March 22, 2018

What's New or Changed in this Release

This section outlines the new or enhanced product features that are available for this release.

• You can now upload multiple units of measure conversions using a template file. To facilitate thisenhancement, the Upload Conversions section has been added to the Units of MeasureConversions page.

• You can now export multiple units of measure conversions to a single Microsoft Excel file. To facilitate

this enhancement, the Export option has been added to the options that appear when you selectin the Units of Measure Conversions page.

• You can now view the audit logs for units of measure conversions in the Audit Log Managementpage.

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