Unit 5 Human Population Dynamics

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Transcript of Unit 5 Human Population Dynamics

Human Population Dynamics


IntroductionGeoffrey Ashton

Mathematics of Population Growth

Victoria Owen

Determinates and Demographics

Nicholas Cochrane

World Population Growth Through History

McKenna Chase

Population Growth and Environment

Consumption People consume resources such as:

● Land● Food● Water● Soils

Over-consumption uses up or severely depletes supplies of both renewable and non-renewable resources faster than they can replenish themselves.

EmissionPeople emit wastes as a product of our consumption including:

● Air Pollutants● Water Pollutants● Toxic Materials● Greenhouse Gases

Some wastes, such as untreated sewage and many pollutants, threaten human health.


Economies tend to become more high-polluting during early stages of economic development because they first adapt inexpensive technologies that are relatively inefficient-simple manufacturing systems and basic consumer goods such as cars.

Urbanization and Megacities

Jennifer Ellis

Consequences of Demographic ChangeMaribeth

What is Demographic Change?

Demographic change is the calculable shift in the characteristics of a geographically-defined population. These include changes in population age profile, racial makeup or family structure.

What are the Consequences?

“The environmental consequences of population growth are a subset of broader interactions between population and national economic development.”

Large Families



Dependency RatioThe ratio of non-workers (children and retirees) to workers in a human population: the higher the ratio, the greater the dependency load.

Demographic Dividend

A rise in the rate of economic growth due to a rising share of working age people in a population.

Demographic Convergence and Human Lifespan Trends

Daniel Monsalve

Demographic ConvergenceDemographic convergence is the narrowing of the difference between developed and developing countries for things like fertility rates and life expectancy.

1950 life expectancy difference from developed and developing countries was 25 years.

Now the gap has increased to 12 years.

What’s Slowing the Progress Many factors hinder the development of impoverished nations.● AIDS pandemic/malaria● Wars● Bad agricultural conditions● Geographic/economic isolation

Ideas to ImproveSome economists think that if wealthy countries doubled their foreign aid from $80 billion to $160 billion then poverty could be eliminated by 2025.

Many people in wealthy countries are living longer healthier lives than were ever possible before. Life expectancy is expected to rise and could potentially reach almost 100 by the end of the century.

Population Growth &Human Population Change

Karis Heidebrecht

Reasons some populations grow slower than others:

Internal Factors:● hormone regulation● maturity● body sizeExternal Factors● food and habitat accessibility● predator populations

Population Growth Key Terms

Density-dependant limitations: A limiting factor of a population wherein large, dense populations are more strongly affected than small, less crowded ones.Density-independent limitations: A factor that affects the size of a population independent or regardless of the population densityEnvironmental resistance factors: Things that lower population density and growth.Logistic Growth: When a population’s growth rate changes to match it’s local conditions.

Logistic Growth Equation

K is the environment’s carrying capacity, N is population size, is the change in population size over time, and (rN) is exponential growth over time.

Factors in Human Population Change

Emigration - population movement from a placeImmigration - population movement to a placeReplacement birth rate - the number of kids a couple has to replace them in a populationDeath rate - population death due to many reasons

Conservation Biology

5 Steps To A 5: 138-139Per. 2

Conservation Biology

Isolated Population● Isolated Population- POpulation with very little genetic mixing.● Things that barely disturb a diverse population can destroy an

isolated population.● In order for recessive traits to balance out, a certain number of

individuals with dominant and healthy traits needs to reproduce.● With limited numbers of breeding pairs on an island, a mutation

would be passed on through generations unequally. ● When a species is isolated long enough, loss of genetic diversity

may affect reproduction. ● EX: Grizzly Bear Pop. in 1800 was 100,000 but today there are less

than 1,000.

Impacts of Population Growth

● Land Use- Land overuse results from economic circumstances, poor land laws, and cultural customs.

● Resource Distribution- People that redistribute food from growers, food processors, and distributors and then make the food available to the needy.

● Population Control- Efforts to control population include birth control and education.

5 Steps Key Terms Dani BeckDo the key terms at the beginning of the 5 Steps Chapter 11 as well as the key terms in the Habitable Planet.