Unit three generation gap A generation gap describes vast _________ _________ between a younger...

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Transcript of Unit three generation gap A generation gap describes vast _________ _________ between a younger...

Unit three generation gap

A generation gap describes vast _________ _________ between a younger generation and their elders. The term first_________________ prominence in Western countries during the 1960s. There were major differences between the young people and their parents ___________________musical tastes, fashion, drug use, and politics. Several examples of generational differences were prominent _____________. Rock music and soul music, _______________ __________________ were mostly detested by their elders. ___________________ on young males was frequently seen as a shocking act of rebellion against society by their parents._____________________________

culturaldifferences came into

in such matters as

during the period popular among the youth

Long hair

The large scale protest

against the Vietnam War on American college campuses contrasted sharply with the universal _______________________ for World War II that their parents had experienced. Many youths “dropped out” into the hippie counterculture ( 嬉皮士反文化潮流 ). The term “generation gap” is____________________ today, as generational differences and generational identity are now _________________________ in Western society than during the 1960s.

national support

rarely used

less significant


1.Is there a generation gap between you and your parents?

2. when is your parents’ birthday and wedding anniversary?

3.In your parents eyes, what are you interested in?

4.In your eyes, what are your parents interested in?

5.In your eyes, what areas do your parents need to improve?

6.In your parents’ eyes, what area do you need to improve?

7.Tell one incident you and your parents disagree over something.


drama, playwriter dramatist

comedy rommantic comedy farce

tragedyplot scene , act ,

character main character

leading character hero Heroine


protagnist supporting character


language dialoguemonologue


conflict climax


stage directionsStage properties


The functions of the stage directions:

a.to set up stage properties in the proper places;

b. to indicate a change in setting;

c. to direct actor’s movement, gesture, facial expression, tone of voice

Conflicts are the essence of a play, a clash of actions, ideas desires or wills. It may happen in three forms: man against man, man against environment, man against himself.


task1 find out the three scenes, and settings

2. Sum up the main idea of each scene

3. Who is the head of the family

embarrass: vt. make (sb.) feel awkward or ashamed, embarrassment

It embarrassed him that he had to give a talk in front of a lot of people.

in unison: acting in the same way at the same time


The international community is ready to work in unison against terrorism.

consist of: be made up of




be composed of

Make up, be made up of

Make up

North America consists of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

fade: vi. fade away1)lose color or brightness

2) disappear slowly


Her enthusiasm for early-morning exercises faded as the weather was getting colder and colder.

• I don’t want to trade my dad for anybody else.

trade for: exchange (sth.) for (sth. else)


My grandmother traded a piece of her jewelry for food.

keep in suspense: delay telling (sb.) what they are eager to know

The audience is kept in suspense to the very end of the play.

break the suspense

hold sb. in suspense

interrupt: v. stop (sb.) from continuing what they are saying or doing

My daughter kept interrupting me when I spoke.

distract: vt. take (sb.’s attention) away from sth. esp. for a short time

Don’t distract me from working.


Playing computer games sometimes distracts him from his homework.

distract sb./sth.

distract sb./sth. from

hand down: give or leave to people who are younger or come later

The gold watch has been handed down from generation to generation

narrow down: make (a list of things) smaller

narrow down to

Over a hundred applicants will be narrowed down to a short list of five candidates.

at any rate: whatever may happen; in any case

At any rate, you survived the car accident.

swallow: v. cause or allow (esp. food or drink ) to go down the throat; hide or suppress a feeling

Chew your food properly before swallowing it.

• Interfere • Interfere in , interfere with• Meddle in ,• Intervene in

interference: n. unwanted or unnecessary involvement in sth.

junior: adj.1) Younger be junior to

Jane is several years junior to her husband.

2) lower in rank than others


He had been a junior clerk for three years before he was promoted to corporate affairs manager.
