UNITED EVENING SERVICES: NEW ROW … · God’s love and goodness to us during the past week. ......

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Transcript of UNITED EVENING SERVICES: NEW ROW … · God’s love and goodness to us during the past week. ......


Minister: Rev. Robert McMullan Pastoral Assistant: Rev. David Johnston Assistant: Mr. Jonny McKane Church Worker: Mrs. Rosie Dickie

Welcome to our service. As we prepare for worship, let us quietly take time to reflect on all

God’s love and goodness to us during the past week. In response let us praise Him with

thankful, grateful hearts. May He watch over and keep you in the days ahead

Please join us in The Link for tea and coffee after our morning

service. Visitors very welcome

11.00 a.m.

Morning Service Jonny McKane

Series: Living in Light of the Bible

#19 “A Forward Looking Faith”

Liz Kennedy Linda Dallas Kay Williamson

6.30 p.m.

Evening Service in The Link

Rev. Drew Abernethy Theme: 'We are not afraid!'

Chris & Diane Murdock

1 Thessalonians 4:14-15

For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the

coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep.



All services commence 6.30 p.m.


July: First Coleraine

9th July: New Row


July: Terrace Row


July: First Coleraine


July New Row

6th August Terrace Row

13th August: First Coleraine

20th August: New Row

27th August: Terrace Row

4th September First Coleraine, United Communion Service


£31,203.17 (at 31st May 2017)

March April May

Standing Orders £1,270 £1,220 £2,320

Monthly Envelopes £2.618 £2,889.50 £3,452.50

Other Donations: Nil

LOAN ACCOUNT; - £460,022.42.

Please spend a few moments in prayer just before our service commences; for Jonny as he brings God’s word to us this morning, and for Drew this evening - pray for hearts to be open to what God is saying and for lives to be changed


Rev. Dr Noble McNeely as he commences his term as Moderator. Pray that God will give wisdom when he

speaks, safety in all his travels and grace to meet the demands and responsibilities of the office

Robert and Christine on holiday, pray that they will have a period of rest and refreshments and enjoy

family time together

Our New Westminster Government, asking God to give wisdom and guidance in the many difficult

decisions they must make regarding the economy, relationships with Europe, security and terrorism. Pray for Christians in Parliament that they will that they will be an influence for all that is right, moral,

true and just.

Our Northern Ireland politicians, pray that they will work to resolve differences, and work together for the

common good of all communities

Those who have received a life changing diagnosis pray that they will know in a special way the grace and

presence of God as they face days of anxiety and uncertainty,

Our congregation to grow grace; in knowledge and truth of God’s word; to be salt and light in our town;

to Christ like in our love and character

New Row Presbyterian Church Registered Charity in Northern Ireland (NIC105351)

SUNDAY 11th JUNE 2017

Carolyn Hardy Linda Dallas Neil Morrison

DROP IN - VOLUNTEER ROTA Tuesday 13th June

Aubrey Beggs Denis Bannerman Jenny Kirk Rosie Dickie

The volunteer rota is currently being drawn up for July and August. If you are able to help on

any Tuesday morning throughout July and August please speak to Aubrey, Evan, Lorraine

or Neil, or see the sign up sheet in the Link.


6.30 p.m. Evening Service

Rev. Denis Bannerman in The Link

Hilary Steele & Rosemary Lyttle

Donations to the work of The Society can be made using

the envelopes provided in the pews and returning via the offering plates during June Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27

Come and have your “Morning Special”

at our

Coffee, Company and Chat

10.30 am. to 12 noon in The Link


Alan and Tracey Johnston, Italy

David and Pamela McCullagh, Malawi

Arthur Parke, Benin

Adam McCready SU North Coast Worker

Now available in The Vestibule and The Link


A small team has been tasked with the

publication of a small in house newsletter for

distribution to homes 3-4 times a year

If you like to help with typing, photocopying,

setting etc.

please contact: Gareth Steele

11.00 a.m. Morning Service Jonny McKane

Living in Light of the Bible #20 “Soul or Body”

Commissioning of

Dean McMullin and Matthew Beggs for service with Exodus Summer

Mission Teams

Join us for “Special Treats” at our Tea and Coffee after our Service Fund Raiser for Dean McMullin’s

Exodus Team


The Link 7.30 p.m.- 8.30 p.m.

Please join with us we bring the needs of

our church family and wider work of PCI to God in prayer - topics provided

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY during Robert’s absence please contact,

in the first instance, Jonny McKane 70312574 (H) 07719744467 (M)

OR Adrian Cochrane 70354251 (H) 07340207652 (M)



outback supper

with meet Downhill Forest @ 7.00 pm Warm and waterproof clothing advisable.

Cost £4 ……… Names to Rosie please

WANTED Flannelette Sheets

Please contact Maggie Wade

1 My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness; no merit of my own I claim, but wholly trust in Jesus' name.

On Christ, the solid rock, I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

2 When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; in every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds and will not fail.

On Christ, the solid rock, I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

3 His oath, His covenant and His blood support me in the rising flood; when all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.

On Christ, the solid rock, I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

4 When the last trumpet's voice shall sound, O may I then in Him be found, clothed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne!

On Christ, the solid rock, I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

Edward Mote, 1797-1874

Altered Reproduced from The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook C ROM edition, number 515



“FUN with


with Paul Logan

7.30 pm sharp Heather Burns’s house 232 Windyhill Road Names please to Rosie, COST: £3 each






New Row Presbyterian Church

CCLI Licence No 1141


Welcome and Announcements

This is the Gospel

Praise: Creation sings the Fathers Song


Praise: For the cause of Christ the King

Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, page 1188 read by Mike Dickie

Up Front

Praise: Hymn 544: Jesus is greater than the Greatest Heroes


Prayers of Intercession led by Hilary Steele

Praise: Hymn 651: Days of Elijah

Sermon: Living in Light of the Gospel #19 “A Forward Looking Faith”

Praise: Hymn 515: My Hope is built on nothing Less


1 These are the days of Elijah,

declaring the word of the Lord;

and these are the days of your servant, Moses,

righteousness being restored.

And though these are days of great trial,

of famine and darkness and sword,

still we are the voice in the desert crying,

'Prepare ye the way of the Lord.'

Behold, He comes riding on the clouds,

shining like the sun at the trumpet call;

lift your voice, it's the year of jubilee,

out of Zion's hill salvation comes.

2 These are the days of Ezekiel,

the dry bones becoming as flesh;

and these are the days of your servant, David,

rebuilding a temple of praise.

These are the days of the harvest,

the fields are as white in the world,

and we are the labourers in Your vineyard,

declaring the word of the Lord.

Behold, He comes riding on the clouds,

shining like the sun at the trumpet call;

lift your voice, it's the year of jubilee,

out of Zion's hill salvation comes.

Robin Mark Reproduced from The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook CD-ROM edition, number 651 Words and Music: (c) 1996 Daybreak Music Ltd, PO Box 2848, Eastbourne, East Sussex. BN20 7XP All rights reserved.<info@daybreakmusic.co.uk> International copyright secured

1 Jesus is greater than the greatest heroes, Jesus is closer than the closest friends. He came from heaven and He died to save us, to show us love that never ends.

2 Son of God and the Lord of glory, He's the light; follow in His way. He's the truth that we can believe in, and He's the life, He's living today.

Gillian E. Hutchinson. Reproduced from The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook CD-ROM edition, number 544 Words and Music: (c) 1992 Sea Dream Music

1. “For the cause of Christ the King We give our lives, an offering ’Til all the earth resounds With ceaseless praise To the Son

2. For the cause of Christ we go With joy to reap, with faith to sow As many see And many put their trust in the Son

Christ we proclaim, The Name above every name: For all creation, Ev’ry nation, God’s salvation Through the Son!

3. For the King once lifted high To cries of rage, of ‘crucify!’ Endured the cross As every sin was laid On the Son

4. To the King who conquered death To free the poor and the oppressed For lasting peace For life and liberty In the Son

Christ we proclaim,

5. Let it be my life’s refrain: To live is Christ, to die is gain; Deny myself, take up my cross And follow the Son (Repeat verse)

Christ we proclaim, (repeat last chorus)

Words and Music by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townned. Copyright 2016 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) and Townend Songs (PRS)

1 Creation sings the Father's song; He calls the sun to wake the dawn And run the course of day Till evening falls in crimson rays. His fingerprints in flakes of snow, His breath upon this spinning globe, He charts the eagle's flight; Commands the newborn baby's cry.

Hallelujah! Let all creation stand and sing, "Hallelujah!" Fill the earth with songs of worship; Tell the wonders of creation's King.

2 Creation gazed upon His face; The ageless One in time's embrace Unveiled the Father's plan Of reconciling God and man. A second Adam walked the earth, Whose blameless life would break the curse, Whose death would set us free To live with Him eternally.

Hallelujah! Let all creation stand and sing, "Hallelujah!" Fill the earth with songs of worship; Tell the wonders of creation's King.

3 Creation longs for His return, When Christ shall reign upon the earth; The bitter wars that rage Are birth pains of a coming age. When He renews the land and sky, All heav'n will sing and earth reply With one resplendent theme: The glories of our God and King

Hallelujah! Let all creation stand and sing,

Words and Music by Keith and Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend

Copyright © 2008 Thankyou Music