Unit 6: America Responds to WWII. Origins of WWII After WWI, Americans returned to the traditional...

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Russia became the first communist state, known as the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution of Joseph Stalin seized power of Russia, becoming a violent, brutal leader making the country a totalitarian dictatorship. As European governments became shaky, it gave rise to more radical, extreme political parties like the German National Socialists (Nazis). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= e_2of8pmHYU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= e_2of8pmHYU

Transcript of Unit 6: America Responds to WWII. Origins of WWII After WWI, Americans returned to the traditional...

Unit 6: America Responds to WWII Origins of WWII After WWI, Americans returned to the traditional policy of isolationism. Although the U.S. was focused on at home issues, President Harding hosted the Washington Naval Conference where world powers agreed to limit the size of their navies. Kellog-Briand Peace Pact was also signed by 62 nations renouncing the use of war. Russia became the first communist state, known as the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution of Joseph Stalin seized power of Russia, becoming a violent, brutal leader making the country a totalitarian dictatorship. As European governments became shaky, it gave rise to more radical, extreme political parties like the German National Socialists (Nazis). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= e_2of8pmHYU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= e_2of8pmHYU Benito Mussolini seized power in Italy and soon after, Europe was hit with the Great Depression. Throughout Europe, the level of unemployment rose and it made people question the democratic Republic. This level of uncertainty helped Adolf Hitler to gain power over Germany becoming just as brutal as Stalin. Hitler wanted to achieve German domination all over Europe and his Nazi aggression would be the main cause of WWII. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rZ 4xwuAWFE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rZ 4xwuAWFE Munich Conference Fail? Tell me what the Munich Conference was and how it allowed Hitler to continue his conquest to take over Europe (pg 228) In 1939, Hitler wanted to gain Poland, but Britain and France refused to give in. Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with Stalin stating the two leaders would secretly invade and divide Poland, and when Germany did invade Poland in September 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Americas Involvement! America remains cautiously neutral as the tension in Europe begin to rise. To avoid American ships from being attacked by German submarines like the previous war, the Neutrality Acts ( ) were passed. These acts did not allow Americans to travel on ships of nations at war and could not sell arms to countries at war. Franklin D. Roosevelt put a cash and carry basis into selling non-military goods to Britain and other nations who opposed German aggression. Cash and carry: 1. own transportation 2. paid in full and with cash only 3. assumed the risk of traveling at sea The British did not want to see China fall to Japan so they used Burma Road to send supplies to China. This 700 mile route was eventually cut off and in response, a group of American fighter pilots volunteered to send supplies and fight with Chinese pilots. These volunteer fighters where known was the Flying Tigers. They destroyed around 300 Japanese aircrafts. At this time, the U.S. increased spending on the navy and army. Roosevelt suggested the Lend-Lease Act in This meant the U.S. would sell, lease or lend war materials to any country whose defense is vital to the U.S. Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister, signs the Atlantic Charter with President Roosevelt which laid the foundation for the United Nations. Freedom of the seas No territorial gains An end to the war America Enters the War As tensions continue to rise in Europe, so do the tensions in Japan. Japan needed more raw materials and resources for their industries so the Japanese military began to take over parts of Asia. In 1941, Roosevelt cut off trade with Japan because they invaded China and Indochina. President Roosevelt would only resume trade if Japan withdrew but they refused. What is a result of U.S. cutting off trade with Japan? Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese airplanes attacked the U.S. navy fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Japanese sank or destroyed over 18 U.S. ships, 260 airplanes were damaged, over 6,000 Americans killed or destroyed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv1niwxQgoY Yesterday, December 7, 1941-a date which will live in infamy-President Roosevelt. Four days later, Germany, Italy, allies with Japan, declared war on the United States putting the U.S. in war on two fronts. What does a two front war mean? Acting as an Amateur Historian Please turn to page 232 in your Jarrett Books. On the bottom of the page there are two different arguments dealing with the attack on the U.S. Take the time to read both arguments and be prepared to defend your position if called upon. America on the Home Front The demand for labor for the war is ultimately what got the U.S. out of the depression. The government issued War Bonds and asked citizens to buy them. War Bonds brought a total of $185 billion into federal treasury For example, you could buy a $25 War Bond for only $ Ten years later you would get $25 dollars back, earning $6.25. War Bonds were an investment in your country and for yourself financially. U.S. industries were in wartime production, switching from cars to tanks. Rationing was put into place and people were regulated on the amount of goods they could have. Ration coupons were given to families for items like tires, clothing, food, gas ect. Victory Gardens were grown to insure there were enough vegetables for citizens and troops. President Roosevelt created the Office of War Information which was responsible for the production of pro-allied propaganda signs and movies. Women joined new jobs, gained new skills, and contributed in WWII. Located on pg look over what some obstacles and opportunities are of the following ethnic groups during WWII: Be ready to share in class discussion African Americans- Mexican Americans- Native Americans- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpA6TC 0T_Lw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpA6TC 0T_Lw Fear in the U.S. Many Americans were fearful Japanese Americans would sabotage the U.S. In response to that fear, Roosevelt issued the Executive Order 9066, which relocated Japanese Americans into internment camps. Korematsu v. U.S- A Japanese American was convicted of staying in an area he was restricted from being in. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Roosevelts order stating constitutional liberties can be limited in wartime. Have we seen this type of Constitutional limitation before? If so, when? U.S. and Allied Forces In 1942, allied troops landed in North Africa, defeating German forces and then advanced into Sicily and Italy in George Patton was a commander who led the forces in Sicily and Africa and under his leadership captured many enemy soldiers and advanced through Europe. On June 6, ,000 allied troops landed at the beaches on the coast of France at Normandy. This day is called D-Day. Dwight Eisenhower led this invasion with Omar Bradley leading the first American army to land in France and help liberate Paris from Germany. German countered with a surprise attack, Battle of the Bulge, in December but lost and German collapsed. Allied forces then invaded Germany, and the Soviet Union captured Berlin in 1945. Germany hits defeat Hitler committed suicide instead of dealing with capture American forces were the first to start liberating concentration camps, repulsed by the horrors they witnessed. Vernon Baker was one of the first African American soldiers to see combat. Holocaust The holocaust was the attempt to kill off Jews during WWII. Hitler and the Nazi leaders made the Final Solution one of their main priorities in Europe. Mass killings were committed in concentration camps by execution, poisoned, experimental surgeries, and burned. Over 2/3s of the Jewish population, over 6 million were murdered under Hitlers authority. The first camp was liberated on June 23, 1944 in Poland by Allied forces.