United Kingdom Automatic Control Council - STATE...

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    CONTROL OF A NONLINEAR ROBOT DIGGER ARM E.M. Shaban*, C.J. Taylor* and A. Chotai+

    *Engineering Department, +Environmental Science Department, Lancaster University, UK. Email: c.taylor@lancaster.ac.uk Fax: +44 (0) 1524381707

    Keywords: nonlinear excavator; state dependent parameters; proportional-integral-plus; model-based control.


    This paper develops a State Dependent Parameter, Proportional-Integral-Plus (SDP-PIP) control system for a 1/5th scale representation of the Lancaster University Computerised Intelligent Excavator (LUCIE). To the authors knowledge, this represents the first time that SDP-PIP methods have been applied to a practical nonlinear system. Here, the parameters of the SDP model are functionally dependent on other variables in the system. The implementation results suggest that the new algorithm offers considerable improvement over existing linear PIP designs, so providing smoother, more accurate movement of the excavator bucket.

    1. Introduction

    Previous papers have introduced the linear Proportional-Integral-Plus (PIP) controller [5, 10], in which Non-Minimal State Space (NMSS) models are formulated so that full state variable feedback control can be implemented directly from the measured input and output signals of the controlled process, without resort to the design and implementation of a deterministic state reconstructor or a stochastic Kalman filter. Over the last few years, such PIP control systems have been successfully employed in a range of practical applications, e.g. [2, 6]. To date, however, any inherent nonlinearities in the system have been accounted for in a rather ad hoc manner at the design stage, sometimes leading to reduced control performance when applied to particularly difficult, highly nonlinear systems.

    One novel research area currently being investigated in order to improve PIP control in such cases, is based on the State Dependent Parameter (SDP) system identification methodology. Here, the nonlinear system is modelled using a quasi-linear model structure in which the parameters vary as functions of the state variables [11-12]. For the closely related time variable parameter (TVP) model, the parametric rate of change is slow when compared with that of the state variables [11]. In contrast, SDP models are descriptions of

    true nonlinear systems, where the parameters are functionally dependent on other variables in the system. In this manner, SDP models can provide a description of a widely applicable class of nonlinear systems that even includes chaotic processes and systems that have previously been modelled using a bilinear approach [1].

    The linear-like, ‘affine’ structure of the SDP model means that, at each sampling instant, it can be considered as a ‘frozen’ linear system. This formulation is then used to design an SDP-PIP control law using linear system design strategies such as pole assignment or suboptimal Linear Quadratic (LQ) design. This yields SDP-PIP control systems in which the state feedback gains are themselves state dependent. Earlier simulation studies have demonstrated the feasibility of the approach [3-4]. However, the present paper applies these methods to a practical nonlinear system for the first time, namely a hydraulically controlled robot arm.

    The civil and construction industries currently deploy a large number of manually controlled plants for a wide variety of tasks within the construction process. The excavation of foundations, general earthworks and earth removal tasks are activities which involve the machine operator in a series of repetitive operations. The automation of the earth removal process is likely to provide a number of benefits such as a reduced dependence on operator skills and a lower operator work load, both of which might be expected to contribute to improvements in quality. Automation also allows for the removal of the need for a human operator when working in hazardous environments.

    In this regard, the present paper considers control of a digger arm, a 1/5th scale representation of the more widely known Lancaster University Computerised Intelligent Excavator (LUCIE), which is being developed to dig foundation trenches on a building site [2]. The 1/5th excavator provides a valuable insight into the full scale system and is used here to develop the new SDP-PIP methodology, with the aim of providing smoother, more accurate movement of the bucket. In particular, the paper compares the nonlinear SDP-PIP approach with a conventional optimal linear PIP design, through a series of robustness and disturbance tests.

    Control 2004, University of Bath, UK, September 2004 ID-059

  • 2. Linear PIP Control Design

    In order to develop a linear PIP control algorithm, a linearised representation of the system is required. Here, the small perturbation behaviour is approximated by a simple linearised transfer function model. For the purposes of the present paper, the discussion is limited to the following discrete-time system,



    k uzAzBu



    1 11








    L (1)

    where ky is the angle of the boom joint (degrees) and ku is the applied voltage, expressed as a percentage in the range -1000 to +1000. Positive and negative inputs open or close the boom joint respectively. Here, )( 1−zA and )( 1−zB are appropriately defined polynomials in the backward shift operator ikk

    i yyz −− = . For convenience, any pure time delay

    of 1>δ samples can be accounted for by setting the 1−δ leading parameters of the )( 1−zB polynomial to zero, i.e.

    011 =−δbb K .

    The present research utilises the Simplified Refined Instrumental Variable (SRIV) algorithm to estimate the model parameters [8-9]. However, an appropriate model structure first needs to be identified, i.e. the most appropriate values for the triad [ δ,, mn ]. The two main statistical measures employed to help determine these values are the coefficient of determination 2TR , based on the response error; and YIC (Young’s Information Criterion), which provides a combined measure of model fit and parametric efficiency, with large negative values indicating a model which explains the output data well, without over-parameterisation [8-9].

    It is easy to show that the model (1) can be represented by the following linear Non-Minimal State Space (NMSS) equations,





    ++= −− ,11 (2)

    where, F, g, d and h are defined by [5, 10]. The n+m dimensional non-minimal state vector kx , consists of the present and past sampled values of the input and output variables, i.e.,



    nkkkk zuu








    Lx (3)

    Here, }{ ,1 kkdkk yyzz −+= − is the integral-of-error between the reference or command input kdy , and the sampled output ky . Inherent type 1 servomechanism performance is introduced by means of the integral-of-error state kz . If the closed-loop system is stable, then this ensures that steady-state tracking of the command level is inherent in the basic design. The control law associated with the NMSS model (2) takes the usual State Variable Feedback (SVF) form,

    kku xk−= (4)

    B ( z −1 )A ( z −1 )

    K I1 − z −1

    1G (z − 1 )

    F ( z −1 )



    Figure 1. PIP control block diagram.

    where ][ 11110 Imn Kggfff −= −− LLk is the SVF control gain vector. In more conventional block-diagram terms, the SVF controller (4) can be implemented as shown in Figure 1, where it is clear that it can be considered as one particular extension of the ubiquitous PI controller, where the PI action is, in general, enhanced by the higher order forward path and feedback compensators )(1 1−zG and )( 1−zF ,
















    LL (5)

    However, because it exploits fully the power of SVF within the NMSS setting, PIP control is inherently much more flexible and sophisticated, allowing for well-known SVF strategies such as closed loop pole assignment, with decoupling control in the multivariable case; or optimisation in terms of a Linear-Quadratic (LQ) cost function of the form,

    { }∑ += ∞=0


    iiii urJ xQx (6)

    where ][ 111 mnmnnn qqqqqdiag +−++= KKQ is a diagonal state weighting matrix and r is an additional scalar weight on the input. The resulting SVF gains are obtained recursively from the well known Algebraic Riccati Equation (ARE) – see equation (10) below.

    3. Nonlinear SDP-PIP Control Design

    The research is based on the identification of stochastic models with state dependent parameters (SDP). The idea of using such models to represent nonlinear dynamic systems goes back to Young [7], who showed how the forced logistic growth equation could be represented, identified and estimated in SDP form. However, the practical development of these ideas is of a more recent origin, see e.g. [11-12].

    The state dependent parameters are estimated using recursive filtering and fixed interval smoothing algorithms, coupled with Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation of the hyperparameters. For brevity, the present paper does not review these approaches: see [11] and the references therein for details. Note, however, that all these statistical tools and associated estimation algorithms have been assembled as the CAPTAIN toolbox within the Matlab® software environment (www.es.lancs.ac.uk/cres/captain). The 2nd author can be contacted for further details about this toolbox.

    For the purposes of the present research, the SDP model takes a similar structural form to equation (1), but with the following state dependent polynomials,

    Control 2004, University of Bath, UK, September 2004 ID-059

  • ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) mkmkkk















    1, (7)

    where ( )1, −zA kk χ and ( )1, −zB kk χ are the time varying equivalents of )( 1−zA and )( 1−zB . Note, however, that the variation of the parameters is assumed to arise due to their dependency on the states. In particular, the notation indicates that the parameters are nonlinear functions of the vector χ k where, in general, χ k is defined in terms of any measured variables. The application of such SDP models within a control context, leads naturally to controller gains that are also state dependent. The main advantage of such a system is its applicability to general linear systems theory, so that conventional SVF design procedures can be exploited in the design of the SDP-PIP controller.

    For example, an SDP-NMSS representation is based on equation (2), but with the constant parameters replaced by their state dependent equivalents, i.e.,





    =++= −−−− 1111 (8)

    Assuming that this SDP-NMSS system ],,,[ hdgF kk is globally defined and fully controllable for all k , then there exists a valid vector of state dependent feedback gains kk , that will form the following SVF control law,

    kk xu kk−= (9) Here, the control vector kk is itself state dependent and is obtained recursively at each sample using the ARE. For the sake of simplicity, the ‘frozen parameter’ system [ kF′ , kg′ ], defined as a single sample member of the family of [ kF , kg ] is utilised in this analysis [4]. In this case, the matrix P is a time invariant symmetrical positive-definite matrix solution of the ARE,

    ( )[ ]kiTkkiTkkkkk



    r FPggPggFM








    Here, the initial value n)(i+P is set equal to Q. Once the value of the positive-definite matrix P is obtained from (10), the value of state dependent gains are determined from,

    [ ] kTkkTkk r FPggPgk 1−+= (11) with ]..........[ ,,1,1,1,1, kIkmkknkkok Kggfff −= −−k . The state dependent SVF controller described by (10) and (11) is implemented on-line in a similar manner to Figure 1, but with time variable feedback terms.

    4. Application to the Robot Arm

    The SRIV algorithm combined with the YIC and 2TR identification criteria discussed above, reveal that a first order model with two samples time delay provides the best estimated model and most optimum fit to the data across a wide range of operating conditions, i.e.,

    kk uzazby 11


    1 −−

    += (12)

    where ky is the angle of the 1/5th excavator boom joint and

    ku is the applied voltage scaled from -1000 to 1000. For example, in a typical ‘boom opening’ experiment with

    500=ku , the SRIV algorithm yields 11 −=a and 015.02 =b ; while in a ‘boom closing’ experiment with 500−=ku , the SRIV algorithm gives 0233.02 =b . Here, it

    should be pointed out that the SRIV algorithm is utilised with 1a fixed a priori at -1, so that only the numerator parameter

    is estimated. This is because the arm always acts like an integrator, i.e. there is no movement when the input is zero. This assumption is supported by an initial modelling study, which usually returns 1a close to unity. Furthermore,

    01915.02 =b yields the best fit for the full range of positive and negative applied voltages. In other words, the linear model (12) represents the ‘average’ behaviour of the nonlinear system, and yields the most robust linear PIP control performance found to date.

    In this case, the linear NMSS equations are given by (2) with [ ]Tkkkk zuyx 1−= . Finally, trial and error experimentation

    at this operating point suggests that setting ]50013000[diag=Q and 1.0=r yields a suitably fast

    PIP-LQ algorithm. At this juncture, it is important to stress that the linear model (12) is only applicable for small perturbations close to a given operating point. Since the present example is effectively an integrator, such ‘small perturbations’ actually refer to an angular velocity, i.e. the rate of change of the boom angle, and the associated input voltage. In practice, larger applied voltages yield a disproportionate (nonlinear) change in the velocity and different responses are obtained when the booms opens or closes.

    In fact, SDP analysis of this system suggests that a more appropriate nonlinear model form is instead given by,

    ( )( )

    ( )( ) kkk


    kkk u













    +== (13)

    Here, the polynomials are both functions of the lagged input variable 2−ku , as illustrated in Figure 2. In particular, the state dependent parameters are defined by,














    uua (14)

    Note that Figure 2 is utilised to identify the shape of the parameter state dependencies. The final stage of the analysis is usually to numerically optimise the coefficients of the nonlinear model directly from measured data [11]. The coefficients (14) are obtained from such an analysis. Figure 3 shows the simulation fit of the optimised SDP model, where

    =2TR 0.892. By contrast, with 11 −=a and 01915.02 =b , the linear model (12) does not return meaningful results.

    Control 2004, University of Bath, UK, September 2004 ID-059

  • 0 100 200 300 400-1











    0 100 200 300 4000.01







    or [b


    0 2 4 6 8 10

    x 105








    -1000 -500 0 500 10000.01




    uk-2 Figure 2. Left hand side: SDP model parameters plotted

    against sample number. Right hand side: estimated )( 21 −kua (top) and )( 22 −kub (bottom) plotted

    against the state (lagged input variable).

    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450-100







    put A


    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450-1000







    t Dem


    Figure 3. SDP modelling of the 1/5th digger arm. Top: experimental data (dots) and SDP model simulation

    response (thick). Bottom: input voltage.

    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000











    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000









    IP R



    Figure 4. Monte Carlo simulation comparing linear

    PIP (top) and nonlinear SDP-PIP (bottom).

    The associated SDP-PIP gain vector (11) is given by,


    = −−








    kTk u

    uk (15)

    An initial simulation study, based on the identified models, reveals little difference between these linear PIP and nonlinear SDP-PIP algorithms in the case of disturbance rejection and basic command tracking. However, Monte Carlo analysis does suggest that the SDP-PIP design is more robust to model uncertainty, as illustrated in Figure 4. Here,

    2b is chosen randomly from a probability distribution in the range 75% to 180% of its linear value. As would be expected, the SDP-PIP design performs better in this case, since the algorithm automatically updates the control parameters (15) as a function of the current state.

    5. Implementation

    Typical implementation results for the boom arm are illustrated in Figure 5, where it is clear that the SDP-PIP design is more robust than the linear PIP design to large steps in the command level and yields a considerably smoother control input signal. The control gains are shown in Figure 6, which compares the time varying (state dependent) gains in the SDP-PIP case with the fixed gain, linear PIP design.

    6. Conclusions

    The present paper has developed a State Dependent Parameter, Proportional-Integral-Plus (SDP-PIP) boom angle control system for a 1/5th scale representation of the Lancaster University Computerised Intelligent Excavator (LUCIE). To the authors knowledge, this represents the first practical implementation of a controller based on SDP nonlinear system identification methods. Here, the nonlinear behaviour of the system is built into the SDP-PIP algorithm at the design stage.

    Implementation results suggests that the new nonlinear SDP-PIP algorithm offers considerable improvement over existing linear designs, so providing smoother, more accurate movement of the excavator bucket. The complete bucket position control system, based on solving the system kinematics and also controlling the dipper joint, is presently being developed by the authors.

    The SDP methodology applies to a very wide class of nonlinear and chaotic systems [11], presaging the likely utility of the approach for other problems.

    Control 2004, University of Bath, UK, September 2004 ID-059

  • 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200-20









    0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200-1000









    t Dem


    Figure 5. On-line control of the robot digger arm. Top: Linear

    PIP (thin trace), nonlinear SDP-PIP (thick trace) and boom angle command input (dashed). Bottom: control input, where the linear controller is again shown as the thin

    (oscillatory) trace.

    0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 20042










    n [f o


    0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2000.7







    t gai

    n [g 1


    Figure 6. Linear PIP (horizontal trace) and SDP-PIP (time

    varying traces) control gains utilised in Fig. 5.


    The authors are grateful for the support of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.


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    Control 2004, University of Bath, UK, September 2004 ID-059