Unit 5, Lesson 5.5- Major Ecosystems and Resources in the Philippines

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Transcript of Unit 5, Lesson 5.5- Major Ecosystems and Resources in the Philippines

Major Ecosystems and Resources in the PhilippinesUNIT FIVE, LESSON 5.5BY MARGIELENE D. JUDAN

LESSON OUTLINEImportance of EcosystemsMajor Ecosystem and ResourcesPopulation Growth and Sustainable Development

IMPORTANCE OF ECOSYSTEMProvide and store clean fresh airMaintain air qualityRegulate climateMitigate (lessen) floods and runoffPrevent erosionMaintain soil productivity

IMPORTANCE OF ECOSYSTEMStore and recycle nutrients Abate (decrease) noisePollinate cropsMaintain biological and genetic diversityProvide recreational opportunitiesSupply habitatsProvide medicines, food, fiber and energy

MAJOR ECOSYSTEMS IN THE PHILIPPINESTropical rainforestsGrasslandsFreshwater biomesCoral Ecosystems

Tropical RainforestsHigh humidity and high temperature (25-35)Large amount of rainfall (200 cm) yearlyThick, diverse canopies of plants and treesDiverse community of animals (>3500 plants and animals)

Tropical RainforestsBecause a tropical rainforest is abundant with plants, nutrients present in the soil are quickly absorbed.

Therefore, the soil here absorbs little organic matter.

Tropical RainforestsMost of the tropical rainforests are found in:ZambalesPalawanMountain ProvinceMt. Makiling

Mt. Makiling

GrasslandsAbundant with grassesIncludes many species of grasses and wildflowersVegetation is dense esp. in areas near the riverAnimals like rats, insects, snakes and birds thrive

GrasslandsPopular Grasslands in the Philippines:Mt. Pulag GrasslandCotabato CityBukidnon

Dole Plantation Farm, Bukidnon

FRESHWATER BIOMESHabitat for aquatic organisms (fishes, lilies, algae, cattails)Includes:RiversLakesEstuaries

Freshwater Biomes: RIVERLong body of water that flows toward another river, lake, or oceanEx. Pasig river, Marikina River, Cagayan River, Pampanga River

Cagayan River

Freshwater Biomes: LAKELarge body of water surrounded by landEx. Taal Lake, Laguna de Bay, Lake Caliraya, Naujan Lake, etc.)

Taal Lake

Freshwater Biomes: ESTUARIESJunction of water where water from rivers, streams, and lakes meet the oceanRich in fishes and shellfishesEx. mangrove

MangroveTall, evergreen forests w/ roots that twist upward and downwardSome thrive in more saline area while others in freshwater areas

Manjagao Mangrove Forest, Surigao City

Marginal ForestsExtreme conditions exist (temperature, salinity, winds, solar radiation, aridity, flooding, etc.)Few organisms thrive or live here because of these extreme conditions

Coral ReefsOne of the most colorful and beautiful natural resources in the worldDiverse in marine animalsEx. Tubbataha Reef

Tubbataha Reef

Manmade EcosystemsBuilt for human’s need and care for those organisms that need habitatsExamples (fishponds, botanical gardens, wildlife sanctuaries, farms, etc) Baguio Botanical Garden

Manmade EcosystemsWildlife sanctuaries are built for the endangered species of animals like our very own Philippine eagle, tarsiers, and tamaraws.

Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center, Quezon City

Manmade EcosystemsUrban ecosystems are the cities, towns, and urban strips

City of Makati

As population continues to increase, these natural ecosystems continue to be destroyed by manmade activities.Philippines currently has a population of 109,615,912, the twelfth (12th) in the world.

Slums in Manila

LIMITING FACTORfor a population –

Unavailability of food, water, space, resources

A population remains the same size if

1. Birth rate = death rate

2. No changes result from migration

In industrialized countries, death rate has been lowered because of advances in health care, medicine, technology, etc.

In the underdeveloped countries, birth rate remains very high.

Death rate has also been lowered because of improved conditions.

However, underdeveloped countries experience survival problems because of lack of food, resulting in large number of malnutrition and hunger.

Family planning

plays a key role

Activity: Check Your Understanding, p.183Answer #5 in 1/2 sheet of paper. Minimum of 10 sentences. (15 pts)

Sources:Science Links 7