Unit5 rural marketing

Post on 29-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Unit5 rural marketing












Why should we do this course? Why should we do this course?

Agriculture’s share in GDP is going down, but, India still lives Agriculture’s share in GDP is going down, but, India still lives

in her villages in her villages

Urban markets are crowded and saturated Urban markets are crowded and saturated

The understanding of “rural” is diffused and sometimes The understanding of “rural” is diffused and sometimes

confusing confusing

Is “rural marketing” different from “urban marketing” ?Is “rural marketing” different from “urban marketing” ?

Session Coverage Session Coverage

Rural India – Some definitional issues Rural India – Some definitional issues

Phases/ stages in rural marketingPhases/ stages in rural marketing

Scope of rural marketing Scope of rural marketing

How is rural India changing?How is rural India changing?

Schools of thought- Approaches to Rural Markets Schools of thought- Approaches to Rural Markets

Strategic Issues & Directions in rural marketing Strategic Issues & Directions in rural marketing

What is Rural

Government agencies like IRDA (Insurance RegulatoryAnd Development Agency and NCAER (National Councilfor applied Economic Research) define Rural as villageswith a population <5000 with 75% male population engagedIn agriculture etc”

Concept of Rural from the perspective of marketing has Indeed been dynamic.- gradually changed over the timesWas not India a so called Village/Rural for the world a couple of decades back


Towns are actually rural areas but satisfyThe following criteriaMinimum Population>=500075% of the mail population engaged inNon –agri activity

RB1 Location with population up to 10000 Considered Rural Semi Urban 10000 to 100000

NABARDAll locations upto a population of 10000Will be considered Rural


All locations having shops/establishments’Upto 10000 (not population related) areTreated as Rural

LG Elect.The rural and semi urban area is definedAs all cities other than major metros

NABARD National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Dev

What is Rural Marketing

Developing of the market in the area as defined as RuralHence it could be aptly said that it encompasses the Activities such as developing the process to meet thisObjective – Right product at the right price to the right peopleat the right time. Exchange between rural and Urban is aFactor . Could be Urban to Rural: Rural to Urban, Rural to Rural

Reasons for Going Rural

Size of the market

Largely Untapped

Too crowded Urban Market

Income on the rise/disposable income

Income from other than agriculture

Income flow from urban /abroad

Better exposure - mediaGreat success storiesHLL 50%Colgate 50%LG 50%Asian Paints 60%Dabur 40%Videocon 40%Cadbury’s 25%Hero Honda 40%Sorce ORG Marg and Fransis Kanoi

Points to Note with Regard to Rural Markets

Extremely Diverse Market Villages – Size, Population, Spread, Income Literacy levels , awareness level, languages

Urban Market – scope and saturation

Flow of funds – from Urban National /International

Literacy levels on the rise

Media Penetration

Encouraging Indicators/Initiatives for Rural Market Growth

Scientific methods – major impetus to Production of food grains

Export on the rise – Increase in agriculture and handicrafts

Initiatives taken by banks for more branches and Kisan credit card to buy seeds, fertilizers, consumer goods on installment basis

Reputed Companies helping in changing lifestyles – Levers Britania ,Dabur, LG, Honda,Videocon

Media creating an impact-creating awareness levels

Government Policies – White Revolution – Milk products Yellow Revolution (poultry and edible oils) Blue Revolution – Aqua culture

Employment Schemes – JRY(Jawahar Rojgar Yojna, PMRY,Small Industries Training,

Rural Electrification, Spend on Health and Sanitation, Medical and Health, Primary Education,

Credit card for farmers

Waiver of Loans

Initiatives by leading organization in spreading awareness Hindustan Levels Shakti, ITC Reliance etc

Move to Rural Market …encouraging Data

Rural India buys

Soft Drinks approx 45% of all soft drinksAlmost 50% motor cyclesApprox 55% of cigarettesHalf the total market for TV, Fans, pressure cooker, bicycles Washing soap, tea, blades, salt, toothpowder

Coca Cola is growing over 35% in Rural areas compared to Over 22 % in Urban

According to Hasna Research , a market research farm thatHas published a Guide to Indian Markets 2006Consumer durables in Indian Villages risen sharplyTV Sales up by 200%Motorcycle by 77%

There are 3000 households in rural area that earn > 50 lakhs





Low per capita income

Low disposable income

Inadequate fixed income(daily wages)

Majority – depends on AgriculturalIncomeAcute dependence on monsoonConsumption linked to harvest

Infrastructure problemsRoads, power

Low awareness

Communication- difficult & expensive

Too many languages

Geographic Spread

Digging for Diamond

Urban & Rural Markets

Per capita Income

Disposable Income

Literacy levels



Geographical Spread

Customer has many choices

Key Differences

Profile of the Rural Consumer

Profile of the Rural Consumer

>Low Literacy Level>Low Income Level>Massive Geographic Spread Urban population concentrated 3200 cities town Rural scattered over 630000 villages >Reference Group Health Workers Doctors Teachers Panchayat Members

Rural Bank Managers District Managers

Occupation – Principal Farming Trading Handicrafts Cattle & Poultry Farming>Media Habits Fond of music T.V Radio Video Films

Generally they have a lot of reservation/inhibition rigid in their behaviour


The Affluent Class

The Middle Class


How does an individual decide to spread hisAvailable resources (time,money effort) onConsumption-related products.

That is – what they buy why they buy when they buy where they buy it how often they buy it how often they use it



Well Off

Very Rich

Simple Model of Rural Consumer Behaviour

Need Recognition

Pre Purchase Search

Evaluation of Alternatives

Purchase Decision

Post purchase behaviour

Factors that Influence Rural Behaviour

StimuliInputs to any sensesProductsPackageCommercialsBrand imageReferenceInformation cues about the characteristics of the product

Perception Depends on

Exposure InterpretationEg IFB had not adequately Educated farmers about the Washing machine-they thought It was a churn for making large quantities of lassi (prosperous village of Punjab)

Iodex – muscular painReliever used on animalsAfter hard days work in MPGodrej hair dye on BuffaloesTo make them look better inVillage haats in Raichur

Attitude>Consumer beliefConsumer feelings








4 Ps 4 As

Promotion Awareness

Price Affordable

Product Acceptable



Marketing Research is a formalized means of obtainingInformation to be used in making marketing decisions

Market research

Issue Information Required to address

Design Method of Collecting Information

Manage The data collection process

Analyze The results

Communicate Finding and implication







Primary Sources

Retail shops/STD booths

Tea Stalls


Chaupals (meeting point old/middle aged/ influential)

Haats & Melas

Influence GroupSecondary Sources

Government website www.censusindia.com www.indiastat.com www agroindia.com

Private bodies (market research advertising agencies Indian Market Research Bureau Thompson Rural Index Guide to Rural Markets Publications

Tool Kits Used for Rural Market Research

Tool Kits Used for Rural Market Research


Color Wheel Same Color – Different shades

Different Color

Happy ………Sad

Number of Coins


Playing Cards




Build Rapport - ***

Greet – need to be informal

Speak local language

Do not jump to survey –speak of other matters of interest

Gradually lead to the objective of the interview

Explain the benefit of the survey – how it will gain

Interviewer should be aware of the rural area

Never make the respondent uneasy – if he offers tea do not refuse

Remember …



SEGMENTATION Very Varied –hence proper segmentation very essentialGeographic:Region North, East, West and SouthVillage sizeClimate

DemographicAgeFamily SizeGenderIncomeOccupationEducationCaste

Psychographics (consists of psychological: sociology: anthropological)Lifestyle Rigid ,changing attitude, urban influencePersonality Authoritarian, Ambitious

BehavioralOccasions Regular, special occasionBenefits User status regular user, first time user, non userUsage rate Light, medium, heavyLoyalty None, medium, strongAttitude to ) positive, negative, hostileProduct )

Different variables could be used.. multilevel segmentation

Class Rural Consumer Classification1995-96 2006=2007

The Affluent/Very Rich Households owning 1.60% 5.60%

personal cars/jeep with other products

The Well Off Household owning any/all of the foll. 2.70% 5.80%

A.C/Motorcycle/scooter/washing m/c

color TV with other durable (No car/jeep)

The Climbers Households owning any/all of the foll 8.30% 22.40%

VCR/VCP,mixer grinder sewing m/c

audio equip, B/W TV,geyser with other durables

(not those mentioned in above 2 categories)

The Aspirants Households owning any/all of the foll26.00

% 44.60%

bicycle,electric fans, electric iron with other durab

(not those mentioned in above 3 categories)

The Destitutes/Poor Households other than those classified above61.40

% 20.20%

Households owning any/all of the foll

wristwatch,pressure cooker,cassette recorder


Source - NCAER


Select the Target MarketEvaluate the MarketEvaluate the Segment size growth rate profitability accessible compatible with firm’s resources & capabilities

Easy Hard



Ease of Implementation

Value to Rural Customer


>Select Target Segment

>Formulate Market a marketing strategy for the target market


One shoe fits all !!!! …….

Everything for Everyone !!!

It is “Something for Someone”

How to Position

USP of the product – uniqueness of the productSpecial needs – either address partially/ unaddressedNoticeable gap in the products availablePositioning Concept

Study the possible motives of the rural customerThen figure out how to appeal to them(USP, Price Quality Uses, Class, Culture etcSelect & Develop the Concept

Bridge gap between the product and the target market.

Communicate the ConceptAdvertise and Reach (Media)

Offer ProductAfter STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning)Post Sales Feedback & After Sales Service






New Entrant

Company starts Rural Market first & then ventures in Urban Market

(eg Cavin Kare Chik & Meera Shampoo)Mid- Entrant

Company starts Rural Market after success in Urban Market

(eg HLL, LG)

Late - Entrant

Company starts Rural Market after success in Urban Market for long

(eg Cadbury)RGA


Purpose the market




Profile the Rural Market

Profile the Consumer

Market Behaviour & MR

Segmentation Targeting Positioning---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Rural Product

Rural Pricing

Rural Distribution

Rural Sales Force Management

Rural Communication

Monitor the Rural Strategy

Feedback & Control




DEVELOPMENTAL MARKETINGDevelopmental marketing is a process through whichawareness is created

>could be demonstration>could be presentation>Free samples>could be through up eg tie up with Bank tie up with Petrol/Diesel pumps (Hyundai did with IOC and PNB and SBI subsidiaries >30% sale of Hyundai from Rural/Semi Urban areas)Awareness



Post-Purchase Satisfaction

Colgate – program Operation Jagruti Switch from Charcoal to Colgate tooth powder

HLL - Free samples of LifebuoyCavin Kare – Free sample of Chik Champoo

Marico Industries – Parachute coconut oil“Sudhata ki pehchan” –smell to differentiate between real and spurious






Rural Product

Product to be marketed with the requirements of the Rural Consumer should not be an extension of urban offerings(Philips launched Free Power Radio – does not requireBattery/electricity you wind it with a lever and radio runsFor approximately 30 min.





FMCG(HLL, Dabur, Marico, Colgate=PalmoliveCoke, Pepsi)

Consumer Durables TV ,Fridge, Fan, Presssure Cooker,Cycle, Two wheelers, Sewing machines,watch, mixer grinder, radio, music system, Fans, Washing machines(Philips, LG, Videocon, Onida )

Services Telecom, Banking, Health care ,Insurance (Airtel, BSNL, SBI, PNB,Dena bank,)

Agri-inputsSeeds, pesticides, tractors (Rallis India, Bayer,)




Take Off



Points to note

Rural Products

Easy to Use After sales supportConveniently packed- success of SachetsProduct literature to be simpleHave a logo – easy to identify eg Thums Up

Rural Packaging

Packaging material –plastics, poly packs, unbreakable materialsLooks - attractive colors (like all tea companies)Size and convenience- small is beautifulRural Branding

1. Brand Name 2 Create Brand Identity3 Enhance Recognition 4 Build a Brand Image5 Countering Spurious brands Look alike Spell alike Duplicates

Enhancing Brand Strategies with Social PerspectiveSoaps for HygieneCooking gas for environmentCreating need by more awareness

Partnering with a long term perspective requires total belief andCommitment - to the people, to the processes, to their own employee.Need to work for a cause – ITC, Hindustan Petroleum, HLL , Colgate Palmolive , Several Banks are a few such examples


Pricing In Rural Market plays a key role in the success of a product


Have a long run perspective

Idea is to penetrate first Increase Volume Make using the product a habit Volumes to take care of the Margins Keep eye on Competition Price

The following may help in addressing the issue Low cost –less amount (small packages- sachets) Simple but colorful packaging – eg. success of biscuits Refill packs Value engineering – eg soya protein in place of milk protein


1. Cost –Plus Pricing = cost of product +distribution +profit2. Value Pricing (VFM-Value for Money) High Benefit3. Power Price – eg Re 1, Rs 2, 3, 5,104. Penetration Price – Introduce at low and hike price after

success5. Differential Pricing –Different price for different market 6. Price Gap – Comp prices – range


Physical Distribution Channel of Distribution


Warehousing Communication


Transportation Railways, Roads ,Waterways, Animals

Communication ITC using internet, Mobile users by fisherman

Warehousing (Three Tier Rural Warehousing Set Up)Central/State Warehousing

CooperativesRural Godowns


Geographical Spread

Dealers are few – hence required to bank on a number of resources

Financial Viability

Inadequate Bank and Credit Facilities


Rely on Private Village Shops

Supply Chain Stores

Rural Super Market

Small companies tie up with large companies – Leverage/Syndicate Distribution network of Marico to sell Tide by P&G

Satellite Distribution






















D-dealerSD- Sub DealerR-Retailer













Have Empathy






Willingness to work in Rural Areas

Adopting to cultural differences

Down to earth approach

Fluent in local language

Developmental approach – Create not only Communicate

Common to bothUrban & Rural Sales person

Additional traits for making it Big in Rural Areas

The Success of Organizations depends on lot on the Sales Force

They are the face of the Organization – the Ambassador

They are the ones who have direct interaction with

The Potential Consumer/Customer The Users The Dealers The Distributors The Retailers

They are a major link to the chain and establish the link

They are the ones who help in building Trust

They need to break the rigid ideas and preconceived notions


Effective Communication goes a long way in establishing the rightMessages and thereby more interaction with Potential CustomersCommunication, however, is not complete if there is no feedbackIt is very important to re enforce messages in Rural areas

Factors Affecting Rural Communication

Literacy level

Media Habits

Traditional approach

High resistance – more so initially

Lavish at occasions (eg Marriage)

Purchasing power also depending on weather- the crops

Inequitable distribution of wealth

Too many languages



Mass Media(Conventional)

Traditional Media(Non Conventional)

T.V /Cable networkSatellite Channels




Word ofMouthVideo onWheels

Puppet Shows

Folk Theatre/Opera


Haats and Mela

Wall painting

Post card and posters

Booklets/CalendarAdvantages>Excellent ReachLess expensive ,wider coverage

DisadvantagesAt times unnecessary coverageNo customized messages

Companies using this mediumLevers, Onida, VideoconMahindra Tractors, Eveready

Advantages>High involvementHigh InterestLocalized administered at low cost

DisadvantagesCoverageRepeat /Re enforcementSkill of performer

Companies using this mediumBajaj, Levers, HUL, ITC

You are the Marketing Director of A Company dealing in Consumer Durables (TV, Fridge, Washing Machine Music System, Microwave etc).

Your business has been growing steadily in theUrban Market – however, you are aware that theBusiness will grow manifold if you also cater to theRural market. (Present growth rate has been 8%. You are targeting a growth of 14%)

Present your case to the Managing Director and theBoard – How you intend going achieving the desiredObjective – with your plans for opening up theRural Market

Take into account the followingThe Target AudienceThe Product propositionDistribution Strategies and Sales ForecastPricing StrategiesPromotional Strategies

How the above strategies will help in achieving the Business Objectives.

While making the presentation – you need to be clear on1. Why you chose to launch the particular product2. Why did you chose the particular location (Opportunity Assessment)

Defining Rural India Defining Rural India

Organisation Organisation Definition Definition Limitations Limitations

NSSO NSSO ( Census) ( Census)

Population density < 400 / Sq Km Population density < 400 / Sq Km 75 percent of the male working population is 75 percent of the male working population is engaged in agriculture engaged in agriculture No Municipal corporation / board No Municipal corporation / board

rural not defined rural not defined

Planning Planning Commission Commission

Towns upto 15,000 population are considered Towns upto 15,000 population are considered rural rural

Town characteristics Town characteristics not defined not defined

Cont’d Cont’d

LG Electronics LG Electronics All places other than the 7 All places other than the 7 metros metros

Only clarifies what are the Only clarifies what are the cities cities

NABARD NABARD All locations with a All locations with a population upto 10, 000 population upto 10, 000 considered “ rural” considered “ rural”

Village & town Village & town characteristics not defined characteristics not defined

Sahara Sahara Commercial establishments Commercial establishments located in areas servicing less located in areas servicing less than 1000 population than 1000 population

Population characteristics Population characteristics unknown unknown

Source: The Rural Marketing Book- Text & Practice, Kashyap. P and Raut. S ( 2007)

Defining Rural Marketing Defining Rural Marketing

National Commission on National Commission on Agriculture Agriculture

NGOs NGOs Corporate Rural Marketing Corporate Rural Marketing Definition Definition

Decisions to produce Decisions to produce saleable farm commodities saleable farm commodities involving all the aspects of involving all the aspects of

the market system or the market system or structure, both functional structure, both functional and institutional, based on and institutional, based on

technical & economic technical & economic considerations and includes considerations and includes

the pre & post harvest the pre & post harvest operations. operations.

Marketing products Marketing products produced in rural areas to produced in rural areas to

urban areas urban areas

Marketing products Marketing products produced in rural areas in produced in rural areas in

rural markets rural markets

Function that manages all Function that manages all activities involved in activities involved in

assessing, stimulating and assessing, stimulating and converting the purchasing converting the purchasing power of rural consumers power of rural consumers into effective demand for into effective demand for

specific products and services specific products and services to create satisfaction & a to create satisfaction & a

better standard of living for better standard of living for achieving organisational achieving organisational


Phases in Rural Marketing Phases in Rural Marketing

Sr. No Sr. No Time FrameTime Frame Key Events & Trends Key Events & Trends

1 1 Phase One( Pre 1960’s) Phase One( Pre 1960’s) Marketing rural products in Marketing rural products in rural and urban areas rural and urban areas Agricultural inputs in rural Agricultural inputs in rural areas areas ““Agricultural marketing”Agricultural marketing”Farming methods were Farming methods were primitive and mechanisation primitive and mechanisation was lowwas lowMarkets unorganised Markets unorganised

Cont’d Cont’d

22 Phase Two ( 1960s to 1990s) Phase Two ( 1960s to 1990s) Green RevolutionGreen RevolutionCompanies like Mahindra Companies like Mahindra and Mahindra, Sri Ram and Mahindra, Sri Ram Fertilisers and IFFCO Fertilisers and IFFCO emergeemergeRural products were also Rural products were also marketed through agencies marketed through agencies like KVIC like KVIC

3 3 Phase Three( 1990s to Present)Phase Three( 1990s to Present) Demand for consumables Demand for consumables and durables riseand durables riseCompanies find growth in Companies find growth in urban markets stagnating or urban markets stagnating or falling falling

Scope of Rural Marketing Scope of Rural Marketing

Keenly debated topic Keenly debated topic

Definitions based on organisational/ institutional vision, Definitions based on organisational/ institutional vision,

mission & goals mission & goals

Need for a Need for a comprehensive and modularcomprehensive and modular understanding understanding

Rural Marketing is a “ work in progress” Rural Marketing is a “ work in progress”

Multi – disciplinary approach is necessary for sharper Multi – disciplinary approach is necessary for sharper

understanding understanding

Domain of Rural Marketing Domain of Rural Marketing


Rural Urban




Source: M. Jha, Rural Marketing- Some Conceptual Issues, EPW, 1988

Scope of Rural Marketing Scope of Rural Marketing

Domain of Domain of Rural Rural MarketingMarketing

Dimensions of the transactionDimensions of the transaction

Participants Participants Products/ Products/ services services

Modalities Modalities Norms Norms Outcomes Outcomes

Rural to Rural to Rural Rural

Rural to Rural to Urban Urban

Urban to Urban to Rural Rural

Changes in Rural India Changes in Rural India

Diverse change levers in rural India

The “ pull of the cities & towns” – migration and its side


Effect of government programmes

Civil society interventions

Natural & manmade disasters

Slow but sure change

Transitions In Rural India Transitions In Rural India

• Food Grain Crops

• On land activities

• Farm Activities

•Non –food, cash crops

•Livestock & fisheries

•Manufacturing & services

Rural Employment Patterns( Male)Rural Employment Patterns( Male)

Sector Sector Year – 1987 ( % share in employment)Year – 1987 ( % share in employment) Year -2004 ( % share in Year -2004 ( % share in employment)employment)

Agriculture Agriculture 75 75 67 67

Transport & Transport & CommunicationCommunication

22 88

Trade & Hotels Trade & Hotels 55 7 7

Construction Construction 44 77

Manufacturing Manufacturing 77 8 8

Source: NSSO data, Mckinsey Global Institute Study, 2004-05

Rural India – Population TrendsRural India – Population Trends

19711971 19811981 19911991 20012001

Total Total Population Population (in million) (in million)

548.2548.2 683.3683.3 848.3848.3 1026.91026.9

Rural Rural Population Population (in million)(in million)

524.0524.0 628.8628.8 741.6741.6

As a As a proportion proportion

of total of total population population

76.776.7 74.374.3 72.272.2

Decadal Decadal Variation Variation

19.819.8 16.716.7 15.215.2

Source: Census 2001Source: Census 2001

Cont’d Cont’d

The joint family system is being replaced by the The joint family system is being replaced by the

nuclear family system nuclear family system

The occupational pattern shows a predominance of The occupational pattern shows a predominance of

cultivators and wage earners cultivators and wage earners

Cultivators( 40.86 %) and Wage Earners( 35.28 %) Cultivators( 40.86 %) and Wage Earners( 35.28 %)

according to NCAER studies (2002) according to NCAER studies (2002)

Rural Settlement & Habitation Rural Settlement & Habitation TrendsTrends

Key findings from 2001 census Key findings from 2001 census

Population density 253/ sq kilometer and total number of Population density 253/ sq kilometer and total number of

villages is 638, 588 villages is 638, 588

Villages having less than 500 population are falling Villages having less than 500 population are falling

Villages having 2000 + population most prosperousVillages having 2000 + population most prosperous

What are the implications of these trends?What are the implications of these trends?

Cont’d Cont’d

Size of villages/ habitations are changing Size of villages/ habitations are changing

Role & influence of towns is changing Role & influence of towns is changing

Social interaction is a mix of rural and urban Social interaction is a mix of rural and urban

Let’s look at some key trends in detailLet’s look at some key trends in detail

Rural Income Trends Rural Income Trends

Annual Income ( at Annual Income ( at 1998-99 prices)1998-99 prices)

Income Class Income Class 1989-90( % 1989-90( % Households) Households)

1998-99 ( % 1998-99 ( % Households) Households)

<= 35,000 <= 35,000 LowLow 67.367.3 47.9 47.9

35,001- 70,000 35,001- 70,000 Low Middle Low Middle 23.923.9 34.834.8

70,001 – 1,05,00070,001 – 1,05,000 Middle Middle 7.1 7.1 10.4 10.4

1,05,001- 1,40,0001,05,001- 1,40,000 Upper Middle Upper Middle 1.21.2 3.9 3.9

> 1,40,000> 1,40,000 High High 0.5 0.5 3.0 3.0

Source: National Council for Applied Economic Research, 2000

Rural Marketing- Schools of Rural Marketing- Schools of Thought Thought

Determinist School Determinist School

Activist School Activist School

What is the right approach?What is the right approach?

Dependent on level of market development, stage in the PLC Dependent on level of market development, stage in the PLC

and access to resources and access to resources

Amul & ITC prominent examples Amul & ITC prominent examples

No water-tight compartmentalisationNo water-tight compartmentalisation

Strategic Issues & Directions in Strategic Issues & Directions in Rural Marketing Rural Marketing

Evolutionary Vs revolutionary changes in rural marketsEvolutionary Vs revolutionary changes in rural markets

Role of state & market forces Role of state & market forces

ICT based interventions ICT based interventions

Partnership innovations Partnership innovations

Developmental role of rural marketing Developmental role of rural marketing

Scalability & replication of rural marketing programmes Scalability & replication of rural marketing programmes

ICT in Rural Markets ICT in Rural Markets

Category Category GovernmentGovernment Private Private NGO/ PPP NGO/ PPP

Infrastructure Infrastructure Provision Provision

NIC NIC N- Logue N- Logue Simputer Simputer

Rural Services Rural Services Bhoomi( Karnataka) Bhoomi( Karnataka) Sewa Sewa

Agri Marketing Agri Marketing Agmarknet Agmarknet E- Choupal E- Choupal Ozhwar Sandhiyes Ozhwar Sandhiyes

Agri extension Agri extension Universities Universities EID ParryEID Parry

Introduction to Rural Introduction to Rural Marketing Marketing

““The first five years of the new The first five years of the new millennium will belong neither to millennium will belong neither to the urban markets which have the urban markets which have reached saturation and where reached saturation and where margins are under pressure not to margins are under pressure not to the export markets, which suffer the export markets, which suffer from inadequate infrastructure from inadequate infrastructure back home, and uncompetitive back home, and uncompetitive prices overseas. It will belong to prices overseas. It will belong to rural marketing.”rural marketing.”


In the India context, the word In the India context, the word ‘RURAL’ is so much associated ‘RURAL’ is so much associated with with agricultureagriculture and farmers that rural and farmers that rural marketing tends to be seen as a marketing tends to be seen as a marketing of inputs or outputs marketing of inputs or outputs related to agriculture.related to agriculture.

What is Rural Marketing?What is Rural Marketing?

Rural marketing is a function which manages Rural marketing is a function which manages all those activates involved in assessing, all those activates involved in assessing, stimulating and converting the purchasing stimulating and converting the purchasing power into an effective demand for specific power into an effective demand for specific products and services, and moving them to the products and services, and moving them to the people in rural area to create satisfaction and a people in rural area to create satisfaction and a standard of living to them and thereby standard of living to them and thereby achieves the goals of the organization.achieves the goals of the organization.

Rural v\s UrbanRural v\s Urban


Rural:Cultivators n few non –Rural:Cultivators n few non –agricultural pursuits.agricultural pursuits.


Size of communitySize of community

Rural:open farms & small Rural:open farms & small community are –vly co-relatedcommunity are –vly co-related

Urban:urbanity & size of community Urban:urbanity & size of community are +vly co-relatedare +vly co-related

Density of populationDensity of population

Rural:density of population is lower than Rural:density of population is lower than urbanurban


Rural:social mobility less.More migration Rural:social mobility less.More migration from villages to town.from villages to town.

Urban:social mobility inreases with urbanityUrban:social mobility inreases with urbanity..

System of interactionSystem of interaction

Rural:less numerous contacts per Rural:less numerous contacts per man.Predominance of personal & relatively man.Predominance of personal & relatively durable relations.durable relations.

Urban:Greater complexity,superficiality & Urban:Greater complexity,superficiality & standarized formality in relations.standarized formality in relations.

Although the melting of the urban - rural Although the melting of the urban - rural divide will take a while, this is not for want of divide will take a while, this is not for want of the availability of the means but for want of the availability of the means but for want of the rural consumer's mindset to change; which the rural consumer's mindset to change; which has its own logic, which is driven by tradition, has its own logic, which is driven by tradition, custom and values that are difficult to shed, custom and values that are difficult to shed,

Attractiveness of rural marketAttractiveness of rural market

Rural markets have become the new targets to Rural markets have become the new targets to corporate enterprises for two reasons :corporate enterprises for two reasons :

1. Urban market has become congested with 1. Urban market has become congested with too many competitors.too many competitors.

2. The market have reached a near saturation 2. The market have reached a near saturation point.point.

Various factors which have made rule Various factors which have made rule markets viable:-markets viable:-

1.1. Large population Large population 2. Raising prosperity2. Raising prosperity 3. Growth in consumption3. Growth in consumption4. Life-style changes4. Life-style changes5. Life-cycle advantages5. Life-cycle advantages6. Market growth rates higher than 6. Market growth rates higher than urbanurban7. Rural marketing is not expensive7. Rural marketing is not expensive8. Remoteness is no longer a problem8. Remoteness is no longer a problem

Now for some facts and figures. The Indian rural Now for some facts and figures. The Indian rural market today accounts for only about Rs 8 billion (53 market today accounts for only about Rs 8 billion (53 per cent - FMCG sector, 59 per cent durables sale, per cent - FMCG sector, 59 per cent durables sale, 100 per cent agricultural products) of the total ad pie 100 per cent agricultural products) of the total ad pie of Rs 120 billion, thus claiming 6.6 per cent of the of Rs 120 billion, thus claiming 6.6 per cent of the total share. So clearly there seems to be a long way total share. So clearly there seems to be a long way ahead.ahead.

Time and again marketing practitioners have waxed Time and again marketing practitioners have waxed eloquent about the potential of the rural market. But eloquent about the potential of the rural market. But when one zeroes in on the companies that focus on when one zeroes in on the companies that focus on the rural market, a mere handful names come to mind. the rural market, a mere handful names come to mind. Hindustan Lever Limited (HuL) is top of the mind Hindustan Lever Limited (HuL) is top of the mind with their successful rural marketing projects like with their successful rural marketing projects like 'Project Shakti' and 'Operation Bharat'. 'Project Shakti' and 'Operation Bharat'.

Clearly the main challenge that one faces Clearly the main challenge that one faces while dealing with rural marketing is the basic while dealing with rural marketing is the basic understanding of the rural consumer who is understanding of the rural consumer who is very different from his urban counterpart. Also very different from his urban counterpart. Also distribution remains to be the single largest distribution remains to be the single largest problem marketers face today when it comes problem marketers face today when it comes to going rural. "Reaching your product to to going rural. "Reaching your product to remote locations spread over 600,000 villages remote locations spread over 600,000 villages and poor infrastructure - roads, and poor infrastructure - roads, telecommunication etc and lower levels of telecommunication etc and lower levels of literacy are a few hinges that come in the way literacy are a few hinges that come in the way of marketers to reach the rural market of marketers to reach the rural market

In 1998 HuL’s personal products unit initiated In 1998 HuL’s personal products unit initiated Project Bharat, the first and largest rural home-Project Bharat, the first and largest rural home-to-home operation to have ever been prepared to-home operation to have ever been prepared by any company. The project covered 13 by any company. The project covered 13 million rural households by the end of 1999.million rural households by the end of 1999.

During the course of operation, HuL had vans During the course of operation, HuL had vans visiting villages across the country distributing visiting villages across the country distributing sample packs comprising a low-unit-price pack sample packs comprising a low-unit-price pack each of shampoo, talcum powder, toothpaste each of shampoo, talcum powder, toothpaste and skin cream priced at Rs. 15. This was to and skin cream priced at Rs. 15. This was to create awareness of the company’s product create awareness of the company’s product categories and of the affordability of the categories and of the affordability of the products.products.

Khaitan fans' ad on a horse cartKhaitan fans' ad on a horse cart

The greatest challenge for advertisers and The greatest challenge for advertisers and marketers continues to be in finding the right marketers continues to be in finding the right mix that will have a pan-Indian rural appeal. mix that will have a pan-Indian rural appeal. Coca Cola, with their Aamir Khan ad Coca Cola, with their Aamir Khan ad campaign succeeded in providing just that. campaign succeeded in providing just that.

"Yaara da Tashan...” ads with Aamir "Yaara da Tashan...” ads with Aamir Khan created universal appeal for Khan created universal appeal for

Coca ColaCoca Cola

"Yaara da Tashan..." ads with Aamir Khan "Yaara da Tashan..." ads with Aamir Khan created universal appeal for Coca Colacreated universal appeal for Coca Cola

Coca-Cola India tapped the rural market in a Coca-Cola India tapped the rural market in a big way when it introduced bottles priced at Rs big way when it introduced bottles priced at Rs 5 and backed it with the Aamir Khan ads. The 5 and backed it with the Aamir Khan ads. The company, on its behalf, has also been investing company, on its behalf, has also been investing steadily to build their infrastructure to meet the steadily to build their infrastructure to meet the growing needs of the rural market, which growing needs of the rural market, which reiterates the fact that this multinational has reiterates the fact that this multinational has realised the potential of the rural market is realised the potential of the rural market is going strength to strength to tap the same.going strength to strength to tap the same.

For HLL, a one rupee or a five rupee sachet or For HLL, a one rupee or a five rupee sachet or the Kutti Hamam (the small Hamam) helps in the Kutti Hamam (the small Hamam) helps in giving the consumers a trial opportunity. giving the consumers a trial opportunity. While it does help in generate volume but not While it does help in generate volume but not in terms of values. "Till the time that volume - in terms of values. "Till the time that volume - value equation is managed better. value equation is managed better.

Ultimately, the ball lies in the court of rural Ultimately, the ball lies in the court of rural marketers. It's all about how one approaches marketers. It's all about how one approaches the market, takes up the challenge of selling the market, takes up the challenge of selling products and concepts through innovative products and concepts through innovative media design and more importantly media design and more importantly interactivity.interactivity.

Amul is another case in point of aggressive Amul is another case in point of aggressive rural marketing. Some of the other corporates rural marketing. Some of the other corporates that are slowly making headway in this area that are slowly making headway in this area are Coca Cola India, Colgate, Eveready are Coca Cola India, Colgate, Eveready Batteries, LG Electronics, Philips, BSNL, Life Batteries, LG Electronics, Philips, BSNL, Life Insurance Corporation, Cavin Kare, Britannia Insurance Corporation, Cavin Kare, Britannia and Hero Honda to name a few.and Hero Honda to name a few.

Interestingly, the rural market is growing at a Interestingly, the rural market is growing at a far greater speed than its urban counterpart. far greater speed than its urban counterpart. "All the data provided by various agencies like "All the data provided by various agencies like NCAER, Francis Kanoi etc shows that rural NCAER, Francis Kanoi etc shows that rural markets are growing faster than urban markets markets are growing faster than urban markets in certain product categories at least. The share in certain product categories at least. The share of FMCG products in rural markets is 53 per of FMCG products in rural markets is 53 per cent, durables boasts of 59 per cent market cent, durables boasts of 59 per cent market share. Therefore one can claim that rural share. Therefore one can claim that rural markets are growing faster than urban marketsmarkets are growing faster than urban markets

Satellite dish antennas reach rural IndiaSatellite dish antennas reach rural India

In 2000, ITC took an initiative to develop direct In 2000, ITC took an initiative to develop direct contact with farmers who lived in far-flung contact with farmers who lived in far-flung villages in Madhya Pradesh. ITC's E-choupal villages in Madhya Pradesh. ITC's E-choupal was the result of this initiative.was the result of this initiative.

So the fact remains that the rural market in So the fact remains that the rural market in India has great potential, which is just waiting India has great potential, which is just waiting to be tapped. Progress has been made in this to be tapped. Progress has been made in this area by some, but there seems to be a long way area by some, but there seems to be a long way for marketers to go in order to derive and reap for marketers to go in order to derive and reap maximum benefits. Moreover, rural India is maximum benefits. Moreover, rural India is not so poor as it used to be a decade or so not so poor as it used to be a decade or so back. Things are sure a changing back. Things are sure a changing

Typical shop in rural India stocked Typical shop in rural India stocked with sachets, etcwith sachets, etc

Segmentation, Targeting & Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning in Rural Markets Positioning in Rural Markets

Orientations to the Market Orientations to the Market Selling orientation - Product orientation - Marketing orientation Selling orientation - Product orientation - Marketing orientation C K Prahalad and V Ramaswamy – Co- creating value with C K Prahalad and V Ramaswamy – Co- creating value with

customers customers Market as a target to “ Market as a forum” Market as a target to “ Market as a forum” The “ contribution revolution” The “ contribution revolution” ““Customer is the king/ queen” Customer is the king/ queen” Understanding the customer is vital Understanding the customer is vital The Mahatma’s words at railway stations The Mahatma’s words at railway stations Foundation of the STP process Foundation of the STP process

The STP Process The STP Process

Marketing Decision Marketing Decision Marketing Actions to be Marketing Actions to be Undertaken Undertaken

Segmenting Segmenting Identifying and developing Identifying and developing profiles of market segments profiles of market segments

Target Target Evaluating segments and Evaluating segments and deciding the market coverage deciding the market coverage strategy strategy

Positioning Positioning Identifying , selecting and Identifying , selecting and communicating competitive communicating competitive advantages advantages

Source: The Rural Marketing Book- Khasyap. P & Raut. S

Segmentation of Rural Segmentation of Rural MarketMarket

Marketer can target a market with two broad strategies.

Mass Market Strategy

Market Segmentation strategy

•Market Segmentation is the process of identifying small Markets that exists within a large market .

Levels of MarketSegmentation

Mass Marketing or Undifferentiated Marketing e.g. Ruf & Tuf Jeans,

Segment Marketing - Cars

Niche Marketing – specialize to a narrowly definedcustomer group – Temple jewellery for South Indianwomen wanting to take part in cultural programmes

Local Marketing – Market around sector 44

Individual Marketing

One to One Marketing

Mass customization – ability to prepare on amass basis individuallydesigned products

Why is segmentation useful ?

Segmentation helps firm tailor their marketing programs

focuses an actionable and accessible set of the market.

cuts of wasteful expenditures on unwanted consumers

matches needs and wants of specific groups of buyers to firm’s offerings

stimulates demands through multi-products for multi-segments

resource allocation to segment specific marketing mix activities will be mademore efficient

Segmentation is a way to plan rather than explain


Geographic - Rural / Urban; metropolis/city/town/village; modern retail stores/kirana stores / mandis/ haats

Demographic – Age, Family Size (nuclear or joint ), gender,Income, Occupation, Education, SEC, religion, race,Nationality, social class

Psychographic – Use of Psychology and demographics•Lifestyle (AIO) – Nike, Benetton, * Personality – Femina – woman of substance* Values – HiDesign leather accessories – consumerswho hold the value ‘style and elegance in a classical sense’

Behavioral Segmentation – next slide

Behavioral Segmentation - based on buyer’s knowledge of, attitude towards,

use of, or response to a product

Occasions – Marriage, Birth – Archies and Hallmark cards

Benefits – In soaps - Dettol – antiseptic, Lux – Beauty

User Status – Non users, first time users, potential users, regular user

Usage rate – Light users, medium users, heavy users

Buyer Readiness State – Cold Prospect, Hot Prospect

Loyalty status – Hard Core Loyals, Split Loyals, Shifting Loyals, Switchers

Attitude – enthusiastic, positive, indifferent, negative, hostile

Segmenting the Market: Nirma vs HLLSegmenting the Market: Nirma vs HLL

Until about twenty ago, the rural market in India was considered a Until about twenty ago, the rural market in India was considered a homogenous decade of the 1980s was a significant one for Hindustan homogenous decade of the 1980s was a significant one for Hindustan Level Ltd (HLL), when the giant and undisputed market leader in Level Ltd (HLL), when the giant and undisputed market leader in detergent (Surf) in Indian Suffered significant losses at the hands of a detergent (Surf) in Indian Suffered significant losses at the hands of a new and small firm , Nirma Chemicals . Nirma immediately caught th new and small firm , Nirma Chemicals . Nirma immediately caught th fancy of the middle and lower-income customers, who were finding it fancy of the middle and lower-income customers, who were finding it difficult to make both ends meet with their limited monthly income.difficult to make both ends meet with their limited monthly income.Nirma was the lowest –priced branded washing powder available in Nirma was the lowest –priced branded washing powder available in grocery and co-operatives stores. The middle class house wife was grocery and co-operatives stores. The middle class house wife was happy as she could choose a lower priced washing powder against happy as she could choose a lower priced washing powder against Surf, Which was beyond her budget Surf, Which was beyond her budget Around 1984 , HLL decided to take a fresh look at the market. Around 1984 , HLL decided to take a fresh look at the market. Research conducted across the country revealed that different income Research conducted across the country revealed that different income groups of consumers had varying expectorations from detergent and groups of consumers had varying expectorations from detergent and washing powder. Thus, to counter the attack from Nirma, HLL washing powder. Thus, to counter the attack from Nirma, HLL launched Sunlight (Yellow), Wheel (green) and Rin (blue) detergent launched Sunlight (Yellow), Wheel (green) and Rin (blue) detergent powders for different market segments. This strategy of segmenting powders for different market segments. This strategy of segmenting the market helped HLL win back part of its lost market.the market helped HLL win back part of its lost market.

Segmenting the MarketsSegmenting the Markets

T-Series introduced audiocassettes at unbelievably T-Series introduced audiocassettes at unbelievably low price and took away a huge share from the low price and took away a huge share from the market leader HMV.market leader HMV.

Cavin Kare studied the Shampoo market and came Cavin Kare studied the Shampoo market and came out with Chik Shampoo priced at 50 paisa per sachet out with Chik Shampoo priced at 50 paisa per sachet and the brand became an instant hit in rural areas.and the brand became an instant hit in rural areas.

Titan has introduced Sonata brand watches; priced Titan has introduced Sonata brand watches; priced between Rs 350/- and Rs.800/- to meet the between Rs 350/- and Rs.800/- to meet the requirement of price sensitive rural and semi urban requirement of price sensitive rural and semi urban consumers.consumers.

Utsav TimeUtsav Time Asian Piants Ltd(APL) is India’s largest paints company and ranks Asian Piants Ltd(APL) is India’s largest paints company and ranks

among the top ten decorative coating companies in the world today. among the top ten decorative coating companies in the world today. The company has come a long way since its small beginning in 1942.The company has come a long way since its small beginning in 1942.APl was the first Indian company to go rural In 1999 It launched APl was the first Indian company to go rural In 1999 It launched Tractor enamel paint in rural markets, rural customers started using it Tractor enamel paint in rural markets, rural customers started using it to paint the horns of their bullock. APL survey the rural markets to paint the horns of their bullock. APL survey the rural markets extensively with the able support of its advertising agency Ogilvy extensively with the able support of its advertising agency Ogilvy outreach. They found that there was a gap in demand in the market for outreach. They found that there was a gap in demand in the market for paints used for houses. These were two choice available for rural paints used for houses. These were two choice available for rural people : the traditional chuan powder, which cost around Rs9 per kg people : the traditional chuan powder, which cost around Rs9 per kg and enamel paint which cost around Rs 50 per liter was very and enamel paint which cost around Rs 50 per liter was very expensive for most rural customers. Chuan powder however was not expensive for most rural customers. Chuan powder however was not long lasting .long lasting .

Hence APL launched Utasv distemper exclusively for rural markets in Hence APL launched Utasv distemper exclusively for rural markets in 1999. Utsav is good example of brand that used excellent STP for 1999. Utsav is good example of brand that used excellent STP for rural markets.rural markets.

Segmentation Variables

Geographic Variables

Demographic variables

Psychographics Variables

Product Related Variables

•Segmentation variables are the parameters and characteristics of people comprising total market for o product category on which can segment them into groups.

Conditions fro Effective Market Segmentation




Data Availability

Customer Oriented Philosophy

Enables Tailoring of marketing Programme

Enables Development of strong positioning of Brand

Approaches for segmentation the rural Approaches for segmentation the rural market of Indiamarket of India

Based on Size of Village PopulationBased on Size of Village Population(The size of population residing in a village is a significant factor which determines (The size of population residing in a village is a significant factor which determines the overall potential demand for a product or service in that village)the overall potential demand for a product or service in that village)

PopulationPopulation No.of VillagesNo.of Villages % of total Villages% of total VillagesLess than 200Less than 200 114,267114,267 17.9*17.9*200-499200-499 155,123155,123 24.3*24.3*500-999500-999 159,400159,400 25.025.01,000-1,9991,000-1,999 125,758125,758 19.719.72,000-4,9992,000-4,999 69,13569,135 10.8**10.8**5,000-9,9995,000-9,999 11,61811,618 1.8**1.8**10,000& above10,000& above 3,0643,064 0.5**0.5**Note:* Hardly any shop in these 2.7 lakh villageNote:* Hardly any shop in these 2.7 lakh village** 13% of villages falling in the last three categories account 50% rural population and ** 13% of villages falling in the last three categories account 50% rural population and

60% rural wealth.60% rural wealth.

Based on Location with Respects to Based on Location with Respects to Nearby TownNearby Town

Villages Near Urban Centers.Villages Near Urban Centers. Villages in Developing DistrictsVillages in Developing Districts Immobile and self sufficient Asiatic VillagesImmobile and self sufficient Asiatic Villages

Based on Size of FarmlandBased on Size of Farmland

1.1. Marginal FarmerMarginal Farmer :holding upto 1.0 hectare:holding upto 1.0 hectare

2.2. Small FramerSmall Framer :holding 1.0-2.0 hectare:holding 1.0-2.0 hectare

3.3. Semi-medium Semi-medium :holding 2.0-4.0 hectare:holding 2.0-4.0 hectare


4.4. Medium FarmerMedium Farmer : holding 4.0-10.0 hectare: holding 4.0-10.0 hectare

5.5. Large FarmerLarge Farmer :holding 10.0 hectares and above:holding 10.0 hectares and above

Rural Market Segmentation ToolsRural Market Segmentation Tools

Thompson Rural Market Index.Thompson Rural Market Index. Mica Rural Market RatingMica Rural Market Rating LinquestLinquest Indian Market DemographicIndian Market Demographic Business Intelligence UnitBusiness Intelligence Unit LincompassLincompass ARCVIEWARCVIEW

Heterogeneity in Rural India Heterogeneity in Rural India

Variable Variable Example Example

Socio – Cultural Differences Socio – Cultural Differences Caste Based Habitations in Caste Based Habitations in Villages Villages

Population Size & Density Population Size & Density Kerala Vs Andhra Pradesh Kerala Vs Andhra Pradesh

Difference in Infrastructure Difference in Infrastructure BIMARU states Vs Karnataka BIMARU states Vs Karnataka

Media Exposure levels Media Exposure levels Kerala Vs Orissa Kerala Vs Orissa

Literacy Levels Literacy Levels Himachal Pradesh Vs Bihar Himachal Pradesh Vs Bihar

Income levels & patterns Income levels & patterns Farmers & Daily Wage Earners Farmers & Daily Wage Earners

Family Structure Family Structure Joint Families & Nuclear Joint Families & Nuclear Families Families

Segmentation: Issues & Options Segmentation: Issues & Options Measurability- Accessibility- Differentiability & Profitability Measurability- Accessibility- Differentiability & Profitability Is it easy to measure segments in rural areas? Is it easy to measure segments in rural areas? What are the issues in accessing rural markets?What are the issues in accessing rural markets? Is it necessary to segment underdeveloped markets? ( need for Is it necessary to segment underdeveloped markets? ( need for

differentiation) differentiation) What is the appropriate pay –back period by focusing on a What is the appropriate pay –back period by focusing on a

segment?segment? What should be the appropriate market targeting strategy?What should be the appropriate market targeting strategy? Mass – Segment – Niche – Micro approaches Mass – Segment – Niche – Micro approaches

Basis & Approaches to Segmentation Basis & Approaches to Segmentation Segmentation Criteria

Relevant Variables ( Indicative)

Geographic • Region & SCRs • Village Size and density • Climate

Demographic • Age • Gender • Income: ( NCAER ) • Landownership • Education ( SEC Classification) • Occupation ( SEC Classification) • Type of home ( SEC Classification)

Psychographics • Lifestyle – Rural, Urban & “Rurban”• Personality

Behavioral • Occasions • Benefits sought • Loyalty & usage status / rate

Demographic – SEC Classification Demographic – SEC Classification MRUC and IRS MRUC and IRS Three variables – Education of chief wage earner Three variables – Education of chief wage earner

– durable ownership- type of house – durable ownership- type of house

Multi – Attribute Segmentation Multi – Attribute Segmentation

Thompson Rural Market Index Thompson Rural Market Index Mica Rural Market Ratings Mica Rural Market Ratings

1.1. Developed by HTA Developed by HTA

2.2. 26 variables 26 variables

3.3. Demographics,agriculture, Demographics,agriculture,

electrification and banking electrification and banking

facilities facilities

4.4. Weights are given to variables Weights are given to variables

5.5. Data from 383 districts collected Data from 383 districts collected

6.6. Classification into A, B, C, D Classification into A, B, C, D

and E markets and E markets

1.1. 42 socio – economic indicators 42 socio – economic indicators for ranking districts for ranking districts

2.2. Linear combination of six Linear combination of six variables for measuring market variables for measuring market potential of districts potential of districts

3.3. Classification into A, B , C , D Classification into A, B , C , D & E markets & E markets

Cont’d Cont’d Rural market ratings by RK Swamy BBDORural market ratings by RK Swamy BBDO Lincompass by Linterland ( Lintas IMAG) Lincompass by Linterland ( Lintas IMAG)

Effective Market Targeting Effective Market Targeting Segment attractiveness must match company Segment attractiveness must match company

objectives and resources objectives and resources Undifferentiated marketing- Coca Cola Undifferentiated marketing- Coca Cola Differentiated marketing – Tractor Marketing Differentiated marketing – Tractor Marketing Single segment concentration Single segment concentration Deciding the appropriate coverage strategy Deciding the appropriate coverage strategy Coca Cola – “ An arms length from desire” Coca Cola – “ An arms length from desire”

Positioning Positioning

A distinctive place in the mind of the consumerA distinctive place in the mind of the consumer

Identifying the unique features of the product/ service Identifying the unique features of the product/ service

Differences with respect to competition Differences with respect to competition

Selecting differences having a greater competitive Selecting differences having a greater competitive


Communicating the best advantage to theCommunicating the best advantage to the consumer consumer

Issues in Positioning Issues in Positioning

Attractiveness-Distinctiveness-Pre-emptive -Attractiveness-Distinctiveness-Pre-emptive -

Affordability - Communicability Affordability - Communicability

Under positioning – over positioning – confused Under positioning – over positioning – confused

positioning positioning


New Perspective in Rural & Agricultural MarketingY Ramkishen

Rural Marketing Book – Pradeep Kashap & Siddhartha Raut

Cases In Rural Marketing – An Integrated ApproachCGS Krishnmacharyulu & Llith Ramkrishnan